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Excel® for Chemists for Chemists A Comprehensive Guide Third Edition E. Joseph Billo WILEY A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Excel® Copyright © 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the web at www.copyright.com. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748- 6008, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permission. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. For general information on our other products and services or for technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317)572-4002. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic formats. For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at www.wiley.com. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Billo, E. Joseph. Excel for chemists : a comprehensive guide / E. Joseph Billo. — 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-38123-6 (pbk.) 1. Electronic spreadsheets. 2. Chemistry—Data processing. 3. Microsoft Excel (Computer file) I. Title. QD39.3.S67B55 201I 542'.85—dc22 2011010945 Printed in the United States of America. oBook: 978-1-118-09395-5 ePDF: 978-1-118-09393-1 ePub: 978-1-118-09394-8 10 987654321 Summary of Contents Contents vii Preface to the Third Edition xxv Before You Begin xxvii PART I THE BASICS Chapter 1 Working with Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 3 Chapter 2 Working with Excel 2003 79 Chapter 3 Excel Formulas and Functions 137 Chapter 4 Excel 2007/2010 Charts 177 Chapter 5 Excel 2003 Charts 209 PART II ADVANCED SPREADSHEET TOPICS Chapter 6 Advanced Worksheet Formulas 233 Chapter 7 Array Formulas 267 Chapter 8 Advanced Charting Techniques 289 Chapter 9 Using Excel's Database Features 327 Chapter 10 Importing Data into Excel 349 Chapter 11 Adding Controls to a Spreadsheet 365 Chapter 12 Other Language Versions of Excel 385 PART III SPREADSHEET MATHEMATICS Chapter 13 Mathematical Methods for Spreadsheet Calculations 403 Chapter 14 Linear Regression and Curve Fitting 435 Chapter 15 Nonlinear Regression Using the Solver 463 PART IV EXCEL'S VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS Chapter 16 Visual Basic for Applications: An Introduction 491 Chapter 17 Programming with VBA 503 Chapter 18 Working with Arrays in VBA 543 PART V SOME APPLICATIONS OF VBA Chapter 19 Command Macros 557 Chapter 20 Custom Functions 571 Chapter 21 Automatic Procedures 589 Chapter 22 Custom Menus 595 Chapter 23 Custom Toolbars and Toolbuttons 607 PART VI APPENDICES Appendix A What's Where in Excel 2007/2010 629 Appendix B Selected Worksheet Functions by Category 633 Appendix C Alphabetical List of Selected Worksheet Functions 639 Appendix D Renamed Functions in Excel 2010 661 Appendix E Selected Visual Basic Keywords by Category 663 Appendix F Alphabetical List of Selected Visual Basic Keywords 667 Appendix G Selected Excel 4 Macro Functions 689 Appendix H Shortcut Keys by Keystroke 693 Appendix I Selected Shortcut Keys by Category 703 Appendix J ASCII Codes 707 Appendix K Contents of the CD-ROM 709 INDEX 719 v Contents Preface to the Third Edition xxv Before You Begin xxvii PART I THE BASICS Chapter 2 Working with Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 What's New in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 3 The Ribbon 3 New File Formats 4 A Much Larger Worksheet 4 Larger Limits for Some Features 5 New Worksheet Functions 5 The Downside 5 What's New in Excel 2010 5 The Excel 2007/2010 Document Window 6 Hiding, Moving or Resizing a Document Window 7 Working with Excel 2007/2010 7 The Office Button (Excel 2007) 7 The File Tab (Excel 2010) 8 The Excel Options Window 9 The Ribbon: An Overview 10 Shortcut Menus 12 Keyboard Access to the Ribbon 12 The Home Tab 13 Navigating Around the Workbook 13 Inserting or Deleting Worksheets 13 Changing the Name of a Worksheet 15 Rearranging the Order of Sheets in a Workbook 15 Selecting Multiple Worksheets: [Group] Mode 16 Changing the Color of Sheet Tabs 17 Using Move or Copy Sheet or