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Economic Development Follow up Survey Results

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Economic Development Survey Results Background: This survey is a step in a larger process and was designed to follow the Economic Summit held on June 16th, 2011 There were 145 participants and they all answered the main questions and may also left detailed comments One question, focused on most important sectors to pursue, was also asked of the June 16th participants and the results closely follow those noted here Demographic Results: Sector Results: Participants were asked to identify the economic potential of several sectors As the chart below shows the sectors thought to have the highest impact were tourism and agriculture but all sectors were rated high when the numbers from “strong future impact” and “highest future impact are combined Process Results: Participants were asked about the value of various processes and chose setting priorities and getting going on implementation as the top choices Many of the comments reiterated the need to “get moving” Reactions to Specific Ideas: The first Economic Summit produced a set of specific ideas for economic growth This survey created an opportunity for more people to weigh in on those ideas, as well as submit their own The question follows: A recent Economic Summit also identified a number of specific ideas and initiatives and we would like your input Please read these directions carefully There are two areas to consider for each idea, viability and impact If you believe the idea presented is reasonably viable then check that box, if not leave it blank If you believe the idea has measurable impact on the future economy check that box, if not leave it blank Finally please choose three of the ideas you would most like to see implemented; please just choose three Add your own ideas or comments in the comment area below Answer Options: • • • • • • • • • • • • Create a regulatory culture of helping and the political will required for appropriate economic development Develop more enlightened citizenry Make key General Plan and zoning changes Create rules that support a wide range of rural commerce Collaborate on joint marketing for business attraction and tourism Create common signage for tourism attractions Develop additional lodging options, which may include hotels, B&Bs, ranch stays, etc Develop resorts and retreats Create a Welcome/Culture and Commerce Center Fully develop Residential Summer Institutes: Destination Learning Create a living laboratory focused on natural assets for use by a broad range of existing schools and universities Make history more prominent by displaying large scale historical assets throughout communities in prominent locations, in addition to display at museums As the chart below shows the most popular ideas were to create a joint marketing initiative, ideas related to increased lodging options, ways to make the business climate more friendly, and emphasizing our historical assets in innovative ways In addition to the results noted above a significant percentage of the participants also left comments on all questions Survey Comments: Survey Question: Past economic surveys, workshops and studies have identified several areas of opportunity for economic growth in El Dorado County Please rank each idea for its potential to have a positive influence, as a sector, on our future economy Fill in any high impact sectors you think are missing in the comment area below • • Focus on attracting high level athletes (professional / Olympic) for high altitude training Bio-tech along with other tech industries • This is a comment on #11 - Retail is important, but we need to fill the numerous vacant locations before focusing on building additional capacity • Since our transportation and development are so automobile focused, El Dorado County is a very difficult place for aging residents who can no longer drive We need to change our transportation and development patterns before trying to attract retirees We are at a disadvantage for types of manufacturing that need low-cost, high-volume shipping, but should encourage forms of manufacturing in which we have the potential to compete, especially value added to our natural products, since manufacturing jobs typically pay better than many service jobs We not have the transportation and urban amenities to compete for major meetings, but may be successful in attracting smaller gatherings, and especially retreats that capitalize on our beautiful natural environment • Arts and Culture, History (could be under Tourism), Recreation (join regional bicycle trail development) • Do not think the county is a one-size fits all economy and planning Each rural area must be allowed to develop in its own appropriate way Fair Play for example is an island with needs and great possibilities but short on resources and deserve its own area plan developed by the local people not city planners • Re-read the ED County Industry-Focused Economic Development Study dated June 30, 2010 which you helped pay for by Center for Strategic Economic Research which gave us conclusions and recommendations based on facts • There is no need to "build retail capacity." The wonderful, existing locations should be supported and made more attractive Absolutely NO need for additional shopping districts • housing • work to restore, enhance and promote our historical centers (Coloma & Main Street Placerville) as a destination (ties into tourism) • Equine centers • I am opposed to big box stores and they pay minimum wages and take their profits elsewhere I am in favor of small specialty retail stores, small markets If Costco wants to come here, make them build a small, architecturally appropriate building! • Would like to see a conscience pursuit of research and development focused on high tech to advance the businesses parks in both El Dorado Hills and Cameron Park/Shingle Spring areas • All resource development should be considered as well as good, diverse recreation (not just "same ole" river rats business - they're stale) EDC has the infra-structure needed for developing timber again, mining on many levels, water development for sport and export, all resources lacking in other regions: We should take advantage of them: We have a piddling rafting industry but no sophisticated tourist attractions such as those found in other similar areas: combination of good B&Bs or hotels: unique localized retail, ranch marketing (expand same), river sports events/retail/tourism to attract a higher tourism base than rafting (only) such as fishing, canoeing (competitions) bicycling, horse riding complete with "horse camps" needed Look at what we have and where others successful similarly and just encourage those things here Will take a change in political corrective attitudes and also in our public image that EDC so difficult and unfriendly to get anything permitted • Retail needs to be of local importance, not corporate retail that sucks the life out of the community • You left out the small businesses: construction, services, restaurants, stores, etc., the ones that left or collapsed because of government over-regulation • Water Storage Development and emergency procurement for the region Micro and Macro Gold Development History • Zoning needs to allow rural retreat centers • Most sectors get a strong future impact since any and all will help The timber products industry is probably the most obvious area for creating manufacturing and jobs since 48% of the County is publicly owned with 500,000 acres of forest managed by the US Forest Service The land is supposed to be managed for multiple uses, but now managers are not managing the forest and still saying that the water, recreation, and wildlife are being satisfied (Multiple Use), but that is only true until there is a catastrophic fire and water, recreation and wildlife are immediately impacted in the very negative and lasting terms Management of the forest for water, recreation, and wildlife must address the risk of fire in a meaningful way The current program is lip service • Need more hotels to become a meeting destination Need to lower the high costs of county permitting to grow our economy • The reputation of this county is horrible Potential retirees avoid the County because of the County Planning & Building Departments Why move here when other local governments are easier to work with You would be found lacking good judgment to move here or start a business in this County • Attract businesses to EDC Look at what restrictions you have and why you have them Look at the cost of doing business here Look how close the income producing shopping is in Folsom Why is it not in EDC? How easy and cost effective is it for a business to move here? What about transportation? Get serious about income in EDC Survey Question: Past Economic Summits have created a list of potential process related actions to further economic development Please rank the importance of these actions to the future of the economy in El Dorado County • Champions that are advocates to attract new business are the most critical • Sampling of each economic area in county to see what identifies that area, strengths, services, tourism attractions, housing needs, development needs, educational needs, growth issues, ratio of population to businesses smaller towns are made up of more businesses than cities with more employees which leads to out of county loss of taxes and revenue to local merchants Benefits for small business owners and home businesses to grow and establish an employee base within county builds up our county within • Communicating these steps brings people on board rather than letting them feel blindsided • Compile, integrate and use the economic development data that we already have Coordinate our various existing economic development efforts More government outreach to garner community involvement in policy decisions, including consistent wellpublicized announcement of all opportunities for public engagement • Determining priorities should be balance with openness to opportunities We need to think regionally By 2050, CA Dept of Finance projects population in northern CA will be equal to SO Cal What are impacts and opportunities of SLT-Reno preparation for 2022 Olympics bid? • Limit review of past data- look at current and look into the future With current economic recession, large aging