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Tiêu đề GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report
Trường học Geo Architecture and Data Committee
Chuyên ngành Engineering
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Năm xuất bản 2007
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GEO Architecture and Data Committee Date: 2007-11-20 ISBN: 978-92-990047-3-9 Version: 1.0 Category: Engineering Report GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Preface The GEOSS Core Architecture for exchange and dissemination of observations consists of the GEO Web Portal, Clearinghouse, and Registry components along with a process to register, discover and use services accessible using GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements During 2007, the GEO Architecture Data Committee (ADC), through its core tasks, has guided development of an Initial Operating Capability (IOC) of the GEOSS Core Architecture Results of the development were demonstrated to multiple GEO members in September 2007, including use of the services for several Societal Benefit Areas This report provides an evaluation of the IOC with a particular focus on pilot-level versions of several GEO Web Portals, Clearinghouses and Registries It is anticipated that this report will be used for future phases of GEOSS development This report captures a work in progress The report provides descriptions of the implementations that have been achieved to date as well providing recommendations on how the implementations should continue ii GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Contents Page Introduction 1.1 Scope 1.2 Document contributors 1.3 Revision history References Terms and definitions Abbreviated terms GEOSS Architecture 5.1 Overview and summary 5.2 Initial Operating Capability 5.3 Engineering viewpoint of the GEOSS architecture 5.4 Publish, find and bind process for GEOSS 5.5 GEOSS Interoperability Process 5.6 Interoperability arrangements 5.7 Federated Earth Observation Pilot Registry and clearinghouse workflow 6.1 Overview and summary 6.2 GEOSS registry system 6.3 GEOSS clearinghouse 6.4 Registry and Clearinghouse Use Case 6.5 Clearinghouse testing 6.5.1 Summary of testing 6.5.2 Clearinghouse to Service Registry 6.5.3 Search of Clearinghouse by GEO Web Portal 6.5.4 Clearinghouse to Community Catalogues Overview of community catalogues GeoNetwork clearinghouse to community catalogues ESRI clearinghouse to community catalogues Compusult clearinghouse to community catalogues Assessment of baseline CSW 2.0.2 practice 6.6 Candidates assessment – Requirements 6.7 Search Protocol Assessment and Recommendation 6.8 Profile for GEOSS metadata 6.9 Distributed search vs harvest trade study 6.9.1 Trade study alternatives 6.9.2 Trade study evaluation criteria 6.9.3 Trade study assessment matrix 6.9.4 Trade Study Conclusions GEO Web Portal 7.1 Overview and Summary 7.2 GEO Web Portal Definition 7.3 GEO Web Portal Out of Scope 7.4 Reference Architecture and Web Portal GUI GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report 7.5 GEO Web Portal candidates assessment 7.5.1 Portal Candidates 7.5.2 Candidates Assessment – Mandatory Requirements 7.5.3 Additional Proposed Requirements at time of CFP 7.5.4 Possible General Requirement Categories Annex A GEO Web Portal Solutions A.1 GEO Web Portal Solution – Compusult A.2 GEO Web Portal Solution – ESA-FAO A.3 GEO Web Portal Solution – ESRI Annex B Initial Operating Capability Components B.1 GEO Web Portal Candidates B.2 Community Portals B.3 Decision-Support Clients B.4 GEOSS Registries B.5 Clearinghouses B.6 Community Catalogues B.7 Workflow Management B.8 Other Business Tier Services B.9 Observation Access Services B.10 Other Data Access Services Bibliography Table of Figures Page Figure – GEOSS Architecture - Engineering Viewpoint Figure – ISO/TS 19101-2 Engineering Viewpoint Figure – Publish-Find-Bind for GEOSS Figure – Interactions of the GEOSS Registries, Portal and Clearinghouse Figure – GEOSS Registries and Clearinghouse Figure – GEOSS Clearinghouse as shown in the AI Pilot CFP Figure – Registry and Clearinghouse Use Case Figure – GEO Web Portal and interaction with other GEOSS components Figure – GEO Web Portal and integrated or linked services Figure 10 – Schematized user interface Table of Tables iv Page GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Table – Candidate Interoperability Arrangement Standards for Services Table – Candidate Interoperability Arrangement Standards for Encodings Table – Test results: clearinghouses searching of service registry Table – Test results: portals to clearinghouses Table – GEOSS community