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Tiêu đề Factors Influencing Bursary Allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division
Tác giả Nwodo Elias Chukwulobe
Người hướng dẫn Rev. Br. Osuji Gregory Ekene, fms, Prof. Joash Mutua
Trường học Marist International University College
Chuyên ngành Education
Thể loại Research Project
Năm xuất bản 2014
Thành phố Nairobi
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FACTORS INFLUENCING BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION BY NWODO ELIAS CHUKWULOBE (B Ed /136/ 10/ 11) A Research Project Submitted to the Department of Education in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Bachelors of Education DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MARIST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE A Constituent College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa NAIROBI-KENYA MARCH, 2014 i DECLARATION I hereby declare that this Research Project is my original work and has not been submitted for any academic credit in any other University except Marist International University College SIGN……………………………………… DATE………………………… NWODO ELIAS CHUKWULOBE This Research Project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the University College Research Project Supervisor SIGN……………………………………… DATE……………………… REV BR OSUJI GREGORY EKENE, fms This Research Project has been approved by the Head of Department of Education SIGN……………………………………… DATE……………………… PROF JOASH MUTUA ii DEDICATION I dedicate this Research Project to Students from poor Economic Background who are unable to access Bursary for their Education iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am greatly thankful to Almighty God for being with me throughout the course and especially at the time of the research My special gratitude goes to my Supervisor Rev Br Osuji Gregory Ekene, fms for his professional advice and constructive criticisms which kept me going till the end of this Research Project My appreciation goes to Prof Mutua Joash, (H.O.D of Education), Dr Peter Changliwa and Mrs Joyce Githinji for their kindness and encouragement to broaden my research experience outside MIUC Truly, their advice helped me to discover more in my research which I would have not known if I would have done my research at MIUC Special thanks also goes to all the Lecturers who helped me to reach this far Special thanks goes to my entire family members for their prayers, unwavering support and encouragement especially my beloved mother Mrs Ogbaje Juliana and to my late father Mr Odonwabugu Uja My beloved brothers and sisters; Mr John (Bosco), Mr Emmanuel, Late Mr Lawrence, Mrs Monica, Late Mr Bernard, Mrs Gloria, Mrs Edith, Mrs Scholastica, Miss Angela, Mr Chidere Miss Blessing, Onyedika Chukwu and others I am deeply indebted to all the Marist Brothers of Nigeria Province especially my Provincial Br Joachim Okoye Ezetulugo and his Council for their spontaneous inspiration without which this challenging Research Project would have not been a success My gratitude also goes to my Superior Br Lawrence Ndawala, my Principal Br Dr Joseph Chigozie Udeaja, my Animators Br Dr Eugene Ezugwu and Br Geraldo Medida and the members of Franỗois Fraternity, my Accompanier Br Juvence and the other members of MIC Formation Team, my fellow Brothers in initial formation for their prayers and support I am very grateful to my benefactors and benefactresses Rev Fr Sylvester Ugwu (Kobina), Rev Fr Matthew, Rev Fr C Afugwuobi, Monk Charles, Rev Sr Mother Alufuo (OSB), Sr Michael (OSB), Sr Calistus (OSB), Sr Caritas Dei (OSB), Sr Gloria (OSB), Sr Ngozi Ugwuanyi, Mrs Catherine Okonkwo (Design), Mr and Mrs Geo-Ohams, Mr & Mrs Samson Eya, Obikwelu family, Mr Chidozie Okekwe and others for their financial and Spiritual support iv I am equally thankful to all my colleagues especially the members of my tutorial whose discussion was a great enrichment Br Umeagukwu Gabriel, Br Uyang Moses, Br Emmanuel Tyokor, Br Kramo Eric, Br Divine Kfeban, Br Andre Eyong Yves, Br Ogwuegbu Judemary, Br Ocheme Anthony, Br Okutachi Michael, Br Abutu Edwin, Br Fernando Mulila, Br Sapallo Lourenỗo, Br Octaviano Kadumbu, Br Modeste, Br Piérre, Sr Ndidi Nwankwo, Sr Monica Igata, Sr Tsegereda and Miss Maria, Br Okoye Anthony, Br Francis Usoh, Br Okon Victor, Br Osuagwu Obinna, Br Anyaoha Daniel, Br Nyuykighan Tiburtius, Br Tansam Elvis, Br Tameh Conrad and all who helped me to realize my dreams TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Pages v TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES .xii LIST OF ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .xiii ABSTRACT xv CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the problem .4 1.3 Delimitations/Scope of the study 1.4 Objectives of the Study 1.5 Significance of the Study .6 1.6 Research Questions 1.7 Conceptual Framework 1.8 Theoretical Framework 1.9 Limitations of the study 11 1.10 Definition of Key words 11 1.11 Organization of the study 12 CHAPTER TWO 14 REVIEW OF LITERATURE .14 2.1 The Need for Bursary Fund in Secondary Schools 14 vi 2.2 Criteria for Allocating Bursary to Students in Secondary Schools 16 2.3 Causes of Poor Academic Performance of Students 17 2.4 The Challenges of Allocating Bursary Funds to Students in Secondary Schools 18 2.5 State Financing of Education in other Countries .20 2.5.1 Malawi 20 2.5.2 Australia 22 2.5.3 Zimbabwe .23 2.5.4 Botswana 