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Educational Technology & Education Conferences January to June 2013 Updated Clayton R Wright

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Tiêu đề Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013
Tác giả Clayton R. Wright
Trường học University of Sydney
Chuyên ngành Educational Technology
Thể loại conference list
Năm xuất bản 2012
Thành phố Sydney
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Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Updated Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77 at gmail.com, November 13, 2012 The 28th edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration Only listings until June 2013 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from June onward A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next (Note, the December 2012 listings have been updated from the previous list.) An explanation for the content and format of the list can be found at http://newsletter.alt.ac.uk/2011/08/whydistribute-documents-in-ms-word-or-openoffice-for-an-international-audience/ A Word 2003 or an OpenOffice format is used to enable people who not have access to Word 2007 (or higher version) and those with limited or high-cost Internet access to find a conference that is congruent with their interests or obtain conference abstracts or proceedings (If you are seeking an interactive listing, refer to online conference sites.) Consider using the “Find” tool under Microsoft Word’s “Edit” tab or similar tab in OpenOffice to locate the name of a particular conference, association, city, or country If you enter the country “Singapore” or “UK” (for the United Kingdom) in the “Find” tool, all conferences that occur in Singapore or the United Kingdom will be highlighted Or, enter the word “research” or “assessment” (Note that key words such as “research” or “assessment” may not be present in the conference title, yet these topics could be discussed during a particular conference.) Then, “cut and paste” a list of suitable events for yourself and your colleagues Please note that events, dates, titles, and locations may change; thus, CHECK the specific conference website Note also that some events will be cancelled at a later date All Web addresses were verified at the time of publication An organization may change its Web address, for example, from org to edu or net No liability is assumed for any errors that may have been introduced inadvertently during the assembly of this FREE conference list Kindly retain the contact information when you re-distribute the list or mount it on the web as that is how I receive updates crw December 2012 November 29-December 1, 2012 International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) Conference in conjunction with the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.iveta.org/ or https://www.acteonline.org/ November 30-December 1, 2012 Cyberspace, 10th conference, organized by Masaryk University and the European Academy of Law and ICT, Brno, Czech Republic http://www.cyberspace.muni.cz/english/index.php December 1-5, 2012 Learning Forward Conference, (Learning Forward is the new name for the National Staff Development Council, NSDC), Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://www.learningforward.org/opportunities/annualconference.cfm or http://www.nsdc.org December 2-4, 2012 Communication and Management in Technological Innovation and Academic Globalization (COMATIA), 3rd, Paris, France http://www.naun.org/wseas/cms.action? id=3599 December 2-5, 2012 Big Ideas Fest: Design, Innovate, Activate, 4th, conference focused on innovation in education, Half Moon Bay, California, USA http://www.bigideasfest.org/ December 2-6, 2012 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and Asia Pacific Educational Research Association Conference, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia http://www.aare.edu.au/live/ December 2-7, 2012 Executive Leadership Institute, sponsored by the League for Innovation in the Community College, Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, USA http://www.league.org/eli/ December 3-5, 2012 mHealth Summit: Technology, Business, Research and Policy, Gaylord National Resort, Washington, DC, USA http://www.mhealthsummit.org/ December 3-5, 2012 Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Geelong, Australia http://acis2012.deakin.edu.au/ December 3-5, 2012 International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM), 10th, Bali, Indonesia http://iiwas.org/conferences/momm2012/ December 3-6, 2012 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC): Modeling, Simulation and Training, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.iitsec.org/Pages/default.aspx December 3-6, 2012 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, 4th, Taipei, Taiwan http://2012.cloudcom.org/ December 3-7, 2012 Computer Security Applications Conference, 28th, annual, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.acsac.org December 3-14, 2012 Open Content Licensing for Educators (#OCL4Ed), organized by the OER Foundation, offered online http://wikieducator.org/Open_content_licensing_for_educators/About December 4-5, 2012 Higher Education Asset Management and Maintenance Conference, 1st, Vibe Savoy, Melbourne, Australia http://www.informa.com.au/conferences/education-conference/highereducation-asset-management-maintenance-conference December 4-5, 2012 International Conference on Education Reform and Management Innovation (ERMI), Shenzhen, China http://www.emri-conf.org/ December 4-6, 2012 International Higher Education Curriculum Design, Academic and Applied Leadership Symposium, Hamilton, New Zealand http://www.houseofmontrose.co.nz/SHORT+COURSES++EVENTS+ +RESOURCES/Our+2012+Conference.html December 4-6, 2012 International Symposium on Open, Distance, and e-Learning (ISODEL), Bali, Indonesia http://isodel.kemdikbud.go.id/ December 4-7, 2012 Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 25th, Sydney, Australia http://ai2012.web.cse.unsw.edu.au/ December 4-7, 2012 International Academic Conference, sponsored by the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES), Prague, Czech Republic http://www.iises.net/conferences/prague-christmas-conference-december-4-7-2012/ December 4-8, 2012 Blueprint for Excellence National Conference, Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.blueribbonschools.com/disneyconference December 5-6, 2012 Southern Africa ICT Summit, organized by African Information Technology Exhibitions and Conferences (AITEC), Maputo, Mozambique http://www.aitecafrica.com/ December 5-6, 2012 National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) National Conference: Engage 2012 – Responding to Change (How Engagement Helps Universities), Bristol Hotel, Bristol, United Kingdom (UK) http://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/news-andevents/events/engage-2012-responding-change December 5-6, 2012 EDUCAUSE Campus IT Policy Workshop, San Diego, California, USA http://www.educause.edu/policy/campus/events December 5-6, 2012 Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS), 17th, Dunedin, New Zealand http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/research/conferences/adcs-altw-2012/index-adcs.php _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com December 5-6, 2012 Social Media Marketing, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://searchmarketingexpo.com/socialmediamarketing/ December 5-7, 2012 Office of Women in Higher Education National Leadership Forum, 80th, sponsored by the American Council on Education (ACE), Washington, DC, USA http://www.acenet.edu/Content/NavigationMenu/ProgramsServices/OWHE/Leading/National_Leaders hip.htm December 5-8, 2012 Technology Education Research Conference: Best Practice in Technology, Design and Engineering Education, 7th biennial, Crown Plaza Hotel, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia http://www.griffith.edu.au/conference/technology-education-research-conference-2012 December 5-9, 2012 East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research: HighQuality Teachers and Teachers’ Professional Standards – International Trends, rd, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China http://eai2012.ecnu.edu.cn/ December 6-7, 2012 mLearning: Making Learning Mobile, offered by the eLearning Guild, online http://www.elearningguild.com/online-forums/content/1562/schedule-at-a-glance/ December 6-7, 2012 Towards Research Excellence, 2nd, Rendezvous Hotel, Melbourne, Australia http://www.informa.com.au/conferences/education-conference/towards-research-excellence-summit? utm_source=Brochure&utm_medium=Direct_Mail&utm_campaign=P12K61 December 7, 2012 International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM) Publishers Innovations Seminar: Innovation Impacts in STM – New Metrics, Big Data, Cool Apps, London, UK http://www.stm-assoc.org/events/stm-innovations-seminar-2012/ December 7-8, 2012 Effective Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 3rd, organized by the Centre for Teaching and Learning and the IT-Academic Core Processes and Systems, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon http://www.aub.edu.lb/conferences/etlhe/Pages/index.aspx December 7-10, 2012 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) 6th, Cape Town, South Africa http://ictd2012.org/ or search for updated URL December 9-12, 2012 International Congress of Telemedicine and e-Health: Telemedicine and eHealth in Rebuilding Medical Systems in Developing Countries, sponsored by the Virtual e-Hospital