catalogues in service registry Table – GeoNetwork clearinghouse to community catalogues Table – ESRI clearinghouse to community catalogues Table – Requirements and proposed solutions for Clearinghouse behavior using csw:Record Table – Mandatory Requirements for clearinghouse candidate assessments Table 10 – Clearinghouse trade study Table 11 – Mandatory requirements for portal candidate assessments Table 12 – Additional proposed portal requirements GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report 1.1 Introduction Scope This GEO document reports on the definition, deployment and demonstration of the GEOSS Core Architecture for exchange and dissemination of observations These activities were conducted as elements of the GEO ADC Core Tasks AR-07-01 “Enabling Deployment of a GEOSS Architecture” and AR-07-02 “Architecture Implementation Pilot” This report is a deliverable for the following elements of GEO Task AR-07-02: Request and recommend to the ADC approaches for hosted solutions for a GEOSS Clearinghouse to provide search and additional services of GEOSS services and resources; Request and recommend to the ADC approaches for hosted solutions for a GEO Web Portal to support GEO-wide content management, SBA community collaboration space, and user interface access to Clearinghouse and registered GEOSS resources The report includes descriptions of implementations accomplished in the Federated Earth Observation (FedEO) Pilot that support the GEOSS AI Pilot GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report 1.2 Document contributors All questions regarding this document should be directed to the editor or the contributors: Name 1.3 Date Organization George Percivall (GP) Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Josh Lieberman OGC and Traverse Technologies Ingo Simonis (IS) OGC and Geospatial Research Doug Nebert (DN) USA/USGS/FGDC Mirko Albani European Space Agency (ESA) Steven Browdy IEEE and OMS Tech, Inc Marten Hogeweg ESRI Robert Thomas Compusult Michel Millot European Commission - JRC Mohamed Habbane Canada/NRCan Pier Giorgio Marchetti ESA Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa IEEE and CIRES Jolyon Martin ESA Corentin Guillo EADS ASTRIUM Revision history Release Editor Primary clauses modified Initial version 2007-10-22 0.1 GP 2007-10-29 0.2 GP & IS Added Portal section 2007-11-06 0.3 GP Edits in multiple clauses 2007-11-12 0.9 GP Edits in multiple clauses 2007-11-19 1.0 GP & DN Clearinghouse Testing Description The Portal section now contains a draft version from the Portal WG All other sections have been review at least once by the AIP Plenary Implemented comments from for final Task Team version All sections of the document agreed to by the AI Pilot plenary except for Clearinghouse Testing section which will be updated All sections complete and agreed by AI Pilot plenary GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report References The following documents are referenced in this document using the format of “[CFP]” A bibliography is provided at the end of this document for items of relevance that are not referenced in the text [CFP] Architecture Implementation Pilot - Call for Participation (CFP), GEO Task Team AR-07-02, CFP Issuance Date: 13 April 2007 http://www.earthobservations.org/docs/CFP_GEOSS_AR-07-02_11.4.2007.pdf [STG] Strategic Guidance Document, GEO Architecture and Data Committee, 2007 ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Projects/GEO/GEO-IV/25_Strategic%20Guidance%20Document.pdf [TCT] Tactical Guidance Document, GEO Architecture and Data Committee, 2007 ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Projects/GEO/GEO-IV/24_Tactical%20Guidance%20for%20current%20and%20potential %20contributors%20to%20GEOSS.pdf [SIF] 1.1 Standards and Interoperability Forum - Terms of Reference, Draft, version [JRC] Software for Distributed Metadata Catalogue Services to Support the EU Portal - Final report, Ioannis Kanellopoulos, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) and Kristian Senkler, terra GmbH; EUR 22337 EN; ISSN 10185593, Version 1.1, Last revision 2006/8/28, http://inspire.jrc.it/reports/DistributedCatalogueServices_Report.pdf [CSW] OpenGIS® Catalogue Services Specification, OGC Implementation Specification, Editors: Douglas Nebert, Arliss Whiteside, Panagiotis (Peter) Vretanos, Date: 2007-02-23, OGC Document Number 07-006r1, Version 2.0.2, Corrigendum http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/cat [IEEE] ISWG Report on Earth Observation Portals, to be released by IEEE, 4th quarter 2007 [ISO 19135] Geographic information – Procedures for item registration, International Organization