population, shrinking school age and uncertainty-the cheese has moved! • Retain/Hire an advocate for the County that is the primary conduit for ED type inquiries and who can help organizations get through the process it takes to open their doors • Make Country Ordinances and Permitting activities PRO BUSINESS, not just business friendly It is the county staff anti-growth attitude that makes most potential growth impossible • Again no one-size fits all approach - listen, visit, see, hear, absorb and it twice Planning should not be an obstacle but a facilitator of the future sharing its knowledge not its mandates Appropriate planning for each rural area • We must be careful to balance interests; NOT allow industry/corporations/business to make decisions without equal input from sustainable/environmental resources Positive responses to the carefully worded statements above should not be taken as permission to run away with "economic development," "data," "involved organizations" and such • Visual vision for the county What we look like? Are we Roseville, or are we Sutter Creek? There are some that would like to see us as Roseville I think that would be a huge mistake It is also contrary to the General Plan • High Tech • Seems we have plenty of economic data and other information to establish all the rest of this at this time Need a true economic leader! • Actively support what is working and get of our 'wish list' mode • Consider ways to modify county & state-level laws, requirements & regulations that are huge barriers to economic growth • All these are important but so shallow In fact the Gen Plan has done this to great extent This looks like just one more "inventory" to gain support for how it's always been done (and failed consistently) Best effort I've seen to move the unwilling forward has been current Regulatory Reform volunteers: no desire to conduct endless and useless meetings: Just a desire to get the work done The problem is not whether each of these areas are important: The problem is the mentality that is even asking these questions (sorry - not meant to insult!) • Get out of the business of competing against the local economy Your actions have nearly destroyed the long historic economic base of El Dorado County • if we don't focus on growth, we will cease to exist as a 'destination' in El Dorado • reduce regulations that strangle business & manufacturing • We are not going to have economic development unless and until someone has the guts to stand up to the government I was on the El Dorado County Planning Commission and over and over we asked the County Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Department and others to give us their input They refused because, "We don't want to upset the Board of Supervisors." Thank God for the Shingle Springs Chamber that receives no government funding and cares about business in El Dorado County, rather than their government funding • Provide alternative (to car ownership) for senior transportation, i.e paratransit, bus etc The county is very deficient in same • There are many "cliches" in this County These lines need to be broken down and get away from the "good ole boy" mentality • Determine niche areas in the County One size does not fit all Economic vision should be by County area as well as organizations, i.e., rural lands vs urban • You can meet and talk all you like - NOTHING ever happens Just look at the year "regulatory overall" that has just been completed Nothing has changed and nothing will until the citizens of this County elect a Board and hold them to task • Enough studies, surveys, committee meetings, grants for studies and summits It's time to something! • All communities to be involved • There is enough data - now we need a marketing/communications and implementation plan in order to promote the region and reach out to stakeholders, partners, commercial brokers and site selectors • You'll need to all of these to be a success Look at how your non-profits are finding a way to collaborate Politics in EDC is currently more important than progress and the good of the citizens Public sector wants to keep their kingdoms It is VERY difficult to create a working plan with so many conflicting ideas What you want the county to look like in 20 years? Decide and set your path Survey Question: A recent Economic Summit also identified a number of specific ideas and initiatives and we would like your input Please read these directions carefully There are two areas to consider for each idea, viability and impact If you believe the idea presented is reasonably viable then check that box, if not leave it blank If you believe the idea has measurable impact on the future economy check that box, if not leave it blank Finally please choose three of the ideas you would most like to see implemented; please just choose three Add your own ideas or comments in the comment area below • • Attract high level athletes for high altitude training * Create a sports commission for hosting young sports teams and events Have a strong economic development director/advocate that is focused, well organized, connected to the region, that lives here and love's El Dorado County • Let's make El Dorado County truly the Gold