Foundation, Prishtina, Kosovo http://www.iveh.org/ December 9-14, 2012 Large Installation System Administration (LISA) Conference, 26th, San Diego, California, USA http://static.usenix.org/events/lisa12/index.html December 10-11, 2012 International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery Using Cloud and Distributed Computing Platforms, 3rd, Brussels, Belgium http://www.ornl.gov/sci/knowledgediscovery/CloudComputing/KDCloud-12/ December 10-11, 2012 Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA http://www.cni.org/ December 10-12, 2012 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Hyatt Regency Irvine, Irvine, California, USA http://ism.eecs.uci.edu/ISM2012/ December 10-12, 2012 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2011), 7th, London, UK http://www.icitst.org/ December 11, 2012 Project Management for Publishing, organized by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), Said Business School, Oxford, UK http://www.alpsp.org/Ebusiness/Meetings/Meeting.aspx?ID=283 _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com December 11-13, 2012 International Congress of Quality Management in Education and Training Systems: Role of Good Practices and Prospective Studies in Improving the Quality of Education Systems, 9th, Rabat, Morocco http://cimqusef.amaquen.org/index.php/cimqusef2012/cimqusef2012 December 11-14, 2012 Global Symposium on ICT and Education, organized by the World Bank, Seoul, Korea http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTEDUCATION/0,,contentMDK:23296235~ pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:282386,00.html December 12, 2012 Care and Preservation of Audiovisual Collections, organized by the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA), Rosenbach Museum and Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA http://www.ccaha.org/education/program-calendar/2012/12/12/carepreservation-of-audiovisual-collections December 12-14, 2012 Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference: What Is Higher Education For?, Celtic Manor, Newport, South Wales, UK http://www.srhe.ac.uk/conference2012/index.asp December 12-14, 2012 International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT), organized by the British Computer Society, London, UK http://www.socio.org.uk/fgct/ December 12-14, 2012 Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (MOBIQUITOUS): Computing, Networking and Services, 9th, annual, Beijing, China http://mobiquitous.org/2012/show/home December 13-14, 2012 Shaping the Future of ICT Research: Methods and Approaches, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 8.2, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA http://www.ifip82-2012.usf.edu/ December 13-15, 2012 International Distance Education Conference, 2nd, organized by Sakarya University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) http://www.id-ec.net/ December 13-15, 2012 International Science, Technology and Engineering Conference (ISTEC), 3rd, Dubai, United Arab Emirates http://www.iste-c.net/ December 14-16, 2012 Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society, Marriott Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China http://www.hkiceps.org/ December 15-16, 2012 Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems: Digital Innovation for Sustainability, 22nd, Orlando, Florida, USA http://site.warrington.ufl.edu/wits/ December 16-19, 2012 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS): Digital Innovation in the Service Economy, Orlando, Florida, USA http://icis2012.aisnet.org/ December 16-20, 2012 Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics: Creative and Critical Thinking in Mathematics through Technology, 17th, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand http://atcm.mathandtech.org/ December 29-30, 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 5th, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) conference, Hong Kong, China http://www.iccsit.org/ December 30-31, 2012 International Conference in Humanities, Social Sciences and Global Business Management (ISSGBM), Singapore http://www.issgbm-conf.org/index.htm January 2013 January 2-5, 2013 The Association for Science Education Annual Conference, University of Reading, Berkshire, UK http://www.ase.org.uk/conferences/annual-conference/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com January 3-4, 2013 ICT Educator Conference: Doing What Matters for ICT Education, th, organized by the Mid-Pacific Information and Communications Technologies Center (MPICT), hosted by the City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA http://www.mpict.org/pdf/_Winter_ICT_Educator_Conference_Jan_3-4_2013_in_SF Invitation_and_CFP.pdf January 3-4, 2013 New Presidents Program, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Palm Harbor, Florida, USA http://www.cic.edu/conferences_events/index.asp January 3-5, 2013 College Teaching and Learning Conference, sponsored by the Clute Institute for Academic Research, Maui, Hawaii, USA http://www.cluteinstitute.com January 3-6, 2013 National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NIToP), 35th, annual, cosponsored by the Association for Psychological Science, University of Florida and the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, The TradeWinds Island Grand Hotel, St Petersburg Beach, Florida, USA http://nitop.org January 3-6, 2013 International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Conference (ICSEI 2012), 26th, Santiago, Chile http://www.icsei.net/ January 3-6, 2013 Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention, 128th, Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://www.mla.org/convention January 3-6, 2013 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 14th, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India http://www.icdcn.org/ January 4-6, 2013 National Effective Teaching Institute, organized by the American Society for Engineering Education, Tampa, Florida, USA http://www.asee.org/conferences-andevents/conferences January 4-7, 2013 Presidents Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Palm Harbor, Florida, USA http://www.cic.edu/conferences_events/index.asp January 6, 2013 Search Marketing SMX, Jerusalem, Israel http://searchmarketingexpo.com/israel/ January 6-8, 2013 June 5-7, 2012 BlogWorld and New Media Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.blogworldexpo.com/ January 6-9, 2013 Hawaii International Conference on Education, 11th, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA http://www.hiceducation.org/ January 7-8, 2013 Committee on College Teaching and Learning (CCTL) Conference on Teaching and Learning, 12th annual, Niagara University, Niagara, New York, USA http://www.niagara.edu/conference-information/ January 7-8, 2013 Mobile Device Security Summit: The Growing and Constantly Changing Challenge, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA http://www.sans.org/ January 7-8, 2013 Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA http://www.sans.org/ January 7-9, 2013 International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 19th, Huangshan, China http://mmm2013.org/ January 7-9, 2013 World Congress on Engineering Education (WCEE), Doha, Qatar http://engineeringleaders.org/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com January 7-10, 2013 Institute for the Development of Excellence in Assessment Leadership, organized by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), Tampa, Florida, USA http://www.abet.org/ideal/ January 7-10, 2013 Academy of Management Africa Conference, University of Pretoria, Johannesburg, South Africa http://meeting.aomonline.org/international/southafrica/ January 7-10, 2013 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 46th, Grand Wailea Maui, Hawaii, USA http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/apahome46.htm January 7-11, 2013 Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION 6), Catania, Italy http://www.intelligent-optimization.org/LION7/ January 8-11, 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.cesweb.org/ January 8-11, 2013 Higher Ed Tech Summit, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://higheredtechsummit.com/ January 9-10, 2013 Digital Health Summit, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://digitalhealthsummit.com/ January 9-11, 2013 International Conference on Computer Aided Design (CAD), 1st, organized by the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Milan, Italy http://www.naun.org/conferences/2013/milan/cad/ January 9-12, 2013 Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International Conference: Science Education through a Historical Cultural Lens, Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, South Carolina, USA http://theaste.org/meetings/2013conference/ January 9-12, 2013 American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America Joint Meeting, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA http://www.ams.org/meetings/national/national or http://www.maa.org/meetings/jmm.html January 10-11, 2013 Institute for New Chief Academic Officers, organized by the American Council on Education (ACE), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA http://www.acenet.edu/Content/NavigationMenu/ProgramsServices/Leadership/ExecutiveLeadershipG roup/Programs/cao_institute.htm January 10-11, 2013 World Universities Forum, 6th, Robson Square, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada http://ontheuniversity.com/conference-2013/ January 10-11, 2013 Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA): Academia