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RCE Institutional & Political Ethics of the Business Cycles Review

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1 of Institutional and political ethics of the journal Revista del Ciclo Económico (trans The Journal of Business Cycles) has three departments: the Editorial Board, the Academic Board and the Advisory Board, its composition, attributions and responsibilities are the follow: Editorial Board Martin Oluba Lagos (Nigeria) Chief Editor Amer N Raja Mon Choisy (Mauritius) Co-Editor Hernán E Lara Sáez São Paulo (Brazil) Editor Hernán E Gil Forleo Buenos Aires (Argentina) Editor Hilario Wynarczyk Buenos Aires (Argentina) Editor 1.1 Attributions Is the Executive Body of the Journal, carry out the management in the broadest sense, it is: Edit and publish all the Journal’s sections: Working papers accepted Arts of Economist Emerging Firms & Research Departments Research products offer Working papers review Call for papers: working together (bid) Seeker of proposal: working together (ask) The last two sections, has been made taking advantages of a global disequilibrium era, we add two sections promoting the research around the world under a multiculturalist framework Selects the referees to evaluate the working papers received, and the ‘pivot managers’ proposed by the Academic Board Promote and disseminate the activities of the Journal REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 2 of Propose to the Academic Board the candidates to be Advisory Board's memberships and the candidates to replace those Editorial Board memberships whose functions ceased All decisions are taken by a simple majority, in the event of a tie, the vote of the editor in Chief, or, in his absence, the co-editor of, shall be double 1.2 Responsibilities The responsibilities of the Editorial Board – or those who will be assigned to run it – will be: • Ensure that: 1) The independence and integrity of the editorial process; the decisions about the publication if it has been accepted or rejected must be taken on the basis of academic quality and respect of the Editorial Policy of the Journal; 2) The publications not violate rights of third parties; 3) The blind of the editorial process character guarding the confidentiality of referees and authors, and; 4) Care and not broadcast more than referees of the materials submitted by the authors • The appointment of the referees will take place on the basis of the academic expertise of the same, which shall be directly related to the topic addressed by the manuscript • Avoid interest conflicts between referees and authors, making sure that does not occur the following situations: 1) Belonging to the same Institutions; 2) Develop or have developed joint research activities; 3) Having relations of kinship, friendship, business, net worth, or any other that affect the impartiality, and; 4) That exist personal conflicts of public knowledge among them, legal or other disputes • In the event of malpractice of the authors, must give them the opportunity to the defense • Report to the Academic Board on behaviors that violate against ethical or illegal that they occur during the publishing process • Inform to the instances that they have legal powers in the event of legal disputes over the authorship of the manuscript to settle the controversy • In the case of interest conflicts with the author (s), this fact must be reported in writing to the Academic Board and delegate to one of its members the editorial process in this particular case Cases stipulated in this item are the same described in point Academic Board The Academic Board is integrated by four (4) academics, whose function are approve and review periodically the editorial policy proposed by the Editorial Board It has an academic as President with annual rotation and vote only in the event of a tie It applies the same system of voting of the Editorial Board 2.1 Compose: 2015-9 Diego del Barrio Vázquez Santiago (Chile) Universidad Católica de Valparso Hernán E Gil Forleo Buenos Aires (Argentina), ESEADE REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 3 of Waiting the reply of two members 2.2 Attributions It has the function to take the relevant decisions in terms of guidelines to follow, which are enclosed, but not limited to: • Review annually the editorial policy proposed by the Editorial Board • Assembling referees portfolio • Evaluate and approve proposals for special issues or thematic dossiers received by scholars, institutions and the people in general Under no circumstances, possible financial support for editing a special issue or dossier excludes the double blind refereeing process material • Approve the members of the Advisory Board • Propose the pivot managers giving primacy to the members of the Advisory Board • Review and adjust annually the list of covered topics • Propose the Advisory Board member’s replacement in case