Graduate School of Business Administration University of Virginia LEVEL THREE LEADERSHIP: CORE VALUES AND LEADERSHIP MODEL ASSIGNMENT The purpose of this assignment is for you to document your current thinking with regard to your core values about leadership We will use this as the “baseline” or “starting point” for the course and attempt to help you extend and expand your perspective on leadership through the activities designed in the course The assignment has two parts: listing your core values about what it means to be an effective leader, and developing a relational model of how those values and other elements might fit together graphically You should be prepared to hand this assignment in on the first day of class Part One: Core Values Consider everything that you’ve learned since you were born Consider what you learned from your parents, your siblings, classmates, teachers, and previous work and other experiences Write a list of the core values, beliefs, assumptions and expectations (hereafter referred to as VABEs) you’ve developed with regard to leadership Please not use one-word principles; rather develop them into phrases or clauses Consider the examples in Figures 1, 2, and If one were to ask Stephen Covey (well known author and speaker), Jack Welch (CEO of General Electric Corporation from 1981-2000), and Thomas Jefferson, (third president of the United States and founder of the University of Virginia), they would probably respond with the principles shown in the Figures You don’t need a specific number of principles, you might have somewhere between five and fifteen Create a two-column table and list your current understanding of your core leadership principles in the first column, one per row Explain your rationale about why each principle is important to you in the right hand column You can use the table provided below or one of your own construction if you wish to this electronically Part Two: Creating a Graphical Relational Model The second part of the assignment is to create a graphical, relational model of your thinking about leadership Such a model consists of a series of “elements” depicted in geometric shapes and then connected in ways that demonstrate their “relation” to each other Figure shows such a relational model with regard to profits in a business Figure shows the model that the author uses to summarize his thinking about leadership and its outcomes This case was prepared by James G Clawson Copyright © 1999 by the University of Virginia Darden School Foundation, Charlottesville, VA All rights reserved To order copies, send an e-mail to No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the Darden School Foundation -2- UVA-OB-06xx Hand In Be prepared to hand this assignment in Please keep a copy for your own reference This assignment will form the beginning point of your final paper as well and provide a foundation upon which you can build in writing that paper We encourage you to use this writing assignment as the beginning structure of your final paper and to continue to refine and modify these two elements throughout the course -3- Covey’s Seven Habits • • • • • • • Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Think Win/Win Seek First to Understand Synergize Sharpen the Saw Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey, Simon and Schuster, 1989 J ack Welch’s Operating Principles • Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will • Face Reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it were • Be candid with everyone • Don’t manage, lead • Change before you have to • If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will, Noel Tichy and Stratford Sherman, HarperBusiness, 1993 UVA-OB-06xx -4- UVA-OB-06xx Thomas J eff erson' s Ten Commandments Never put off until tomorrow what you can today Never trouble another for what you can for yourself Never spend your money before you have earned it Never buy what you don't want because it is cheap Pride costs more than hunger, thirst, and cold We seldom repent of having eaten too little Nothing is troublesome that we willingly How much pain the evils have cost us that never happened Take things always by the smooth handle , 10 When angry, count 10 before you speak; if very angry count 100 -5- UVA-OB-06xx Elements in Eff ective Leadership Environment Leader I ndividual RESULTS RESULTS Others Task Organization Effective? Effective? Efficient? Efficient? Learning? Learning? Morale? Morale? ...-2- UVA-OB-06xx Hand In Be prepared to hand this assignment in Please keep a copy for your own reference This assignment will form the beginning point of your final paper as well and provide a foundation... writing that paper We encourage you to use this writing assignment as the beginning structure of your final paper and to continue to refine and modify these two elements throughout the course -3-... First Things First Think Win/Win Seek First to Understand Synergize Sharpen the Saw Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey, Simon and Schuster, 1989 J ack Welch’s Operating Principles