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KỲ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI CÁC TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN KHU VỰC DUYÊN HẢI VÀ ĐỒNG BẰNG BẮC BỘ LẦN THỨ XIII, NĂM 2022 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi gồm 17 trang) ĐỀ THI MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 11 Thời gian: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề) Ngày thi: 14/7/2022 (Thí sinh làm vào Phiếu trả lời) A LISTENING (50 points) HƯỚNG DẪN PHẦN THI NGHE HIỂU  Bài nghe gồm phần, phần nghe lần, lần cách 15 giây, mở đầu kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu  Mở đầu kết thúc nghe có tín hiệu nhạc Thí sinh có phút để hồn chỉnh trước tín hiệu nhạc kết thúc nghe  Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) có nghe Part For questions 1-5, you will hear a woman talking about caffeine Listen and decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F) Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet (10 points) The desired effect of caffeine is brought about as it facilitates the proper function of Adenosine receptors in the brain People around the world have consumed caffeine-infused products on a daily basis for centuries The popularity of tea in Britain led to it being consumed in China later on Caffeinated drinks have integrated themselves into the drinking culture in the United States Pure caffeine poses a serious health risk, resulting even in dealths Part For questions 6-10, you will hear a lecture about water Listen and answer the questions Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet (10 points) What are the two features of water that concern people everywhere? What is the main use of water in our everyday life? Besides rivers, where can we find the purest water? Page of 17 What hinders people from utilising rainwater in Oceania, besides its increasingly limited amount? 10 What need(s) removing from water before we use it? Part For questions 11-15, you will hear two nutritionists, Fay Wells and George Fisher, discussing methods of food production Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet (10 points) 11 Looking at reports on the subject of GM foods, Fay feels A pleased to read that the problem of food shortages is being addressed B surprised that the fears of the public are not allayed by them C frustrated by contradictory conclusions D critical of the scientists' methodology 12 What does George suggest about organic foods? A Consumers remain surprisingly poorly informed about them B People need to check out the claims made about them C They need to be made more attractive to meat-eaters D They may become more widely affordable in future 13 What is George's opinion of 'vertical farming'? A It could provide a realistic alternative to existing methods B It's a highly impractical scheme dreamt up by architects C It's unlikely to go much beyond the experimental stage D It has the potential to reduce consumption of energy 14 George and Fay agree that the use of nanotechnology in food production will A reduce the need for dietary supplements B simplify the process of food-labelling C complicate things for the consumer D introduce potential health risks 15 In Fay's view, returning to self-sufficiency is only an option for people who A have no need to get a return on their investment B are willing to accept a high level of regulation C reject the values of a consumer society D already have sufficient set-up funds Part For questions 16-25, you will listen to a recording of a presenter talking about Machu Picchu Complete the summary by writing NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS and/or Page of 17 A NUMBER in each gap Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet (20 points) 16 Machu Picchu, one of the most fascinating archaeological sites on Earth, proves how _ the Incas were 17 In its heyday, the Inca civilisation stretched _, comparable to the horizontal width of the continental America 18 Machu Picchu epitomised the Inca’s _ 19 The construction of Machu Picchu was spectacular as it was done without the use of _ to bind stones together 20 Despite regular _ in the region, Machu Picchu has remained in remarkable condition for over five centuries 21 Machu Picchu is likely to have played its role as a(n) _, a military stronghold, or a ceremonial site 22 It is impossible to shed light on the real purpose of Machu Picchu due to the Inca’s lack of _ 23 After being abandoned, Machu Picchu remained a mystery to the outside world, including _ who mounted an invasion of the Inca civilisation in the 16th century 24 _ notwithstanding, Machu Picchu is still among the world’s most important archaeological sites 25 1983 saw Machu Picchu being designated as _ B LEXICO – GRAMMAR (30 points) Part For questions 26-45, choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet (20 points) 26 The new cirriculum has been designed to students’ learning by combining theory with hands-on practice A alleviate B exaggerate C sharpen D optimize 27 The consultant called in by the firm had a of experience bearing on the problem A wealth B carton C bank D hoard 28 The chairman had a recommendation that A each member studied more carefully the problem B the problem was more carefully studied by each member C with more carefulness the problem could be studied D each member study the problem more carefully Page of 17 29 A career in marketing has always been what she desires, so she just herself in her work A immersed B submerged C engulfed D engrossed 30 Rather than ponder the questions, the interviewee out the first answer coming into his head A blundered B blurted C bungled D botched 31 She rocked the baby in her arms and watched his little face as he to sleep A drifted off B burned with C slipped into D popped up 32 He was so highly knowledgeable on the areas that many would say he was something of a A veteran B novice C probationer D archivist 