in the Age of Austerity, Pantages Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada http://ocufa.on.ca/conferences/academia-in-the-age-of-austerity/ January 10-12, 2013 Academic Boot Camp, sponsored by the International Alliance of Teacher Scholars, Pomona, California, USA http://www.iats.com/academic-boot-camp/ January 11-14, 2013 Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 11th, annual, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA http://www.hichumanities.org/ January 12-13, 2013 International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET), Brussels, Belgium http://www.iciet.org/ January 13-14, 2013 Technology, Knowledge and Society, 9th, international conference, Robson Square, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada http://techandsoc.com/conference-2013/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com January 13-15, 2013 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) Conference: Exploring Spaces for Learning, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.fctl.ucf.edu/hetl2013/ or http://herl.org/ January 13-15, 2013 CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference, 43rd, annual, sponsored by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, Washington, DC, USA http://www.case.org/Conferences_and_Training/CASE-NAIS12.html January 13-16, 2013 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA), Winter Seminar, Hyatt Regency, Tampa, Florida, USA http://www.acuta.org/ January 13-17, 2013 Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA) Institute for Facilities Management and Leadership Academy, Tampa, Florida, USA http://www.appa.org/ January 14-16, 2013 International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC): Infrastructure, Intelligence, Innovation – Driving the Data Science Agenda, th, Amsterdam, The Netherlands http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/international-digital-curation-conference-idcc January 15-16, 2013 International Conference on Advanced Information System, E-Education and Development (ICAISED), 2nd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.icaised.com/ January 15-17, 2013 Digital Book World (DBW) Conference and Expo, Hilton New York Hotel, New York City, New York, USA http://conference.digitalbookworld.com/ehome/index.php?eventid=41056& January 15-17, 2013 Immersive Learning Conference and Symposium, 2nd annual, sponsored by NexLearn, San Antonio, Texas, USA http://www.immersivelearninguniversity.com/ January 16-18, 2013 National School Supply and Equipment Association (NSSEA) Ed Expo, Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.edexpo.com/2013/index.cfm January 16-18, 2013 EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference: People + Process + Technology – IT Matters, Baltimore, Maryland, USA http://www.educause.edu/midatlantic-regionalconference January 16-19, 2013 Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Annual Meeting, 69th, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/annualmeeting/index.cfm January 16-20, 2013 Society for Social Work and Research, 17th, annual, Sheraton San Diego Hotel, San Diego, California, USA http://www.sswr.org/conference2013_highlights.php January 16-20, 2013 Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, 10th, National University of Singapore, Singapore http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/meu/apmec10/index.shtml January 18-19, 2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Emerging ELearning Technologies (ICAC2ET), 2nd, Singapore http://www.icac2et.com/ January 19-20, 2013 International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and ELearning (IC4E), 4th, Dubai, United Arab Emirates http://www.ic4e.net/ January 19-20, 2013 International Conference on Innovation and Information Management (ICIIM), Singapore, http://www.iciim.org/ January 19-20, 2013 International Conference on Information and Computer Networks, Singapore, http://www.icicn.org/ January 19-20, 2013 International Conference on Internet and Cloud Computing Technology (ICICCT), Singapore http://www.icicct.com/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com January 20-23, 2013 Pacific Telecommunications Council (PC’13), Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA http://www.ptc.org/ January 21-22, 2013 Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference (AROOC): Open Education en Route to Conceptual Society, organized by the Thailand University Project, Bangkok, Thailand http://arooc2012.thaicyberu.go.th/ January 21-25, 2013 International Conference on Thinking: Expanding Global Thinking, 16th, Wellington, New Zealand http://thinkingconference.org/ or http://icot2013.core-ed.org/ January 22-24, 2013 NMC Horizon Summit: The Future of Education, Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa, Lost Pines, Texas, USA http://www.nmc.org/2013-horizon-summit-travel-lodging January 22-25, 2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Travel Tourism (ENTER), organized by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel and Tourism (IFITT), 19th, Innsbruck, Austria http://www.ifitt.org/congresses/website/enter2013/ January 22-25, 2013 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference: Always the Beautiful Question – Inquiry Supporting Teaching, Research, and Professional Practice, Seattle, Washington, USA http://ali.memberclicks.net/2013-conference January 22-25, 2013 Wisconsin State Education and Convention and Exhibit Show, 91st, Frontier Airlines Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA http://www.wasb.org/ January 23, 2013 ePortfolios: Foundational Knowledge, Student Voices, and Best Practices, organized by the Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.aaeebl.org/ January 23-24, 2013 Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD-AACU) Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.nerche.org/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=927:-the-2013-pod-aacau-organizational-development-institutecall-for-proposals&catid=2:national-updates&Itemid=46 January 23-25, 2013 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) International Conference: Reloading Data Protection, 6th, Brussels, Belgium http://www.cpdpconferences.org/ January 23-25, 2013 Deans Conference, organized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), San Antonio, Texas, USA http://www.aacsb.edu/conferences/ January 23-26, 2013 Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU): The Quality of U.S Degrees – Innovations, Efficiencies and Disruptions to What Ends?, 98 th annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/index.cfm January 23-26, 2013 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctoral Education Conference, San Diego, California, USA http://www.aacn.nche.edu/events/2013/01/23/doc January 24-25, 2013 e-Learning Symposium, 8th annual, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK http://www.llas.ac.uk/events/ January 24-25, 2013 eLearning Software: Productivity Tips and Secrets, organized by the eLearning Guild, offered online http://www.elearningguild.com/online-forums/content/1562/schedule-at-a-glance/ January 24-25, 2013 The Carnegie Conference: Integrating Traditional and Digital Marketing Strategies, Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.carnegiecomm.com/about/the-carnegie-conference/ January 24-25, 2013 Project-Based Learning Plugged In, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.21stcenturyschools.com/Workshop_Schedule_Location.htm _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com January 24-26, 2013 Association of Mathematics Teacher Education (AMTE), 17th, Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.amte.net/conferences January 25, 2013 Libraries and Online Learning: A Powerful Partnership, an Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) Midwinter Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA http://www.ala.org/alcts/events/ala/mw January 25, 2013 LMS unConference, Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA http://edtechgroup.org/lmsunconference/ January 25-26, 2013 Educa: National Training Event for Educators, Helsinki, Finland http://web.finnexpo.fi/Sites1/Educa/en/Pages/default.aspx January 25-27, 2013 Educon 2.4, EduCon is both a conversation and a conference about education and technology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA http://educon24.org/ January 25-29, 2013 American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA http://ala.org/ala/conferencesevents/upcoming/index.cfm January 26-27, 2013 The Southern African ICT for Education Summit, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe http://africanbrains.net/edusa/ or http://www.zapaday.com/event/356514/1/The+Southern+African+ICT+for+Education+Summit.html January 26-30, 2013 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), organized by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Peabody Orlando Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA https://ssih.org/events/imsh-2013-central January 26-31, 2013 International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 39th, Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic http://www.sofsem.cz/sofsem13/index.php January 27-28, 2013 Health 2.0 Middle East Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates http://www.health2con.com/events/ January 27-31, 2013 Lotusphere: Business Made Social, 20th annual, sponsored by IBM and Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www01.ibm.com/software/lotus/events/conference/ January 28-29, 2013 