Delete Sheet 17 Navigating Around the Worksheet 18 Selecting a Range of Cells 18 Selecting Non-Adjacent Ranges 19 Extending a Selection 19 Selecting a Block of Cells 19 Entering Data in a Worksheet 20 Entering Numbers 21 How Excel Stores and Displays Numbers 21 vn viii Excel for Chemists Entering Text 22 Entering Formulas 22 Editing Cell Entries 23 The Order in Which Excel Performs Operations in Formulas 24 Adding a Text Box 24 Entering an Equation in a Text Box 25 Entering a Cell Comment 26 Opening, Closing and Saving Documents 26 Opening or Creating Workbooks 27 The List of Recently Used Files 27 Using Close or Exit 27 Using Save or Save As 27 To Save a File for Use in Excel 2003 28 Editing a Worksheet 28 Inserting or Deleting Rows or Columns 28 Hiding Rows or Columns 30 Using Cut, Copy and Paste 30 Using Paste Special 31 Using Paste Special to Transpose Rows and Columns 33 Copying and Pasting a Picture of Cells 33 Using Clear 34 Copy, Cut or Paste Using Drag-and-Drop Editing 34 Duplicating Values or Formulas in a Range of Cells 35 Absolute, Relative and Mixed References 36 Relative References When Using Copy or Cut 37 Using AutoFill to Fill Down or Fill Right 37 Using AutoFill to Create a Series 37 The AutoFill Shortcut Menu 39 Formatting Worksheets 40 Using Column Width and Row Height 40 Formatting Cells 42 The Mini Toolbar 42 The Format Cells Dialog Box 43 Using Alignment 44 Using Font 46 The Alternate Character Set 46 Entering Subscripts and Superscripts 47 Using Border and Patterns 47 Using the Format Painter Toolbutton 48 Number Formatting 48 Using the Number Formatting Toolbuttons 48 Using Excel's Built-in Number Formats 49 Custom Number Formats 51 Contents ix Custom Date Formats 53 Time Formats 53 Variable Number Formats 54 Conditional Number Formats 54 Formatting Numbers Using "Precision as Displayed" 54 Conditional Formatting (Part I) 55 Printing Documents 59 Using Page Setup 61 Using Print 62 Printing a Selected Range of Cells in a Worksheet 63 Using Set Print Area 64 Printing Row or Column Headings for a Multi-Page Worksheet 64 Protecting Data in Worksheets 64 Protecting a Workbook 65 Protecting a Workbook by Making It a Read-Only Workbook 65 Hiding a Worksheet 65 Protecting a Worksheet by Locking or Hiding Cell Contents 67 Controlling the Way Documents Are Displayed 69 Using New Window and Arrange 69 Different Views of the Same Worksheet 71 Using Split Screens 71 Using Freeze Panes 72 Using Zoom 73 Easing the Transition from Excel 2003 to Excel 2007/2010 73 Customize the Quick Access Toolbar 74 Use Shortcut Keys 74 Display Classic Menus 74 Excel 2007/2010 Workbook and Worksheet Specifications 77 Chapter 2 Working with Excel 2003 The Excel 2003 Document Window 79 Changing What Excel Displays 80 Moving or Resizing Documents 82 Navigating Around the Workbook 82 Changing the Name of a Worksheet 83 Changing the Color of Sheet Tabs 83 Rearranging the Order of Sheets in a Workbook 83 Selecting Multiple Worksheets: [Group] Mode 84 Navigating Around the Worksheet 85 Selecting a Range of Cells on the Worksheet 85 Selecting Non-Adjacent Ranges 86 Extending a Selection 86 Selecting a Block of Cells 86 x Excel for Chemists Entering Data in a Worksheet 87 Entering Numbers 88 How Excel Stores and Displays Numbers 88 Entering Text 89 Entering Formulas 89 Editing Cell Entries 91 Adding a Text Box ; 91 Entering a Cell Comment 92 Using the Equation Editor 93 Excel's Menus: An Overview 94 Shortcut Menus 95 Menu Commands or Toolbuttons? 