CarbonApproved Truncations of Terms TERM TRUNCATION ACCOUNT (IF NOT UNIVERSAL) A Abandoned, Abandonment Abatement Absence, Absent Abuse/Neglect Academy Access Access to Public Records Act Accession Accident Accion Local Accomplish, Accomplishment Account, Accounting Account Reconciliation Account Support Materials Accounts and Control Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Accrued Accrued Hours Reports Acquisition Action Active Acupuncture, Doctor of Additions Adjutant Adjudication Adjuster Adjustment Administration/Administ rator Administrative Procedures Act Adolescent Adoption Adult ABAN ABAT ABSN AB/NGLT ACAD ACCS APRA ACSN ACCD ACL ACCMP ACCT AR ASM A/C A/P A/R ACR AHR ACQ ACT ACTV ACU DR ADD ADJT ADJN ADJR ADJ ADM APA ADL ADOP AD RI 127 Adult Day Care Services Advertiser, Advertising Advisor, Advice Advocate Advisory Affidavit Affirmative Action Agency Agenda Agent Agree, Agreement Alarm Alcoholic Beverage ALLOCATION Alterations Ambulance Ambulance Service Advisory Board Ambulatory Ambulatory Care Facility Ambulatory Surgical Center Amendments American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Amicus Amnesty Analysis, Analytical Analyst Anchor Anesthesiologist Announcements Annual Antitrust Appeals Appellate Applications Appraisal Appraiser Apprentice, Apprenticeship Appropriations Approvals, Approved Arbitration Archives ADS ADVR ADVS ADVC ADV AFDV A/A AGY AGD AGT AGR ALRM ALC BVG ALCN ALTR AMB ASAB AMBT AMB FAC AMB SURG AMD ARRA AMI AMNY ANAL ANL ANC ANES ANCMT AN ATRU APL APEL APP APRL APRA APREN APROP APROV ARB ARCH RI 19 RI47 RI 65 RI84, RI99 Arrange, Arrangement Article(s) Asbestos Assessments Asset Assistance Assistant Assisted Living Assisted Living Residence Assisted Living Residence Administrator Associate Director Associated Association Athletic Athletic Trainer Attendance Attorney Auctioneer Audio Audiologist Audit Auto Collision Repair Licensing Advisory Board Authorization, Authority Automated Automated Payments Under $500 Automated Standard Application for Payment Autopsy Avignation Award ARNG ART ASB ASES ASET ASTC AST AL ALR ALRA RI 19 ADIR ASSD ASSN ATH AT ATND ATY AUCTR AUD AUD AUD ACRL RI 19 RI 19 AUTH AUTO AUTO PAY