Integrated Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation, organized by Academic Impressions, San Diego, California, USA http://www.academicimpressions.com/conferences January 28-31, 2013 Emerging Media Conference (EmMeCon), San Francisco, California, USA http://wappow.com/emerging-media/ January 28-31, 2013 Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA http://www.chea.org/default.asp January 28-31, 2013 Florida Educational Technology (FETC) Conference, Orange Country Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.fetc.org/ January 28-31, 2013 International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM), Sapporo, Japan http://iam2013w.conf-online.org/ January 28-February 1, 2013 Alpine Rendez-Vous: Technology Enhanced Learning, Villard-deLans, Vercors, French Alps https://metah.imag.fr/alpine-rendez-vous/home/?lang=fr January 28-February 2, 2013 Linux.Conf.Au, Canberra, Australia http://lcaunderthestars.org.au/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com January 29-30, 2013 Learning Technologies 2013, 14th, Olympia 2, London, UK http://www.learningtechnologies.co.uk/ January 29-30, 2013 Learning Without Frontiers Conference, Olympia, London, UK http://www.learningwithoutfrontiers.com/ January 29-30, 2013 Big Data Analytics Summit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands http://www.tmforum.org/Conferences/734/Home.html January 29-31, 2013 LearnTec 2013 International Convention and Trade Fair for Educational and Information Technology, 21st, Karlsruhe, Germany http://www.learntec.de/ January 29-February 1, 2013 Australasian Computing Education Conference, 15th, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia http://www.opvclt.monash.edu.au/conferences/ace2013/ January 29-February 1, 2013 Australasian Computer Science Week, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia http://acsw2013.cis.unisa.edu.au/ January 29-February 1, 2013 Australasian Web Conference (AWC), Adelaide, South Australia, Australia http://cs.adelaide.edu.au/~awc2013/ January 29-February 1, 2013, Australasian Database Conference, 24th, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia http://www.cis.unimelb.edu.au/adc/ January 29-February 1, 2013 Australasian Information Security Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/research/conferences/acsw-aisc2013/ January 29-February 1, 2013 Health Informatics and Knowledge Management, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia http://sim.unisa.edu.au/hikm/id.html January 29-February 3, 2013 National Teacher of the Year Program Conference, organized by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), Hotel Valley Ho, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA http://www.ccsso.org/News_and_Events/Meetings_and_Events.html January 30-31, 2013 Mobile Healthcare, 9th, Toronto, Ontario, Canada http://mobilehealthsummit.ca/ January 30-31, 2013 Information Industry Summit (IIS), organized by the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), Pier Sixty, New York City, New York, USA http://www.siia.net/iis/2013/ January 30-February 1, 2013 American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) TechKnowledge, San Jose, California, USA http://www.astd.org/Events/TechKnowledge January 30-February 1, 2013 International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies, 4th, organized by the North Atlantic University Union (NAUN), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA http://naun.org/wseas/cms.action?id=2213 January 30-February 1, 2013 Using Mobile Devices to Transform Teaching and Learning, organized by Academic Impressions, Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://www.academicimpressions.com/conference/using-mobile-devices-transform-teaching-andlearning January 30-February 2, 2013 British Educational Technology Show (BETT), London, UK http://www.bettshow.com/ January 30-February 2, 2013 Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATiA) Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.atia.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=1 _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 10 August 26-28, 2013 International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS), 10th, Paphos, Cyprus http://mobiwis2013.cs.ucy.ac.cy/index.php or http://www.mobiwis.org/2013/#homePage August 26-30, 2013 International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXDA), 24th, Prague, Czech Republic http://www.dexa.org/ August 27-29, 2013 Integrate Expo: Audiovisual, Entertainment and Information Communication Technology, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Australia http://www.integrate-expo.com/ August 27-30, 2013 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Mobile HCI 2013), 15th, Munich, Germany http://www.mobilehci2013.org/ August 27-31, 2013 European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction: Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning, Munich, Germany, 15th, biennial, http://www.earli.org/conferences/EARLI_Biennial_Conferences/Future_Biennial_Conferences August 28-31, 2013 European Higher Education Society Forum: Impact of Higher Education – Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century, 35th, annual, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands http://www.eair.nl/forum/rotterdam/ August 29-30, 2013 National Leading a Digital School Conference: Leading the Vision and Setting the Tone with Digital Technology, 7th, Melbourne, Australia http://www.iwb.net.au/conferences/digital/default.htm August 29-September 1, 2013 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Chicago, Illinois, USA http://www.apsanet.org/content_9906.cfm?navID=597 August 30, 2013 Cloud Develop: Midwest Cloud Computing Conference, Ohio Union, Columbus, Ohio http://clouddevelop.org/ August 31-September 2, 2013 The Society for Editors and Proofreaders Annual Conference, 24th, Streatham Campus, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK http://www.sfep.org.uk/pub/confs/conferences.asp September 2013 September 2-6, 2013 Interact Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2013: Designing for Diversity, 14th International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) conference, Cape Town, South Africa http://www.interact2013.org/Home September 2-6, 2013 Australasian Evaluation Society (AES): Evaluation Shaping a Better Future – Priorities, Pragmatics, Promise and Power, Brisbane, Australia http://www.aes.asn.au/2013/ September 2-7, 2013 European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference, biennial, Nicosia, Cyprus http://www.esera2013.org.cy/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=1 September 3-5, 2013 International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference (NET2013), Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, UK http://www.jillrogersassociates.co.uk September 4-6, 2013 FutureTech: International Conference on Future Information Technology, 8th, hosted by Future Technology Research Association (FTRA) International, Gwangju, Korea http://www.ftrg.org/futuretech2013/ September 4-6, 2013 International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World (IMCW): Beyond the Cloud – Information, Innovation, Collaboration, th, organized by Hacettepe _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 57 University and the Limerick Institute of Technology, Strand Hotel, Limerick, Ireland http://imcw2013.bilgiyonetimi.net/ September 4-5, 2013 International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing (MUSIC), 4th, Gwangju, Korea http://www.ftrai.org/music2012/index.php September 5-6, 2013 European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), 14th, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania http://academicconferences.org/eckm/eckm2013/eckm13-home.htm September 8-10, 2013 International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, 7th, organized by the American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA http://www.peerreviewcongress.org/index.html September 8-11, 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, (FedCSIS), Kraków, Poland http://www.fedcsis.org/ September 8-12, 2013 International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 15th, Zurich, Switzerland http://www.ubicomp.org/ubicomp2012/index.html September 8-12, 2013 American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition: Chemistry of Life, 246th, Chemistry in Motion, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content? _nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id=9&use_sec=false& uuid=2b3f7b7f-32c44db0-bf90-5ad314246541 September 9-11, 2013 World Congress on Education, University of Greenwich, London, UK http://www.worldconedu.org/ September 9-11, 2013 American Telemedicine Association (ATA) Fall Forum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada www.americantelemed.org September 10-12, 2013 International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALTC 2013): Building New Cultures of Learning, 20th, Nottingham, UK http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc2013 September 10-12, 2013 UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development: Education and Development Post 2015 – Reflecting, Reviewing, Re-visioning, 12 th, University of Oxford Examination Schools, Oxford, UK, http://www.cfbt.com/UKFIET/ September 10-12, 2013 International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 8th, sponsored by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Islamabad, Pakistan http://www.icdim.org/ September 10-13, 2013 European