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Stony Brook University Parking Map

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STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY PARKING MAP A E G F North P Lot cle r Ci Joe Nathan Field Faculty/Staff Permits en Sci D ces En gin eer ing Driv e th Heal ri v e Chapin Commons Lauterbur Drive Chapin Apartments Community co Ni Ed m lls ad Ro u nd D Pell e Carol M Baldwin Breast Care Center Pain Management Center Imaging Center P Ambulatory Surgery Center P hS Healt no g ri ad Ro See Inset B iv e s Dr c i e n ce So ut hD riv e South Entrances South Dr ive sR d oa Putnam Hall Dutchess Hall University Police P Emergency Entrance Hospital Main Entrance Chapin Commons Pa P Center Imaging Center P Ambulatory Surgery Center ad k Ro roo Circ le Ro ad ny B P e riv hD ut Marburger Drive So hS Healt South Entrances s Dr c i e n ce P ad s Ro triot ionEdm rin eat u nd D Pell e g Carol M Baldwin ecr s us R Field p Breast Care Center CPain th am oManagement S u Soccer Fields INSET B Chapin Apartments Community Sta� Lot A P Marine and Challenger Hall Atmospheric Sciences Endeavour Discovery Hall Hall Rockland Westchester Hall Hall Sullivan Hall Dental Clinics e ll co Dana Hall Hospital iv e d oa oR Road P ri v Driv e John S Toll CAMPUS Su�olk Hall iots Patr Sta� Lot A P es D enc Sci En gin eer ing Driv e oad lls R P th Heal South P Lot Entrance Nassau Hall Hospital Main Entrance To Route 347 Hospital Parking Garage Sto Research and Support Services (RSS) Nico Marburger Drive Sou Ni P P e Driv ke Ashley Schiff Preserve rive th D Child Care Center SOUTH Sta� Lot B La D E V E L O P M E N T PA R K MART/ Cancer Center Lauterbur Drive STONY BROOK RESEARCH AND Hospital Pavilion/ Children’s Hospital Institute for Engineering Driven Medicine (IEDM) (under construction) e rD ble Ta e riv P Health Sciences Tower Circle Road er Driv Dreiser Hall t en pm lo Tabler ve De Community Douglass Hall E e iv Dr lls Hand Hall Basic Sciences Tower oad kR Sports Court Roth Café Emergency Entrance Hospital Parking Garage Marine and Challenger Hall Atmospheric Sciences Endeavour Discovery Hall Hall STONY BROOK MEDICINE 24 roo Innovation and Cardozo Discovery Center Hall (IDC) (under construction) Whitman Hall yB ad Health Sciences Garage E P SCAN Center Hospital P Underpass 24 Su�olk Hall Rockland Westchester Hall L.I High Technology Hall Incubator Sullivan Hall Dental Clinics Nico n Marburg tio Ro Hendrix a Hall d ton Ro Toscanini Hall Tabler Center Sanger Hall va Putnam Hall Dutchess Hall University Police Main Entrances Bioengineering Centers for Molecular Medicine Life Sciences (CMM) S e Driv ke cle no i ve Hilton Garden Inn La Cir In Point of Woods Bldgs IACS E Laufer P Center Center of Excellence Mount in Wireless Hall and Gershwin Information Technology Hall (CEWIT) Roth Community E Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Dana Hall Nassau Hall Roa d Heavy Engineering Energy Center (AERTC) Dr y on Computing Center 24 Educational Communications Center (ECC) Javits Lecture Engineering New Center Computer (under construction) Science Advanced E Computer Science P ey K enn y P P Hospital Pavilion/ Children’s Hospital Ashley Schiff Preserve MAIN r Wa alle St Campus Drive E Health Sciences Tower SOUTH Administration Parking Garage A Psychology Humanities B Basic Sciences Tower MART/ Cancer Center nP Light Engineering ive Dr Electric Vehicle E Charging Station STONY BROOK MEDICINE 24 CAMPUS Administration Health Sciences Garage CAMPUS Shi rl ACADEMIC MALL E T Charles B Wang Center Staller Center for the Arts Student Activities Center (SAC) r able P Visitor Parking L.I High Technology Incubator E P SCAN Center Restricted 24 Hour Parking 24 Main Entrances Hilton Garden Inn Underpass 