23 2.5.5 The Republic of South Korea .24 2.6 State Financing of Education in Kenya 25 2.7 Review of Empirical Studies in Related Areas 26 2.8 Summary of the Review of Related Literature 30 CHAPTER THREE 32 RESEARCH DESIGN AND PROCEDURE .32 3.1 Research Design 32 3.2 Area of Study .32 3.3 Population of the Study 33 3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique .33 3.4.1 Sample 33 3.4.2 Sampling Technique .34 3.5 Instruments for Data Collection 34 3.6 Validation of the Instruments .35 3.7 Reliability of the Instruments .35 3.8 Method of Data Collection 35 3.9 Method of Data Analysis 36 vii 3.10 Ethical Considerations .36 CHAPTER FOUR 37 DATA PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND INTERPRETATION 37 4.1 Demographic Information of the Respondents 37 4.1.1: Distribution of Students, Head Teachers and CBC Members by Gender 38 4.1.2: Distribution of Class of Respondents 38 4.1.3: Distribution of Academic Qualification of Head Teachers and CBC Members 39 4.1.4: Distribution of Head Teachers and CBC Members Duration of Service 40 4.2 Analysis of Data on Research Question One .41 4.2.1: How Selection of Constituency Bursary Committee (CBC) Members Influence Bursary Allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division 41 4.2.2: Students were asked in their own opinion, what are other Factors that Influence 48 Bursary Allocation to Students in Secondary Schools 48 4.3 Analysis of Data on Research Question Two .51 4.3.1: How the selection criteria of bursary beneficiaries influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division? .51 4.3.2: Orphans are the Most Needy Beneficiaries 52 4.3.3: Students from Poor Households are the Most Needy Beneficiaries 53 4.3.4: Bursaries are Allocated to Students whose Parents or Sponsors are Relatives or Family Friends of MPs 54 4.3.5: Bursaries are Allocated to Students whose Parents or Sponsors are Relatives or Family Friends of CBC Members 55 4.3.6: Bursaries are also Allocated to the Students from Rich Families 56 4.3.7: Students were asked in their own opinion, what should CBC Members so as to Select and Award Bursaries to the most Needy Beneficiaries? 57 4.4 Analysis of Data on Research Question Three 58 viii 4.4.1: How Political Patronage Influence Bursary Allocation to Students in Secondary Schools 58 4.5 Analysis of Data on Research Question Four 61 4.5: How sufficient bursaries award are for the intended purposes 61 4.5.1: Bursary Awards meet all the Students Educational Financial Needs 62 4.5.2: Bursary Awards help Needy Students to Remain and Complete School 63 4.5.3: Bursary Awards Reduce drop out Needy Students 63 4.5.4: Bursary Awards Reduce Fees Balances of Needy Students 64 4.5.5: Bursary Awards Enhance Equity and Equality in Enrolments 64 4.6 Analysis of Data on Research Question Five .65 4.6.1: How gender consideration influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division? 65 4.7 Analysis of Data on Research Question Six 67 4.7.1: Possible strategies that can be adopted to improve the allocation of bursary to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division .67 4.8 The Summary of the Findings .70 CHAPTER FIVE 72 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 72 5.1 Summary of the Study 72 5.2 Conclusions 75 5.3 Recommendations 77 5.3.1: The Students 77 5.3.2: The Head Teachers .77 5.3.3: The CBC Members 78 5.3.4: The Members of Parliaments (MPs) 78 5.4: Suggestions for further Research 79 ix REFERENCES 80 APENDICES 85 APENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS 85 APPENDIX 11: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR HEAD TEACHER/CONSTITUENCY BURSARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS 88 APPENDIX 111: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION 91 x form to any needy Student CBC Members should exposed everything concerning the bursaries to the Community/local Chiefs and Schools and involve them in their planning since they have common interest in advocating for Education of the needy Therefore, there should be no separation among the local Chiefs, CBC Members and Schools in terms of planning, identifying the needy Students and allocating of the bursaries to the needy Students 5.3.4: The Members of Parliaments (MPs) They should be sensitive to the educational needs of the vulnerable Students if they really have it at heart that all Kenyans are one They should frequently revisit their manifesto on the issues of allocation of bursaries to the needy Students if they have in mind to eradicate poverty in Kenya They should not use the bursary as a compensation incentive to their party members With reference to their last debate concerning their monthly salary increase; it is vital to increase the bursary awards in order to cater for the educational financial requirements of the needy Students 5.4: Suggestions for further Research After a careful consideration of the findings of the Study, the Researcher suggested the following areas for further research;  Influence of politics on the allocation of Secondary School Education Bursary Fund in Kajiado County  Investigation on the impact of involving the Head Teachers and Teachers on the allocation of bursaries to Students in Kenyan Secondary Schools 77  Effects of the insufficient bursary awards on the access and completion of Secondary Education of the needy in Ngong Division REFERENCES Adequacy Group (2007) Funding our Future; An