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University of Alaska System Plan Crosswalk: Highlighting Workforce Development and Program Priorities Prepared by University of Alaska Anchorage, Institutional Effectiveness, Engagement, and Academic Support Updated: January 07, 2009 AWIB Strategic Needs and Issues Challenging WFD in Alaska – 02/12/08 UAS Strategic Plan: The Next Decade – Priorities Most Closely Connected to WFD UAF Vision 2017 Priorities Most Closely Connected to WFD UAA 2017 Priorities Most Closely Connected to WFD UA 2009 Priorities Most Closely Connected to WFD General Areas of Emphasis Develop alternative schedules— including compressed semesters, all-day instruction—that accommodate the needs of vocational-technical students and industry requirements Foster academic education and vocational training for the health care industry through partnerships with appropriate agencies Build lasting partnerships with Alaskan technology employers through active advisory councils Form partnerships with appropriate agencies to respond to new industry development by providing start-up training Identify health management and administration training opportunities in partnership with industry In partnerships with industry, develop employee skills through training and continuing education, (both credit and non credit) to ensure an adequate and well-trained workforce Develop and utilize relevant university business partnerships at all levels, with an emphasis on meeting Alaska’s needs in highgrowth, high-demand occupations Instruction: Successful & sustainable programs that support student success, general education, workforce development, high-demand careers and high student demand Offer flexible education and training opportunities to meet needs of nontraditional students Identify promising opportunities for university-industry collaboration in developing new products and services, especially those directly benefiting Alaskans Provide two-way exchanges of faculty and industry to ensure relevance of UAF curriculum to work force needs: 1) externships for faculty working in industry settings, and 2) engagement of industry experts as visiting faculty Seek avenues for expanding industry investment in programs producing high-quality graduates in high-demand fields Instruction: Collaborative partnerships for workforce development and high demand careers Quality: Increase the number of programs, course sections, and scheduling options in the areas of vocational/technical training, community interest, and professional workforce development Responsiveness: Continue to survey employers and work with the cognizant state agencies to assess workforce demand Responsiveness: Build strong partnerships with employers to ensure our graduates possess needed skills and abilities Assess and meet Alaska’s current and projected workforce needs Provide professional development opportunities to government, public organizations, and private industry Incorporate community engagement into every pathway of the UAF Strategic Plan 2010 Actively participate in economic development in the community Support faculty to grow in their discipline through research and scholarship, and professional development Develop faculty and staff capacity to serve as informed, community resources for individuals and industries Expand professional development opportunities for UAF faculty to maintain cutting-edge knowledge of curriculum areas and currency in field Instruction: Instruction driven by current and active professional and craft practice, academic research, or creative expression Faculty and Staff Strength: Invest in faculty and staff development Instruction: Student participation in professional or craft practice, academic research, creative expression, and service learning Student Success: Provide additional internship programs Student Success: Focus on market share of Alaska’s college-bound students and their transition to higher education Student Success: Enroll Alaskans at the national average rate Spotlight and reward the faculty and staff success in developing innovative programs, research and student services Recognize distinctive needs of rural faculty and create opportunities for expanded engagement between them and Fairbanks-based faculty Significantly expand internships, externships and practicum opportunities for all students Provide regular opportunities for Fairbanks students to experience rural Alaska through internships and special projects Work closely with the public school system to develop career pathways in health occupations to encourage young people into these careers Selectively recruit students from Alaska and elsewhere who indicate an interest in programs provided by Expand partnerships with K - 12 institutions to strengthen college preparation Identify career pathways and clusters appropriate to all UAF programs, consistent with U.S Department of Labor categories; use Student Success: Build, in partnership with our community school districts, a Student Success: Enhance efforts in student recruitment and retention UAS Increase recruitment and retention of under-represented student populations these pathways and clusters to strengthen collaboration with K-12 education and meet all appropriate state and national standards Develop an overall plan for student migration into degree programs coherent, integrated, mutually reinforcing public education program from pre-school through post-graduate continuing education Recruitment of highly qualified high school graduates