for Standardization, ISO International Standard 19135:2005 http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=32553 [O&M] Observations and Measurements, OGC Best Practice, Open Geospatial Consortium Inc., Date: 2006-09-21, OGC document: 05-087r4, Version: 0.14.7 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply Component Part of GEOSS contributed by a GEO Member or Participating organization Components expose service interfaces to provide access to earth observation-related functions and/or data 3.1 GEOSS Clearinghouse Component that provides access to a network of catalogues and registries that conform to identified catalogue service and metadata standards 3.2 GEO Web Portal Website that provides access through standard interfaces to the GEOSS Clearinghouse and other GEOSS services and information 3.3 Interoperability The ability to link two or more components/services to execute a particular task that spans those components without knowledge of underlying implementation Interoperability may be addressed at the component level and/or defined at the service interface level through the adoption of common standards 3.4 Observation (noun) Act of observing a property or phenomenon, with the goal of producing an estimate of the value of the property A specialized event whose result is a data value [O&M] 3.5 Register Set of files containing identifiers assigned to items with descriptions of the associated items [ISO 19135] 3.6 Registry Information system on which a register is maintained (and accessed) [ISO 19135] 3.7 Service Functionality provided by a component through component system interfaces Services communicate primarily using structured messages, based on the Services Oriented Architecture view of complex systems 3.8 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Abbreviated terms The following abbreviated terms are used in this document: ADC Architecture and Data Committee (of GEO) AIP Architecture Implementation Pilot CBC Capacity Building Committee (of GEO) CSW Catalogue Service for the Web (part of OGC Catalogue standard) ESA European Space Agency GEO Group on Earth Observations (GEO) GEOSS Global Earth Observing System of Systems HMA Heterogeneous Earth Observation Missions Accessibility IOC Initial Operating Capability SOA Service Oriented Architecture TBD To Be Defined UIC User Interface Committee (of GEO) GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report • Geographical selection The fig.1 shows the GEOportal home page displaying the rotating globe and SBA structure (on the left) Fig.1 The SBA selection leads the user to a main SBA page providing relevant information, on the services available within that SBA, the service providers, as well as a showcase of data sets From there, the user can have access to specific service pages, providing, among other, a user friendly description of the services, a point of contact, a direct link to the services The user can also refine his search by SBA subcategory and/or geographical area, in order to retrieve services more appropriate to satisfy his informational needs The geographical selection allows the user, selecting regions and countries from a rotating globe, to access a variety of data, information resources and services available for that specific geographical area The user will be able to access data sets samples matching his search criteria Through the GEOportal map viewer the user can access data layers, maps and information as they are provided through WMS The interface between the GEOportal and the community and other portals of the GEOSS can make use of different mechanisms It may use Web services, if available, from the community and other portals to access metadata and data, or it may harvest metadata from the community portals 52 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report GEOportal contains a local instance of the GeoNetwork open source catalogue which is used to maintain a local copy, for performance and reliability, of selected resource description either harvested from external sources, or entered by the GEOportal administrator Highlights on Relevant Provided Services The GEOSS clearinghouse query interface allows the GEOportal with the capability to initiate a distributed catalogue search for specific data sets The actual query into the GEOSS resources is hidden to the GEOportal, but the results will be displayed to the user of the GEOportal, who may select a particular data set and require its display Subsequent display of retrieved data sets may be supported by map display in a number of ways, including display projected on GoogleEarth The GEOportal provides a link to the