William and Mary Howitt: Bibliographical notes The Harvard community has made this article openly available Please share how this access benefits you Your story matters Citation Woodring, Carl R 1951 William and Mary Howitt: Bibliographical notes Harvard Library Bulletin V (2), Spring 1951: 251- Citable link https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37363595 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-ofuse#LAA Notes 54 Presumably Percy dccid e d to on1it j t because Shensto nc, ,vho read the poem ju the 172 Col-· Jectiou of Old Ballad~1 thought it a 'very cold NaLTative.' 'The Dying Shepherdess' ,vas to occupy the three f ollff\Ving p agesi but page 57 ,vas presun1ably ne,Tcr in print, for Jines 32-37 are s\1pp1ied in rnunus cri pt Evid en tIy Pe re y d.ecid cd to on1it th c po en1 before the printer ever reccjved copy for sh~et S Although the headnote announces that it is 'Printed ( wit b sou1e corrections) fron1 tbe editorts folio Af S collated wi1 h two black-letter copies in the Pepys collection/ it fa so changed from the 'An1yntas~ of the Folio as to he ahnost unrccognizab]e, a fate ,vhich ,vas un for tuna tel far f rorn unique Fron1 these changes ;.-vhich Percy cff cctcd during the pdnting one can ohs er\.rc n e\v detai1s of the pro cesscs through i r "·hich helped to alter the selection and treatrncnt of 1natcrial for the Jleliques Among th csc process es sever~l, most of them already familiar to students of Percy, -are particuhlrly notable Th us he exhibited incrcas ing tact in ominjng poe1ns ,,rhich., like Thc Jolly Ilcggar/ might shock some of his readen;, and in altering 1naterjpJs so as to J9attcr rather than offend the fatnily pride of aristocrats like the Gon]ons and Lady Percy l\·1oreov-e:r Shenstonc, until his death early in J 763, exerted consI d era b 1c influence to,va rd the s ~lcc cjon, arrangement and n1odcrnizat1on of materi~l Yet after the printjng begant Percyt as h~s been seen, decided to lin1it the reprinting of such Cavalier 1yrics as Ca.re,;,vs and to suppress i\·iar.shall's rnodern bal1ad 4AHen :ind l\1ary/ Thus Percy~s o,vn copies of the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry reveal n1ore clearly than before a shift n,vay fron1 the n1aterjal jadi1 She:n:stone to Pe rcr, n d·i in th~ I-I:a.r- catcd ·by the ear1icst rt1nni ng ritJe Yard Percy Pape.rs, folder 2.73 It is printed 'SELECT SONGS· / AND BALj n Shenstoneis tetters,,p 58 Th!! re arc t\\'O LADS.' id enti c:2Jpra ofs of 'A 1pl10nso :.1n d G onsalcz' in fold~r 2.75 11 \Villia111and Mary Howitt: Bibliograpl1ical Notes B ESIDES their friendships ,vitb \Vords\1 orth, Hllnt, ~J'ennysont D j ckenst Elizabeth Barrctt Ilro,vning, the Rossettisi and m~ny other pro1n inent nine tccnth-c en tu I")r fig LJrcs, WiJ ]jam and 1\1nry I-Iff\V.ltt tnadc -a claim upon readers of English ]itcra n1re by num bcrlcss tri bu ti ons to periodjca]s and one hundred and eighty or n1ore separately puhlishcd ,vorks -1vhi~h achieved a tot-al of editions and about seven hundred issues rrhey quickened the strennl of in1agjnative books for children: i\1nry j n trod uccd I-J-n n s Christian A ndcrscn to English readers, and ,vrotc •The Spjdcr -and the Fly- in her series first collected as Sketches of l'-taturalHistory 'fhcy transfotcd frorn Gcrn1an, Danish, Dano-Nor, rcgia.nl s,vcdish, and French They ,,.rrote the first substantial Ji:ng1ish history · of Scandina1 Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University