Develop and maintain tech-prep agreements with Alaskan high schools, providing advanced and motivated high school students the opportunity to get a head start on acquiring college credit Foster academic achievement and career development for secondary students through tech prep initiatives Expand and improve career counseling in school, not just college Develop partnership with secondary schools to strengthen math and science achievement and foster career development in high demand occupations Provide career counseling and internship services Provide academic and personal counseling services Collaborate with the UAS Business department in developing their health management emphasis for the Bachelor in Business Administration Cooperate with the other MAUs in developing oncampus and distancedelivered certificate and Expand opportunities for new students to engage in exciting and informative university orientation and advising, with special attention to needs of community campus and nontraditional students Offer high-quality, personalized department- and program-level advising Collaboration between appropriate units and stakeholders Student Success: Efficiency of educational progress from entry to completion Quality: Add to campus-based academic advising resources Build new online advising services Community: Collaboration between and among programs, schools, colleges, campuses, and universities Educational Quality: Improve collaboration among campuses degree programs in behavioral health Continue to prepare highlyqualified students to successfully participate in the UAA Associate Nursing program now scheduled for regular offerings to Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka Advise and prepare transfer students for entry into the UAA and other university Bachelor Degree in Nursing (BSN) programs Promote and support students in Southeast who are pursuing the distancedelivered UAA BSN completion program as part of a career ladder approach for the professional development of our regional nursing workforce Collaborate with the UAA School of Nursing, Recruiting and Retaining Alaska Natives in Nursing Program (RRANN) to provide regional outreach and academic support programs for the recruitment and retention of Alaska Native students into nursing careers Increase statewide enrollments in the distance-delivered Health Information Management Certificate and Associate of Applied Sciences degree Provide students opportunities for community service as part of their Public Square: Community partnerships in Student Success: Increase partnerships with major programs of study Teach youth about basic employability and life skills Increase awareness of programs through increased faculty participation in marketing and recruitment activities Educate parents regarding vocations education training opportunities Identify and develop programs and services of interest to young men, who are increasingly underrepresented in university settings training, education, research, and service Public Square: Educational partnerships to encompass pre-school through post-graduate continuing education Build on Alaska’s extensive experience with innovative online and distance education to meet increasingly diverse student needs Program Areas of Emphasis UAS Strategic Plan: The Next Decade – Priorities Most Closely Connected to WFD Provide certificate and associate degree programs in natural resources (fisheries technology, forestry technology, and mining.) Continue to distance deliver the AAS degree in Environmental Technology from Sitka Deliver an AAS in Fisheries Technology from Ketchikan in partnership with regional industry Develop and deliver a Geographical Information System (GIS) technician certificate program at Ketchikan UAF Academic Development Plan 2007-2012 Priorities Most Closely Connected to WFD Resource Exploration, Development, and Management: Enhance programs that enable the State to develop and manage its natural resources effectively Global Change and Adaptation: Observe, interpret, predict, and develop plans for adapting to change and its impacts on the landscape, ecosystems, resources, economies, and community stability Environmental Quality: Understand human impacts on the northern environment and environmental impacts on people and cultures UAA - WFD Program Highlights Process Technology, Occupational Safety, Welding, Nondestructive Testing employers Responsiveness: Integrate community service with research and instructional programs Student Success: Develop recruitment programs that target traditional, non-traditional students, Alaska Native, and former students Provide natural resource education through the geographical information system project to interested parties Provide initial teacher preparation through a bachelor of arts in Elementary Education, and a Master of Arts in Secondary Education Recruit, enroll, and support increasing numbers of Alaska Native students in teacher education programs Serve the needs of Alaska’s practicing educators by offering quality graduate programs in educational technology, early childhood education, reading, and mathematics Recruit, enroll, and support increasing numbers of Alaska Native students in teacher education programs Provide a special education opportunity for Bachelor of Arts in elementary education candidates Provide an effective and accessible special education undergraduate endorsement program to practicing teachers Natural Hazards: Improve understanding and prediction and develop strategies for mitigating