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Human Performance and Effectiveness Pollution Effects on Plants Grade Level(s): 7th – 10th Academic Content Areas: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Topics: Scientific Ways of Knowing, Science and Technology, Scientific Inquiry, Life Science Recommended area of co-teaching for an AFRL Engineer or Scientist Main Problem / Essential Question After routine maintenance is performed on military planes and vehicles, why is it important to properly dispose of the used fluids? Summary This investigation is designed to determine if the substances used on a daily basis to make machines work efficiently cause a negative effect on the natural world around us Students will experiment to determine if typical liquids used and disposed of during basic vehicle maintenance have a negative effect on plant life They may use motor oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, or soapy water to represent fluids that are used in the driveway or at the curb of a home while someone is cleaning and/or maintaining their vehicle Students will discover that care must be used in the disposal of toxic substances so that plant life is not harmed or destroyed Big Ideas / Focus Students are doing this investigation to determine if the things we use on a daily basis to make our lives easier, to make our machines work efficiently; impact the natural world around us in a negative way They will find that care must be used in the disposal of toxic liquids so that plant life is not destroyed Students will discuss other possible ramifications of careless disposal such as affects on animal life and contamination of groundwater Students will understand that we will continue to improve our lives through inventions and technological improvements, but as we do, we must be aware and concerned about the effects of these advances on the natural world in which we live Students will learn about the importance of variables, sample size, repetition, and reproducibility when performing a scientific investigation in order to interpret data and draw valid conclusions Prerequisite Knowledge Students should have a solid understanding of observation and inference Using newspaper pictures without the captions is a good way to have the students review observations and then make a reasonable inference based on these observations Students should have some understanding of bias and how it can affect an experiment's results Repeated experimentation will lend credibility to the results Doing a simple probability experiment is an easy way to review or introduce bias and its reduction by repeated experimentation It would be advisable for students to understand that the source of pollution is sometimes difficult to trace Much of our air and water pollution results from either a point or nonpoint source Basic understanding of seed germination This can be taught/reviewed before the lesson or incorporated into the lesson Students need to be adept at measuring using the metric scale (mm and cm) Creating and reading data tables is another prerequisite for this lab Some experience using a microscope would also be beneficial but not absolutely necessary Students should know how to use MS Excel, Fathom or other statistical software, to make graphs Standards Connections Content Area: Science Scientific Ways of Knowing Standard Grade - Benchmark B: Explain the importance of reproducibility and reduction of bias in scientific methods Show that the reproducibility of results is essential to reduce bias in scientific investigations Describe how repetition of an experiment may reduce bias Grade - Benchmark B: Explain the importance of reproducibility and reduction of bias in scientific methods Explain why it is important to examine data objectively and not let bias affect observations Science and Technology Standard Grade – Benchmark A: Give examples of how technological advances, influenced by scientific knowledge, affect the quality of life Describe how decisions to develop and use technologies often put environmental and economic concerns in direct competition with each other Grade 9-10 – Benchmark B – Explain that Draft – 6/10/10 science and technology are interdependent; each drive the other Grade Describe means of comparing the benefits with the risks of technology and how science can inform public policy Grade 10 Cite examples of ways that scientific inquiry is driven by the desire to understand the natural world and how technology is driven by the need to meet human needs and solve human problems Describe examples of scientific advances and emerging technologies and how they may impact society Scientific Inquiry Standard Grade Grades and – Benchmark A: Explain that there are differing sets of procedures for guiding scientific investigations and procedures are determined by the nature of the investigation, safety consideration and appropriate tools Explain that variables and controls can affect the results of an investigation and that ideally one variable should be tested at a time; however it is not always possible to control all variables Identify simple independent and dependent variables Grade Describe the concepts of sample size and control and explain how these affect scientific investigations Benchmark B: Analyze and interpret data from scientific investigations using appropriate mathematical skills in order to draw valid conclusions Grade Analyze alternative scientific explanations and predictions and recognize that there may be more than one good way to interpret a given set of data Identify faulty reasoning and statements that go beyond the evidence or misinterpret the evidence Use graphs, tables and charts to study physical phenomena and infer mathematical relationships between variables Grade Draft – 6/10/10 Read, construct and interpret data in various forms produced by self and others in both written and oral form (e.g., tables, charts, maps, graphs, diagrams and symbols) Apply appropriate math skills to interpret quantitative data (e.g., mean, median, mode) Life Science Standard Grade 10 – Benchmark G – Describe how human activities can impact that status of natural systems 18 Describe ways that human activities can deliberately or inadvertently alter the equilibrium in ecosystems