of functions cessation Advisory Board The Advisory Board is an instance of consultative status, consisting of fourteen scholars (could be lesser, 10) , mainly from emerging and OCDE countries, and whose function is to give opinion about the editorial policy, the thematic coverage of the journal of the economic cycle, and with respect to other matters that affect the quality of publication This Board is composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and members whose duration is two years, renewable only for a similar period In exceptional circumstances, the Academic Board may propose the renewal for other periods, which must have the endorsement of the Editorial Board Decisions are taken by a simple majority, in the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairman will be worth double 3.1 Compose: 2015-9 FN&LN, Location (Country), University Evelynn Shumala Davadson, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), University of Malaya Gregor C Heinrich, Zürich (Switerzland), University of Hamburg Hernán E Lara Sáez, São Paulo (Brazil), Universidade de São Paulo Estela Lutero, Campinas (Brazil), University of Campinas Ana E Martínez Sáenz, Madrid (Spain), UNED Viktor Paal, Viena (Austria) University of Tampere (Finland) REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 4 of Amer N Raja, Port-Louis (Mauritius), University of Mauritius Marcelo F Resico, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Catholic University of Argentina Gabriela Rosero, Quito (Ecuador) 10 Fernando J Chávez Gutiérrez Referees By each paper received, the Editorial Board design (two) referees proposed by the Academic Board They shall be members of the Academic, the Advisory Board or suggested by the Editorial Board The double membership is not valid in this case Their responsibilities are evaluate the manuscripts and carry out the Editorial Board instructions and the Ethical Policy of the Journal; Reporting to the Editorial Committee regarding the veracity of the authorship of the work prior to the arbitration, as well as the existence of interest conflicts; and also reporting on situations that violate the ethical policy of the magazine, basic standards of scientific production - plagiarism, falsification, manipulation, and fabrication of evidence 4.2 Referees team They will be at least and not upper than 10 members Pivots managers The pivot managers are academics who distribute to all interested the Journal of Business Cycles around the world The candidates shall be members from the Advisory Boards or students proposed by the Academic Board The editorial process • Submissions received by the Editorial Committee are sent for evaluation to two referees who are unknown to the author or authors and vice versa The arbitration process was aimed at determining if the writings received contribute to the knowledge in the theory, history, and empirical evidence of the Business Cycles, mainly from the emerging countries meet the standards of quality and ethical international research • The manuscript can be approved for publication, approved subject to minor changes, propose changes in background or reject it Where there is disagreement in the opinion of the referees, a third party will be proposed to the arbitrage, whose decision will be considered final decision • The Chief Editor according with the Editorial Board, can: 1) Request to practitioners writing articles on some experience associated with their work during any phase of the business cycles; 2) Invite academics and scholars to comment on articles previously published in the Journal; 3) Decide the on line publication of articles published by academics featured in Journals with other languages than English or Spanish No REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 5 of number can incorporate more than one publication, and nor be able to publish manuscripts already published in Spanish; 4) Invite academics to act like publishers to realize numbers or thematic dossiers In all the cases, except numeral 3, will proceed the arbitration in accordance with the guidelines set in this policy Others Any ethical situation not regulated in this policy will be addressed by the Editorial Committee following the guidelines set out in the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics This policy will begin to rule from January 1st, 2015 Brief CV (Resume), activities, and contributions of the RCE Board Members » Diego del Barrio Vazquez Academic & Advisory Board Membership Santiago (Chile) Diego is MBA (Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles, University Complutense Madrid, Spain), Public Administrator (University of Chile), degree in Economics (Catholic University of Chile) Professor at the University of Valparaiso, Chile; and National President of the Association of Public Administrators of Chile (2014-2016) He is currently a PhD candidate in Economics UNLaM (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Knowledge areas: Administration and Public Sector Economics, Management and Process Control » Evelynn Devadason Advisory Board Membership Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Evelynn is Ph.D in Economics (University of Malaya) and Associate Professor at the Departments of Economics (University of Malaya), previously she was Deputy Dean - Research & Development – in 2012, and Head of the Centre for Latin American Studies till 2014 She’s author of many publications: papers, chapters and books, most of them available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/author=1736440 covering a broadest field into the economic thought and cases of study, principally ASEAN Dr Devadason conducted Malaysian cases of studies for the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Asian Pacific Regional Organization, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the Malaysian Competition Commission » Hernán E Gil Forleo Editor & Academic Board Membership Buenos Aires (Argentina) Hernán is MSc in Economics (ESEADE), He is the founder of Ciclo Económico ™ www.cicloeconomico.com an Advisory Firm specialized in Economics & Finance in Argentina Participate in Extension Programs (Universidad de La Plata) to help child under social vulnerability to learn mathematics The principal research field is the Hayekian Triangle, updating it to the 21st Century, the history of the business cycles theory, and the Economic History of Argentina, specifically the last quarter of 20th Century Previously, he worked at the Local Agency of Development of Ituzaingó (2005-8), the House of Senate (2002-05), Counsel Corporate Finance (2001-2), and Citibank Argentina (19982000) He was one of the founders of EOW’s Review and member of its board: 2009-11 » Gregor C Heinrich Advisory Board Membership REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 6 of Basel (Switzerland) Currently, Gregor is partner at Systemic Policy Partnership LLP http://www.the-spp.com , a firm placed in London who provides advisories services to Governments, Central Banks, and other financial authorities Between 1984 and 2014 he worked for the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), serving like Chief Representative for the Americas (2002-2012), in Mexico City, Head of Secretariat for the Committee on Payments and Settlement Systems (CPSS), and Senior staff member and head of legal research and international cooperation at the BIS Legal Services He’s graduated in Law in 1978 (Universität Hamburg), member of the Bar (1981) Some of his papers in english, spanish, german, and french has been published in the BIS Quarterly Review, the Journal of Financial issues, Boletín del CEMLA, Currently Developments in Monetary and Financial Law (IMF) For more details, Gregor’s personal webpage is http://www.gregorheinrich.info/ » Hernán E Lara Sáez Editor São Paulo, (Brazil), Hernán is PhD in Economic History (UESP), Professor at Universidade de São Paulo and Researcher at this and the CEBRAP in a broad fields: bill & coins, monetary system, banks institutions, Brazil’s empire, and government policies, fields He wrote many articles, chapter and books about Brazilian history Awarded for his Series of Academic Production (Facultade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, UESP) For more information, please visit his page at the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq): http://lattes.cnpq.br/1956377188772942 » Estela Lutero Advisory Board Membership Campinas, (Brazil) Estela is PhD in Economic & Project Management Consultant with over 15 years of experience in a variety of challenging roles in Project Management, Program Evaluation, Performance Measurement, Supply Chain Management, Public and Private Partnerships (PPPs), Infrastructure Economics, Urban Planning, Construction Project Management, Rural Development and Sustainability, International Trade and Securities Markets Experience with a number of Government and Private Organizations in Canada: CIDA, CAC, CRA, Infrastructure Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Immigration and Refugee Board; in Brazil: Sabesp, Instituto Agronomico de Campinas; Accenture; Grupo DPaschoal, Auctus Consulting, SantaConstancia Textil, Hangar 360, Shell Oil, General Electric, etc Also professor, senior researcher and analyst with an outstanding academic background and a proven record of publications; experience in worldwide known institutions such as University of Campinas (UNICAMP), University of Calgary, University of St-Andrews, ESALQ, UFLA, PUC, among many others Specialties: Rural Development and Sustainability, International Trade, infrastructure economics, urban planning, strategic planning, stakeholder relations, econometrics and economic modelling, with a great interest in Portfolio Project Management and Public and Private Partnerships (PPPs) She is applying it experience and knowledge in the