Harvard Library bulletin Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library Volume V, Number (Spring 1951) Harvard Library vkln liter an1re They made the rural ]ife of England their particular don1ain for half a cenrurv Ah out 1830 H o,v1tt spoke Ollt as a cons tru c ti ve critj c of Qu c1k erism f ron1 ,vithin the Society of Friends From J I 833 to 1848 he aided the moven1ents for disestablishtncnt of the Church and refon11 of Parliament ,vith such books as A Popular Histor·y of P1-iestcr«ft in All !Jges and Nations and Tbe Aris.tocrn.cyof E11glnnd (under the pseudonym of ~John I-Ian1pdcn~ Junr.~) By r 53 he had added 1:\-ustra]ianexploration to the topics ort ,vhich he \\'rote ,vith authority, though ,vith haste 1·en years later he becan1e Enghnd';; most prolific advocate of the 'Christi [In b r~nch i of spiri tua lis1n Shortly after his death at Ron1c in 1879~ lvlary joined the Catholic Chu re h~ b econ1ing a revered ] ay\Vom an She then matched her husband's· standard Ho1nesand Htrunts of tfJe Atort E11tiuent British Poets ,vith a self-censored ln1t ·valuable " ork, A1ary Ho7.vitt: An A1ttohlog~·apby, I 889, edited by their daughter i\1argaret No general bib Jiograph y of the Ho\dtts has been pubUshed The Ii~t belo\l'" 1sintended -as a supplement to the entries under the 1-lo\i.Tittsin the Dictionary of National Bio~tttpby~ T1Je Ca,nbridge Dihliography of En~lfrh Literaturet the pub]ishcd cataJoguc.~ of the Ilrirj~h l\1uscun1 and the Library of Congress, and Joseph Smith~ A Descriptive Cntalogue of Friends"/Books ( _vo]s , J.,ondon, 1867~ and Supp!eu,ent, 893 ) It includes lt may be noted that I·Io,~·ht almost ce-rtainl y cuu 1d not have been, as the ClJEL s~ys he v.·ns1 editor of the Aurora Borctilfr, N (!\Yca~tk- upon- Tyne! j n I 83 l • i B11llet111 (in each case in the earliest known cd irion) ,vo r ks not previously a nri bute d1 ,i.·orks by "''il1jam \vrongly attrih11ted to l\-1ary1 and one work- ''.rrust and Trial, by Bjornson-in \'vhich the author is here firs·t identified+~Location of one access1bl c copy of each ircn1 Iistcd is given ,vh enc ,rer kno-\vn \VILLIAi\1 Ho,v1TT1 Con1111 ~1nor:ative ] 792-1879 \ 1erses, Add rcsscd to Friends- of Rtchard Le.aver, of lvh1.nsne1d, i:.:~.rho Suddcn]y Expired in Gr~~-i;;Jey Bih]c !\.fcoting,, 9th j\1onth ;! 3rdi 1'.·1 ~nsfie]d : Printed by R, Col Iinson., 1818 [Frie11dsHorlfe J oudo1.1.] \Vi lliilm H o\vi tt"s S ccond Le ttcr to A.rchdoacon ,,:i'ilkin~, in Rcp1y to His· Postscript of July 25th ~eprinted fron1 the Nottingham R-evie"\ ,vith ,Pnstscript Nottingham: R Sutton Review Office, 33, [N Otting b11n1 81 Public.] George Fox and His First I) isciples; or The Society of Friends as It l\' ~.s,.and as It Is Phi Iade]phi a~ 1\.1er rihc,v & Gunn l 837 r,3aston Public.] The Grey Squirrels, ·London: Henry Fro\vd c i:tud I Iodd er & Stoughton [19l o?J [Froui The Boy's ConnttyIlooki 1839 Bodlefon.] ['J\1-ory·J-Jo,vitt.i] ~ 1o Sense Like Cum:rnon Sense; or, Some Pa~s~ges jn the Life of Char1es l\1iddicton Es-9 [by \\JjlJfanl I-Io\\'itt] London; Thoma~ Tcgg, 1843 [Btiti:rb Aiuseuui.J [cA.1aryHowitt-/] l\1y Uncle the Clnct:1nakcr A ale [by \' 7i1lian1 I-Io,vitt] 1 J_.ondon:Thomas Tegg [ 1844] i.Tales the; Peop]e and Their Children." [Britis/J Afuse1l111 Harvard bar Nc\v fur York and Phil~dc1phia1 1845.J N'o attempt has been 1nad ta co,;;er transla.ti ons f ro111 the H O'i.'i.'ins; :- can \'ass.ing of European libra rics ,;,vould und oub tc d Iy