Explain how changes in technology/biotechnology can cause significant changes, either positive or negative, in environmental quality and carrying capacity Content Area: Math Measurement Standard Grade – Benchmark D: Select a tool and measure accurately to a specified level of precision Grade 8-10 Benchmark E: Estimate and compute various attributes, including length, angle measure, area, surface area and volume, to a specified level of precision Analyze problem situations involving measurement concepts, select appropriate strategies, and use an organized approach to solve narrative and increasingly complex problems Compare and order the relative size of common U.S customary units and metric units; e.g., mile and kilometer, gallon and liter, pound and kilogram Use proportional relationships and formulas to convert units from one measurement system to another; e.g., degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius Use appropriate levels of precision when calculating with measurements Data Analysis and Probability Standard Read, create and interpret box-and-whisker Grade – Benchmark A: Read, create and plots, stem and leaf plots, and other types of use line graphs, histograms, circle graphs, box- graphs, when appropriate and-whisker plots, stem and leaf plots, and Design and conduct an experiment to test other representations when appropriate predictions, compare actual results to predicted Benchmark E: Collect, organize, display and results, and explain differences interpret data for a specific purpose or need Grade – Benchmark A: Create, interpret, and Use, create and interpret scatter plots and other use graphical displays and statistical measures Draft – 6/10/10 to describe data types of graphs as appropriate Benchmark F: Construct convincing arguments based on analysis and interpretation of graphs Evaluate different graphical representations of the same data to determine which is the most appropriate representation for an identified purpose; e.g., line graph for change over time, circle graph for part to whole comparison, scatterplot for relationship between two variants make conjectures about possible relationships in a scatterplot and approximate line of best fit Grade & 10 – Benchmark A: Create, interpret, and use graphical displays and statistical measures to describe data Benchmark B: Evaluate different graphical representations of the same data to determine which is the most appropriate representation for an identified purpose Benchmark D: Find, use and interpret measures of center and spread, such as mean and quartiles, and use those measures to compare and draw conclusions about sets of data Benchmark E: Evaluate the validity of claims and predictions that are based on data by examining the appropriateness of the data collection and analysis Construct convincing arguments based on analysis of data and interpretation of graphs Grade Classify data as univariate (single variable) or bivariate (two variables) and as quantitative (measurement) or qualitative (categorical) data Create a scatterplot for a set of bivariate data, sketch the line of best fit, and interpret the slope of the line of best fit Grade 10 Represent and analyze bivariate data using appropriate graphical displays (scatterplots, parallel box and whisker plots, histograms with more than one set of data, tables, charts, spreadsheets) with and without technology Benchmark F: Construct convincing arguments based on analysis and interpretation of graphs Mathematical Processes Standard Grade 8-10 A Formulate a problem or mathematical model in response to a specific need or situation, determine information required to solve the problem, chose method for obtaining this information, and set limits for acceptable solution B Apply mathematical knowledge and skills routinely in other content areas and practical situations (Note; Specific grade-level indicators have not been included for the mathematical processes standard Mathematical processes have been embedded within the grade-level indicators for the other five content standards.) E Use a variety of mathematical Draft – 6/10/10 representations flexible and appropriately to organize, record and communicate mathematical ideas F Use precise mathematical language and notations to represent problem situations and mathematical ideas G Write clearly and coherently about mathematical thinking and ideas Preparation for activity Determine lab groups consisting of students per group Prepare and organize materials needed for the lab Soil /toxicant mixtures should be made Directions for making soil/toxicant mixture: 10 cups of soil 500 mL of toxic substance 250 mL of toxic substance 125 mL of toxic substance 62.5 mL of toxic substance 31.25 mL toxic substance mL of toxic substance for negative control Students should have lab books / data tables set up to record daily qualitative and quantitative observations Critical Vocabulary bias – an influence that distorts or changes the results of an experiment Material or the procedure can be biased constants – the factors in an experiment that not change They need to be kept the same in order for the results to be valid control – the standard used for comparison in an experiment dependent variable – the measured or responding variable - this factor will change as a result of the independent variable germination – a series of events that results in the growth of a plant from a seed independent variable –the tested or manipulated variable -the one factor that is changed by the person doing the experiment inference – a decision made based on observations and interpreting data nonpoint source pollution – comes from many different sources so it is difficult to trace such as chemical fertilizers that runoff into streams, lakes, and wetlands and/or seep into the ground Draft – 6/10/10 and then into groundwater point source pollution –- occurs from a single, identifiable source such as an oil tanker spill toxicology – the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living systems, whether they be human, animal, plant, or microbe toxic substance (toxicant) – a substance that accumulates in living systems and causes harm qualitative observations – information gathered through the five senses quantitative observations – information gathered by measurements