study of business cycles in emerging economies, principally Brazil » Ana Esmeralda Martínez Sáenz Advisory Board Membership Madrid (Spain) Counsellor for Procurement in the Spain Mission to the United Nations (New York) Ana hold’s a Ph.D in Economics (UNED), previously she was MSc in Economic: Economist of the State, the elite of economist civil servants in Spain General Government She has specialized in strategic advice to senior officials of the Spanish government Noting her activity in the Economic Bureau of the Prime Minister from 2008 to 2011, where she dealt with the first financial crisis of the euro area as a senior adviser in the Office of the Prime REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 7 of Minister As a result of these positions she has acquired organizational skills, ability to work in changing environments under great pressure and consolidate a leadership role to manage teams and get optimal and coordinated responses Committed to citizenship and social and common interests, her main motto is: "Public affairs are also my affairs" Specialties: Economic Intelligence, International Economic and Political Relations, Economic Diplomacy, Advisory Expert for Officials and Members of Government She was Lecturer in International Macroeconomics at Universidad Alcalá de Henares (2001-2) Before her current position, Ana was Senior Advisor to the President Office at the National Agency of Markets & Competition (2012-3), Director of the Board of Invest in Spain and Chairwoman of the Control and Audit Commit (2008-12), Senior Advisor for International Economic Relations and European Affairs (2008-12), Senior Advisor to the Secretary General of Budget and Expenditures (2006-8), and Senior Advisor to the General Director of Economic Policy (20026) She was Blog’s editor (2012-13) from the blog ceteris paribus, the blog of the Spanish State Economist and Commercial Techniques Association » Julia Monjanel Editorial Assistant Paris (France) Julia is studying Administration & International Exchanges at UPEC (Université Paris – Est Créteil) » Martin Oluba Chief Editor & Advisory Board Membership Lagos (Nigeria) Martin is Ph.D Economics from ESEADE (Argentina) and Professor in Economics & Finance at UGSM Monarch Business School and at Swiss Management Center (SMC), and in International Administration & Global Economics at Euclid Intergovernmental University Framework (EUCLID) In 2008 he funded Valuefronteira Ltd: www.valuefronteira.com one of the most important Nigerian Advisory Firms in Economic & Finance He had over 10 years experience in leading activities at executive management level and over 20 years experience working in the broad areas of investment banking, economic and strategy-focused consulting Martin’s experiences cut across several sectors of the Nigerian economy and comprise many engagements with leading international development agencies such as the World Bank, UNDP, DFID, UNIFEM, SMSE, CIDA, SLGP, ECOWAS and European Commission Others include such organizations as the Nigerian Summit Group, several ministries, departments and agencies of Nigerian Governments, several State Governments, the National Planning Commission, the National Assembly, and many private organizations Previously, he worked at Forte Financial Ltd (2007), Strategic Capital Alliance Ltd (2003-7), Lombard Asset Management Ltd (2002), Platinum Capital Ltd (2001-2), and BGL Ltd (1998-2001).He was Chief Editor of the Economist of the World (EOW) Review between 2009 till 2011, writing articles about Nigerian economy » Viktor Pál Advisory Board Membership Vienna (Austria) Viktor is Ph.D in History (University of Tampere, Finland) He has been a visiting fellow at the University of California Los Angeles, University of Antwerp, and Tallinn University Currently he teaches economic history and the history of Eastern Europe at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria » Marcelo Resico Advisory Board Membership REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 8 of Buenos Aires (Argentina) Marcelo is Doctor in economics from the Catholic University of Argentina (2007), he obtained a Master in Economics and Political Science, Escuela Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas (1999), and he graduated in Economics, Buenos Aires University, (1992) He is the Director of the Doctoral Program in Economics and of the Postgraduate Programs in Economics at UCA, where he performs as a senior researcher and professor He coordinates a research program called “Programa de Estudios en Economía e Instituciones,” which as a partner institute of the IMD World Competitiveness Center (WCC) contributes to the World Competitiveness Yearbook He was a visiting researcher of the Institute for Economic Policy (Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik–IWP) at Cologne University, Germany, and received international academic distinctions in investigation and teaching He