www habilitationviuk.org.uk MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD AT THE RICOH COMMUNITY SPACE ON 7TH MARCH 2018 PRESENT: Avril Allen Gemma Bastable Tracey Bottoms Jean Browning Robert Burke Mark Coates Maggie Edmunds Gwyneth Evans Elliot Filer Steve Giddings Ronak Gosai Michelle Green Susan Griffiths Maria Hansen Lottie Hicks Lucy Hill Alison Holt Louise Humble Danielle Johnson Darren Kail Janet Kitching Andrew Lambert Nicola Lawson Gulshan Malik Breda McSharry Sue Mort Jodie Newman Sharon O Leary Samantha Paoloni Carol Perryer Ann Potter Kate Reed Daniel Rowles Rachael Scrivens Sue Stevens Jo Trigg David Turton Lynda Willis Angela Wood Sally Appleyard Terri Bent Gareth Brock Julie Bunker Kate Clark Tracy Dryburgh Kathryn Edwards Julie Fairey Denise Forster Claire Gordon Lucy Gray Sharon Green Caroline Hallas Angela Harris Nicola Hickinbottom Nicola Hobart Helen Hubbard Tracey Hunter Margaret Jones Jayne Kirkup Loretta Knibbs Jenny Lane Jane Leech Jo Marshall Katie Moles Louise Neuchterlien Valerie Northcott Mirander Ormesher Debra Parry Judie Phillips Mary Pullen Georgina Rose Alan Scholes Sharon Smith Rebecca Tarling Claire Tucker Tracey Vernon Helen Wood *************************************************************** Apologises: Paula Bird Vicky Bristow Smith Cath Cox Kirsty Goodman Helen Sheperd Wilson Angie Bisson Jenny Buckland Janice Fuller Klein Alistair Riedi MORNING SESSION Maggie Edmunds - Chair - Welcomed all the delegates to the conference and introduced Gareth Brock Gareth Brock would like to carry out a screen recording of the yearly Habilitation conference beginning next year All the videos together with any presentations could then be built into a library and placed on the website under the members area This would give members both an audio and visual reference and create good resources for the future Members who are unable to attend a conference would then be able to gain a better insight into the days proceedings Beat the clock - minutes Janet Kitching A North East group spent a day at Durham university with Laura who has been working with Daniel Kish researching Human echolocation The group found it fairly tricky to learn the techniques - mouth clicks being the easiest With the research now complete the university has made an application for funding for training to be rolled out to enable students and trainers alike to attend workshops Flyers will be posted on the website for more information Jessica Hayton Programme leader for UCL Jessica is the Habilitation Programme leader at UCL She studied for a PhD in Habilitation Jessica spoke on two topics at the conference; An overview and general principles of the Environmental Audit, and a refresher on the current approach to Risk Assessments Jess Hayton's presentation can be found under separate cover on the website CPD log books pilot SchemeUnfortunately the one representative running the pilot scheme has stepped down as the SE representative and the other representative was unable to attend the conference ME asked members to spend 5/10 minutes to share within groups their experiences with this pilot scheme CPD is required to maintain ourselves as a registered body by sharing our experiences and satisfy the need to make it work At the moment it is voluntary, however it is imperative we move forward with this ME suggested maybe sharing and joining with another affiliation like View Rehab workers have a strong CPD system, should we adopt their procedures, and maybe they could adopt ours ME did point out that the original NATSIP did not mention Habilitation however there is now a complete section on Habilitation guide work and framework Delegates were asked to read NATSIP and to bring back ideas to the conference next year In the meantime Executives to investigate affiliation with RWPN and VIEW by joining and sharing but keeping our own identity It was felt that getting together to reach a common ground may even help with transition Beat the Clock Linda Willis and David Turton They have produced an excel spreadsheet to aid Quantifying skills by taking a step towards a more standard curriculum but flexible enough to tailor it The spreadsheet was more about development than being age appropriate Some paper copies were given out but LW reminded delegates that this document was still in working progress A lot of interest and general discussion took place amongst the delegates Steve Giddings asked members how many Habilitation specialists used the Positive Eye for schools, there was a no show of hands LW and DT agreed to go back to their group and put something on the website for members at a later date Lunch Time Executive Minutes Present: Maggie Edmunds Louise Neuchterlien Rachel Scrivens Angela Wood Janet Kitching Sue Mort Suzy McDonald Apologies: Paul Bird Angie Bisson Suzy McDonald has taken over the role of