radical – emergence of primary root cotyledon – first leaves that appear in a dicot They are the energy source for the seedling until it begins the photosynthesis process Timeframe three to four week lesson (during the growth stage, partial class periods are needed to observe and record – the degree of detail required for the data table is determined by the teacher) Day Daily Time Allotment Activities 50 minutes Pre-Activity Brainstorming and Discussion Discuss the problem in lab groups and together as a class 2-3 50 minutes Experimental Design – Identify the independent, dependent, and controlled variables State a hypothesis Determine the lab procedure – Consider the following: The types of seeds used The number of seeds used The type of toxicant used The concentration levels of toxicant used Design data tables to record qualitative and quantitative observations 50 minutes Set-Up Experiment – Record Initial observations 5-14 10-15 minutes Students will observe and record data at the beginning of each class period This could be done on a M-W-F or T-TH schedule to lessen the class time taken 15 50 minutes Students will graph and analyze their data 16-17 50 minutes Students will draw conclusions and if choosing a final product, Draft – 6/10/10 begin to write a letter or create a brochure Post-Activity Discussion Materials & Equipment lab books and copies of daily data tables if needed seeds – choose one or more of the following: grass, sunflower, peas, radish, corn Note: The grass will not show great variance in height but may show observable differences such as color, thickness, healthy, lush appearance The other seeds listed above will show more height variance Willow sprigs are another option as they have been successfully used in phytoremediation supplies needed for seed germination if observing germination is planned as part of the lesson: plastic sandwich bags, coffee filters or paper towels soil (prepared concentrations) choose one of the following: motor oil , transmission fluid, antifreeze, dishwashing soap metric ruler other handouts needed student lab guide A or B Safety & Disposal Latex gloves for students who may find skin contact with the motor oil and antifreeze irritating Students should wash hands any day they have contact with the motor oil or antifreeze At the end of the experiment, the antifreeze, motor oil, or transmission fluid should be disposed of as directed on the container Pre-Activity Discussion Option A (the following ideas could be presented by an AFRL engineer or scientist Explain the effects of concentration levels by doing a demonstration using water and food coloring Example: one drop of food coloring per 10mL water, two drops of food coloring per 10 mL water, four drops of food coloring per 10 mL water, etc Discuss the color intensity seen in the water and compare to real toxicants filtering into groundwater, streams, etc Discuss the scientific method The steps and the importance of using the method for any scientific investigation Draft – 6/10/10 Phytoremediation and its role in absorbing and/or altering toxicants Phytoextraction -Accumulate contaminant in the plant shoots or roots Phytostabilization-The contaminant is absorbed, or reduced in mobility or availability Phytodegradation-The contaminant is metabolized by plants, or by microbes in plantenhanced environment http://www.seattle.gov/util/stellent/groups/public/@spu/@csb/documents/webcontent/sp u01_003261.pdf See the Additional Resources section at the end of this lesson for web sources providing information on this topic Option B: The following focus questions can be used for a class discussion Focus Questions: Define observation Provide an example Information gathered and recorded descriptively (qualitative) or with measurements (quantitative) Possible examples: The leaf feels sticky The leaf is cm long Define inference A judgment or decision made based on consistent observations An inference may eventually be proven or disproven through experimentation What is bias? An influence that distorts or changes the results of an experiment The material or the procedure can be biased Why is it important to design and use experiments that will eliminate bias from the results? Bias can cause the results to be invalid The experimental procedure must be designed so bias will be reduced to a minimum or eliminated What is a toxic substance (toxicant)? A harmful, destructive, or poisonous manmade substance Should people use materials that are harmful to plants? Explain your answer Answers will vary Students should explain their reasoning How can people use materials they consider beneficial to daily living without causing harm to plants? Answers will vary Students' responses may discuss restricted use of the material or specialized disposal Option C: Critical vocabulary (see previous section for the list of terms) Students should be asked what they think the critical vocabulary words mean Have them write these in their science notebooks Ask for volunteers to share their responses Discuss student responses first, and then have students look up the definitions These definitions can be written in the Pre-lab section of their lab notebook or in their science journals Discuss actual definitions and compare prior knowledge with factual knowledge Make sure students feel comfortable with working definitions Option D: Pre-lab group discussion ideas are also included in the lab guides A and B found in the student instructions section Teacher Instructions Draft – 6/10/10 Begin by asking students to brainstorm a list of materials people use regularly that may be harmful to plants simply because of their use or because of disposal methods Students may need some ideas to get started on this discussion (pesticides put on our flower and vegetable gardens, paint cleaner and paints, materials used for car maintenance, household cleaners, etc) As students volunteer responses, make a list on the board for everyone to see Discuss the importance of these materials to us in terms of daily use Discuss the environmental concerns and how they could be addressed Ask students to share examples of their real-life observations (use of/actions/disposal) in their community that demonstrate the need to be concerned about our environment Remind students that