Conference on Educational Research, Bahỗeehir University, Istanbul, Turkey http://www.eera-ecer.eu/ September 10-13, 2013 International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications, 5th, biennial, Wrexham, North Wales, UK http://www.ita13.org/ September 10-13, 2013 European Association for International Education (EAIE) Conference, 25th, annual, Istanbul, Turkey http://www.eaie.org/ September 11-13, 2013 Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS): Stimulating Change – Inspire Innovate Engage, Adelaide, Australia http://www.arms2013.org.au/ September 11-13, 2013 Designs on E-Learning International Conference, 9th, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA http://www.designsonelearning.net/, http://uncw.edu/ or c.webb@arts.ac.uk _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 58 September 12-13, 2013 European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME), 7th, University of Gdańsk, Sopot, Poland http://academicconferences.org/ecime/ecime2013/ecime13-home.htm September 16-19, 2013 SimHealth 2013, organized by the Australian Society for Simulation in Healthcare (ASSH), Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia http://www.simhealth.com.au/ September 16-19, 2013 Asia-Pacific Simulation Technology and Training (SimTecT) Conference and Exhibition, organized by Simulation Australia, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia http://www.simtect.com.au/ September 17-19, 2013 Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry (MCBC), 14th, organized by World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA http://www.wseas.org/wseas/cms.action September 17-19, 2013 June 13-15, 2012 Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics, (MCBE), 14th, organized by World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA http://www.wseas.org/wseas/cms.action September 19-20, 2013 European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), 8th, Brussels, Belgium http://academic-conferences.org/ecie/ecie2013/ecie13-home.htm September 19-20, 2013 mLearning: Tips and Techniques for Planning, Analysis and Design, organized by the eLearning Guild, offered online http://www.elearningguild.com/onlineforums/content/1562/schedule-at-a-glance/ September 19-21, 2013 National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) National Conference, 69th, Toronto, Ontario, Canada http://www.nacacnet.org/EventsTraining/EventsCalendar/Pages/default.aspx September 19-22, 2013 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, hosted by the International Teaching and Learning Cooperative, Traverse City, Missouri, USA http://lillyconferences.com/ September 20-21, 2013 Case Study Teaching in Science, 14th annual, organized by the National Center for Case Study Teaching, Buffalo, New York, USA http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/training/conference/ or nccsts@buffalo.edu September 20-23, 2013 World Congress on Educational Environments, sponsor by Council of Educational Facility Planners (CEFPI), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA http://www.cefpi.org/ September 22-26, 2013 International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Sharing Meaningful Information, 17th, organized by the University of Malta, Valletta, Malta http://www.tpdl2013.info/ September 23-25, 2013 International Conference on e-Learning and e-Technologies in Education (ICEEE), 2nd, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland http://sdiwc.net/conferences/2013/iceee2013/ September 23-26, 2013 International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD): Asian Values, Western Thought, World Treasure, 16th, organized by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDTD), University of Hong, Hong Kong, China http://www.ndltd.org/ or http://lib.hku.hk/etd2013/about.html September 25-27, 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), 16th, Kazan, Russia http://www.icl-conference.org/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 59 September 25-27, 2013 International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP), Kazan, Russia http://www.igip-online.net/ September 26-27, 2013 European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning (EFQUEL) Innovation Forum: Learning for Open Innovation, Barcelona, Spain http://efquel.org/ September 26-28, 2013 School Leadership Symposium (SLS): International Conference for School Effectiveness, School Improvement and School Management, University of Teacher Education of Central Switzerland, Zug, Switzerland http://www.edulead.com/2013/information.php September 26-28, 2013 European Information Architecture Summit (EuroIA), 9th, annual, Edinburgh, UK http://www.euroia.org/ September 29-October 2, 2013 Health 2.0, Santa Clara, California, USA http://www.health2con.com/events/ September 29-October 3, 2013 World Conference on Science and Technology Education: Live Science, Love Learning, Create Change, sponsored by International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE), UNESCO, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), Borneo Convention Centre, Kuching City, Sarawak, Malaysia http://worldste2013.org/ September 30-October 2, 2013 National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) Conference, 42nd, annual, Loews Don Cesar Hotel, St Pete Beach, Florida, USA http://www.nsee.org/ September ? 2013 International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications, 5th, biennial The conference will be held September 3-6, 2013 or September 10-13, 2013 Last held in 2011 at Glyndwr University, Wrexham, North Wales, UK http://www.ita11.org/ or r.picking@glyndwr.ac.uk October 2013 October 1-2, 2013 World of Learning Conference and Exhibition, 21st, Birmingham, UK http://www.learnevents.com/ October 1-3, 2013 Asian Association of Open Universities: Leveraging the Power of Open and Distance Education for Building a Divergent Asia – Today’s Solutions and Tomorrow’s Vision, 27 th annual, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan http://www.aaou.net/ or http://aaou2013.aiou.edu.pk/ October 1-4, 2013 International Council for Educational Media (ICEM): we-Learning – Content, Community and Collaboration, 63rd annual, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/aect.site-ym.com/resource/resmgr/events_pdf/icem2013_flyer.pdf or http://www.facebook.com/icem2013/info October 2-4, 2013 Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL) National Conference: Creating Tomorrow, Canberra, Australia http://www.acel.org.au/index.php?id=1663 October 2-5, 2013 Education and Educational Psychology, 4th, Antalya, Turkey http://www.iceepsy.org/ October 2-6, 2013 American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, Le Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, Canada http://www.asist.org/conferences.html October 3-4, 2013 European Conference on Game Based Learning, 7th, Porto, Portugal http://academic-conferences.org/ecgbl/ecgbl2013/ecgbl13-home.htm _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 60 October 3-5, 2013 Civic Engagement, Global Learning, sponsored by the Network of Academic Renewal of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Providence, Rhode Island, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/NetworkforAcademicRenewal.cfm October 3-5, 2013 International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), 5th, biennial, organized by the University of Alberta, Banff, Alberta, Canada http://www.educ.ualberta.ca/tblt2013/ October 3-10, 2013 Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR), Memphis, Tennessee, USA http://www.sair.org/conferences/Conferences.asp October 6-9, 2013 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA) Fall Seminar, St Louis, Missouri, USA http://www.acuta.org/ October 7-8, 2013 Space Strategies, organized by Tradeline Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, USA http://www.tradelineinc.com/conferences/ October 7-9, 2013 Human Resource (HR) Technology Conference and Expo, 16th, Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas, USA http://www.hrtechnologyconference.com/ October 7-10, 2013 World Congress on Access to Postsecondary Education: Connecting the Unconnected, 1st, initiated by the European Access Network (EAN), Montreal, Quebec, Canada http://www.ean-edu.