Research Skills for Clinicians Course for Medical Trainees and other health care professionals in the Eastern Deanery 21st & 22nd November 2015 Møller Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge Course Programme – subject to change Day – Saturday 21st Nov 2015 09.45 - 10.00 Arrival, registration and refreshments 10.00 - 10.15 Introduction to the course 10.15 – 10.45 “How I became a clinical researcher” A personal journey from Clinician to becoming a Clinician Researcher; how research has influenced my clinical practice, assistance received on the way, challenges encountered Dr Miles Parkes, Consultant in Gastroenterology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge 10.45 - 11.20 Introduction to the principles and processes of clinical research Dr Robert Rintoul, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Papworth Hospital 11.20 – 11.40 Refreshment break 11.40 – 13.10 Important concepts and issues of Clinical Trials of Drugs including a practical exercise Richard Baird, Academic Consultant in Experimental Cancer Therapeutics, University of Cambridge Honorary Consultant in Medical Oncology, Addenbrooke’s Hospital 13.10 – 14.00 Lunch break 14.00 – 15.20 Designing a research project - practical exercise Following an introduction into the exercise, three groups of trainees will choose from a set of research ideas/vignettes and use a checklist for how the idea could be turned into a research project The vignettes will be based on simple clinical scenarios The exercise aims to encourage exploration of the practical steps needed to begin a project Dr Thomas Krieg, Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology, University of Cambridge; Honorary Consultant Physician, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 15.20 – 15.35 Break 15.35 – 16.40 Presentations and discussion of research proposals designed before the break Dr Thomas Krieg and Prof Christi Deaton (in parallel) 16.40 – 17.45 Presenting research data How to give an oral or poster presentation Writing an academic paper Choosing and submitting to a journal Etiquette on authorship Professor Krishna Chatterjee, Professor of Endocrinology, Director of the Addenbrooke’s Clinical Research Centre, Deputy Director of the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre 18.00 - 19.15 Networking buffet course dinner This provides an opportunity to individually discuss research and research careers with experienced clinician researchers also attending the dinner Page of England Health Education East of This includes Professor Edwin Chilvers and Professor Christi Deaton Day - Sunday 22nd November 2015 09.30 - 10.50 An introduction to the key concepts in statistics relevant to clinical research, including worked examples Stephen Sharp, Senior Statistician, MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge 10.50 - 11.05 Break 11.05 - 11.50 Presenting your research study to lay members of the Research Ethics Committee David Lewin, member of the Research Ethics Committee, Cambridge Central 11.50 - 12.30 Practical exercise 12.30 - 12.50 Public and Patient Involvement in clinical research 12.50 - 13.40 Lunch 13.45 - 15.00 Critical Appraisal of clinical research papers A generic introduction followed by practical exercise with an example Dr Bristi Basu, Cancer Research UK Consultant Medical Oncologist in Experimental Cancer Therapeutics at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust 15.00 - 15.05 Brief break 15.05 - 15.55 How to start your research, incl different academic research training pathways for Medics Professor Edwin Chilvers, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Cambridge, Director of Clinical Academic Training Office 15.55– 16.00 Close For further information please contact: Kornelia Hathaway, Education and Training Manager, Addenbrooke’s Clinical Research Centre, e-mail: or tel 01223 596058 Page of England Health Education East of