when discussing real world situations in their own community, actual names of people should not be used Review the lab activity together with students as they sit with their lab group Groups will discuss and determine their purpose and question, identify the independent, dependent, and controlled variables and state a hypothesis Allow time for them to this and share and discuss with them together as a whole class This allows students time to formulate their own thoughts and wording for these sections of the lab write-up The whole class discussion enables struggling students to hear and use the language of other students Students will then copy the materials into the lab book Each group will now be assigned a soil mixture (part car fluid to part soil) to be used for their seeds (The soil mixtures should be prepared ahead of time See suggested concentrations in the preparation for activity section.) Each group should also have a negative control (soil without a toxic substance) Next, students will work together in their lab groups to determine the lab procedure considering the following: The types of seeds used The number of seeds used The type of toxicant used The concentration levels of toxicant used Determine the data needed Design data tables to record qualitative and quantitative observations Enabling them to formulate the steps themselves helps deepen their understanding of the procedure The steps become more internalized instead of merely carrying out pre-described steps Middle school students tend to “jump” into an activity without reading instructions Writing their instructions helps alleviate this problem The teacher will be circulating the room offering guidance when needed The procedures should then be shared with the class to make sure all groups are similar enough to keep the experiment results valid The independent variable (the liquids) and the dependent variable (the measurement of plant growth) should be the same for all groups (Special needs students may need to be provided with a prewritten procedure for students to copy into their lab books.) Additional notes: a Measurements used for the dependant variable can vary The teacher or class need to determine this in the class discussion Suggestions follow: the length of time it takes for the seeds to germinate, the height of the plants, the color and overall appearance of the plant At the end of the experiment, students can take the plants out of the soil to observe the appearance of the roots and measure the length of the roots Draft – 6/10/10 10 Quantitative Data Inferences Based on Based on _ _ I infer I infer _ _ Assignment of Student Roles and Responsibilities: Students will assume different roles: Every student in each small group is responsible for performing experimental tests, manipulating equipment safely & properly, recording data, writing results and conclusions In addition, each student will be assigned one of the following roles: Role Name Manager Tester Brief Description Responsible for organizing team and keeping team on task to meet goals and deadlines Will also serve as team spokesperson, if one is required Responsible for performing experimental tests and manipulating equipment properly Safety Officer Responsible for making sure team observes all safety measures during experimentation Technical Writer Responsible for recording data during experimentation and overseeing the writing of results and conclusions Student Instructions Choose one of the following lab guides: Lab Guide A - This lab guide advises students in planning and developing the lab Lab Guide for Vehicle Maintenance and Plants Problem: The city officials in your town have made an appeal to the community They have asked everyone to be more conscious of the environment when taking care of their cars Apparently Draft – 6/10/10 12 some people who change their own oil and antifreeze dispose of the old by pouring it on the grass in their yards or pour it on the side of the street so it runs down the curb and eventually into the sewers The officials have also asked everyone to cut down on the amount of soap used when washing cars in their driveways because the soapy water runs off into the yards and street Some people in town are complaining about this request They don’t see why it is a problem Now they are being asked to put the old liquids in containers and take them to their local landfill for safe disposal They said this takes extra time and a trip to the landfill They are asking, “What is the big deal? The city officials asked your school to get involved They asked your science teacher to run an experiment to determine if plant life is affected by the run-off of these substances into the soil Pre-Lab Group and Class Discussion: -Choose one toxic substance to test (motor oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid, soapy water) -Discuss ideas for running the experiment -Identify the independent and dependent variables, the control, and the constants -Determine the lab procedure Consider the following: The types of seeds used by each group The number of seeds used by each group (repeated experimentation is important) The soil/toxicant concentration level used The qualitative and quantitative observations to be used Data table design Use Excel The graphing requirements (type of graph to be made, data used for graphing) Lab Book Set-Up: a Review the problem and then determine and write a purpose for this lab b Write the question (see the lab title) c Write a hypothesis Use an IF…THEN… statement (IF will include the independent variable THEN will include the dependant variable) d Together as a class, determine the supplies needed and write these in the materials section of your lab write-up e Together as a class or in lab groups, determine the procedure and write it in your lab book Lab Activity: Set up the lab activity and use copies of the Excel table(s) to collect the data each day during data collection time After the 10 days of collection have been completed, transfer data into the Excel spreadsheet (or other statistical software) and make graphs according to the specification of the teacher as decided by the class during the pre-lab discussion Analyze and conclude by sharing information as a class and comparing results This will be done in a