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=205:world-congress2013&catid=41:future&Itemid=91 or www.eanworldcongress.org October 8-10, 2013 Engagement Scholarship Consortium: Boundary Spanning - Engaged Scholarship across Disciplines, Communities and Geography, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA http://engagementscholarship.org/ October 8-11, 2013 Australian International Education Conference (AIEC), Canberra, Australia http://www.aiec.idp.com/home.aspx October 8-11, 2013 Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Membership Meeting, 163rd, Washington, DC, USA http://www.arl.org/events/futuremms/index.shtml October 9-11, 2013 Worlddidac Asia for Educational Material, Media and Technology, 6th, Bangkok, Thailand http://www.worlddidacasia.com/ October 9-11, 2013 ULearn: Collaborate, Innovate, Educate, Hamilton, New Zealand http://ulearn.core-ed.org/ October 9-11, 2013 International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 7th, Baku, Azerbaijan http://www.aict.info/2013/ October 9-11, 2013 Association of Bookmobiles and Outreach Services (ABOS) Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA http://abos-outreach.org/conference/2013-conference/ October 9-13, 2013 Consortium of College and University Media Centers (CCUMC) Annual, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA http://www.ccumc.org/ October 10-12, 2013 Civic Engagement / Educating for Personal and Social Responsibility, organized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), location to be announced (TBA), USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/networkforacademicrenewal.cfm October 10-12, 2013 International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL), 43rd, annual, Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.isetl.org/conference/index.cfm _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 61 October 10-12, 2013 National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAS) Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA http://nasad.arts-accredit.org/index.jsp? page=Next+Annual+Meeting October 11-13, 2013 Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications Conference (SETIT 2011), 7th, Chongquing, China, http://www.setit.rnu.tn/2013 October 12-15, 2013 University and College Designers Association (UCDA) Design Conference, 43rd, Louisville, Kentucky, USA http://ucda.com/conference.lasso October 13-15, 2013 Distance Education and Training Council’s (DETC) Fall Workshop, The Windsor Court Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA http://www.detc.org/meetingsReports.html October 15-18, 2013 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, also offered online, Anaheim, California, USA http://net.educause.edu/content.asp?PAGE_ID=1352&bhcp=1 October 16-18, 2013 International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) World Conference, 25th, hosted by Tianjin Open University, Tianjin, China http://icde.org/ October 17-20, 2013 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), Denver, Colorado, USA http://www.acesonline.net/ October 17-20, 2013 Professional Nursing Education and Development: Lessons from Oz – Assuring Future Capabilities for Future Nursing Education and Practice, 40 th, annual, Kansas City, Missouri, USA http://pneg.org/2013-conference/ October 18-19, 2013 International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) International Conference: Construction of International Collaboration with Telemedicine, 18 th, Takamatsu, Japan https://dl.dropbox.com/u/70583268/18th%20ISfTeH%20Conference%20Flyer%20-%20Japan %202013.pdf or http://www.isfteh.org/ October 19-23, 2013 Library and Information Society of New Zealand (LIANZA), Claudelands Conference and Exhibition Centre, Hamilton, New Zealand http://www.lianza.org.nz/newsevents/conferences/lianza-conference-2013 October 20-24, 2013 InfoComm Middle East and Africa: Information Communications Marketplace, Dubai, United Arab Emirates www.infocomm.org or https://infocomm-mea.com/ October 21-22, 2013 Innovation and Transformation in Learning and Teaching, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://web3.tarc.edu.my/v1/tic/default.asp October 21-22, 2013 International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM), 10th, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA http://academic-conferences.org/icickm/icickm2013/icickm13-home.htm October 21-22, 2013 Academic Medical and Health Science Centers, organized by Tradeline Inc., Kissimmee, Florida, USA http://www.tradelineinc.com/conferences/ October 21-23, 2013 American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Annual Meeting, location to be announced (TBA), USA http://www.aascu.org/MeetingsCalendar/ October 21-25, 2013 E-Learn: World Conference on e-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.aace.org/conf/ October 22-25, 2013 European Conference on Information Literacy, Istanbul, Turkey http://www.ilconf.org/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 62 October 23-25, 2013 DevLearn, sponsored by the e-Learning Guild, Aria Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.elearningguild.com/content.cfm?selection=doc.24#more October 23-25, 2013 North American Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (NCSPOD), 36th annual, Tempe Mission Palms, Tempe, Arizona, USA http://www.ncspod.org/ October 23-25, 2013 European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), organized by Hacettepe University and Zagreb University, Istanbul, Turkey http://www.ilconf.org/ October 23-26, 2013 Frontiers in Education Conference, 43rd, organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Renaissance Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/index.html?Conf_ID=20446 or http://fie2013.org/ October 27-29, 2013 College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPAHR) Annual Conference, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.cupahr.org/conferences/upcomingevents.aspx October 27-30, 2013 STEMtech Conference: Emphasizing Student Success in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, organized by the League for Innovation in the Community College, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.league.org/calendar.cfm October 27-November 1, 2013 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 22nd, sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), San Francisco, California, USA http://www.cikm2013.org/ October 28-29, 2013 College and University Science Facilities, organized by Tradeline Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://www.tradelineinc.com/conferences/ October 28-30, 2013 Instructional Coaching Conference: A Global Summit on Coaching, 8th annual, Oread Hotel, Lawrence, Kansas, USA http://instructionalcoach.org/conferences/details/eighth-annualinstructional-coaching-conference October 31-November 2, 2013 Engaged STEM and Integrative Learning, (STEM = science, technology, engineering and mathematics), organized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, San Diego, California, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/networkforacademicrenewal.cfm November 2013 November 1-6, 2013 The Information Society for the Information Age, 76th annual, sponsored by the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Le Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, Canada http://www.asis.org/conferences.html November 2-5, 2013 Chief Academic Officers Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA http://www.cic.edu/meetings-and-events/AnnualConferences/CAO-Institute/Pages/default.aspx November 3-6, 2013 Canadian Bureau for International Education Conference (CBIE), 47th, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada http://www.cbie.ca/english/aboutus/events.htm November 3-6, 2013 Elliott Masie’s Learning 2013, Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.masie.com or http://www.learning2013.com/ November 3-6, 2013 Leadership Summit and Educational Forum, organized by the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA), Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia, USA http://setda.org/web/guest/events _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 63 November 6-8, 2013 International Conference on Computer-Aided Blended Learning, 5th, biennial Florianópolis, Brazil http://www.icbl-conference.org/2013/ November 7-8, 2013 SharePoint Symposium, Renaissance Washington, Washington, DC, USA http://www.sharepointsymposium.com/2012/ November 7-10, 2013 University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA http://www.ucea.org/future-conventions/ November 7-10, 2013 Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) National Forum: Creation, Collaboration, Community, Louisville, Kentucky, USA http://www.lita.org/ November 10-13, 2013 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Strategic Enrollment Management (AACRAO) Conference, 23rd annual, Hilton Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA http://www.aacrao.org/ November 13-15, 2013 National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) Fall Leadership Conference, Washington Court Hotel, Washington, DC, USA http://www.naicu.edu/events/2013-fall-leadership-conference November 13-16, 2013 Vietnam Telecomp: International Exhibition in Vietnam on Telecommunications and Information Technology, 15th, Saigon, Vietnam http://vietnamtelecomp.com/VNC13/Main/lang-eng/Information.aspx November 14-15, 2013 Ubiquitous Learning, 6th, Universidad Nacional de Educación Distancia, Madrid, Spain http://ubi-learn.com/the-conference November 14-15, 2013 mLearning: Tips and Techniques for Development, Implementation and Evaluation, organized by the eLearning Guild, offered online http://www.elearningguild.com/onlineforums/content/1562/schedule-at-a-glance/ November 14-16, 2013 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Hyatt at the Arch, St Louis, Missouri, USA http://www.ashe.ws November 14-17, 2013 Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Policy Forum, The Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, Virginia, USA http://www.ccsso.org/News_and_Events/Meetings_and_Events.html November 15-16, 2013 Global Conference on Education, sponsored by the School of Education, University of Riverside, Los Angeles, California, USA http://www.uofriverside.com/edconference.html November 17-19, 2013 E-Activities (e-Learning, e-Communities, e-Commerce, e-Management, eMarketing, e-Governance and Tele-working), 11th, sponsored by World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Nanjing Forestry University, China http://www.wseas.org/ November 17-19, 2013 International Conference on Tourism and Economic Development, 1st, organized by the North Atlantic University Union (NAUN), Nanjing Forestry University, China http://www.naun.org/ November 19-22, 2013 California Educational Technology Professionals Association (CETPA), 53rd, Pasadena, California, USA