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“Let’s not get tired of doing what is good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest—if we not give up (Galatians 6-9) February 6, 2020 Dear Parents, The older I get, this wisdom thing continues to haunt me As my personal journey continues, I’ve found that truly “listening” to the wisdom of the ages is important—whether it be through great literature or by tapping into the experiences of those who have “lived” experiences I’ve found that “being intentional” about the pursuit of wisdom has helped me in the choices that I’ve made, especially as I continue toward the twilight of my life I’ve been to A LOT of funerals lately Many years ago, my dad told me that there are seasons to our lived experience We have the years when all we is go to weddings, a lived experience mainly for the 20- and 30-somethings Then there are the other “sacramental tracks”—the Baptisms, the First Communions, the Confirmations Now, that I’m a grandparent, some of those lived experiences are cycling back My husband and I are looking very forward to our grandson’s First Communion next month! Back to the funerals… Since I’ve lived in this area for all except two years of my life, and since I’ve been an educator and a journalist, the web of relationships is blessedly endless There have been so many people who have made such a difference in my life, and I can’t be more grateful Last week I had four funerals Two of the funerals were relatives of classmates who I’ve known since childhood After all these years, we still go to the same parish for Mass Kenny’s dad was in the same nursing home as my brother when his dad passed During the eulogy at the funeral home, the family shared how Kenny was there for his dad until the moment of death—attending to his needs in every way he could When I talked with Kenny personally, however, Kenny didn’t see it that way “I’m just not really sure that there was something else that I could have done to make his final days more comfortable,” he shared From my lived experience, I had no hesitation in a response I gave him a big hug and said, “You were there, Kenny; that’s what matters.” We can second-guess ourselves “until the cows come home (love that!)” Wisdom, however, tells us to never tire of doing good, as Galatians reinforces We lay down our lives before the Lord, and we continue to serve That’s wisdom Serenity Prayer – Full Version (composed in 1940s) God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world As it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right If I surrender to His Will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life And supremely happy with Him Forever and ever in the next Amen In Him, Elaine Schad, ICCS Principal (OVER) An Update on Mr Cuttica!! “Hi I’m getting stronger every day thanks to the wonderful OT/PT people here I’m hoping to go home with home health care within the next few days I use a wheelchair and a walker but at least I can get around God is good and I feel the power of all your prayers! Thank you! “ Paul Cuttica Hola!! Padres de familia, Los hábitos en los niños ayudan en su desarrollo físico y mental Una rutina de actividades diarias encamina a nuestros hijos a lo que deben hacer y les enseñará valores como el orden, la disciplina, la responsabilidad, y el compromiso, entre otros Los horarios que fijamos para las distintas actividades que realizamos durante el día, impulsarán a nuestros pequos a ser más disciplinados La repetición de ciertas actividades les ayudará a entender las tareas del día y esto ayudará al niño a organizarse y aprender hábitos que le ayudarán para el resto de su vida Adquirir hábitos saludables los ayudara a mantener un estilo de vida saludable cuando sean adultos ¿Q hábitos deberían tener los niđos? Hábitos de higiene Cepillarse los dientes Lavarse las manos Hora del baño Hábitos de estudio Hora de hacer la tarea Leer cada día un libro o cuento de su interés Hábitos alimenticios Horas establecidas de desayuno, almuerzo y cena Beber agua diariamente Otros hábitos Tiempo de recreación: ver televisión, jugar o compartir Hora de dormir Practicar un deporte (OVER) Respetar a los demás Arreglar su cuarto Ayudar en casa Algunos consejos para mejorar las rutinas de nuestros hijos son: Reducir el número de horas que pasa delante de la televisión, videojuegos o computadora y aumentar su actividad física Es importante tener un horario para estas actividades y recomiendan que no estén frente al televisor u otro dispositivo electrónico más de horas al día Promover una alimentación saludable en casa Los niđos son más propensos a desarrollar conductas alimentarias saludables cuando se les