Post-Activity discussion led by the teacher Draft – 6/10/10 13 With your group, write your conclusion Lab Guide B – This teacher directed lab guide is for students needing structured guidance It includes a day by day plan.) Lab Guide for Vehicle Maintenance and Plants (This lab guide is teacher directed to be used with students who need more guidance.) Problem: The city officials in your town have made an appeal to the community They have asked everyone to be more conscious of the environment when taking care of their cars Apparently some people who change their own oil and antifreeze dispose of the old by pouring it on the grass in their yards or pour it on the side of the street so it runs down the curb and eventually into the sewers The officials have also asked everyone to cut down on the amount of soap used when washing cars in their driveways because the soapy water runs off into the yards and street Some people in town are complaining about this request They don’t see why it is a problem Now they are being asked to put the old liquids in containers and take them to their local landfill for safe disposal They said this takes extra time and a trip to the landfill They are asking, “What is the big deal? The city officials asked your school to get involved They asked your science teacher to run an experiment to determine if plant life is affected by the run-off of these substances into the soil Pre-Lab Group and Class Discussion: The following parts of the lab setup will need to be discussed with the class and predetermined before beginning this lab a Will students germinate some seeds in a plastic bag for the purpose of seeing the germination process? b Each group should be using the same amount of the soil mixture and amount of seeds c Whether seeds are being planted at a depth or covered with a thin layer of soil should be predetermined by the class d Should the volume of water and the watering schedule be the same for each group? e Where will plants be placed during the lab? Purpose: Write the following in your lab book: To practice observation (qualitative and quantitative) To practice using observations to make reasonable inferences To understand that a test must be run more than once in order to reduce bias Question: Will plants germinate and grow in polluted soil? Research: Look up information on the following topics and summarize the facts in your lab Draft – 6/10/10 14 book: Look up facts about germination including: - definition - factors affecting germination process - germination process (a flow chart from seed to germination – include energy transformation from stored energy in seed to absorption of moisture to chemical reactions within seed to release of stored energy to germination to growth) - Research warnings and hazards involved with the toxicant used in this lab Identify the independent and dependent variables, the control, and the constants List them in your book after the question Independent Variable (IV) = soil and toxicant mixture used Dependent Variable (DV) = plant growth Negative control =seeds planted in soil with no toxicant Constants = location (includes temperature and amount of light), type of seeds, watering schedule Write a hypothesis Use an IF…THEN… statement (IF will include the independent variable THEN will include the dependant variable) Materials: Write the following list: Planting Supplies: Seeds Soil mixtures( these should be made ahead of time) Soil with no toxicant (negative control) Containers (determine how many are needed for your group) Toxicant (choose one: motor oil, antifreeze, transmission fluid, soapy water) Measuring cups and spoons Germination Supplies: (these supplies needed only if each group is germinating some seeds as a supplementary visual ) Plastic bags Paper towels or coffee filters or filter paper Seeds (same kind as used above) Write the procedure: DAY (If germinating seeds in a plastic bag for purpose of seeing the process) a Each group should collect supplies needed for germination b Each person should take a dry seed and observe (qualitatively and quantitatively) Draft – 6/10/10 15 c Discuss and share the observations with your lab group d Record the data on the Day data log Place the seeds in the germination container and place in assigned location Germination procedure: Moisten a piece of filter paper, coffee filter, or paper towel with water Place seeds on one side of the paper Fold the other half over the seeds Place in a plastic sandwich bag Label the bag DAY Measure the soil/toxicant mixture and put it into the container Plant the seeds in the soil Water the seeds Label the container and place it in its predetermined location DAYS 3-14 Groups should collaboratively observe seeds each day to watch for germination Paper towels should be dampened as needed Seeds containers with soil mixtures should be watered as needed NOTE: This process should be accomplished quickly each day so that minimal class time is used Continue with regular class lesson as planned DAY 15 Record final day results using Excel Worksheet, (or other statistical software) Groups will share information to get a class set of data DAY 16 Graph the final day data and analyze results DAY 17 Continue to analyze results and write a conclusion using your observations and graph to support your conclusion In your conclusion, address the following topics: Restate your hypothesis and state whether or not your hypothesis was proved or disproved Indicate which solutions were toxic to plants and explain why you came to this conclusion (use your data in your explanation) Indicate which solutions were not toxic to plants and explain why you came to this conclusion (use your data in your explanation) c Determine if any soil/toxicant mixtures might need further testing to prove or disprove toxicity and explain why Explain how you might test further (i.e The germinated seeds and initial growth may appear healthy but their health may decline with time These planted seeds could be compared with the negative control over an extended period of time.) d Discuss any errors that may have occurred during the experiment that may have affected your results Finish your conclusion by applying your results to their application in everyday life Formative Assessments Draft – 6/10/10 16 Daily lab