the impacts of natural hazards, including earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and severe weather Engineering and Applied Technologies: Enhance programs aimed at training engineers and technicians to meet the needs of Alaskan industry Engineering, Construction/Project Management Educator Preparation: Further develop programs that train and provide continuing education for pre-K and K-12 teachers and counselors Education Leadership: Teacher Prep, Special Ed, ECD, ESL, Administration, Counseling, Specialists, Physical Education, Research Use research as well as state and local feedback to improve programs (Example from COE draft plan) Expand distance delivery for national and global marketing (remote internship supervision) (Example from COE draft plan) Implement remote supervision Offer EDL programs to high need districts (RAPPS grant) (Example from COE draft plan) Develop collaborative cohort model for district-based principal certification (Example from COE draft plan) Develop an induction/mentoring network with distance aspect Cooperate in the statewide delivery of an early childhood education AAS degree and continue its focus on special needs students (Example from COE draft plan) Develop a recruitment model similar to ANSEP (Example from COE draft plan) Provide professional development and special topics courses to strengthen paraprofessionals, teachers, and administrators throughout Alaska Provide current teachers opportunities to obtain endorsements and graduate degrees in high-need areas Provide teachers opportunities to achieve Alaska certification and recertification through in-service professional development Develop a health management curriculum for the Bachelor’s of Business Administration (BBA) Expand Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) training on all three campuses, including distance delivery beyond Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka Provide the UAA Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) program offerings on an “as needed” offering based on community needs in Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka Continue to develop Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees in Business Administration, Information Systems, and in Paralegal Studies with attention to course sequence Expand small business management offerings as Health Careers and Pre-professional Programs: Enhance and develop programs that prepare students for careers in health care and for postgraduate professional degree programs Health: Nursing, Allied Health, Psychology, Behavioral Biomedicine and Health Sciences: Conduct biomedical and health education, research, and outreach that relate to Alaska’s unique environment and lifestyles Business Leadership and Entrepreneurship: Enhance programs that develop knowledge, skills and abilities in business and accounting to increase Alaskan’s success in the global economy Business, Management, Accounting, Public Administration, Small Business Development electives for the AAS degrees Enrich business and information systems program offerings with ecommerce content Facilitate certified public manager program/courses for public and nonprofit agency employees Continue to strengthen the marine biology, biology, and environmental science programs Develop masters’ degrees in science areas that take advantage of the unique environment and experience at UAS Further develop an outdoor leadership program, which incorporates the liberal arts with outdoor recreational experiences Continue to offer one-year certificates and the two-year AAS degree in current computer applications Develop a certificate program for behavioral health technicians Continue the distance delivered Bachelors of Social Work Program from UAF Prepare social science students for graduate studies in social work and psychology Strengthen and expand the U.S Coast Guard certified marine deck operations training program at Ketchikan, including curriculum for an Able Bodied Seaman to Mate Computer Office Systems, CISCO, Computer Science Behavioral Health and Cultural Understanding: Contribute to healthy communities through research and education in the social sciences and develop understanding of cultures in their global context Behavioral Health and Social Work program Provide for structural steel and aluminum welding programs for marine applications at Ketchikan and Sitka Develop a Shipyard Production Workers Apprenticeship Program at Ketchikan Provide AAS and related certificates for marine engine room training and the U.S Coast Guard documented Oilers program at Juneau Provide certificate and associate degree programs in high demand job categories including: transportation and power generation (automotive technology, diesel technology and marine operations), construction technology (building science, drafting.) Transportation: Automotive, Heavy Duty, Aviation, Logistics Sustaining Alaskan Communities: In collaboration with Alaskan communities and in the context of the global economy, develop more effective approaches to alternative/renewable energy, food sources and subsistence, and economic development Alternative Energy research, training, and education Developmental Education and General Education Requirements: Communication, computation, and human relations skills for all employees Endorsements, Certificates, AAS offerings in high demand job areas – responsive to industry

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 12:51

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