da una elección de alimentos saludables en casa Leer todos los días A todos los niños les encanta que les leas un cuento antes de dormir Varios estudios han demostrado que leer ayuda a los niños a mejorar su éxito en la escuela y posteriormente en el trabajo Que Dios los bendiga hoy y siempre, Cecy Miranda, former ICCS Director of Hispanic Services (From her home in Georgia) 2019-2020 ICCS Theme of the Year "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law." Psalm 119:18 "2020 Vision: Keep your eyes focused on Jesus." VIRTUE OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY: “Happy the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding! For his profit is better than profit in silver and better than gold is his revenue.” Proverbs 3:13-14 MISSION STATEMENT (OVER) Immaculate Conception Catholic School exists to provide a Christ-centered academic environment designed to promote the total development of the child by serving the mission of the Roman Catholic Church through the educational process This is accomplished by joining in community as a ministry of Immaculate Conception and St Mark parishes to educate in the formation of faith and family; to provide a quality academic foundation; to unite in a nurturing and loving Catholic community through worship, through academic formation, through the promotion of peace and justice, through adaptation to change and diversity, through service, and through recognition of the value and dignity of each individual VISION The vision of Immaculate Conception Catholic School is to teach as Jesus taught ICCS strives for the development of the whole child through participation in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church ICCS will provide superior academic preparation through a challenging curriculum, while promoting the ongoing formation and spiritual growth of the next generation of Catholic leaders to live the Gospel and to meet their full potential in preparation for a life of service in society The staff of ICCS would like to thank all of our school families for your kindness during Catholic Schools Week! Thank you to those who participated in our first National Day of Giving! Thank you for the 695 cans for a total of 1182 pounds of food you donated during our Souper Bowl Week!! We remain blessed by all of you! (OVER) A KNIGHT IN WINTER WONDERLAND!!! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29!!! Reservations for the auction are on sale now! Tickets are $50 per person and include the following: -Reserved seating -Dinner, dessert and drinks -Live Auction Bidding -Silent Auction Bidding -Live Performance and much, much more! When: Saturday, February 29th Time: Doors open at p.m.; Dinner begins at 5:45 p.m Where: ICCS Gym Who: Adults 21 and older Why: To support ICCS & Catholic Education! Tickets may be purchased from the school office by submitting payment (cash or check) You may purchase reservations and raffle tickets online with a credit card through our website at www.catholicschooldenton.org and clicking on the auction tab Please join us for a night of fellowship and fun! *DON’T FORGET TO SELL BLUE RAFFLE TICKETS! STUDENTS EARN PRIZES! *DON’T FORGET TO PURCHASE ARTIC SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS! WIN A TRIP, ½ OFF TUITION, ETC FOR ONLY $100 PER TICKET ONLY 100 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD! If you are not getting the weekly family e-mails but would like to so, please contact the school office or e-mail iccsoffice@gmail.com Check us out on facebook! www.facebook.com (OVER) JOIN US EVERY THURSDAY AT 8:15 A.M FOR HOLY MASS!! IT’S A GREAT WAY TO START THE DAY! IMPORTANT NOTES: MASS WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, TO BEGIN LENT WITH MASS WILL BE ON FRIDAY, APRIL 24 FOR GRANDPARENTS DAY ****HELP THIS MONTH’S DRIVE FOR THE NEEDY**** As part of our schoolwide service, every month is a time when the children are asked help those in need THIS MONTH’S COLLECTION IS DEDICATED TO THE CRITICAL NEEDS OF LORETO HOUSE!! Immediate needs are Diapers in sizes 4, 5, and 6, and new Boys’ Clothing, especially sizes 2T, 3T, and 4T. However, all donations of new baby items are welcome. Visit http://a.co/48i lyKC for a list of current needs, Continue to pray for Loreto House!! WE WILL BE COLLECTING ALL MONTH, BUT OUR END OF THE MONTH MASS IS ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26!! FRIDAY, MARCH JOIN US AS WE USHER IN SPRING BREAK WITH OUR ANNUAL STUDENT-ALUMNI-PARENT-STAFF BASKETBALL GAME!! P.M ICCS GYM!! SPRING BREAK IS MARCH 9-13; CLASSES RESUME A.M ON MONDAY, MARCH 16 **IF YOU HAVE STAPLES COUPONS, WE CAN USE THEM** **IF YOU WISH TO DONATE KEURIG CAFFEINE COFFEE, WE CAN