book entries: Circulate each day as the students make their daily observations and entries You may want to have a check sheet so you can keep track of the groups with whom you have met Lab Conclusion Rubric for toxicant study The categories in the rubric are the questions students will address for the lab conclusion a Restate your hypothesis and state whether or not your hypothesis was proved or disproved Hypothesis was restated in the If/Then format The independent variable was correctly included in the If portion and the dependent variable was correctly included in the Then portion The hypothesis being proved or disproved was also stated Hypothesis was restated in the If/Then format, however, the IV and DV were not clearly or correctly indicated The hypothesis being proved or disproved was also stated Hypothesis was restated but was not in the If/Then format The hypothesis being proved or disproved was also stated Hypothesis was restated but was not in the If/Then format OR The hypothesis being proved or disproved was stated b Indicate which soil mixtures were toxic to plants and explain why you came to this conclusion Toxic solutions were clearly indicated Data support was used Connections made are extensive Toxic solutions were clearly indicated with sufficient data support Toxic solutions were indicated with minimal data support Toxic solutions were indicated but no data support provided c Indicate which soil mixtures were not toxic to plants and explain why you came to this conclusion Nontoxic solutions were clearly indicated Data support was used Connections made are extensive Nontoxic solutions were clearly indicated with sufficient data support Nontoxic solutions were indicated with minimal data support Nontoxic solutions were indicated but no data support provided d Determine if any soil mixtures need further testing to prove/ disprove toxicity Solutions needing further testing were clearly indicated Explanation was Solutions needing further testing were clearly indicated with sufficient explanation Solutions needing further testing were indicated with minimal Solutions needing further testing were indicated without any CATEGORY Draft – 6/10/10 17 and explain why extensive Comparison to control is included Comparison to control is included explanation No comparison to the control explanation e Discuss any errors that may have occurred during your experiment possibly affecting results Possible error/bias was discussed with extensive explanation of how results could have been affected Possible error/bias was discussed with sufficient explanation of how results could have been affected Possible error/bias was discussed with minimal explanation of how results could have been affected Possible error/bias was stated No explanation f Finish your conclusion by applying your results to everyday life Applications of results to everyday life given with extensive explanation Applications of results to everyday life given with sufficient explanation Applications of results to everyday life given with minimal explanation Application of results to everyday life given No explanation Post-Activity Discussion An AFRL engineer or scientist could discuss: a the role of statistics in interpreting data (i.e standard deviation) b the use of Google Earth to see areas of the earth that are contaminated Use the lab conclusion specifications as seen in the grading rubric - these can be used to guide the class discussion After students share their data with the entire class, provide time for lab groups to discuss the results of the data together Then as a whole class, discuss the findings Following are some questions to consider in the discussion: a Is there a significant difference in germination time, plant growth, or health of the plant (determined by analysis of quantitative data through comparison of means or by standard deviation)? b With which soil mixtures did this difference occur? c What does this help us understand about toxic substances and their beneficial use for us but detrimental effect on the environment? d How can individuals and communities lessen the negative side effects? e How you think the effects seen in a lab setting compare to what would be seen in a real life situation? Why? Students will need the time to discuss the post-activity questions with their groups and then discuss in a whole class format Draft – 6/10/10 18 After these discussions, allow time for students to write their personal reflections in their lab books These reflections should be based on their individual findings and the responses heard during the discussions Pre-Test / Post-Test Define observation Provide three examples Information gathered using the five senses (qualitative) or measurement (quantitative) Possible examples: The leaf feels sticky The leaf is cm long The leaves are yellowish-green Define inference A hypothesis, explanation, judgment, decision made based on careful observation What is bias? An influence that distorts or changes the results of an experiment Why is it important to design and use experiments that will eliminate bias from the results? Bias can cause the results to be invalid The experimental procedure must be designed so bias will be reduced to a minimum or eliminated How can the design of the procedure reduce or eliminate bias? The procedure must be designed to include a control, ONE independent variable, dependant variables, and repeated experimentation What is a toxin? A harmful, destructive, or poisonous substance Should people use materials that are harmful to plants? Explain your answer Answers will vary Students should explain their reasoning How can people use materials they consider beneficial to daily living without causing harm to plants? Answers will vary Students' responses may discuss restricted use of the material or specialized disposal Pre-Test / Post-Test Rubric CATEGORY 1 Define observation Provide three examples Correctly defined observation and provided three valid examples Correctly defined observation and provided two valid examples Correctly defined observation and provided one valid example Correctly defined observation OR provided valid example BUT did not both Define inference Definition includes three of the following: a (1) hypothesis, (2) explanation, (3) judgment, or (4) decision made; based on careful observation Definition includes two of the following: a (1) hypothesis, (2) explanation, (3) judgment, or (4) decision made; based on careful observation Definition includes one of the following: a (1) hypothesis, (2) explanation, (3) judgment, or (4) decision made; based on careful observation Definition includes one of the following: a (1) hypothesis, (2) explanation, (3) judgment, or (4) decision made; BUT does not mention that it is based on careful observation What is bias? The response demonstrates The response demonstrates an The response states that bias is The response states that bias Draft – 6/10/10 19 a clear understanding that bias is an influence that distorts or changes the results of an experiment understanding that bias is an influence that distorts or changes the results of an experiment an influence that distorts the results of an experiment or that bias is an influence that changes the results of an experiment distorts the results of an experiment or bias changes the results of an experiment Why is it important to design and use experiments that will eliminate bias from the results? The response demonstrates a clear and accurate understanding that since bias can cause the results to be invalid, the experimental procedure must be designed so bias will be reduced to a minimum or eliminated The response demonstrates an understanding that since bias can cause the results to be invalid, the experimental procedure must be designed so bias will be reduced to a minimum or eliminated The response states that bias causes results to be less valid, the experimental procedure must be designed so bias will be reduced to a minimum or eliminated The response states that bias causes results to be less valid, the experimental procedure must be designed so bias will be eliminated How can the design of the procedure reduce or eliminate bias? The response states that the procedure must be designed to include all of the following: (1) a control group, (2) ONE independent variable, (3) one or more dependant variables, and (4) repeated experimentation The response states that the procedure must be designed to include three of the following: (1) a control group, (2) ONE independent variable, (3) one or more dependant variables, and (4) repeated experimentation The response states that the procedure must be designed to include two of the following: (1) a control group, (2) ONE independent variable, (3) one or more dependant variables, and (4) repeated experimentation The response states that the procedure must be designed to include one of the following: (1) a control group, (2) ONE independent variable, (3) one or more dependant variables, and (4) repeated experimentation What is a toxin? The response demonstrates a clear and accurate understanding that a toxin is a harmful, destructive, or poisonous substance The response demonstrates an understanding that a toxin is a harmful, destructive, or poisonous substance The response states that a toxin is a harmful or poisonous substance The response states that a toxin is a poisonous substance (not all toxins are poisonous) Should people use materials that are harmful to plants? Explain your answer Answers will vary The response demonstrates a clear understanding that people should Answers will vary The response demonstrates an understanding that people should choose materials Answers will vary The response states that people should choose materials that are not harmful to Answers will vary The response states that people should choose materials that are not harmful to Draft – 6/10/10 20 How can people use materials they consider beneficial to daily living without causing harm to plants? Draft – 6/10/10 choose materials that are not harmful to plants but they can still use materials that are harmful to plants but they must be disposed of properly that are not harmful to plants but they can still use materials that are harmful to plants but they must be disposed of properly plants but they can still use materials that are harmful to plants but they must be disposed of properly plants OR that they can use materials that are harmful to plants but they must be disposed of properly Answers will vary The response demonstrates a clear and accurate understanding that the toxic materials can be used under restricted conditions and/or arrange for specialized disposal after use Answers will vary The response demonstrates an understanding that the toxic materials can be used under restricted conditions and/or arrange for specialized disposal after use Answers will vary The response states that the toxic materials can be used under restricted conditions and/or arrange for specialized disposal after use Answers will vary The response states that the toxic materials can be used under restricted conditions OR arrange for specialized disposal after use 21 Technology Connection The ADISC Model of technology created by ITEL: Integration Model A Technology that supports students and teachers in adjusting, adapting, or augmenting teaching and learning to meet the needs of individual learners or groups of learners D Technology that supports students and teachers in dealing effectively with data, including data management, manipulation, and display Application Description Excel can be used to record data and make graphs A digital camera can be used to take photos of germinating seeds each day The photos can be transferred to the computer Use a time lapse camera I Technology that supports students and teachers in conducting inquiry, including the effective use of Internet research methods S Technology that supports students and teachers in simulating real world phenomena including the modeling of physical, social, economic, and mathematical relationships C Technology that supports students and teachers in communicating and collaborating including the effective use of multimedia tools and online collaboration Students can use Word or Publisher to write a letter or make a brochure for the evaluation component Interdisciplinary Connection Math Making data tables and graphs, analyzing the tables and graphs Language Arts Writing a lab conclusion by making comparisons, interpreting data, and explanation Creating a brochure or other informative writing genre Home