Country by treating our people like "Gold" each person Family, retiree can make a difference in our communities Let's empower ourselves from within to go GREEN, be SUSTAINABLE, HEALTHY, HAPPY, LIVE LONG & PROSPER!! Let's stand out of the crowd as one of California's BEST counties for by the People, for the people!! A county our kids are proud to reside in and raise their kids!! • Remove the zoning constraints on existing business to allow them to expand Do not get involved in people working from their homes; there is no need for any governmental regulation It would only deter people from moving into our area • Fewer regulations, more freedom • Create a plan to accommodate the growing need for sports facilities for our local children Fees are being paid to facilities outside our county in order for children to participate in team sports (i.e.: volleyball, basketball • In the past decade of doing business in EDC, it is clear that the number one reason tourists come to EDC in the Pvlle area is in descending order: Apple Hill, wine tasting & wine events, PDA events, Weddings/family & friends and lastly, History • Rather than continuing to facilitate suburban sprawl, integrate our housing, jobs, retail, transportation, recreation, and tourism to enable local jobs, local retail, and tourism, while preserving and using our natural resources • Keep government regulations to a bare minimum as regulations are killing the nation • Make this a good place for older adults so as we age we don't have to move away to a place with all income levels of housing, additional transportation and activities that can be pursued without a CAR When 60+ move out for lack of these things they will be taking investments, pensions and everyday consumer needs with them -there go $$$$ Develop an infrastructure to allow the area to be a Lifetime Community Develop the infrastructure and services support for retirement • There is a California Welcome Center in EDH that includes EDC tourism information It is not ZONING and the GP that needs changed It is Ordinances that need to be changed to be PRO BUSINESS • Allow each rural area to develop their vision of the future Ask local old and new entrepreneurs for their vision • Who decided what is "appropriate economic development," and who "enlightens" the citizens It is important to maintain the rural environment El Dorado County should not become a "business center." There are more than enough of those already developed • The same people are on all the committees I'd like a broader view from different perspectives How about reaching out to some environmental groups? They should be part of this conversation • Lower permit fees to attract more development EDC has a reputation for being very heavy in fees which is a big turn off • Become something - time to grow up Need to have an identity for the county and then for each community region Then need to have a collective marketing campaign that promotes and encourages the vision and identity of the area • Instead of viewing what needs to be done by a touchy/feely bureaucratic approach I prefer the old axiom: Get out of entrepreneurs way Good visionary folks don't need the govt/agencies to most of these items: People just need to know the agencies will help them to accommodate a good idea - not just tell them "no" or how much it costs via regulations or permit fees or just start hitting them with all the reasons the ideas cannot be done But subject matters are good: All needed but individual drive is needed most and must be supported to excel and that effort helps all: Just as timber industry did: Just as Apple Hill and wineries did; just as our ancestors did • This survey is tainted • Fully develop Community ID and a full range of specific zones including vertical mixed use which incorporates residential, retail, and professional office and all that it entails eg Reduced off-street parking requirements in community regions • Hitler developed and "Enlightened citizenry." What we need is less regulation, fewer Impact Fees and a government that provides a service (solves problems, doesn't create them) Right now the government of El Dorado County is servicing the public, in the same manner a stallion services a mare, and she doesn't get kissed either • Focus on what you have Timber, Water, Scenic Beauty, Rural Peace, Large residential parcels can serve Cottage Industries • Need to have better coordination for development and permitting processes It has gotten better, but a special position or very small dept could work to help departments interact better There are a lot of good people trying to comply with tons and tons of rules One good source could make an en devour more enticing • All of these things will be futile unless local government leadership and local agencies become more receptive to growth, DRASTICALLY reduce fees and eliminate 50% of current regulations Government has killed business and growth in El Dorado County I have friends who have been doing what you are doing for years and yet El Dorado County authorities usually kill such efforts • Regulations should not be developed that discourage home-based businesses that fit within uses allowed by code • Placerville has never had anything going for