1 NORTH CAROLINA STUDENT LEGISLATURE 66th LEGISLATIVE YEAR A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE REASSESSMENT OF STUDENT PARKING 8WHEREAS: 10 11 12 According to The UNC-CH Public Safety Website, “Student parking permits are allocated according to a priority system developed by the Student Government Specific details of this procedure may be obtained from Student Government Also, no permits are issued to freshmen unless they qualify for a ‘hardship circumstance’”, and, 13WHEREAS: 14 15 16 17 18 19 According to the alternate parking proposal of the Transit and Parking Advisory Committee (TPAC) of UNC-CH, “…we believe that we should view parking as one of the inputs to a system that facilitates access and produces an effective university In that sense, parking should be viewed as a tool that makes the University more effective than it would otherwise be The University needs to insure access to the campus for faculty, staff, students and other visitors with university business.”, and, 20WHEREAS: According to the alternate parking proposal of the aforementioned TPAC, 21 student parking (both night and day) is a problem on the UNC-CH 22 campus 23WHEREAS: 24 25 26 27 According to a report by Chance Management, Inc., of East Carolina University’s parking situation published on the university’s Parking ECU website, “The number of permits sold for Core Campus parking greatly exceeds the number of spaces that are available and greatly exceeds typical parking industry standards”, and 28WHEREAS: 29 30 31 32 33 According to the same report, “The small size of most lots on the Core Campus results in a parking and traffic situation that is more difficult to manage, since many parking customers routinely circle between different lots in search of the few spaces that are available during peak times This combined with the permit oversell conditions result in additional traffic congestion on campus related solely to parking”, and, 34WHEREAS: According to Elon University’s student newspaper, The Pendulum, 35 students have raised concern regarding the lack of available safe parking 36 on campus especially at night 37WHEREAS: The Faculty Senate of Appalachian State University has acknowledged 38 that parking is a problem on their campus, and, 1WHEREAS: According to Appalachian State University’s online newspaper, Appalachian Online, students have raised concerns with the diminishing numbers of parking spaces available, and, 4WHEREAS: Parking problems on college campuses raise safety concerns and issues regarding access to campus 6THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Carolina Student Legislature urges colleges and universities of North Carolina reassess their current student parking situations in an attempt to increase safety and access to facilities at all times Piper Monk UNC-CH pmonk@email.unc.edu 919 945 5122 Walker Rutherfurd UNC-CH wsruther@email.unc.edu 919 593 2679 ... raised concerns with the diminishing numbers of parking spaces available, and, 4WHEREAS: Parking problems on college campuses raise safety concerns and issues regarding access to campus 6THEREFORE... Carolina Student Legislature urges colleges and universities of North Carolina reassess their current student parking situations in an attempt to increase safety and access to facilities at all times