Connection Sharing results with family members especially those who basic maintenance on their vehicles Presenting brochure or other final activity to family members Draft – 6/10/10 22 Differentiated Instruction Students can be grouped in various ways Students of similar abilities can be placed together The more advanced groups can devise their procedures and determine the soil/toxicant concentrations to be used Other groups can receive a predetermined procedure and soil/toxicant concentration to be used The degree of control here can be determined by the teacher Data collection and display can also vary Some groups may be capable of devising their own data display while other groups receive a data display format devised by the teacher The final product activity can vary according to the groups Two ideas are presented in the Extension Ideas section which follows Extension a Write a letter to the editor as an appeal to the community The article should explain the class experiment and the results and conclude with a persuasive essay The essay should be an appeal to the readers to understand the importance of disposing of hazardous waste safely and how to dispose of it properly The intent of the letter is to persuade the readers to change their habits The section of the letter about car washing will be slightly different The appeal will be about reducing the frequency of car washing and the use of less soap b Create an informational brochure that could be distributed in a door-to-door campaign as a class “field trip” or placed at the local library and at local businesses as free reading material It must provide an explanation of your experiment, your findings in a clear “easy to understand” format incorporating data from your experiment, information from your research, and a persuasive appeal c Contact the city offices and find out about storm waste management Students can locate the end point of storm drains by looking at a blueprint of the city drainage system Permission could be obtained from the city officials to mark each drain opening with the end point of the drain for the purpose of awareness d Design a billboard that advertises the need to reduce pollution to our storm drainage systems while providing education about the issue The billboard should grab the attention of the viewer while getting the point across with a quick glance The grading rubric for the extension activity used should include points for some or all of the following: Explanation of the experiment (purpose, method, result) Conclusions derived from the data Implications for the environment Draft – 6/10/10 23 Applications for community citizens (responsibility and action needed to be taken) Eye Appeal (for the brochure) Neatness Writing mechanics A minimum of three persuasions Persuasive content (ability to appeal without preaching) Display of data For assistance in creating rubrics, refer to Rubistar on http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php Career Connection Environmental studies and organizations such as the EPA Additional Resources Additional Resources: Purpose and Application Resources that support the content of this activity/unit a Information about grass seed germination a www.garden-counselor-lawn-care.com Resources that support the methods of instruction within this lesson a http://ei.cornell.edu/toxicology/bioassays/lettuce a Information about the use of bioassays for environmental testing Central State University Contacts: a Dr Krisnakumar Nedenuri (937)376-6269 a Soils and bioremediation b Dr Cadance Lowell (937)376-6274 b Phytoremediation c Dr Anthony Armeut (937)376-6062 c Microbiology and bioremediation Web sources concerning Phytoremediation (see the Pre-Activity Discussion with the recommended area of participation for an AFRL engineer or scientis) U.S Air Force Water Quality Management http://www.afcee.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070924119.pdf Environmental Management http://www.afcee.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070924115.pdf Draft – 6/10/10 24 Phytoremediation http://www.afcee.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070924151.pdf State University of New York Phyto biomass example http://www.esf.edu/pubprog/brochure/willow/willow.htm City of Seattle Integrated City Design http://www.seattle.gov/util/stellent/groups/public/@spu/@csb/ documents/webcontent/spu01_003261.pdf Environmental Protection Agency National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/ Educational Links and Materials http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/docs.cfm?document_type_id=3&view= Fact%20Sheets%20and%20Outreach%20Materials&program_id =6&sort =name http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/after_the_storm.pdf http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/nps_month_bookmark.pdf http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/waterefficiency.pdf http://water.cityofdayton.org/Water/storm.asp http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/H_Nav1/EducationTraining/Education/ta bid/8643/Default.aspx http://wwwapp.epa.ohio.gov/ddagw/SWEET/sweet_simulators.html http://www.eeco-online.org/education/k12/teachers.html Credits Catherine Borucki, Melinda Wargacki, Tom Burr, Gerardo Ramos Maj USAF, John Diaz Draft – 6/10/10 25 Teacher Reflections • Were students focused and on task throughout the lesson? Insert answer here • If not, what improvements could be made the next time this lesson is used? Insert answer here • Were the students led too much in the lesson or did they need more guidance? Insert answer here • Did the students learn what they were supposed to learn? Insert answer here • How you know? Insert answer here • How did students demonstrate that they were actively learning? Insert answer here • Did you find it necessary to make any adjustments during the lesson? Insert answer here • What were they? Insert answer here • Did the materials that the students were using affect classroom behavior or management? Insert answer here • What were some of the problems students encountered when using the …? Insert answer here • Are there better items that can be used next time? Insert answer here • Which ones worked particularly well? Insert answer here Additional Comments Draft – 6/10/10 26