USE THEM** **IF YOU WISH TO DONATE “AA” or “AAA” BATTERIES, (OVER) WE CAN USE THEM** CARTRIDGES: Please continue to send those printer cartridges!! Our school earned more than $400 in the second quarter through this program which we will be spending on office, school, and technology supplies This is really great! If you work in an office that does not recycle, please ask them for their old cartridges It really does make a difference! Contact the school office if you have a question WE ARE IN NEED OF REAMS OF PAPER!! If you wish to donate color or white reams of copier paper, please bring it to the school office We are beginning to run out of the paper that you so generously brought at the beginning of the school year Again, thank you for helping our children!! Need Safe Environment? Please contact Terry Scaggs to Sign up at 940-565-1770, ext 219 or send an email to safeenvironment@iccdenton.org ***IF YOU PICK UP IN CAR LINE, PLEASE USE THE NAMETAGS THAT WERE ISSUED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR IT REALLY HELPS OUR CARLINE GO FASTER CONTACT THE OFFICE IF YOU NEED A REPLACEMENT OR HAVE A QUESTION.*** ***THE ICCS SPIRIT SHOP IS OPEN ON SCHOOL DAYS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 7:45 TO 8:15 A.M.*** MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Private School Interscholastic Association (PSIA) Spring Meet Date will be FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020, here at ICCS (There will be NO SCHOOL that day Our students will be competing in events We will need MANY volunteers that day to help with the meet, concession stand, hall monitoring, etc More information to come soon!) **************INCLEMENT WEATHER******************* In the event of inclement weather, an all-school e-mail will be sent as soon as information is available As per our handbook, ICCS generally follows the Denton universities and Denton ISD However, ICCS prefers a delayed opening when it is safe Please log on to the school website: (OVER) www.catholicschooldenton.org for the latest school closings as well as the major television stations If you are not receiving our weekly family e-mail, please give an e-mail or updated e-mail to the office SIGN UP TO RECEIVE TEXT ALERTS REGARDING CLOSURES VIA NIXLE CALL THE OFFICE IF YOU NEED HELP!! SAVE THE DATE! ICCS PRE-K & KINDERGARTEN PREVIEW DAYS! When: Wednesday, March 25 Friday, May Time: 8:30-10:00 a.m (come and go) Do you have a child turning 3, or by September 1, 2020? If you are interested in enrolling for the 2020-2021 school year, please stop by and tour our pre-school and kindergarten classrooms on these days Please call the school office with any questions 940-381-1155 x Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is under way! Please submit your intent to return form and/or re-registration form and deposits to secure your spot If you have a sibling (new student) starting school, you will need to pick up a New Student Registration packet from the school office Please call or email the school office with any questions ICCS families! Save the Date for our upcoming sports camps! (OVER) *Volleyball - June 8-11th * *Basketball - June 15-18th* Camps are for incoming 3rd thru 8th graders! Registration forms will be going home soon Email Coach K @ kraebriones@gmail.com if you have any questions _ MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! (log on to our school website for the latest calendar updates!) Feb 7: Feb 9: Feb 12: Feb 13: Feb 13: Feb 14: Feb 19: Feb 21: Feb 25: Feb 26: Feb 28: Feb 28: Feb 29: March 3: March 6: March 6: March 7: March 9-13: March 16: March 25: March 27: Brown envelope goes home Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest in the gym 8th Grade Field Trip to Cistercian and the University of Dallas Beta Club Convention at Gaylord Texan Denton County Spelling Bee 7th and 8th Retreat 7TH Grade Field Trip to Perot Museum 8th Grade Edible Car at Texas Woman’s University in Denton Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch (order forms due by 2/14) Ash Wednesday…Mass at 8:15 a.m…Dress Uniform End of Third Quarter Noon Dismissal…Auction Setup AUCTION!!!! Texas Primary! Be sure to vote! Brown Envelope Goes Home Parent, Student, Staff, Alumni basketball game in the gym One Act Play Performance at North Central Texas College in Gainesville Spring Break Classes resume at a.m PreK Preview Day PSIA ACADEMIC MEET AT ICCS….NO SCHOOL ON THIS DAY (OVER) April 1: April 3: April 9: April 10: April 12: April 13: April 21: April 23: May 7: May 14: May 21: May 22: Fourth Grade Bloomfield One-Room Schoolhouse experience field trip Glamourcraft Spring Photos Holy Thursday….Living Stations of the Cross at 10:30 a.m….NOON DISMISSAL Good Friday…NO SCHOOL EASTER SUNDAY…HE IS RISEN!! Easter Monday…NO SCHOOL Fine Arts Night First Communion Recognition…Glamourcraft Photos May Crowning…Eighth Grade Recognition Eighth Grade Promotion Field Day Closing Mass and Awards Ceremonies ***(Makeup Snow Days are May 26 and May 27 if we need them.)*** FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS, FAMILIES AND STAFF…PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY ON CAMPUS! NO CELL PHONES PLEASE! IMPORTANT REMINDERS: EMAILS: If you are still not receiving the school’s weekly email, be sure to call the office and give us an updated email Office 940-381-1155 x -or- iccsoffice@gmail.com ABSENCES: Please call or email the school office by 9:00 a.m if your child is going to be absent or arriving late to school.940-381-1155 x –or- iccsoffice@gmail.com CALENDAR: Be sure to check the online calendar for all of the latest events on our school website: www.catholicschooldenton.org SECURITY: Please assist us in keeping our campus safe by signing in and out at the school office Do not allow people into the building in any of the entry areas Everyone should enter the school through the front door If you observe anything suspicious, please report to the school office immediately Thanks so much! VOLUNTEER BADGES: Per diocesan policy, visitors and volunteers to the school must sign in and wear their badge at all times PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN OUT AND RETURN YOUR BADGE!! Thank you! SUPERVISION: Remember, per our handbook, children must be supervised at all times while on our campus A parent MUST be present when the child is not under the direct supervision of the school This includes sporting events, extracurricular activities, and when the children are on the playground This is a safety issue Please help us keep the children safe! SIMPLE WAYS TO HELP Immaculate Conception Catholic School Fundraising and Development Opportunities (OVER) Help ICCS raise funds throughout the year Your friends and family can help, too! Every little bit helps! - Box Tops for Education—Don’t forget to sign up for the APP!! https://www.boxtops4education.com/How%20To%20Earn - Gift Card Program – Face value gift cards are available for more than 40 retail, restaurant, grocery, entertainment and gas establishments with a percentage going back to our school You may purchase at any time from the school office Earn volunteer hour for every $100 purchased Purchases are cumulative - Ink and toner cartridges, cell phones and digital cameras (drop off at school office) - Coupons/rewards card deals from Office Depot and Staples (drop off at school office) - Spirit Shop sales: open Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m to 8:15 a.m - Point Bank BuzzPoints – Have a Point Bank checking account and Buzz Points card? Give your Buzz Points as a donation to ICC School - Knights of Columbus spaghetti suppers and breakfasts that are designated for the school: look for dates and announcements during the school year - Home & School Association and Athletic Booster Club fundraisers: support HSA events through the year - Join the ICCS Dad’s Club, Moms of the Round Table Club, or Mamas Latinas Club - Donations to any of the school's endowment funds that go to help with tuition assistance for qualifying families Donations accepted year-round for the “Angels Among Us” fund Log on to Faith Direct on the Immaculate Conception Parish Website for giving opportunities - Advertising opportunities are available in the gymnasium See the school office for information -AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION! Sign up to volunteer for the school auction in the spring There are many ways to help including decorations, data entry, reservations, check-in and check-out, etc The auction is our largest fundraiser Auction proceeds assist with financial assistance, operations, FundA-Projects, etc Don’t forget to donate your $150 auction fee or solicit $150 in business donations THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE! (OVER) ... through the educational process This is accomplished by joining in community as a ministry of Immaculate Conception and St Mark parishes to educate in the formation of faith and family; to provide a. .. las tareas del d? ?a y esto ayudará al niđo a organizarse y aprender hábitos que le ayudarán para el resto de su vida Adquirir hábitos saludables los ayudara a mantener un estilo de vida saludable... **************INCLEMENT WEATHER******************* In the event of inclement weather, an all-school e-mail will be sent as soon as information is available As per our handbook, ICCS generally follows the Denton