Ocean County Summer Camp & Recreation Ideas Ocean County Park System Summer Camp and Recreation - http://www.oceancountyparks.org/ Ocean County College’s Kids & Teens on Campus.- https://www.ocean.edu/content/public/for-thecommunity/continuing-education-job-training/kids-on-campus.html Ocean County YMCA Summer Camps - http://www.ocymca.org/programs/child-care/camp The Community YMCA Camp Zhender - http://cymca.org/locations/ymca-camp-zehnder/ Monmouth County Park Summer Camps - https://monmouthcountyparks.com/program1/index.aspx Camp/swim and inclusion services and supports for youth with special needs Ocean County Library Calendar of Events - http://connect.theoceancountylibrary.org/Calendar%20of%20Events SAIL - The teen volunteer program, “Service and Achievement in the Library,” is being offered to Ocean County teens that have completed 7th grade http://theoceancountylibrary.org/Teens/SAIL.htm Reading Buddies Teen Buddy + Kid Buddy = Summer Reading Fun! - Teens can mentor a young child while having fun and earning volunteer hours at the library http://theoceancountylibrary.org/Teens/readingbuddies.htm St Francis Community Center Summer Camp - Vacation club is a summer camp for school age children offering fun filled age appropriate activities The program offers a variety of activities designed to promote the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of children, while allowing them to grow in confidence and self-esteem It provides a comprehensive array of activities in arts and crafts, cooking, sports, daily swimming and weekly fieldtrips Ages to 13 (must have completed Kindergarten) http://www.stfranciscenterlbi.org/childrens-services /vacation-club Kum Sung Summer Camp - Kum Sung Summer Camp emphasizes on development of self-confidence, independence, physical activity, leadership, coordination and discipline, all in a fun and loving environment Each day is packed with different activities and each week is designated a fun themes to keep them learning and entertained Older children will be taught the importance of exercise and nutrition Please bring lunch, snacks and drinks for the whole day (732) 341-7489 - 950 Hooper Ave Toms River, New Jersey 08753 http://www.kumsungkarate.com/i_summer-camp.htm Monmouth County Park Summer Camps - https://monmouthcountyparks.com/program1/index.aspx Camp/swim and inclusion services and supports for youth with special needs Camp Dorbrook (entering grades 3-6) Doesn't your child deserve the best? We have combined our top summer camps at Dorbrook Recreation Area Campers will rotate between small group sports instruction in soccer, baseball, basketball and more; teamwork games and activities; arts & crafts projects; and swimming It's like getting three camps for the price of one! https://www.monmouthcountyparks.com/program1/searchdetails.aspx?ID=19314 Boy Scout’s Jersey Shore Council Summer Camp Options - Nestled in the pristine New Jersey Pine Barrens and just minutes from the Jersey Shore, the Joseph A Citta Scout Reservation is the perfect place for your unit’s outdoor adventures From simple tent camping to rifle shooting to kayaking on the Barnegat Bay, CSR offers a wide variety of programs to fit your unit’s every need CSR also offers premier summer camping programs including: Boy Scout Resident Troop Camp, Boy Scout Resident Individual Camping, Venturing Resident Camp, Webelos Adventure Camp, Cub Scout Day Camp and Cub Scout Family Camp Financial assistance is available - https://www.jerseyshorescouts.org/assistance Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore Camp Options - The Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore offer two amazing day camps for girls to experience every summer Amity Acres Day Camp is located in Barnegat/Waretown, and Sacajawea Day Camp is in Farmingdale Both camps offer transportation, before and after care and a variety of specialty programs At camp, campers benefit from a girl-led environment and organized activities such as sports, swimming, performing arts, and nature and science https://www.jerseyshoregirlscouts.org/en/camp/camp.html Girls are Great - Girls and parents looking for more than just recreation this summer can build leadership skills, confidence and character at Girls are Great