95 Opening, Closing and Saving Documents 95 Opening or Creating Workbooks 95 Using Move or Copy Sheet or Delete Sheet 96 Using Close or Exit 96 Types of Excel Document 97 Using Save or Save As 97 Using Save Workspace 97 Editing a Worksheet 98 Inserting or Deleting Rows or Columns 98 Using Cut, Copy and Paste 99 Copying and Pasting Multiple Items 99 Using Paste Special 100 Using Paste Special to Transpose Rows and Columns 101 Using Clear 101 Using the Insert Menu 101 Copy, Cut or Paste Using Drag-and-Drop Editing 102 Duplicating Values or Formulas in a Range of Cells 103 Absolute, Relative and Mixed References 104 Relative References When Using Copy and Cut 105 Using AutoFill to Fill Down or Fill Right 105 Creating a Series 105 Using AutoFill to Create a Series 106 The AutoFill Shortcut Menu 107 Formatting Worksheets 108 Using Column Width and Row Height 108 Formatting Cells 108 Using Alignment 109 Using Font Ill The Alternate Character Set 111 Entering Subscripts and Superscripts 112 Contents xi Using Border and Patterns 112 Using the Format Painter Toolbutton 113 Number Formatting 113 Using Excel's Built-in Number Formats 113 Custom Number Formats 114 Date Formats 116 Time Formats : 117 Variable Number Formats 117 Conditional Number Formats 118 Using the Number Formatting Toolbuttons 118 Formatting Numbers Using "Precision as Displayed" 118 Using Conditional Formatting (Part I) 119 Printing Documents 120 Using Page Setup 120 Using Print Preview 123 Using Print 123 Printing a Selected Range of Cells in a Worksheet 124 Printing Row or Column Headings for a Multi-Page Worksheet 125 Protecting Data in Worksheets 125 Protecting a Workbook 125 Protecting a Workbook by Making it a Read-Only Workbook 126 Hiding a Worksheet 126 Protecting a Worksheet by Locking or Hiding Cell Contents 127 Controlling the Way Documents Are Displayed 130 Viewing Several Worksheets at the Same Time 130 Using New Window and Arrange 130 Different Views of the Same Worksheet 131 Using New Window 132 Using Split Screens 132 Using Freeze Panes 133 Opening Excel 2007/2010 Documents in Excel 2003 134 Excel 2003 Workbook and Worksheet Specifications 135 Chapter 3 Excel Formulas and Functions The Elements of a Worksheet Formula 137 Constants 137 Operators 137 References: Absolute, Relative and Mixed 138 R1C1 Reference Style 139 Creating and Using External References 140 Creating an External Reference by Selecting 140 Creating an External Reference by Using Paste Link 140 The External Reference Contains the Complete Directory Path 141 xii Excel for Chemists Updating References and Re-Establishing Links 141 Creating and Using 3-D References 142 Worksheet Functions: An Overview 143 Function Arguments 143 Nested Functions 144 New Functions Introduced in Excel 2007 144 Changes to Functions in Excel 2010 144 Using Insert Function 145 A Shortcut to a Function 147 Using Formula AutoComplete (Excel 2007/2010 Only) 147 Math and Trigonometric Functions 149 Trigonometric Functions 150 Functions for Working with Matrices 151 Statistical Functions 151 Logical Functions 152 The IF Function 153 Nested IF Functions 155 AND, OR and NOT 155 Using IFERROR (Excel 2007/2010 Only) 155 Using COUNTIF 156 Using SUMIF 156 Using AVERAGEIF (Excel 2007/2010 Only) 157 Using COUNTIFS, SUMIFS and AVERAGEIFS (Excel 2007/2010 Only) 157 Using Conditional Formatting (Part II) 159 Date and Time Functions 161 How Excel Keeps Track of the Date and Time 161 Date and Time Arithmetic 162 Creating Date Series 162 Using Date and Time Functions 163 Examples of Date and Time Formulas 164 Text Functions 165 The LEN, LEFT, RIGHT and MID Functions 166 The UPPER, LOWER and PROPER Functions 166 The FIND, SEARCH, REPLACE, SUBSTITUTE and EXACT Functions 166 The FIXED and TEXT Functions 169 The VALUE Function 169 The CODE and CHAR Functions 169 Lookup and Reference Functions 170 Information Functions 171 Creating "Megaformulas" 172 Advantages and Disadvantages of Megaformulas 173 The Order in Which Excel Performs Operations in Formulas 174 Formula and Function Specifications 175 [...]