24 No Thru Traffic Point of Woods Bldgs i ve Bioengineering Centers for Molecular Medicine Life Sciences (CMM) e P P Dreiser Hall Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) P E Hand Hall Dr Circle Road Tabler Community Douglass Hall Irwi Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) Cardozo Hall Sports Court Whitman Hall Roth Café P er Driv 24 Stony Brook Union Frank FreyStony B Melville Jr rooMemorial k Ro Hall ad Library Harriman Hall ad Toscanini Hall Tabler Center Sanger Hall Gershwin Hall Roth Community Ro East Chávez Tubman Side Hall Hall Dining Toll Drive nS Joh Chemistry Van de Graa� Accelerator Irving Hall Hendrix Hall Mount Hall P Administration Parking Garage Marburg Sports Complex Math Tower ad Walter J Hawrys Campus Recreation Center cle O’Neill Hall Gray Hall E ey K enn y IACS E Laufer Center P Ro Heavy Engineering Yang Hall Mendelsohn Community E P Simons Center 24 Benedict H Community Stimson Hall Cir P Physics Hall Lauterbur Hall Ammann Hall Outdoor Basketball Courts P Wagner Hall Educational Communications P Center Javits Light (ECC) Engineering Lecture Engineering New Center Computer (under construction) Computing Science Center Computer Science Campus Drive West Side Dewey Sports Stadiu Dining m Roa Hall Court d Nobel West Drive Langmuir Halls E A Student Activities Psychology Center Humanities B (SAC) E D Roosevelt Hall C Community West James Keller Apartments 24Student Greeley Hall Hall B Community A Health Hall rive Center elt D sev Roo Kenneth P LaValle Athletic Stadium Island Federal Arena P ACADEMIC MALL P Paid Monthly Parking MAIN CAMPUS Administration P Paid Parking Garages Shi rl olls E Soccer Practice Field Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) Frank Melville Jr Memorial Library Paid Meter Lots Charles B.Wang Center Staller Center for the Arts Nic Courts Recreation Tennis Courts H ad NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Schomburg Apartments Community Court West Apartments Lacrosse K Community Practice E F Field We st D rive J 24 Eisenhower Hall Schick Hall Hamilton Baruch Varsity Kelly Hall Community Hall Tennis Athle Indo tic Pract or FI aciliticeSports y G Ro Premium Parking Lots P y R R .I L Recreation Softball Recreation Softball Drive lly cle Resident Zone Permits East Chávez Tubman Side Hall Hall Dining oll Drive T nS Joh Chemistry Harriman Hall Math Tower Resident Zone Permits Irving Hall Gray Hall Stony Brook Union Frey Hall G F r Wa alle St Recreation Fields 24 E Van de Graa� Accelerator Physics O’Neill Hall Mendelsohn Community Resident Zone Permits nP 25A ATHLETIC FIELDS Cir Natural Meadow P Simons Center Service Group E Resident Zone Permits Resident Zone Permits James Hall Student Health Center Resident Zone Permits Benedict Hall H Community Irwi Softball Joe Nathan Field Ke C P Central Services (Receiving) m Road Ammann Hall Walter J Hawrys Campus Recreation Center Sports Complex Stadiu Langmuir Hall P Island Federal Arena d CoGen Plant No r ad Roa Central North Stores Entrance (Warehouse) Drive ce ran nt E th o eR l irc Gym E Resident Zone Permits oad North P Lot Kenneth P LaValle Athletic Stadium Outdoor Basketball Courts Sports Court Recreation Tennis Courts 24 Soccer Practice Field ad NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) R olls Nic 25A D Commuter Student Permits Ro Circle Road cle Varsity Tennis Courts Lacrosse Practice Field Track Practice Field R.R L.I Cir Natural Meadow Athle Indo tic Practior Facilitce y Recreation Softball Recreation Softball 25A To Stony Brook Village Track Practice Field Recreation Fields L.I.R.R Station Town of Brookhaven Parking Only LEGEND No r ad Ro ATHLETIC FIELDS Commuter L.I.R.R Lot C North Entrance rive eD nc tra En th Softball R.R L.I 25A Circle Road Driv e D C To