summer program in Lakewood run by the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore The Girls are Great program brings the joys of Girl Scouting and Girl Scout camp to the girls of Lakewood Girls benefit from an all-girl environment and organized activities on the campus of Georgian Court University such as sports, swimming, performing arts, and nature and science which increase self-confidence; all while having fun and building friendships Attendees not need to be Girl Scouts; the program is open to girls who live in Lakewood who wish to have fun and make life-long memories this summer The program is in session from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each day, rain or shine Free transportation is available Financial Aid is available to those who qualify https://www.jerseyshoregirlscouts.org/en/camp/girls-are-great.html Camp Sacajawea - 242 Adelphia Road, Farmingdale www.sacajaweadaycamp.com Camp Sacajawea provides 10 weeks of camp to girls, ages 3-15, with a summer of adventure with a focus on Girl Scouts’ appreciation for nature and exposure to the great outdoors You don’t need to already be a Girl Scout to attend The activities we provide, such as hiking, horseback riding, pool, boating, archery, ropes course, climbing wall, zipline, and specialty camps (cooking, robotics, etc.) offer campers opportunities to have exciting, girl-led outdoor adventures while learning important skills that teach valuable life lessons, like self-reliance, leadership, and perseverance We also provide separate units for sibling brothers, ages 3-12 With the exception of occasional activities throughout the day, boys and girls enjoy separate camp experiences Busing and before- and after-care is available Camp Amity Acres - 133 Jones Road, Barnegatwww.amityacresdaycamp.com Camp Amity Acres provides weeks of camp to girls, ages 3-15, with a summer of adventure with a focus on Girl Scouts’ appreciation for nature and exposure to the great outdoors You don’t need to already be a Girl Scout to attend The activities we provide, such as hiking, lake swimming, boating, archery, ropes course, climbing wall, zipline, and specialty camps (cooking, robotics, etc.) offer campers opportunities to have exciting, girl-led outdoor adventures while learning important skills that teach valuable life lessons, like selfreliance, leadership, and perseverance We also provide separate units for sibling brothers, ages 3-12 With the exception of occasional activities throughout the day, boys and girls enjoy separate camp experiences Busing and before- and after-care is available Ocean County’s Township Recreation/Camp Programs Barnegat Recreation and Summer Camp Link - http://www.barnegat.net/departments/office-of-recreation/ Programs/Classes Beachwood Recreation link - http://www.beachwoodusa.com/pages/recreation_upcoming_events.html Summer camp -– call township for registration questions/needs 732-286-6000 x 287 Street Hockey League http://www.beachwoodusa.com/pages/njdevilsstreethockeyprogram.html Girls Softball League http://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=bpbgs Little League http://www.bpbll.com/ Berkeley - http://www.btrec.org/special.html Summer Camp info -http://www.btrec.org/BTR%20Program%202010/campregpack.pdf, http://www.btrec.org/summercamp.html Sports Groups - http://www.btrec.org/sports.html Summer Programs Brochure - http://www.btrec.org/brochures.html Brick Brick Township Parks & Recreation – http://parksandrecreation.bricktownship.net/ Brick Youth Camps - https://brickrec.twp.brick.nj.us/CourseActivities.aspx?id=17&cat=5 Brick PALS Summer Camp - https://www.facebook.com/BrickPalSummerCamp/ Dover/Toms River Summer Camp – Youth Services - After School Program 830-6pm Summer Program 830-430pm http://tomsrivertownship.com/youth-services Sport Groups - http://tomsrivertownship.com/index.php/sandy-building/139-independent-sportsgroups Harvey Cedars-LBI Lifeguard in Training Program – ages 10-16 yrs - http://www.harveycedars.org/Cit-eAccess/webpage.cfm?TID=150&TPID=15131 Jackson Programs, activities, employment, and summer camp http://www.jacksontwpnj.net/index.php/departments/2014-06-27-20-24-07/recreation Lacey Sport Groups - http://www.laceytownship.org/content/4714/3684/3901/default.aspx