... Michigan Technological University, for her "Guidelines on Graphing" used in Chapter 4 Dr Lev Zompa, University of Massachusetts-Boston, for spectrophotometric data used in Chapter 19 Dr Steve Bell, for NMR data used in Chapter 20 E Joseph Billo May 2011 XXV Before You Begin Which Version of Excel Are You Using? This book is for users of Excel 2003 for Windows or Excel 2007/2010 for Windows The second edition... Excel Differences in the Display of Numbers Decimal and Thousands Separators Argument Separators in Functions 385 385 386 xviii Excel for Chemists Array Separators Differences in the Display of Dates Date Formats Date Formatting Symbols Creating Custom Date Formats for Other Language Versions Importing Data Importing Values that Are Numbers Importing Values that Are Dates Using the Text Import Wizard... Technological University, for her "Guidelines on Graphing" used in Chapter 4 Dr Lev Zompa, University of Massachusetts-Boston, for spectrophotometric data used in Chapter 19 Dr Steve Bell, for NMR data used in Chapter 20 E Joseph Billo May 2011 XXV Preface to the Third Edition Since the publication of the second edition of Excel for Chemists in 2001, three new versions of Excel for the PC have appeared:... Editing or Deleting Arrays Creating a "Three-Dimensional" Array on a Single Worksheet An Array Formula Example: Creating a Specialized SUMIF Formula Evaluating Polynomials or Power Series Using Array Formulas Using the ROW Function in Array Formulas Using the INDIRECT Function in Array Formulas Using Array Formulas to Work with Lists Using Multiple Criteria to Count Entries in a List Counting Common... the xlsb file format identifies a workbook in binary format, while the crtx file format is used to save chart templates Table 1-1 New File Formats in Excel 2007/2010 xlsx xlsm xlsb xlam xltx xltm crtx A workbook containing no macros (the default Excel 2007/2010 file format) A workbook containing one or more macros (either VBA or Excel 4 macro language) The Excel 2007/2010 Binary file format An Add-in... Coefficients Are Correlated Confidence Intervals for Slope and Intercept Confidence Limits and Prediction Limits for a Straight Line Chapter 15 Nonlinear Regression Using the Solver Nonlinear Regression Using the Solver to Perform Nonlinear Least-Squares Curve Fitting Using the Solver for Optimization Changes to the Solver in Excel 2010 Using the Solver for Least-Squares Curve Fitting Using the Solver:... Macro Functions in Worksheet Formulas Troubleshooting the Worksheet Error Values and Their Meanings Examining Formulas Finding Dependent and Precedent Cells Repairing or Removing Links in Documents Re-establishing Links Finding All Links in a Workbook 254 255 255 256 256 257 259 261 261 262 263 263 264 266 Chapter 7 Array Formulas Introduction to Array Formulas Array Constants Formulas and Functions that... Chart Elements Selecting Chart Elements Formatting Chart Elements Creating Column or Bar Charts Creating Line Charts Creating Pie Charts Creating Radar Charts Creating Surface Charts (3-D Charts) Creating XY Charts Switching Between Chart Types Formatting the Elements of an XY Chart Formatting Chart Elements by Using the Mini Toolbar Formatting a Data Series Formatting Chart Elements with Color Modifying... discussed in the book The files are in Excel 2003 format, so that they can be opened using either Excel 2003 or Excel 2007/2010 A complete list of all files on the CD-ROM, with short descriptions, is in Appendix K Excel* for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition by E Joseph Billo Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc PARTI THE BASICS Excel* for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide, Third Edition... Developer tab, for working with VBA procedures, is only displayed if the user previously opted 3 4 Excel for Chemists to display it The Add-Ins tab appears only if custom menu commands or toolbuttons have been added to the Ribbon; these appear in the Menu Commands and Toolbar Commands groups, respectively Figure 1-1 The Excel 2007 Home tab New File Formats Microsoft has moved to new XML-based file formats . Excel® for Chemists for Chemists A Comprehensive Guide Third Edition E. Joseph Billo WILEY A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Excel® Copyright. Custom Number Formats 51 Contents ix Custom Date Formats 53 Time Formats 53 Variable Number Formats 54 Conditional Number Formats 54 Formatting Numbers

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2014, 10:20



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