Stony Brook Village e) Central Services Receiving) g B L.I State Veterans Home L.I State Veterans Home LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD Take the LIRR Port Jefferson line to Stony Brook SBU bus service is scheduled to adhere closely to the LIRR arrival and departure times, picking up and dropping off passengers at the LIRR bus stop (campus side of the station) Enhanced bus service is provided during anticipated peak LIRR usage, such as the beginning and end of semesters, Friday afternoons, and Holidays mta.info/lirr SUFFOLK COUNTY TRANSIT Call (631) 852-5200 for schedules, rates, and routes for transit service between campus and off-campus locations sct-bus.org TAXICABS Lindy’s Taxi: (631) 265-2500 Stony Brook Taxi & Airport Service: (631) 633-1419 HELPFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergency (from a non-campus phone) (631) 632-3333 PARKING MAP Emergency (from a campus phone) 911 Parking Information and Permits (631) 632-AUTO stonybrook.edu/parking SBU Shuttle Routes and Schedules (631) 632-6418 stonybrook.edu/shuttle University Information (631) 632-6000 stonybrook.edu stonybrook.edu/parking University Police (631) 632-3333 stonybrook.edu/police Campus Ride Service .(631) 632-RIDE Student Walk Service (631) 632-9255 SBU Wolf Ride Bike Share .(631) 632-6400 Snow Emergency (631) 632-SNOW/(631) 444-SNOW Academic Advising (631) 632-7082 stonybrook.edu/commcms/advising/ Student Financial Services (631) 632-9316 stonybrook.edu/commcms/sfs/ Campus Residences (631) 632-6750 stonybrook.edu/commcms/studentaffairs/res/ Commuter Student Services (631) 632-7353 stonybrook.edu/commcms/studentaffairs/css/ Counseling Health Services (631) 632-6720 stonybrook.edu/commcms/studentaffairs/caps/ Student Accessibility Support Center (631) 632-6748 stonybrook.edu/dss/ Financial Aid & Scholarship Services (631) 632-6840 stonybrook.edu/commcms/finaid/ Off Campus Housing (631) 632-7353 och.stonybrook.edu SB Alert is a communication system used by University officials to provide warnings and emergency information using text, voice, and e-mail messages Sign up today for this important service in SOLAR—just click on the SB Alert icon Important: Even if you have received emergency messages in the past, you must visit the new page, verify your information, and indicate that you wish to continue to receive emergency alert notifications Stony Brook University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator and employer This material is available in an alternative format upon request Student Affairs (631) 632-6700 stonybrook.edu/commcms/studentaffairs/stu/ LIRR Information (631) 231-LIRR mta.info/lirr Orient Point Ferry to New London (631) 323-2525 longislandferry.com Port Jefferson Ferry to Bridgeport (888) 44-FERRY 88844ferry.com Suffolk County Transit (631) 852-5200 PARKING ON CAMPUS Garage Parking All vehicles at Stony Brook University must be operated within the guidelines specified by the Stony Brook University (SBU) Parking Rules and Regulations (stonybrook.edu/parking) Parking permits are color coded and correspond to signs posted at each parking lot Parking permits are required for all color coded parking areas Vehicles at Stony Brook University are only permitted to park in a legal parking space, which is defined by two parallel lines painted on asphalt Please refer to the map inside for more information on parking lot locations and color designations Faculty/Staff, GSEU, Affiliates and Medical Students may purchase parking garage services from either the Bursar, East Campus Card Office, Hospital Parking Garage Office or online Evening students may only purchase garage services for the Heath Sciences Center and Administration Parking Garages for access between 3:00PM and 11:00PM Please