pro,Tide a const dcr:ahie array, :i Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University Harvard Library bulletin Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library Volume V, Number (Spring 1951) Notes W illfam How ittls Repl )' to ]\i r Saunders 's Appeal to the Press and the Public, · Londou; Ho\\ itt's Journal, r 847 [H ar-trard.J 53 1864 [Abridges ·ebapter f rou i Homes and Haunts, 847 l\rew York Public.] & Routledge J\•icodom.ia11s nd Tho n1asia ns London; Letters to the f 1ere hants g.nd M cc 11nni cs The Spiritu 1l Lyccu1n, r 86 'Tl 1e of Enghnd"t on the True Importanc-e Lyceum Tracts No r.~ [Jo-bn Ryof India to This Country London! lrrnds.] H D\V ite's Jou ma l O ffi.ce~ 84 [ UniLetters on Spi ritu Iism London= The ~versity of Bir'luingf1mn.] Spi ritll al Lyceum, 865 'The Spiritual The Kie k1eb urys on the Rhi nc By j\iJ_A Lyceum Tracts~ No+ 7/ [John RyTi tn1arsh [ pseud ·i \ ':\li1Iiam l\1 kcpe:~ec landr~] Thackcr8:y] Autnnn,~ l Excurs-ions lV hat Spiritualism Has Taught ( R ctl, roll gh the Oden ,v~1d.,the Necker th al printed from the Spiritual Afatazine+) and the H~~rdt; \dth Tales for the London= Th nm-as Scott-; ls] e of -l~/ig ht: Road [f ron1 The Year -Il ook of the F N Brodericki l 86; [II ar,vm·d.J Country]~ by "\Villiam Ho\vitt FrankThro,ving of Stones and Other Snbfort on the J\1ain: Charles Jugcl 185L Btances hy Spirits Extra r.tcd from t h.e [ H ar•vard~] 1Spirit11~l l\1agi1.ir1c' for Jflnu3ry and Fortune 'Vlildred, the Foundling+ Also February 1865 London: Thmnas Liz:dc Leigh1 and The i\iincr's DaughScott [1865J L]obn Rylands.] tc rs N e,v ··~{ or k: De \~i'] tt & Davenport [c~ 1853] [FT01U Household ords l\1ARY (BOTI-IAl\1) H o,v1TT H 0"11:i t t rwrote-The l\ii ncr-'s l):.l1.1gh te rs, 1799-1888 Ne-w York Public+] Fis her 's D r::rwing Rn nm Sc rAp~llDok l\1fJCCCXL, \Vith Poetjcal lllustraHoines and Haunts of the ,vise -and tions by L[ etitia] E[Iiz-abeth] L[anGood; or, Visits to Ren1~rlcahk Places don] and i\•lary Ho\\'itt London: in English I-Ji"storyand Literature By J\·trs S C 1·1~11,,villhnn I-101-dtt"t Fishcrt Son & Co.:; Paris: Qu8!i 7lor, A11 Is Not Go id That G li ttc rs London [printed Guildford] and K e,v York~ 1847 [Nc·w Y()rk Public Harvard bar Frederick ,;Varne & Co [c, 1870] N c, York: C P I-fucstis, 849 J [Afrs Edit.b L TVilson, 1Valton-oni\-ly Juvenile Daysi and Other Tales T }J~1ne s.J Ne,v York: 11 Appleton & Cn., 1850+ [!11cludcs i\1y Ov,tn Story; or, The Songs of Animal Life: ~OE:!O\S by 1\·f~ry l·Io,~rjtt London., Edinburgh [pnntAutobiography of a Child! 1844; ed] and Ne\v ·York: Thrnn~s Nc1son ,~rhich Is the "\Viser, 184-i; Shall & Sons [ c I S70] , f t:nforJ;ed f ro111 Be.Geeate.st, 1841 Cof~nubicr.] Sketches of Naturn1 Hhtory, 1834 Ju -venile ,Tales and Stories+ Nc\v- York: Boston At be11aeu111.J D App1eton & Co 1850 [l1Jcludes A r~,\-' '\::\'orrk on Ncg1cctcrl Snhjnct •1 hc '"f "\vo Apprentices, c 1845 i i\1y Spccia11 y Add rcsscd to 1·h osc \Vho Uncle the Clock1naker, I 844; Hope H rrre Care of the Yo ll ng London: S On! Hope E\Tcrli l840 "fi.,.7ewYork "\V' Partridge & Co [n d.] [ Uuivcrsiry I'ubnc ] of Di ru1in gbmu.] The Christnrns ~free: A Hnok of Stories ,vith the llirds: Pocn1s by l\'lary I-Io\\'itt N e\r York: C S Fr~nds & Co.; Bos·vli th Ninety Tl]ustrati o ns by G faton: J H~ Francis! 1851 [Collected comclli Lon don [printed J, Edi rifro'IJt 11iagnzines an~-i an111wl1~lVew hurgh, and Ne,;,,• York: Thomas Nel~ York Public.] son & Sons [11