it except its history If the area had an excursion train, I think that would be a big draw for generations to come Once those tracks are pulled out, Placerville's history will end, if it hasn't already • Create family experiences IE: welcome center should have activities/displays that create a place to visit, not just flyers/brochures • Rural commerce is important - but 'rules' is not the most appropriate word/need It's not about rules, it’s about encouragement • We need to bring the "Old West" character back to downtown Placerville We need a draw to bring tourists back! Would love to see the Cowboys back on the weekends with a high noon shootout and melodramas • It would seem that most of the above is all based on Tourism? We have a wonderful Welcome Center already we not need another maybe you should put it to better use • Reduce regulations; replace the existing Planning Department and Building Services Department with supportive customer oriented personnel; change and relax zoning codes; Let people solve their own problems - government never has a good solution • Reduce regulations on wineries and B & Bs, Promote more home based business, work toward high speed Internet for county residents, allow grading of commercial land before project approval, county must be more business friendly to attract development that will create jobs County has reputation of preventing any development It should actively engage, assist and promote We need an advocate for business • Build infrastructure to support new business, including technology and transportation More hotels mean more events and tourists • Make doing business in EDC easier Survey Question: Please share any overall comments you may have and thank you for participating • • Stop Nickel and Diming your community with cc&r fines, And begin partnering with community to bring new economic opportunities, Assemble help your neighbor programs, so that neighbors will be more encouraged to help each in order to bring a more happy and enthusiastic community I am seeing too many neighbors nitpick at each other and it's causing community frustration Educate community, remind that barking dogs may sometimes be annoyance but barking dogs also greatly reduce neighborhood theft and vandalism crimes Weight pros and cons remember that car fines may increase county revenue but takes away from income that would have otherwise gone to local businesses and community activities Sorry, but, the majority of the ideas listed above are extremely vague and are virtually impossible to measure • There are many economic development opportunities that are happening in the region EDC needs to get involved regionally and not be so isolated The county can complement the economic growth the region is seeing in bio-tech, high tech and energy The county and its commercial districts focus too much time worrying about retail leakage etc The problem is people spend money where they work; the leakage is about where jobs are so when someone is heading home from Intel for example he/she will stop in Folsom before coming home Create great jobs here and we'll solve the leakage problem while helping our non-profits The bigger base we have of business the more philanthropy, often people contribute where they work • I don't personally see any advantage to the Ec Dv department I don't see any assistance provided to any business existing or beginning I don't see the need to continue and/or implement any further restraints over expansion in our areas It is hard enough to maintain a business on the divide • Attitude is everything The backbiting and dysfunctional CPCSD Board and criminal actions of the Placerville mayor is evidence that we need congenial, can people in positions of leadership not self-centered petty personalities who cannot find first forge areas of agreement and lead with integrity • We need more traditional communities in which people can live, work, shop, and recreate without having to drive to every destination, so we need to change our transportation and development standards We need to preserve and use our wonderful rural assets with wiser development and transportation • El Dorado County is a beautiful place and valuable resource Let's keep it that way for current and future generations • This survey is biased toward "economic growth" as being a good thing This county has many rural areas that don't want to attract new businesses or have big shopping areas Many buildings are currently standing empty, why build more? The Hwy 50 corridor is sufficient to meet the needs of county residents Many residents moved to the rural parts of the county to get away from "the big city" We need to keep the area as it is Groundwater availability is limited in the foothills yet it sounds as if the summits focused on the idea that more is better We need to think about sustainability and quality of life, not how we can use up all the resources that are available You should have included a check box for things we don't want to see implemented • Expanding our high speed internet lines to outlying areas is extremely important to our commerce on The Georgetown Divide This area has one of the highest home based/selfemployed businesses Without access to high