see the Option Chart or visit stonybrook.edu/parking for additional information Should you have any questions, please contact: West Campus: Transportation & Parking Operations (631) 632-6219 or East Campus: Hospital Parking Garage Office (631) 444-6608 PARKING PERMITS Free Parking SBU parking permits and additional information on SBU Parking Rules and Regulations can be found at stonybrook.edu/parking SBU parking permits may not be transferred to another person PARKING FACILITIES Permit Parking ◆ Commuter (Green): Commuter students are eligible for a green commuter parking permit, which allows for parking in any green commuter section SBU Transit provides connecting transportation from all green commuter parking lots to all areas of the Stony Brook campus ◆ Resident Zones 1–7: Residents with junior (U3) or senior (U4) status are eligible for resident zone permits Resident Zone parking permits are assigned based on residents dormitory location ◆ Faculty/Staff/Affiliates (Red or Brown): Have the following parking options: Faculty/Staff (Red): Some Faculty/Staff parking lots are 24–Hour Restricted, as noted by a timeclock on the color coded map Premium Faculty/Staff (Brown): Faculty/Staff may choose to purchase a brown parking permit, which allows for parking in either the Life Sciences or premium parking lots or the Simons Center Lot December 2021 sct-bus.org • From 4:00PM to 7:00AM weekdays and all weekend, anyone may park in any non 24-Hour Restricted lot or space • Metered lots are free from 7:00PM to 7:00AM, Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday • Parking in the Administration Garage is free on weekends Visitor Parking Visitors may park in the Administration garage at a rate of $4.00/hour, $28.00/day; or in any Metered lot (See Parking Option Chart for rates) ADA Accessible Parking All lots and garages have ADA accessible parking spaces Only the person who is issued a Disabilities Permit may use it Garage ADA parking is subject to the parking garage fees PARKING OPTION CHART TYPE OF FACILITY RATE HOURS ELIGIBILITY GARAGES $16.24/MO 24 F/S UUP, PEF, N/A CSEA, Counsel 82 $11.37/MO 2:30 p.m.11:00 p.m Evening Students Only N/A $22.72/MO 24 N/A $35.00/MO 24 All non-union F/S and GSEU Students Hospital Visitor N/A $30.00/MO 24 Vendor/ Affiliates N/A LIFE SCIENCES $350.00/YR PERMITS 1&2 ONLY 24 Fac/Staff RESIDENT ZONE PERMITS FREE a.m.4 p.m M-F* JR & SR Residents FAC/STAFF PERMITS FREE a.m.4 p.m M-F* Fac/Staff COMMUTER PERMITS FREE a.m.4 p.m.M-F Undergraduate & Graduate Students COLOR CODE Various PAY STATION $2.50/HR a.m.METERS $17.50/DAY p.m M-F Open N/A ELECTRIC VEH $1.00/HR CHARGINIG STATION Open E 24 NOTE: All rates are subject to change without notice * Some Faculty/Staff and Resident Zone lots are enforced 24 hrs per day, as indicated by signage at the lot All State Only, Special Service Only and State & Special Service Only parking spaces are enforced 24 hours per day SBU SMART TRANSIT FOR LIVE SHUTTLE INFORMATION, VISIT US ONLINE: stonybrookuniversity.doublemap.com/map/ OR DOWNLOAD THE “DOUBLEMAP BUS TRACKER” APP ... 632-AUTO stonybrook.edu /parking SBU Shuttle Routes and Schedules (631) 632-6418 stonybrook.edu/shuttle University Information (631) 632-6000 stonybrook.edu stonybrook.edu /parking University. .. 852-5200 PARKING ON CAMPUS Garage Parking All vehicles at Stony Brook University must be operated within the guidelines specified by the Stony Brook University (SBU) Parking Rules and Regulations (stonybrook.edu /parking) ... (stonybrook.edu /parking) Parking permits are color coded and correspond to signs posted at each parking lot Parking permits are required for all color coded parking areas Vehicles at Stony Brook University

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 15:54