http://www.cetpa-k12.org November 20-22, 2013 Sloan Consortium Online Learning, 19th annual, Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA http://sloanconsortium.org/aln November 20-22, 2013 Corporate Information Systems Group (CISG) of the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA), Brighton, UK http://www.ucisa.ac.uk/groups/cisg/Events/2013/cisg2013.aspx _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 64 November 21-24, 2013 American Studies Association, Hilton Washington, Washington, DC, USA http://www.theasa.net/annual_meeting/page/future_meetings/ November ?, 2013 Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF7), co-hosted by the Commonwealth of Learning, the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Education, and the National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria http://www.col.org/progServ/panComm/Pages/pcf.aspx December 2013 December 1-5, 2013 Learning Forward Annual Conference: Connect, Engage, Learn, Virtually, organized by the International Non-profit Association of Learning Educators ((formerly known as the National Staff Development Council – NSDC), Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://www.learningforward.org/default.aspx December 5-7, 2013 Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Annual Convention and Career Tech Expo, Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.acteonline.org/futuremeetings.aspx December 9-10, 2013 Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Membership Meeting, Washington, DC, USA http://www.cni.org/events/membership-meetings/future-meetings/ December 12-13, 2013 Graphics and Animations for eLearning: Best Practices, Tips and Techniques, organized by the eLearning Guild, offered online http://www.elearningguild.com/onlineforums/content/1562/schedule-at-a-glance/ December 16-17, 2013 Asian Forum on Business Education (AFBE) Conference, Calcutta Business School, Calcutta, India http://www.afbe.biz/main/ January 2014 January 4-7, 2014 Presidents Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Marco Island, Florida, USA http://www.cic.edu/meetings-and-events/Annual-Conferences/PresidentsInstitute/Pages/default.aspx January 7-8, 2014 Presidential Vocation and Institutional Mission Seminar, organized by the Council of Independent Colleges, Marco Island, Florida, USA http://www.cic.edu/meetings-andevents/Leadership-Development/Pages/Presidential-Vocation.aspx January 9-12, 2014 Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Convention, 129th, Chicago, Illinois, USA http://www.mla.org/convention January 12-15, 2014 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA), Winter Seminar, Hilton Tapatio Cliffs, Phoenix, Arizona, USA http://www.acuta.org/ January 24-28, 2014 American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA http://www.ala.org/ February 2014 February 2-5, 2014 National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU), Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Hotel on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, USA http://www.naicu.edu/events/2014-annual-meeting February 14-18, 2014 Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency, St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, USA http://www.ate1.org/pubs/Future_Meetings.cfm February 20-22, 2014 American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Conference on Education, 146th, Nashville, Tennessee, USA http://www.aasa.org/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 65 February 27-March 1, 2014 General Education and Assessment, organized by the Network for Academic Renewal of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Portland, Oregon, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/NetworkforAcademicRenewal.cfm February ? 2014 International Conference on Mobile Communication for Development (M4D), 4th The third conference was held February 28-29, 2012 in New Delhi, India http://www.m4d2012.com/ March 2014 March 1-3, 2014 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), 66th, JW Marriott Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA http://aacte.org/ March 2-4, 2014 BrainStorm 15.0: K12 Technology Conference for IT Personnel, 15th, annual, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, USA http://www.brainstormk12.com/ March 2-5, 2014 Innovations Conference, organized by the League for Innovation in the Community College, Marriot Anaheim, California, USA http://www.league.org/#Inn2013 March 7-9, 2014 T3 – Teachers Teaching with Technology International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.t3ww.org/ or http://education.ti.com/calculators/pd/US/International/About#2013 March 8-11, 2014 American Council on Education (ACE) Annual Meeting, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California, USA http://www.acenet.edu/AM/Template.cfm?Section=About_ACE March 12-14, 2014 Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA http://www.macul.org/conferences/ March 15-19, 2014 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA http://www.naspa.org/conf/default.cfm March 16-20, 2014 American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition: Chemistry of Life, 247th, Chemistry of Energy/Advanced Materials for New Opportunities, Dallas, Texas, USA http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content? _nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id=9&use_sec=false& uuid=2b3f7b7f-32c44db0-bf90-5ad314246541 March 17-21, 2014 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) 25th, Jacksonville, Florida, USA http://site.aace.org/conf/ March 19-21, 2014 Learning Solutions Conference and Expo, organized by the eLearning Guild, Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA http://www.learningsolutionsmag.com/content/1408/ March 26-29, 2014 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention, Portland, Oregon, USA http://www.tesol.org/ March 27-29, 2014 Student Success, organized by Network for Academic Renewal of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Chicago, Illinois, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/NetworkforAcademicRenewal.cfm March 30-April 2, 2014 Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA) Annual Conference and Exhibition, 43rd, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dallas, Texas, USA http://www.acuta.org/ March 30-April 2, 2014 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Annual Meeting, 100th, annual, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, USA http://www.aacrao.org/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 66 March ?, 2014 International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (iCTLT), 4th biennial, organized by the Singapore Ministry of Education and the Academy of Principals The last conference was held March 27-30, 2012 Singapore http://www.ictlt.com/ April 2014 April 3-6, 2014 National Science Teachers Association, Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://www.nsta.org/conferences/future.aspx?lid=tnav April 3-7, 2014 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA http://www.aera.net/ April 5-8, 2014 American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Convention, 94th, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC, USA http://www.aacc.nche.edu/ April 6-8, 2014 Distance Education and Training Council’s (DETC) Annual Conference, 88th annual, Hammock Beach Resort, Hammock Beach, Florida, USA http://www.detc.org/meetingsReports.html April 9-11, 2014 National Service-Learning Conference, 25th, Washington, DC, USA http://www.nylc.org/national-service-learning-conference April 26-30, 2014 Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada http://www.mededconference.ca/home.php April ? 2014 International Conference on Networked Learning, 9th, biennial The 8th conference was held April 2-4, 2012 and hosted by the Open University of the Netherlands, Maastricht, The Netherlands http://www.networkedlearningconference.org.uk/ April ? 2014 National Nurse Education Conference 15th biennial The 14th, conference was held April 11-13, 2012 at Perth, Australia http://www.iceaustralia.com/nnec2012/ April ? 2014 Distance Education Association of New Zealand (DEANZ) The previous conference was held April 11-13, 2012 in Wellington, New Zealand http://www.deanz.org.nz/home/index.php/deanz-conference-2012 April ? 2014 Off-Campus Library Services Conference, 16th, biennial Previous conference held April 18-20, 2012 in Memphis, Tennessee, USA http://www.offcampuslibrarian.com/conferences/ April ? 2014 South Africa Basic Education Conference, biennial Previous conference held April 2-4, 2012 in Durban, South Africa http://www.education-conference.co.za / April ? 2014 Quality in Postgraduate Research (QPR) Conference, 11th, biennial The 10th conference was held April 17-20, 2012 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia http://www.sapmea.asn.au/conventions/qpr2012/index.html May 2014 May 16-21, 2014 Medical Library Association (MLA), Chicago, Illinois, USA http://www.mlanet.org/am/meetings.html May 26-31, 2014 Canadian Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting, Brock University, St Catharines, Ontario, Canada http://www.cag-acg.ca/en/cag_annual_meeting.html May 29-31, 2014 BookExpo America, Javits Center, New York City, New York, USA http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/Show-Info/Event-At-A-Glance-Hours/#future _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 67 May ? 2014 Inclusive Learning Technologies Conference, hosted by Spectronics The May 22-25, 2012 conference was held at Jupiters Gold Coast Hotel, Queensland, Australia, www.spectronicsinoz.com/conference/2012 May ? 