home page of the GEO Secretariat This provides information about GEO and other organizational information The GEOportal will allow users to replicate the platform in other user communities’ web spaces without bearing the cost or the time of developing their own site In perspective, the GEOportal may also be used for creating community portals or individual portals if required by a GEO member or participating organization Based on an open source portal technology, the GEOportal can also leverage and take advantages of several components already built-in within its framework and available for customization (e.g content management systems, blogs, wikis, mail, calendars, multilanguage support, etc.) Technology and Standards The GEOportal is based on an open-source platform and web portal application; natively it supports the following standards: • JSR168 interface for access to portlet applications (including GeoNetwork) • RSS (GEO-RSS) client access to alerts and news feeds • OGC WMS client for access to web map services • OGC CSW ISO API profile (through use of GeoNetwork open source software) for publishing local datasets and access via clearinghouse client • OGC CSW ebRIM EO extension package access via clearinghouse client Evolutions The GEOportal system and its user interface have been implemented and a number of contributions to the GEOportal, and community portals have been interconnected and are today part of an initial operating capability of GEOSS Operations for an initial period 53 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report until 2009 have been secured, and the GEOportal is now open to serve the GEOSS and to further evolve, taking into account the requirements of its users 54 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report A.3 GEO Web Portal Solution – ESRI Introduction The ESRI candidate for the GEO Web portal (http://keel.esri.com/Portal) is based on the use of proven out-of-the-box technologies that are put together to provide the core capabilities of a solution for the GEO Web Portal and and Clearinghouse that can be extended to include capabilities that go beyond the minimum requirements for the GEOSS Web Portal GIS portals organize content and services such as directories, search tools, community information, capacity-building resources, documents, models, data, and applications They provide capabilities to query metadata records for relevant data and services, and link directly to the online sites that host content services The content can be visualized as maps and used in geographic queries and analyses Our recommendation that GEO approaches its development of the GEO Web Portal and Clearinghouse using a Services Architecture as indicated in the diagram below: This SDI Services Architecure provides an integrated platform that can address the following objectives: • Provide a means for cataloguing, discovery, and access of geospatial resources, including but not limited to data and services • Provide a means for GEO and others to control access to these data and services • Provide an application development platform using open Application Programming Interfaces (API) to commercial partnering entities, the science community, and GIS professionals • Provide an environment for authoring data and services that integrates seamlessly with existing geospatial business processes of GEO member-, partner-, and userorganizations Applied Technologies 55 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report The following sections provide a brief description of the technologies ESRI has applied in support of the GEO Web Portal proof-of-concept ESRI GIS Portal Toolkit Central component in our implementation is the ESRI GIS Portal Toolkit version 3.1, a technology and services solution for realizing local, regional, national, and global spatial data infrastructure (SDI) portals ESRI's GIS Portal Toolkit (http://www.esri.com/gisportal) provides all the tools and templates to create a GIS portal Based on ESRI's ArcIMS and ArcSDE server technology, this standards-based solution offered through ESRI's Professional Services provides for a cost-effective way to get a functional GIS Portal up and running quickly Key components of the GIS Portal Toolkit used in the GEO Web Portal are: • GIS Portal – The GIS Portal offers end user functionality; administrator functionality; and publisher functionality • Map Viewer – The Map Viewer allows portal users to browse, navigate, and query map data; view multiple map services; change projections on the fly, and save map views The Map Viewer supports OGC WMS, WFS, and WCS services • Channel Editor – The Channel Editor allows users