speed internet we are falling behind on our ability to promote, grow and develop home based/self-employed businesses Without the ability to grow and expand via e*commerce the county will lose businesses (IE: tax income) It also makes it difficult if not impossible to bring other people into our area if they run a home based business • El Dorado County's resources are not evenly distributed and those areas with less need not suffer with in appropriate planning ideas and requirements Creativity is not government's talent Government needs to listen, learn and support those with vision • I heard a rumor you are planning to drop the county's SACTO membership so you can spend it on this instead Bad idea • We feel strongly that the Chamber of Commerce has, over the years, done far more damage to communities than it has provided benefit The doctrine of greed that has our country in such a sad state does not need to be encouraged • I would shop locally if treated with more interest and respect $ are not in the decision • Some of the ideas and initiatives in #5 were somewhat vague and not specific - for example "Make key General Plan and zoning changes" - what kind of "key" changes would be made? That could be a negative connotation? I would like to see the county and the cities within them make regulatory changes to make it easier to business in El Dorado County (lower business license fees, permit fees, etc.) and easier processes to start and attract businesses in El Dorado County • Take a close look at the extremely high costs associated with construction and development in the county All the fees and expenses stop the greatest benefit economically to our county -GROWTH • Attract Retirees Can be a big boost as folks flee the cities but without A Medical/Wellness Focus it will remain a Far West County impact only Create a regulatory culture starts at the local level but is limited by State and Fed overreach • Less rules, more freedom for business No government spending on any of this except proscribed by current law Now is NOT the time for spending to make things better Get out of the way and let people figure it out • Most citizens not want El Dorado County ending up looking like Folsom • El Dorado County has no plan for the future It is largely a community for retired people, agriculture and tourism There is little commerce and zero industry Our best and brightest have limited opportunities and leave the county for better opportunities We consume more than we produce economically We lose more retail business to competing counties and they contribute to us This is not a formula for economic growth I live here because of the environment and the people - not for the economic opportunities Without retirement, social security and Medicare I wouldn't be able to live here My income stream only contributes to maintenance and not to growth and development • Must streamline the permit process for all development; need fewer regulations, fewer restrictions and a faster timeline for projects and business • Government needs to be a partner in economic development not an impediment Create the proper environment for business and they will come Anyone outside this county will tell you our county is difficult to business with • Need the county to collaborate with the chambers, big business, developers, community activists and the like to layout the groundwork for such a plan • Economic growth in our county is often limited by the personal and professional limitation of the county staff Processing projects which are consistent with our general plan, but are unpopular with individuals with political or selfish motivations get hopelessly entangled causing further economic hardships Some corrective action is needed to focus on culture and ethics county government • EDC has to pick a couple of things it wants to be known for and promote those aggressively Say rafting, Tahoe, wineries, Apple Hill and history The other extraneous things that compete for attention and dollars have inherently got to be de-prioritized EDC cannot treat the 'big' attractions the same way it treats Alpaca farms and iris gardens It is not that those are not valid contributors to the EDC mix, but they are NOT driving economic growth in the region and they are NOT driving tourism To brand the County and market successfully, we have to focus on activities that are sought-out by people with the right demographic profile that allows them to spend money in our region and - most importantly - come back for multiple repeat visits • Less government Let's let business what it does best El Dorado County needs to be an economically desirable place to live and work • You must understand: In recent past every EDC "document" or regulatory form has had poison pills built in to them - assuring nothing can really GET done Reg Reform is uncovering those and pushing for many significant changes to help support the individualist drive I speak of above Many "politically incorrect" ideas, work, concepts, etc, must be rethought and often thrown out It's coming down to survival and reality: Talk to the working folks around the county and you'll her this all said: No studies, no long processes with failure triggers built in, no more meetings