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Central London Freight Quality Partnership Current Freight Issues Group meeting notes Date/Time: 9th November 2011 9:45 to 12:00 Venue: London College of Fashion 20 John Prince’s Street London, W1G 0BJ Notes of meeting held 9th November 2011 Present Michael Browne (Chair) Dennis Lynch Mike Bracey Alex Coley Roy Turner Ian Wainwright Jerry Ward Keith Abbott Antoneta Horbury Robin Parr-Davies Graig Stansfield Matthew Noon John Howells Hannah Holdroyd John Crosk Simon Phillips Natalie Chapman Andrew Stendall University of Westminster CLFQP Brewery Logistics Group London Borough of Westminster London Borough of Camden Transport for London John Lewis Partnership Clean Linen Services Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Express Network Forum City of London Cross River Partnership RHA FSB DHL Tradeteam/BLG London Borough of Southwark FTA AS Watson Item Welcome, introductions and apologies Mike Browne welcomed everyone, introductions were made and apologies accepted Item Notes of the last meeting (Current Freight Issues Group meeting of 16th June 2011) The meeting notes were agreed Outstanding issues from that meeting: Hannah Holdroyd representing the FSB confirmed Dennis had offered to help with their concerns over the Olympics, but his offer had been put on hold by the FSB, as they had obtained help from TfL There were no other outstanding items not covered in the current meeting agenda Item Bridge Strike Prevention Group Presentation by Keith Ross Keith from Network Rail gave an informative talk about Bridge Strikes, there causes, implications and costs to industry Details of Keith’s presentation will be sent to all members along with his contact details (Done) There were a number of questions raised by members, these were successfully answered However, any further information could be obtained from Keith and his team Item Cross River Partnership (CRP) update by Matthew Noon Matthew Noon gave a short up date from CRP particularly relating to the Olympics TfL has recently appointed Stuart Greenshields as a single point of contact for the Boroughs to aid communication One key message everyone should consider is: Businesses should be encouraged to speak to their delivery companies and local authority to identify any particular travel or delivery restrictions for their area This includes the potential impacts (and opportunities) of the transport changes for the servicing of their businesses, staff and customers In preparing for the games, Boroughs are considering: Small and medium sized businesses who refer the delivery issue back to the freight companies, these will be need help by all stakeholders and Boroughs to support them during the Olympic period Planning restrictions which may affect cross borough freight operators For instance where a relaxation of delivery times may be allowed in one borough, if the freight depot in another borough has stringent operational hours it won’t be able to take advantage of the change Collation and maintenance of issues associated with freight management, e.g., requests for night time deliveries, and their resolution process to ensure best practice can be shared Communicating to the small businesses which may generate significant delivery traffic but not have sufficient resources to benefit from the larger TfL led consultation and engagement programmes being implemented Item Olympics Update by Ian Wainwright Ian gave the following comprehensive update on current position with TfL and the Olympics TfL had a “one-stop shop” for information on the Olympics This Web Link/Site would be continually updated from now until the completion of the games The Link is (www.TfL.gov.uk/2012) A “Freight Forum” is being set up; primarily for Senior people within the Freight Industry, under this Forum are a number of Steering and Working Groups By the 8th December a definitive list summarising the outstanding issues, some solutions and changes to any regulations Experiments with seven trials of night time deliveries are underway, plus three more in the pipe line TfL are hoping to publish an outline code of practice next week The LLCS is still planned to be in place but talks are in hand The CLFQP agreed to arrange a meeting to discuss this further (see AOB), as Industry members believe Freight Transport will be seriously impeded if changes are not made to this scheme The “Area Traffic Management Information” is due from LOCOG in February 2012 The Freight Journey Planning Tool is still in development and expected to be available by the end of March 2012 In summary Ian confirmed the Games period varies by Function/Location therefore the ORN and road changes will have a gradual introduction By December TfL should have a definitive list of what they have by way of details, and confirmation of what issues are still outstanding Four key issues were raised by members Details are required on “Freight Vehicle Passes” to sites How they will be issued and to whom The issue date of March 2012 is considered too late for the Freight Journey Planner The presentation and content of the recent Olympics workshops organised by TfL could/should be made more engaging for business participants, if they are to be of “real” value Any night time deliveries once introduced by Industry will continue to run until the end of the Games Item Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCP) Project (Freight) The EVCP Project Proposal issued by Dennis was discussed, with the suggestion that more emphasis should be placed on Kerb Space Members were asked to send comments on any changes or thoughts on the proposal to Dennis by the 25 November Item Cycling Update The CLFQP have been asked by TfL to help with pre-consultation comments from a Freight perspective on Cycling Super Highways & 12 John Crosk and Mike Bracey plus others would help, and Dennis will arrange the necessary meeting and liaise with TfL Item Members update/Any Other Business Dennis asked if members could provide a room to hold future meetings, this was necessary because the University now had limited room space Room requirements would be for mornings only with a capacity for 20 – 25 persons Members were asked to contact Dennis on this The subject of how the London Lorry Control Scheme will operate during the Olympics was raised, along with additional parking charges (www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/londonlorrycontrol) (www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/policylobbying/transport/parkinginlondon/addition alparkingcharges2012-consultation.htm) The freight industry raised concerns that the proposals not go far enough and will not reduce the additional mileage or bureaucracy that the London Lorry Control Scheme causes The borough representatives present and those in attendance from industry were interested in exploring this further to see if there is potential to give freight operators the flexibility they need to operate under what will be a very challenging environment next summer, whilst protecting the interests of residents from unnecessary disturbance Linked to this is, London Councils are also consulting on an increase in PCN levels from £120 to £200 in the areas surrounding Games venues PCN levels for contraventions on the Olympic Route Network and Games Lanes have already been increased to £200 for the period of the Games and this consultation seeks view on whether PCN levels in the areas around Games venues should be increased to match the ORN/Games Lane charges The consultation seeks views on  Penalties for parking and moving traffic contraventions away from the ORN but in the areas surrounding Games venues  Charges for release from a pound, and storage charges during the Games period The members at the meeting were concerned that the increased PCN levels will add more cost to companies delivering during the Olympics and there did not seem to be much appetite from the boroughs in attendance to increase PCN levels away from the ORN during the Olympics It was agreed to explore this in more detail separately to the main CLFQP meeting Dennis would arrange a meeting to discuss both issues above The City of London Kerbside Review was still in progress The Borough of Westminster would provide Dennis with the web link to their Strategic Parking Review 2010-2011 (Done) http://www.westminster.gov.uk/services/transportandstreets/parking/parki ng-policies-2012/ The FTA Conference covering the Olympics will be on the 1st December The web link is: www.fta.co.uk/events/olympic_freight_conference_2011.html Members thought that a presentation by Neil Herron from Activ8 on “Virtual Parking Solutions” would make a good subject for the next meeting Dennis to arrange Item 11 Date of next meeting Dennis will contact members with options The dates are likely to be late February, early March

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 08:40


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