Treasurer and was welcomed by the Executives Membership fees were discussed and are to stay the same for 2019 CPD for Regions Each region will be able to apply for up to £150.00 towards CPD There are Regional Representatives altogether with vacancies to cover North West and the South East regions Gill Underwood has now retired but is happy to stay on as secretary Discussions took place with regard to fees and expenses for the year A post for an independent assessor for registration is required Registration Panel Vacancy - Louise Neuchterlien offered to take on this role Executives agreed Roles for Kate Clark to support us were discussed Possible media post and research Gareth Brock to put a business case forward to HABVIUK to develop an e library and presentations AFTERNOON PROCEEDINGS Daniel Williams delivered a presentation on the topic of access to work, focusing on teenage transition from education to the workplace Daniel is visually impaired and his presentation showed firstly his "Sightless Journey" followed by a video on "My Journey" of his own life and how he wanted to change people's perception of disability Daniel was a lively youngster but very clumsy, always walking into lamposts etc At years old a health visitor suggested an eye test from which he had glasses Wearing glasses at school led to being bullied, Daniel just wanted to be normal At years old he was sent by his optician to Bristol Eye Hospital where he was diagnosed with retinomious ramaintose After diagnosis he was given a support officer but he was still bullied and often called eyes.- he just wanted to be normal so he tried to disguise his failing eyesight from his friends At 17 he became depressed, realising the limits that had been forced upon him He was devastated to know he was going to go blind one day He felt a failure All his dreams and aspirations had fallen by the wayside He had counselling and enrolled at the Royal National College for the blind He gained qualifications in Sociology, Health and Social care and Braille Daniel began to believe he did have a life and likewise he wanted to show other people that they too should believe in themselves Daniel helped his mom set up a hairdressers shop and decided he would like to set up a business himself for VI awareness training He was awarded a starter funding at the age of 22 and founded his business Visualise which has been in operation for the past years Work coaches and outreach workers have given Daniel excellent comments in regards to his training sessions Daniels presentations are under separate cover on the website ME quickly went through information sent to her via VISTAR in regard to Post 16 transition of young people with visual impairment and longitudinal research studies See separate sheet on website for this information ANY OTHER BUSINESS Regional Reps Vacancy for South East and North West representatives Anyone interested please contact Maggie Edmunds Volunteers required to act as a sub-representatives to help with the workload of the regional rep Some geographical areas are very large with some members being a significant distance away from a regional meeting place This could be a good idea for a group who are fairly close to each other to form a sub division and co ordinate their own meetings Regional Training Every region can apply for up to £150 towards a speaker/training To apply please contact HABVIUK Registration HABVIUK will be advertising a job for an independant adviser to look at portfolio's or qualifications that not cover our stipulations Log Books The initial pilot scheme did show that members felt that CPD had to be completed all in one go This is not so, it is meant to be used as an ongoing record Given the professional credibility we are seeking as a registered body and in compliance with registation we need to be doing this Angela Wood explained that their regional group in the South West had created a template of areas to cover This is ongoing and is a record of their own training - if you self advocate then you will see gaps form in your own training needs CPD points they awarded: 14 CPD points for full time for part time They allocated one point for one speaker and points if there were speakers on the day Jessica Hayton - Speaker from the morning session asked if any members expressing an interest in knowledge exchange linking practitioners to research and creating a network to please e mail her Gwyneth Evans has been shown a document produced by NATSIP at the end February 2018 called a mainstream training pack, An advisory document to support CYP with VI in mainstream which had NO mention of Habilitation The only reference was within the QTVI role for mobility aids and environmental audits ME asked members to go on website and look at this and try to find out in their own region what is happening Next Conference 6th March 2019