to populate and manage featured content in so-called channels to support a 2-clicks-to-content experience to key content for Societal Benefit Areas, specific events, or other topics • Harvesting Tool – The Harvesting Tool allows users to harvest from the following metadata repository protocols: ArcIMS, Z39.50, Open Archives Initiative, Web Accessible Folders, and OGC CS-W Catalogs • Portal Extensions – The WMC Tool allows users to open Web Map Content files created with the Map Viewer The CSW Client Tools allow users to discover resources from other clearinghouses that provide a OGC Catalog Service for the Web (CS-W) interface The CSW Client Tools are available for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) and for the freely downloadable 3-d viewer ArcGIS Explorer The ESRI GIS Portal Toolkit is offered as a no-cost licensed solution that includes access to the source code for the included web applications (GIS Portal and Map Viewer) ArcGIS Explorer ArcGIS Explorer is a free lightweight globe client (http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/explorer/) It can be used to access, integrate, and 56 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report utilize GIS services, geographic content, and other Web services ArcGIS Explorer can also be used with a variety of other GIS services such as those published using ArcIMS, ArcWeb Services, Web Map Services (WMS), and other Web services In addition, ArcGIS Explorer can use ESRI shapefiles, Google KML, and various data and image formats ArcIMS ArcIMS (http:// www.esri.com/arcims) is the foundation for distributing geographic information system data and applications on the Internet ArcIMS provides a standard platform to integrate, share, and exchange GIS data from other agencies ArcIMS supports a number of OGC-Compliant interoperable interfaces These interfaces include OGC WMS, WFS for maps and data, and include Z39.50 and CS-W for metadata The CS-W interface supports the OGCCORE, ebRIM, and ISO application profiles For the GEO Clearinghouse, ESRI configured both Z39.50 and CS-W interfaces ArcGIS Server ArcGIS Server (http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcgisserver) is a complete and integrated server-based geographic information system (GIS) It comes with out-of-thebox, end user applications and services for spatial data management, visualization, and spatial analysis ArcGIS Server offers open access to extensive GIS capabilities that enable organizations to publish and share geographic data, maps, analyses, models, and more With ArcGIS Server’s rich standards-based platform, centrally managed, highperformance GIS applications and services can be accessed throughout an organization using browser-based, desktop, or mobile clients ArcGIS Server offers the following advantages: browser-based access to GIS; lower cost of ownership through centrally managed, focused GIS applications; integration with other enterprise systems; support for interoperability standards; and the ability to create custom applications and services for browser, desktop, mobile, Smart Client, and enterprise deployments using NET or Java Optional extensions are available for data interoperability, network-based spatial analysis, spatial modeling, and three-dimensional modeling ArcWeb Services JavaScript API The ArcWeb Explorer (AWX) JavaScript API (http://www.arcwebservices.com) is designed for developers who want to get a working Web-based mapping solution up and running without spending a significant amount of time developing code The AWX JavaScript API provides access to ArcWeb Services content and a powerful subset of ArcWeb Services functionality The AWX JavaScript API is designed primarily to enable easy integration of mapping functionality and content into HTML Web applications Through the AWX JavaScript API, ESRI’s candidate for the GEO Web Portal includes both 2-d and 3-d visualizations of GeoRSS feeds showing incident information related to Societal Benefit Areas ESRI’s Commitment to GEOSS ESRI brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this initiative and a sincere desire to contribute to the advancement of the GEO Web Portal Our work with the US Geological Survey, EU INSPIRE, The Nature Conservancy, UNEP, Ireland, Italian Ministry of Environment, the Netherlands Ministry of the Environment, Panama, India, and hundreds of other national, regional and local clearinghouses, map service providers, and GIS 57 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report portals may all be leveraged in developing the GEO system of systems Our ongoing commitment to open geospatial and IT standards is well documented