to "cum-bay-ah" together: just give folks the opportunity and get out of the way and watch them thrive and raise all sinking ships • We need to concentrate on retaining, recruiting & supporting concrete, basic & sustainable jobs and revenue generating businesses in this county Although I would upset some people with this truth, I believe that focusing on recreation &/or agritourism is a mistake as the economic condition in the US is in general decline The result is, and will continue to be, that most people will not spend money on non-essential goods or services Instead we need to shift our focus to manufacturing essential goods & providing essential services to and for ourselves first, and for others second Bringing in tourists to wear on our roads, cause traffic jams & take pictures before they drive home is not cost effective They aren't spending as much as they rare costing The whole tourism thing has cost us far more than we earn in the final assessment Bringing in retails sales tax dollars is a help but building sustainable industry(s) that produces essential goods and services will keep us vital for the long haul I would like to encourage any and all businesses that make El Dorado County self-sufficient We need to insulate ourselves by improving our ability to survive even when outside economic conditions change We should look toward being independent of outside sources We have the resources Developing our own, water, sewer, waste disposal, energy generation, communication systems, building materials and the infrastructure to deliver them is key Putting more of our own people to work delivering and maintaining these essential services would be huge We have water, timber, minerals, gravels, manpower, gravity, wind, sun, biomass materials, and lots of land! Only regulation, much of it environmental but much of it fabricated from do-gooder planning efforts, stands in our way Agriculture can play a role here by producing goods to market in local stores, picked and packed by local workers, and processing plants for exporting goods (rather than importing goods for resale) Harvesting timber, minerals, gravels, hydro, solar, wind & biomass and then milling, refining, exporting, packaging, processing and producing products is huge We need to get realistic and start to allow some locations to be used for harvesting, processing, manufacturing, and disposal of products right here in EDC No more buying power from outside when we can produce right here No more shipping waste to Sacramento or Nevada No more imports in Apple Hill No more timber, concrete, gravel, compost, manpower or other materials from outside sources Imagine! • The county needs to make the county regulations more user friendly to users • I think I have said my piece El Dorado County over regulates everything and makes up the rules as they go along The same goes for other agencies in the county, such as E.I.D The new General Plan is a complete joke It is not a "Plan for the Future," as it is supposed to be, but a plan to stop everything or make it too expensive to We don't need to study things over and over; we need to something about the insanity called government "Tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect, the people are too damn dumb to understand." Harry Hopkins, former U S Secretary of Commerce and adviser to FDR • High Speed Internet available to entire County would make Cottage Industries possible The future is developing on the internet • All the ideas for building the economy sound good, but many are too advanced for the diverse/sparsely populated divide community but would probably suit the Tahoe region • Glad to see what appears to be a systematic approach to identifying challenges and opportunities Hopefully, and I suspect it is, the next step is to offer solutions Don't get too esoteric or fanciful in promoting idealistic plans Be practical Go for bread and butter industrial/commercial ideas This is not Marin County, maybe someday, but it is not the next logical step in progression • To be successful, "mitigation" and similar government fees need to be eliminated or drastically reduced to support any growth efforts Otherwise, you're wasting your time I've been involved in development in various parts of this state This county and its incorporated cities are known as being openly hostile to growth • El Dorado County needs to be competitive with neighboring counties especially in business attraction Without business attraction, the majority of the workforce will continue to commute to the Sacramento region for employment and therefore shopping • El Dorado County has so much to offer and we could absolutely be a destination for a lot of different reasons if we could have a viable vision that we could work together on • There are unidentified assumptions built in to your survey not least of which is the fact that it is computer based and so people must have and use a computer to participate This is a flawed methodology if it is the only one used The survey also assumes participants are in favor of economic development generally and that is not necessarily the case in El Dorado County These unspoken assumptions render the survey of doubtful utility at best and manipulative