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FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Miami, Florida EXAMINING A PROPOSED JOB RETENTION MODEL FOR ADULT WORKERS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION IN SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION in ADULT EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT by Sandra Lee Fornes 2007 © Copyright 2007 by Sandra Lee Fornes All rights reserved DEDICATION In Memory of Christopher Douglas Fornes Christopher was a very special and courageous individual who taught us all the true meaning of life and love “There are no guarantees in life, except that everyone faces struggles This is how we learn (and grow) Some face struggles from the moment they are born They are the most special of all people, requiring the most care and compassion and reminding us that love is the sole purpose of life.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross This is why we always thought of Christopher as a Hidden Angel ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank the members of my committee for their support, patience, and guidance Dr Tonette Rocco, my committee chair, provided invaluable assistance throughout every stage of this study Her generous willingness to share her time and extensive expertise has meant more to me than I can express She had confidence in my abilities to not only complete this dissertation, but to complete it with excellence I thank Dr Leonard Bliss for his support and methodology suggestions, which were particularly helpful in guiding me through this study; Dr Howard Rosenberg for providing me the opportunity to gain invaluable research experience in working with adults with developmental disabilities in the workplace His enthusiasm for the field has been a source of inspiration to me, both professionally and personally I thank Dr Jo Gallagher and Dr Bruce Nissen, for their guidance, optimism, and enthusiasm for my studies and research I extend my appreciation to the college administrators, particularly Donna Moriarty, who has given me continual support through both the comprehensive exams and this research I thank Ozzie Caceres, the Director of Supported Employment of the Hope Center, and Christina Cartaya, Executive Director of The Learning Experience School, for all their assistance in allow me to interview workers in their programs Finally, I want to thank the many friends and family and colleagues who provided support one way or the other ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION EXAMINING A PROPOSED JOB RETENTION MODEL FOR ADULT WORKERS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION IN SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT by Sandra Lee Fornes Florida International University, 2007 Miami, Florida Professor Tonette Rocco, Major Professor This quantitative study investigated the predictive relationships and interaction between factors such as work-related social behaviors (WRSB), self-determination (SD), person-job congruency (PJC), job performance (JP), job satisfaction (JS), and job retention (JR) A convenience sample of 100 working adults with MR were selected from supported employment agencies Data were collected using a survey test battery of standardized instruments The hypotheses were analyzed using three multiple regression analyses to identify significant relationships Beta weights and hierarchical regression analysis determined the percentage of the predictor variables contribution to the total variance of the criterion variables, JR, JP, and JS The findings highlight the importance of self-determination skills in predicting job retention, satisfaction, and performance for employees with MR Consistent with the literature and hypothesized model, there was a predictive relationship between SD, JS and JR Furthermore, SD and PJC were predictors of JP SD and JR were predictors of JS Interestingly, the results indicated no significant relationship between JR and JP, or between JP and JS, or between PJC and JS This suggests that there is a limited fit between the hypothesized model and the study’s findings However, the theoretical contribution made by this study is that self- determination is a particularly relevant predictor of important work outcomes including JR, JP, and JS This finding is consistent with Deci’s (1992) Self-Determination Theory and Wehmeyer’s (1996) argument that SD skills in individuals with disabilities have important consequences for the success in transitioning from school to adult and work life This study provides job retention strategies that offer rehabilitation and HR professionals a useful structure for understanding and implementing job retention interventions for people with MR The study concluded that workers with mental retardation who had more selfdetermination skills were employed longer, more satisfied, and better performers on the job Also, individuals whose jobs were matched to their interests and abilities (person-job congruency) were better at self-determination skills TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I II PAGE INTRODUCTION Background to the Problem Problem Statement Research Questions and Hypotheses Theoretical Framework Person-job Congruency Self-determination Work-related Social Behaviors Job Performance 10 Job Satisfaction 10 Significance of the Study 11 Definitions of Terms 12 Assumptions and Delimitations of the Study 17 Assumptions 17 Delimitations 17 Summary 18 LITERATURE REVIEW 19 Research Questions 19 Workplace Integration and Inclusion: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 19 Societal Perspectives on Disability 20 Legislative Initiatives 21 Vocational Rehabilitation Approaches to Employment Strategies 23 Human Resource Initiatives: Changing Perspectives 28 Organizational Inducements to Hiring Workers with MR 28 Human Resource Development 31 Job Retention 33 External Societal Factors Influencing Job Retention 34 External Workplace Factors Affecting Job Retention 36 Internal Individual Factors Influencing Job Retention 38 Roessler’s 3M Job Retention Model 41 Building an Integrated Job Retention Model: A New Perspective 42 Work-related Social Behaviors 43 Person-Job Congruency 43 Self-determination 44 Job Performance 45 Job Satisfaction 47 A Proposed Job Retention Model 48 Summary 49 III METHODS 51 Purpose of the Study 51 Research Questions and Hypotheses 51 Research Design 52 Population and Sample 53 Population 53 Sample 54 Variables and Instruments 54 Job Observation Behavior Scale: Opportunity for Self-determination 55 Job-in-General Scale (JIG) 56 The Arc’s Self-determination Scale (ARC) 57 Self-deirect Search (SDS) 58 Procedures 59 Data Collection 59 Data Analysis 60 Limitations 61 Summary 62 IV RESULTS 63 Data Verification 63 Missing Data 63 Outliers 63 Descriptive Statistics and Intercorrelations 64 Examining Assumptions 65 Multicollinearity 65 Normality 66 Linearity 66 Homoscedasticity 67 Multiple Regression Analyses 67 Hypothesis One – Regression Analysis One 69 Hypothesis Two – Regression Analysis Two 71 Hypothesis Three – Regression Analysis Three 73 Summary 74 V DISCUSSION 76 Summary 76 Discussion of the Results 78 Summary of Findings from Testing the Hypothesized Model 78 Predictors of Job Retention 80 Predictors of Job Performance 82 Predictors of Job Satisfaction 83 Self-determination, the Main Predictor of Work Outcomes 85 Implications for HRD and Vocational Rehabilitation 87 Individual Development 88 Career Development 90 Future Research 92 Significance of the Findings 94 REFERENCES 96 APPENDIX… 118 VITA…………… 141 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations among Variables (N=94) 64 Intercorrelations Among Variables after Combining WRSB & JP (N=94) 66 Partial Correlations and Hierarchical Regression with Job Retention as the Criterion Variable 70 Partial Correlations and Hierarchical Regression with Job Performance as the Criterion Variable 72 Partial Correlations and Hierarchical Regression with Job Satisfaction as the Criterion Variable 74 10 Fulton, S A., & Sabornie, E J (1994) Evidence of employment inequality among females with disabilities Journal of Special Education, 28, 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