ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD 1-800-462-6420 WWW.ROWMAN.COM/ISBN/9781442208308 BECOMING ENEMIES: U.S.-IRAN RELATIONS AND THE IRAN-IRAQ WAR, 1979-1988 BY JAMES G BLIGHT, JANET M LANG, HUSSEIN BANAI, MALCOLM BYRNE, AND JOHN TIRMAN WITH A FORWARD BY BRUCE RIEDEL By applying an innovative methodology ("critical oral history"), by engaging some of the most authoritative voices on the subject matter in a well-informed, candid, and insightful dialogue, and through their own trenchant analyses, the authors of this groundbreaking work provide a fresh perspective on the mindsets, misperceptions, and misguided policies by Iran, Iraq, and the United States, that helped start and prolong what became one of the bloodiest regional wars in the latter half of the twentieth century For policymakers, scholars, and students pondering the causes of the enduring enmities and mistrust between Iran and the United States today, this book is a must read — Ali Banuazizi, Boston College and past president, Middle East Studies Association An elegantly written treasure trove of fascinating, forgotten, and previously unrevealed history For those seeking to understand the roots of modern enmity between the U.S and Iran, Becoming Enemies is a truly unique and wonderful resource.— Karim Sadjadpour, Carnegie Endowment A fascinating, eye-opening book about the players and politics of the Iran-Iraq war and the war's domestic and foreign policy repercussions whose effects continue to resonate today.— Haleh Esfandiari, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand recent U.S policy in the Middle East — Nigel J Ashton, London School of Economics and Political Science In this brilliant and disturbing book, America’s foreign policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 1980s is told, for the first time, from deep inside the U.S decision making apparatus of the Carter and Reagan administrations It is a sobering tale of Washington’s misperceptions, ignorance and arrogance drawing on newly declassified documentation and oral testimony from key participants, who struggle to come to grips with how and why the U.S rallied behind one of the twentieth century’s most brutal despots, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, in his war with Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, thereby sowing the seeds of bitter U.S.Iranian enmity that exists to this day — Patrick Tyler, former Middle East correspondent for The New York Times and The Washington Post This novel and commendably lucid volume draws on a trove of declassified documents, as well as top scholars and policy experts to offer fresh accounts of defining episodes of the decade The often enlightening give-and-take of scholars, diplomats and officials, several of whom played leading roles during this fateful period, lends authenticity to the authors' assessments Given the dangers that continue to haunt U.S.-Iran relations, Becoming Enemies could not be more urgent to read and ponder — Augustus Richard Norton, Boston University SPECIAL OFFER: 35% DISCOUNT, PLEASE ORDER USING THIS CODE: 4M12BEEN 2012 •408 pages • Cloth ISBN 978-1-4422-0830-8• List Price $49.95 • Discount price $32.47 *Offer expires December 31, 2012 and may not be combined with other offers or discounts Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group offers special discounts for bulk purchases in the United States by corporations, institutions, and other organizations For more information, please contact Nancy Hofmann in the Special Markets Department at 301-459-3366 ISBN Title Price 978-1-4422-0830-8 Becoming Enemies w/ discount: $34.97 Quantity Promo Code* Shipping Costs Please send me the following CA, CO, IL, MD, NY, PA residents, pleasebook(s) add salesright tax ORDER FORM TOTAL All orders from individuals must be prepaid Prices are subject to change without notice Billing in US dollars Please make checks payable to Rowman & Littlefield *May not be combined with other offers and discounts Shipping and handling: U.S.: $5 first book, $1 each additional book Canada: $6 first book, $1 each additional book International orders: $10.50 first book, $6.50 each additional book CONVENIENT WAYS TO ORDER: call toll-free: 1-800-462-6420 fax this order form toll-free to: 1-800-338-4550 mail this order form to: Rowman & Littlefield, 15200 NBN Way, PO Box 191 Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214-0191 Please check: MasterCard Visa Credit Card #: Expiration date: Signature: BILLING AND SHIPPING ADDRESS: AmEx Personal Check Cost 4M12BEEN away: Name Institution Street City, State, Zip Country Phone ... 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