and includes extensive involvement in OGC, ANSI, ISO and W3C standards development initiatives ESRI proposes to leverage our relationships with the academic and scientific communities to collaborate on the development of the GEO Web Portal In closing, we are very interested in this initiative and committed to working collaboratively to ensure a successful implementation ESRI understands that GEOSS is a valuable opportunity that can further expand the contribution of GIS in understanding our planet and develop strategies for sustainable development and as such we commit our corporate resources to: • • • • • • • • 58 Collaborate with Group on Earth Observations (GEO) in realizing the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Stimulate greater access and use of this system of systems Link the GIS professional community with the scientific community using open standards Support the evolution of geographic knowledge and solutions for global monitoring systems and scientific research Contribute core software development based on open standards to building this system of systems Utilize our domain expertise and professionals in the areas of natural resource management, remote sensing, environmental health, and scientific data analysis, modeling and visualization Provide continued support for the open standards community and foster collaboration both technically and as an organization Offer our considerable experience of building successful clearinghouses and portals such as Geospatial One-Stop (GOS) and over a hundred similar national, regional and local clearinghouses and portals GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Annex B Initial Operating Capability Components The following components were deployed in 2007 and are listed here using the component types shown in Figure This information is also part of the GEOSS Initial Operation Capability (IOC) Web Presence B.1 • • • B.2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GEO Web Portal Candidates Compusult Web Portal ESA-FAO Web Portal ESRI Web Portal Community Portals Mapufacture (Africa wild fire scenario) SEDAC Map Client (Polar E&B scenario) GEO Connections Discovery Portal (Polar E&B scenario) ESA Service Support Environment (Oil Spill scenario) SERVIR data portal (Hurricane scenario) GeoConnections Discovery Portal DataFed Earth Observation Grid Processing on Demand GEO-UA Global Biodiversity Information Facility Data Portal INSPIRE geo-portal Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology Data Management Center GI-go GeoBrowser Information System and Data Center International Directory Network (IDN): A Portal for Ecosystems IDN: A Portal for Forest IDN: A Portal for Global Climate Observing Systems IDN: A Portal for Global Wildfire Data IDN: A Portal for Group on Earth Observations IDN: A Portal for In Situ Instruments IDN: A Portal for Ocean Climate IDN: A Portal for Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center IDN: A Portal for Tsunami Data IDN: A Portal for Water Management Data in Latin America IDN: A Portal for the International Polar Year NASA Earth Science Gateway NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center http://www.ogcnetwork.net/GEOSS_IOC 59 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report B.3 • • • • • • • • • B.4 • • B.5 • • • B.6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • B.7 • • 60 Decision-Support Clients ESRI ArcGIS Explorer (African Fire Scenario) Google Earth (African Fire Scenario) Carbon Project Gaia (African E&B Scenario) Refractions Research uDig (African E&B Scenario) gvSIG (African E&B Scenario) METIS viewer Astrium (oil Spill scenario) JAXA Earth Monitoring Browser (Volcano scenario) SERVIR Viz (Hurricane scenario) Compusult WES GeoViewer (African E&B Scenario), (Polar E&B Scenario), (Oil Spill Scenario) GEOSS Registries GEOSS Services and Components Registry GEOSS Standards Registry Clearinghouses Geonetwork Clearinghouse ESRI Clearinghouse Compusult Clearinghouse Community Catalogues Global Change Master Directory (African Wildfire Scenario) METOP EUMETSAT CSW (oil Spill Scenario) SPOT Image Ionic CSW (oil Spill Scenario) MUIS Catalogue (oil Spill Scenario) SAR ESA CSW (oil Spill Scenario) Ionic Catalog CSW (oil Spill Scenario) JAXA CSW (volcano Scenario) GeoConnections Discovery Portal Catalog (Polar E&B scenario) INSPIRE catalogue ECHO GI-cat Federated Catalog NASA Earth Science Gateway U.S Geospatial One-Stop NASA Global Change Master Directory (CEOS IDN) George Mason University CSISS CSW Workflow Management Catalogue Workflow Spacebel (oil Spill) SPS EO Profile Workflow Spacebel (oil