Approach to Fund Education in Rhode Island USA, "a Joint Committee to establish permanent education foundation aid formula for Rhode Island" Retrieved December 15, 2013 Afulo J O (2005) Effectiveness Transition from High School to University in Kenya from the Students’ Perspective Unpublished Ph.D dissertation Marquette University Ayako ,B.A., Katembu, M.T., Nomo, W.J., & Monyoncho, M.K.J (2006) Education and Financing in Africa: The Kenyan Case Study Dakar: ADEA & CODESRIA 78 Ayot, H O & Briggs, H (1992) Economics of Education Nairobi: Education Research and Publication (ERAP) Brown, D J (2007) Sample Size and Statistical Precision Shiken JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 11(2) August 2007 (P 21-24) Retrieved from 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Yours faithfully, Nwodo Elias Chukwulobe Reg No B.Ed/136/10/11 Instructions: 83 Kindly put a tick ( ) against the appropriate choice in the spaces provided below each question and in case of any additional information, you can attach written statements SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Gender: (a) Male Class: (a) Form three (b) Female (b) Form four SECTION B: EXTENT TO WHICH SELECTION OF CONSTITUENCY BURSARY COMMITTEE (CBC) MEMBERS INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kindly put a tick ( ) on the provided five-point scale of (A) for outstanding, (B) for above average, (C) for average, (D) for below average, (E) for insignificant to indicate the level of your compliance STATEMENT A CBC members are always selected according to the Constituency Bursary Fund (CBF) CBC members are selected with some influence from politicians CBC members are selected by the community The nomination of each representative is sanctioned or done by the majority of nominating body CBC members allocate bursaries to Students following the guidelines of CBF 10 CBC members are influenced by the politicians during the allocation of bursaries to Students B C D E 11 In your own opinion, what are other factors that influence bursary allocation to Students in secondary schools? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION C: EXTENT TO WHICH SELECTION CRITERIA OF BURSARY BENEFICIARIES INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kindly put a tick ( ) on the provided five-point scale of (A) for outstanding, (B) for above average, (C) for average, (D) for below average, (E) for insignificant to indicate the level of your compliance STATEMENT A 12 Orphans are the most needy beneficiaries 84 B C D E 13 Students from the poor households are the most needy beneficiaries 14 Bursaries are allocated to the Students whose parents or sponsors are relatives or friends of MPs 15 Bursaries are allocated to the Students whose parents or sponsors are relatives or friends of CBC members 16 Bursaries are also allocated to the Students from rich families 17 In your own opinion, what should CBC so as to select and award the bursaries to the most needy beneficiaries? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION D: EXTENT TO WHICH POLITICAL PATRONAGE INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS In the following questions please, briefly give your own opinion depending on your personal perception of the question 18(a) Do you think that politicians influence the bursary allocation to Students in secondary schools? YES NO (b) Give reasons for your response in 18 (a) above ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION E: EXTENT TO WHICH SUFFICIENT THE BURSARY ARE FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSES Kindly put a tick (Ö ) on the provided five-point scale of (A) for outstanding, (B) for above average, (C) for average, (D) for below average, (E) for insignificant to indicate the level of your compliance 19 20 21 22 23 STATEMENT Bursary awards meet all the Students educational financial needs Bursary awards help needy Students to remain and complete school Bursary awards reduce drop out of needy Students Bursary awards reduce fees balances of needy Students Bursary awards enhance equity and equality in enrolments A B C D E SECTIONF F: EXTENT TO WHICH GENDER CONSIDERATION INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Please, briefly give your own opinion depending on your personal perception of the question below 85 24(a) From your own observation, you think girls are more considered as the most needy beneficiaries? YES NO (b) Give reasons for your response in 24(a) above ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION G: EXTENT TO WHICH POSSIBLE STRATAGES CAN BE ADOPTED TO IMPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF BURSARY TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Please, give your own opinion depending on your personal perception of the question below Please, be brief 25 In your own opinion, what should be done to improve the allocation of bursary to Students in secondary schools? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… APPENDIX 11: QUESTIONNAIRE FOR HEAD TEACHER/CONSTITUENCY BURSARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Dear Sir/Madam Please, you have been selected to participate in this study on Factors Influencing Bursary Allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division The Researcher is an undergraduate Student at Marist International University College (MIUC) A Constituent College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Education This is to request you to assist in filling in the questionnaire because your Department is among the sampled Departments for the study The information you provide will be strictly used for the purpose of this study and your identity will be kept confidential The Researcher will be grateful for your cooperation Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Yours faithfully, Nwodo Elias Chukwulobe Reg No B.Ed/136/10/11 Instructions: Kindly put a tick ( ) against the appropriate choice in the spaces provided below each question and in case of any additional information, you can attach written statements SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Gender: (a) Male (b) Female Status: (a) Head Teacher (b) Constituency Bursary Committee member 86 Academic qualifications? (a) Diploma (b) B Ed (c) B.A/B.Sc (d) M Ed Others specify……………………………………………………………… How long have you been in this Office? (a) – (b) – 10 (c) 11 – 15 (d) 15 – 20 (e) Over 20 years SECTION B: EXTENT TO WHICH SELECTION OF CONSTITUENCY BURSARY COMMITTEE (CBC) MEMBERS INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kindly put a tick ( ) on the provided five-point scale of (A) for outstanding, (B) for above average, (C) for average, (D) for below average, (E) for insignificant to indicate the level of your compliance with the statement provided below STATEMENT A B C D E CBC members are always selected according to the Constituency Bursary Fund (CBF) CBC members are selected with some influence from politicians CBC members are selected by the community The nomination of each representative is sanctioned or done by the majority of nominating body CBC members allocate bursaries to Students following the guidelines of CBF 10 CBC members are influenced by the politicians during the allocation of bursaries to Students 11 In your own opinion, what are other factors that influence bursary allocation to Students in secondary schools? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION C: EXTENT TO WHICH SELECTION CRITERIA OF BURSARY BENEFICIARIES INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Kindly put a tick ( ) on the provided five-point scale of (SA) for outstanding, (A) for above average, (UD) for average, (D) for below average, (SD) for insignificant to indicate the level of your compliance 12 13 14 STATEMENT Orphans are the most needy beneficiaries Students from the poor households are the most needy beneficiaries Bursaries are allocated to the Students whose parents or sponsors are 87 A B C D E 15 16 relatives or friends of MPs Bursaries are allocated to the Students whose parents or sponsors are relatives or friends of CBC members Bursaries are also allocated to the Students from rich families 17 In your own opinion, what should CBC so as to select and award the bursaries to the most needy beneficiaries? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION D: EXTENT TO WHICH POLITICAL PATRONAGE INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS In the following questions please, briefly give your own opinion depending on your personal perception of the question 18(a) Do you think that politicians influence the bursary allocation to Students in secondary schools? YES NO (b) Give reasons for your response in 18 (a) above ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION E: EXTENT TO WHICH SUFFICIENT THE BURSARY ARE FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSES Kindly put a tick ( ) on the provided five-point scale of (A) for outstanding, (B) for above average, (C) for average, (D) for below average, (E) for insignificant to indicate the level of your agreement 19 20 21 22 23 STATEMENT Bursary awards meet all the Students educational financial needs Bursary awards help needy Students to remain and complete school Bursary awards reduce drop out of needy Students Bursary awards reduce fees balances of needy Students Bursary awards enhance equity and equality in enrolments A B C D E SECTION F: EXTENT TO WHICH GENDER CONSIDERATION INFLUENCE BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Please, briefly give your own opinion depending on your personal perception of the question below 24(a) From your own observation, you think girls are more considered as the most needy beneficiaries? YES NO (b) Give reasons for your response in 24(a) above ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION G: EXTENT TO WHICH POSSIBLE STRATAGES CAN BE ADOPTED TO IMPROVE THE ALLOCATION OF BURSARY TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS 88 Please, give your own opinion depending on your personal perception of the question below Please, be brief 25 In your own opinion, what should be done to improve the allocation of bursary to Students in secondary schools? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 89 ... purposes v To determine how gender consideration influence bursary allocation to Students in secondary schools in Ngong Division vi To evaluate the ways of improving the bursary allocation to Students. .. Influence Bursary Allocation to Students 59 Figure 4.3: Political Patronage Influence Bursary Allocation to Students in Secondary School 60 Figure 4.4: How gender consideration influence bursary allocation. .. criteria of bursary beneficiaries influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division? How does the political patronage influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 21:22


