University of Wyoming Archaeological Repository Department 3431 1000 East University Avenue Laramie, Wyoming 820713431 307-766-3671 UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPOSITORY 3RD PARTY CONVEYOR OFFICE USE ONLY Loan # I, _, state I am approved by the borrower listed on Loan Form # _ to transport for them the materials listed on that loan form I will transfer the artifacts in a manner that will ensure their safety and security for the duration of their travel I assure the staff at the University of Wyoming Archaeological Repository (UWAR) that materials will arrive to the borrower in the same state they were given to me I understand a failure to abide by UWAR rules and regulations for transporting or caring for materials under my control will result in a loss of loan and research access privileges for both conveyor and borrower CONVEYOR Name Title Institution Address Telephone E-mail Signature Date BORROWER Name Signature Date UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPOSITORY OFFICIAL Name Marieka Arksey Title Collection Manager/Curator Institution University of Wyoming Archaeological Repository Address 1000 E University Ave Dept 3431, Laramie WY 82071 Telephone 307-766-3671 E-mail Signature Date University of Wyoming Archaeological Repository Department 3431 1000 East University Avenue Laramie, Wyoming 820713431 307-766-3671