Spill) GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report B.8 • • • • • Other Business Tier Services RSS feed for Fires (African fire scenario) RSS feed for Cap (African fire scenario) RSS CAP server USGS (Oil Spill Scenario) RSS CAP server USGS (Volcano Scenario) Standard Archive Format for Europe B.9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Observation Access Services EO1 SPS - eo1.geobliki.com/wfs/tasking (African Fire Scenario) EO1 data (African Fire Scenario) Image Data JAXA WMS/CSW (Africa E&B) Landsat WMS Global Mosaic (Africa E&B) Feasibility Server MISEO Astrium (Oil Spill Scenario) MERIS SPS Datamat/ESA ((Oil Spill Scenario) SPOT Image SPS (Oil Spill Scenario) Sea Surface Temp NERC WMS (Oil Spill Scenario) PALSAR Image JAXA WCS (Oil Spill Scenario) Wind ASA WMS (Oil Spill Scenario) ASAR Image Infoterra/ESA WMS (Oil Spill Scenario) SPOT Image WMS/WCS (Oil Spill Scenario) ALOS Image JAXA WMS/WCS (volcano Scenario) EO-1 image JAXA WMS/WCS (volcano Scenario) Atlas of the Cryosphere DataFed WCS IMAGE 2000 Integrated CEOS European Data Server JAXA Web Coverage Service JAXA Web Map Server NASA-SSE-HelioClim-1 WGISS Test Facility for CEOP prototype system B.10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Other Data Access Services Gridded Population Data SEDAC WMS (African wildfire scenario) Global Land Cover 2000 JRC WMS/WCS server (African E&B scenario) Soils data JRC WMS/WCS server (Africa E&B scenario) Protected Areas JRC WMS/WFS (Africa E&B scenario) Global Bidodivery GBIF Information Facility (data.gbif.org) (African E&B scenario) CARMA Caribou migration data Cubwerx WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Geology NRCan WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Vegetation and Wetlands NRCan WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Snow and Ice NSIDC WMS (Polar E&B scenario) Land Cover and pop FAO WMS (Volcano scenario) Land use and pop JAXA WMS/WCS (volcano Scenario) Geogratis NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center 61 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report Bibliography [1] GEOSS 10 Year Implementation Plan, GEO document 1000, February 2005 [2] GEOSS 10 Year Implementation Plan Reference Document, GEO document 1000R, February 2005 [3] “Final text of ISO/CD 19115-2 Geographic information - Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data,” ISO/TC 211, ISO/T TC 211 Document N 2287, 2007-09-19 [4] “OpenGIS Catalogue Services Specification 2.0.2 - ISO Metadata Application Profile,” OGC Application Profile, Version 1.0.0, OGC Document 07-045 http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/cat [5] Geographic information — Metadata, International Organization for Standardization, ISO IS 19115:2003 http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=26020 [6] OGC Catalogue Services — ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) profile of CSW, OGC Discussion Paper, Version: 1.0.0, Date: 2005-10-17, OGC document 05-025r3 [7] OGC® Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) Using the ebRIM profile of CS-W, OGC Discussion Paper, Editor: N Lesage, Date: 2007-05-10, OGC Document Number 07-038, Version 0.1.7 http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/cat [8] OGC Catalogue Services Specification 2.0, Earth Observation Extension Package for ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) Application Profile, version 0.1.4, OGC Document 06-131 [9] “Earth Observation (EO) Application Profile for CSW 2.0,” OGC Discussion Paper, Version 1.4, OGC Document 06-079r1 http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/cat [10] Server Architecture Models for the National Spatial Data Infrastructures, Author: Brandon Fisher, Editor: Carl Reed, OGC Document Number 05-030, Version 1.1, Date 2005-3-9 http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=9984&version=2&format=pdf [11] GML 3.1.1 Application Schema for Earth Observation products, version 1.0.0, OGC document 06-080r2 [12] Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products, version 1.2.0, OGC document 06-141 [13] OpenGIS Sensor Planning Service Application Profile for Earth Observation Sensors, version 0.9.4, OGC document 07-018 62 GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report [14] Web Map Service – Application Profile for Earth Observation products, version 0.2.0, OGC document 07-063 [15] User Management Interfaces for Earth Observation Services, version 0.0.1, OGC Document 07-118r1 [16] Federated Earth Observation (FedEO) Pilot, OGC Interoperability Program Engineering Report, Corentin Guillo editor, OGC Document 07-152 63

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