if used for decision making but then that may be the reason you it • The County is anti-growth, anti-development, anti-change and anti-agriculture The County Planning Department squashes any effort towards developing economic independence in the County If we let people alone there is enough money and entrepreneurial spirit in this County for many people to earn a respectable income and living Just look at the efforts the County Planning Department, et al expended to close a simple storefront in Greenwood recently (with no action by the BOS to keep in open) Our political processes are broken! • Our county has an abundance of natural resources that we can't extract or manufacture into something, large areas of undeveloped land that we can't build on and regulations that prevent the growth of commerce If "no growth" was the intent of the political leaders and the county staff, they have succeeded We have fewer kids in school, 600 vacant homes and high unemployment More people are moving out of the county than moving in It is a lovely place to live but difficult to make a living • As planning progresses, I think it is important to keep elder issues at the forefront to promote health and wellness, affordable senior housing, and improve transportation options Survey Question: Optional: Please let us know if you would like to stay engaged in our process by providing the following contact information: Name Email address Affiliation • Daniel Northam dnortham99@gmail.com Residential Owner in CPK #3 • Bill Cottrill bill.cottrill@hilton.com Embassy Suites Lake Tahoe • Charlie Downs cdowns@anovanexus.com • Colleen Bentz colleen.bentz@remax.net Assc.Broker/Realtor, RE/MAX Gold • melanie.reagan@comcast.net • Kathy Mortensen skmort@wildblue.net cool-pilot hill advisory committee • Kara Kreutz Jkkreutz@comcast.net Cool, ca • Lindell Price LindellPrice@gmail.com local resident • Roberta Long rjklong@comcast.net Roberta Long, Editor/Writer • Judy Hinz jhinz@internet49.com • Vicki Ludwig M.S.Chairperson, the EDC Commission on Aging (volunteer and age specialist) • Lucius luciusm2002@yahoo.com None • Kim Stevens kstevens65@gmail.com Friends of the Bayley House & CPAC • Daryl Sullivan LucindasInn@aol.com Bed & Breakfast • Stina McDaniel McDanielsRepair@yahoo.com McDaniel's Auto Repair - Divide Chamber of Commerce • Brian Fitzpatrick brian@fitzpatrickwinery.com 37 year local in Agriculture, tourism and hospitality • Gail Gebhardt gailgeb@sbcglobal.net El Dorado County homeowner/volunteer • Kay Kendall plumfarmer97@yahoo.com • Rich Briner Rich.Briner@edcgov.us County Government • fred brinkman redneckhippy@live.com d.c.o.c • Dr Richard Boylan drboylan@sbcglobal.net Member: PICO, Save Our County, EDC Medical Reserve Corps, SOFAR Watershed Advisory Group • Kimberly Beal kimberlyabeal@gmail.com business owner real estate consultant 40 year resident in county • Cal's Market calsmarket.in.greenwood@gmail.com Greenwood • Michael Turner mturner@proequity.net Borelli Investment Company, Regional Director Sr Principal 49er Federal Credit Union • Mike Owen mike@crystalbasin.com Founder, CEO and El Jefe • Richard Barb sierragold77@gmail.com Contractor • Dave Robertson drlcsw@yahoo.com resident, small business person • kathyerussell@gmail.com private business (small) concern and activist for economic development changes (to those with meaning!!) • William M Hughes kathehughes@sbcglobal.net Sacramento State University • Diane Stading contact@aurigawines.com Owner • Mark Harris mark54@comcast.net • driever.eric@yahoo.com • Walter Gordon waltergordon@netzero.net County resident • Doug Noble dnoble@innercite.com Someone who is getting increasingly angry with government at all levels • info@HomesAndRepos.Com • Albert J Kahane, MD ajmdkx2@yahoo.com COA member (Commissioner) • Donna Buckalew donnabuckalew@earthlink.net Pilot Hill Homeowners' Association and Cool Lutheran Church • Stuart Warner Stuart@CallStuart.com • Jim Copeland jimcope@comcast.net Copeland Real Estate • Kit Veerkamp kitzkamp@pacbell.net Concerned citizen, business woman • Linnea Marenco ldmarenco@yahoo.com rural lands affiliation • Gerald M Garvin gmgarvin@pacbell.net Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate • carol@elderoptionsca.com Elder Options, Inc • Russ Hosier kalas_meadow@yahoo.com concerned citizen • KAREN GARLINGTON kgcool@pacbell.net • Jeanne Harper Jmharper2@Comcast.net CEDAPP • Jan Wilcox jan.wilcox@chw.edu Mercy Folsom Hospital and EDH Chamber Board Realtor/Developer/Property Manager ... ways In addition to the results noted above a significant percentage of the participants also left comments on all questions Survey Comments: Survey Question: Past economic surveys, workshops and... first Economic Summit produced a set of specific ideas for economic growth This survey created an opportunity for more people to weigh in on those ideas, as well as submit their own The question follows:... transportation? Get serious about income in EDC Survey Question: Past Economic Summits have created a list of potential process related actions to further economic development Please rank the importance

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 05:38

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