publishes and dictates conferences regularly, both nationally and internationally, in his research areas of Political Economy, Institutional Economics, Economic Policy, Macroeconomics and Methodology of Economics In 2008 he published the book “La Estructura de una Economía Humana Reflexiones en cuanto a la actualidad del pensamiento de W Rưpke.”, Editorial Educa His most recent book is “Introducción a la Economía Social de Mercado Edición Latinoamericana.”, published in 2011 by the SOPLA office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, This last work was translated into Portuguese and published in Brazil during 2012 He collaborates as an economic and institutional policy consultant for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and other business and political associations nationally and internationally Between 2011 and 2012 he had been advisor of the Honduras Government He contributes frequently as columnist in several journals and newspapers » Amer N Raja Co-editor & Advisory Board Membership Mon Choisy (Mauritius) Amer is B.Sc in Economics from the University of Punjab (Lahore) with a Master of Business Administration in Marketing & Finance from The International University, Missouri Founder and CEO of MaxMin International System: www.maxminsys.com an Advisory specialized in Business Planning & Strategic Management, Feasibility Studies & Case of Study, and Marketing Research, where he provided consultancy services to Mewat Estates and to World Press, and helped them in winning a strategic business contract Event Management & Market Research for USSC & Avis During the second half of 1997 he taught economics and accounting at the Lawrence Institute of Management Sciences In the past, he works at branding firms like WorldCall Broadband Ltd He was one of the founder and co-editor of the EOW’s Review (2009-11), He is also associated with an aviation think tank and is also member of the Society of International Philosophers Amer has published various articles ranging from motivational to highly specialized economic issues, short story and poems » Gabriela A Rosero Delgado Advisory Board Membership Quito (Ecuador) Gabriela is MSc in Political Science, (FLACSO, Ecuador), Diplomat in Public Police (FLACSO, Argentina), BSc in Economics (Catholic University of Ecuador) She worked like Counselor in Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and National Secretary of Planning and Development; also like Consultant on Governance at the Minister of Interior and National Secretary of Political Management In 2014 she was Director of Social Organizations, actually like Counselor of studies economics and projects of inversion » Hilario Wynarczyk Editorial Board Membership Buenos Aires (Argentina) Hilario is Ph.D in Sociology (Catholic University of Argentina, UCA), and MSc In Political Science (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) In his career REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina 9 of he has specialized in teaching methodology of Social research with a focus on design of thesis of environmental management, business administration and economics, and applied social sciences He is Professor of methodology and workshop of graduate thesis at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) At the same time, he is an expert in empirical research of religious movements (especially those of Evangelical or Protestant origin), in the context of their relations with the State, civil society and politics, having produced in this thematic domain numerous papers and books published by the UNSAM, the Di Tella Institute and the Editorial Century XXI Iberoamericana On numerous occasions he made academic visits, participated in conferences and lectured at universities of Latin American countries and departments in Latin American studies from universities in the United States (Arizona, TexasAustin, and others) He conducted field research in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay Fernando Guerrero Advisory Board Membership The Editorial Board REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO January 1st, 2015 REVISTA DEL CICLO ECONĨMICO © All Rights Reserved 2014 – 2015 Buenos Aires República Argentina ... to the 21st Century, the history of the business cycles theory, and the Economic History of Argentina, specifically the last quarter of 20th Century Previously, he worked at the Local Agency of. .. instructions and the Ethical Policy of the Journal; Reporting to the Editorial Committee regarding the veracity of the authorship of the work prior to the arbitration, as well as the existence of interest... referees of the materials submitted by the authors • The appointment of the referees will take place on the basis of the academic expertise of the same, which shall be directly related to the topic

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 01:43

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