Summer Parks Program (Day Camp) http://www.laceytownship.org/content/4714/3684/3899/default.aspx Lakewood Summer Programs/ Camps - http://www.lakewoodnj.gov/parks_detail.php#recreational Lavallette Recreation - http://www.lavallette.org/recreation.html Little Egg Harbor/Tuckerton Summer camp - http://lehsd.k12.nj.us/l_e_h_community_school/summer_camp/ Manchester Rec/Summer programs - http://www.manchestertwp.com/departments/department-of-recreation/ Ocean Township/Waretown Summer rec, camps - http://www.twpoceannj.gov/recreation/rec-programs.html Pt Pleasant Beach Summer programs - http://www.pointpleasantbeach.org/documents/parkflyer2017.pdf Pt Pleasant Boro Rec page- http://www.ptboro.com/departments/recreation/ Stafford Summer programs/camps - http://www.staffordschools.org/Page/3112 Ocean County Special Needs Camps Qualified Children's System of Care (CSOC) Camp Providers - The Children's System of Care (CSOC) provides financial support toward summer camp tuition for IDD eligible children, youth and young adults Financial support is based on available resources in a given fiscal year The amount available per child, youth or young adult is capped and may vary by year and by the number of families that apply https://apps.performcarenj.org/outpatientproviders/listcampproviders.aspx Children's Specialized Hospital Camps and Clubs - http://www.childrens-specialized.org/programs-andservices/specialty-programs/camps-and-clubs Comfort Zone Camp 866-488-5679 Non-profit group founded in 1998 offers camps to help grieving children meet with peers who have also suffered a loss Recreation, group activities and healing circles 110B Meadowlands Parkway Suite 301 Secaucus, NJ 07094 Phone: (201) 867-2077 Fax: (201) 867-2261 Email Us http://www.comfortzonecamp.org Camp Excel (about $4000) A social skills day camp for youth with ADHD and other social skills needs http://www.campexcel.com/ Camp Oakhurst Campers with physical disabilities and/or mild mental retardation - 732 531 0215 http://www.nysh.org/contact-us Harbor Haven Day Camp Two location: West Orange, 908-964-5411 and Marlboro, 908-964-5560 Harbor Haven is a comprehensive summer program where success is fostered Our beautiful private school setting provides an opportunity for children ages 3-15 with mild special needs to experience typical summer activities including sports, swim, nature, art and so much more Social skills group, daily academics and speech/occupational therapy groups are added components of the program Individual speech and occupational therapies are also available Transportation can be provided in most cases The staff to child ratio is 1:3 or better Numerous professionals instruct and work with the children For fun and learning all at the same time, Harbor Haven is truly the right place for your child! http://www.harborhaven.com/ Ocean County YMCA - Summer Camp Team Randy http://www.ocymca.org/programs/child-care/camp An eight week travel day camp for physically challenged, non-challenged, and financially disadvantaged, intellectually able teens, administered by the Ocean County YMCA Ocean County YMCA 1088 W Whitty Road Toms River, NJ 08755 732-341-9622 • www.ocymca.org Monmouth County Park System- Special Needs Programs provide access to recreational opportunities for Monmouth County residents with disabilities in order to enhance physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning, as well as a sense of belonging to the community https://www.monmouthcountyparks.com/page.aspx?ID=4188 ... and girls enjoy separate camp experiences Busing and before- and after-care is available Ocean County? ??s Township Recreation /Camp Programs Barnegat Recreation and Summer Camp Link - http://www.barnegat.net/departments/office-of -recreation/ ... http://www.manchestertwp.com/departments/department-of -recreation/ Ocean Township/Waretown Summer rec, camps - http://www.twpoceannj.gov /recreation/ rec-programs.html Pt Pleasant Beach Summer programs - http://www.pointpleasantbeach.org/documents/parkflyer2017.pdf... http://www.ptboro.com/departments /recreation/ Stafford Summer programs/camps - http://www.staffordschools.org/Page/3112 Ocean County Special Needs Camps Qualified Children's System of Care (CSOC) Camp Providers