2014 European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV 2012), 7th, biennial The 6th conference was held May 6-9, 2012 at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands http://www.imaging.org/ist/Conferences/cgiv/index.cfm May ? 2014 World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) World Congress, biennial The last congress was held May 26-29, 2012 and hosted by the Association of Canadian Community College and Nova Scotia Community College, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada The 2014 Congress will be held in Beijing, China and hosted by the China Education Association for International Education (CEAIE) in Beijing China http://wfcp.org/wfcp-congresses/ May ? 2014 World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) The 18th, conference was held May 21-24, 2012 and organized by the World information Technology and Services Alliance in Montreal, Quebec, Canada The 2014 conference will be held in Mexico http://www.wcit2012.org/ May ? 2014 International Conference on Higher Education: Knowledge Crossing Borders, biennial conference The previous conference was co-organized by West Chester University and the Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Cost Rica between May 29-June 3, 2012 at West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA http://www.wcupa.edu/KnowledgeCrossingBorders/ June 2014 June 8-10, 2014 Special Libraries Association (SLA), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada http://www.sla.org/content/Events/index.cfm#futuremeetings June 11-15, 2014 The State of Higher Education, annual, organized by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Mayflower Renaissance Washington Hotel, Washington, DC, USA http://www.aaup.org/AAUP/about/events/default.htm June 16-18, 2014 International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Conference, biennial, organized by the Swedish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education (Swednet), Stockholm, Sweden http://icedonline.net/ June 26-July 1, 2014 American Library Association Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA http://www.ala.org/ June ? 2014 World Congress of University Presidents, Rectors and Vice-Chancellors, 17th triennial The 16th conference was held June 17-20, 2011 in New York City, New York, USA http://www.bcdmionline.com/IAUP/index.htm June ? 2014 International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, biennial Last held June 18-20, 2012 in Aarhus, Denmark http://www.catacconference.org/ June ? 2014 Council on Undergraduate Research National Conference, biennial, Washington, DC, USA http://www.cur.org/conferences_and_events/cur_conference/ June ? 2014 International Nurse Education Conference, biennial The 4th conference was held June 17-20, 2012 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA http://www.netnep-conference.elsevier.com/index.asp June ? 2014 Science and Mathematics Education Conference: Teaching at the Heart of Learning, biennial Previous conference was held June 7-9, 2012 at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland http://www4.dcu.ie/smec/2012/index.shtml June ? 2014 Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), biennial Last held June 18-22, 2012 in Zadar, Croatia http://ozk.unizd.hr/lida/ _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 68 June? 2014 Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), biennial Last held June 25-29, 2012 at Newcastle, United Kingdom, http://www.dis2012.org/ July 2014 July 6-8, 2014 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Technology Conference, Marriott Harbor Beach Hotel, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA http://www.aacrao.org/ July 6-9, 2014 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Beijing, China http://www.ieee-wcci2014.org/ July 9-11, 2014 International Conference on Computers Helping People (ICCHP) with Special Needs, 14th, Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis, France http://www.icchp.org/ July 12-16, 2014 Society for College and University Planning (SCUP), Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA http://www.scup.org/ July 13-19, 2014 International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress: Facing an Unequal World – Challenges for Global Sociology, 18th, every four years, Yokohama, Japan http://www.isasociology.org/world-congresses.htm July 13-19, 2014 International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML), Antwerp, Belgium http://www.iaml.info/activities/conferences/ July 19-22, 2014 National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), Nashville, Tennessee, USA http://www.nacuboannualmeeting.org/ or nacubo.org July ?, 2014 Australia Library and Information Association Biennial Conference held July 10-13, 2012 in Sydney, Australia http://conferences.alia.org.au/alia2012/ July ? 2014 International Workshop-Conference on Teaching Philosophy (IWCTP), 20th biennial, sponsored by the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) The 19 th conference was held July 25-29, 2012 at St Edward’s University, Austin, Texas, USA http://philosophyteachers.org/ August 2014 August 10-14, 2014 Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2014, 41st, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada http://www.siggraph.org/events or http://www.siggraph.org/s2014 August 10-14, 2014 American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition: Chemistry of Life - Chemistry and Stewardship of the World, 248th, San Francisco, California, USA http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content? _nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id=9&use_sec=false& uuid=2b3f7b7f-32c44db0-bf90-5ad314246541 August 10-15, 2014 World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics: One World, Many Languages, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia http://www.aila2014.com/ August 28-31, 2014 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington, DC, USA http://www.apsanet.org/content_9906.cfm?navID=597 September 2014 September 28-30, 2014 College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPAHR) Annual Conference, Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, Texas, USA http://www.cupahr.org/conferences/upcomingevents.aspx _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 69 September 30-October 2, 2014 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, also offered online, Orlando, Florida, USA http://net.educause.edu/content.asp?PAGE_ID=1352&bhcp=1 September ? 2014 The Science and Art of Language Teaching (SALT), Beyond 2012 – Building the Future with What We Have, biennial, was held September 9-10, 2012 in Arau, Perlis, Malaysia http://icon.saltofworld.org/index.php/SALT/2012SALT September ? 2014 Thinking Approach Teachers Conference 2nd The first conference was held September 14-15, 2012 with the sub-title Bringing Creativity and Thinking Skills into the Educational Process, Riga, Latvia http://ta-teachers.eu/ October 2014 October 16-18, 2014 Diversity, Learning and Making Excellence Inclusive, organized by the Network for Renewal of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/NetworkforAcademicRenewal.cfm October 26-29, 2014 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Strategic Enrollment Management Conference, 24th, annual, Los Angeles, California, USA http://www.aacrao.org/ October ? 2014 Vocational Learning – Enterprise – Transitions (VET) Network, biennial Last held October 17-19, 2012 in Canberra, Australia http://www.vetnetwork.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=174 November 2014 November 1-4, 2014 Chief Academic Officer Institute, sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges, Portland, Oregon, USA http://www.cic.edu/conferences_events/index.asp November 6-8, 2014 Engaged STEM and Integrative Learning (STEM = science, technology, engineering and mathematics), organized by the Network for Academic Renewal of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), Atlanta, Georgia, USA http://www.aacu.org/meetings/NetworkforAcademicRenewal.cfm November 18-21, 2014 California Educational Technology Professionals Association (CETPA), 54th, Sacramento, California, USA http://cetpa.net/pub/htdocs/calendar.html November 20-22, 2014 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA http://www.ashe.ws November 20-23, 2014 University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Washington Hilton, Washington, DC, USA http://www.ucea.org/future-conventions/ July 2016 July 24-31, 2016 International Congress on Mathematical Education, 13th, held every four years, Hamburg, Germany http://www.icme13.org/ July ?, 2016 RC33 International Conference on Social Science Methodology, 9th, held every four years The 8th conference was held July 9-13, 2012 at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia http://conference.acspri.org.au/index.php/rc33/2012/index or http://www.isa-sociology.org/rc33.htm _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 70 ... _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 10 January 30-February 2, 2013 International Conference... _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 11 February 4-7, 2013 Education Summit: Education across... _ Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for January to June 2013, Prepared by Clayton R Wright, crwr77[at] gmail.com 23 March 25-27, 2013 Social Media Strategy for Higher Education:

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