33 Many people refused to fall in with the idea that religion is a(n) disputable anachronism A academically B cerebrally C cognitively D intellectually 34 A large proportion of the households in this area is to the internet thanks to a generous foreign donor A linked with B wired up C hooked up D crossed with 35 It was a close but we just made it to the airport on time for our flight A drive B run C call D go 36 You are not supposed to park on the hard except in an emergency A shoulder B area C lane D head 37 Round and round A went the wheels of the engine B the wheels of the engine went C did the wheels of the engine go D going the wheels of the engine 38 I was thrilled to meet Paul Mc Cartney in the when I sat next to him at the theatre A face B flesh C blood D vein 39 He preferred to any profits he made back into business A sow B plan C plough D dig 40 His new manager, who is always willing to somebody a good , is kind-hearted and sociable A go B turn C play D part 41 It was a hot summer day and ice cream salesmen were doing a trade A roaring B bustling C flickering D staggering 42 The choreographer his fingers in time to the music so that the dancers could pick up the tempo Page of 17 A clenched B snapped C nudged D beckoned 43 The football club decided to the team with a couple of world-class players A beef up B chuck out C match against D sort out 44 When you join this game, it’s important that you should A keep your wits about you B gather your wits C keep your head in the clouds D go to your head 45 Regional parliaments allow for remote parts of the country or islands far from the captital A self-government B self-sufficiency C self-regulation D self-support Part For questions 46-55, give the correct form of each given word to complete the following sentences and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet (10 points) 46 If a screen does not contain everything needed, further lexicographic information can be obtained by clicking on a (link) 47 The documented differences between men and women in scientific career paths not match what would be expected in a true (merit) 48 Few (practice) of homeopathy, acupuncture and the like regard therapies as complete substitutes for modern medicine 49 You can ask a (diet) for advice on what kind of food you should eat to keep you healthy 50 The new policy only serves to (accent) the inadequacy of provision for the homeless 51 It is vital that we (mystery) this realm if we ever want to get anything done effective in securing it 52 At the dawn of the Internet, many believed that it would enable a more (participate) platform, particularly with politics 53 I must admit that it is time the organizers did away with the (annual) computer system and bought a new one 54 The building looks a bit (future) from the outside but it’s quite traditional inside 55 Left-handers now dominate the game to an extent that (weigh) their numbers C READING (60 points) Page of 17 Part For questions 56-65, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet (15 points) THE CHANGING FACE OF WORKING LIFE The accepted concept of a career path followed a similar pattern for decades After (56) their education, people would enter the adult world of work, settling down on to a job which they would likely remain from that point (57) Not only would this occupation provide their income for their entire working life, it would also allow them a(n) (58) pension when they retired and moved into old age Over the past twenty years, however, the relationship between a wage earner and their chosen profession has changed enormously Today, the idea of a ‘job-for-life’ has all (59) disappeared, to be replaced by an unforgiving world of unstable employment Some observers even argue that current society to pit old (60) young in a constant battle to find work of some description, all against a (61) of increasing debt and economic difficulties At the same time, the government regularly (62) figures that suggest the economy is prospering, evidencing this claim with the fact that the unemployment rate continues to fall annually There are indeed more jobs (63) However, a huge number of these are casual, temporary or short-term positions, all of which are low-paid and create (64) in the way of tax income for the government This has a number of debilitating long-term effects, not (65) because this assurance of a growing economy is based more in myth than fact Part For questions 66-75, read the passage below and choose the answer A, B, C or D that fits best according to the text Write your answers in the corrresponding numbered boxes provided on the answer sheet (10 points) WRITING FICTION Because I am a novelist myself, I am always faintly fussed by the idea of creative writing courses I completely accept that you can teach the craft, that you can give instruction on how to structure a book, how to vary space and tension, how to write dialogue But what you can’t teach, it seems to me is the right kind of interpretation of what has been observed It worries me to think of all those earnest pupils who have diligently mastered the mechanics, wondering with varying degrees of misery and rag why the finished recipe just hasn’t somehow worked The great writer Samuel Coleridge explained it He said that there are two kinds of imagination, the primary and the secondary We all, he said, possess the primary imagination, we all have the capacity to perceive, to notice But what only poets (loosely translated as all Page of 17 truly creative people, I suppose) have - the secondary imagination is the capacity to select, and then translate and illuminate everything that has been observed so that it seems to the audience something entirely new, something entirely true, something exciting, wonderful and terrible There is, after all, nothing new to say about the human condition There is nothing to say that Shakespeare or Sophocles hasn’t already, inimitably, brilliantly, said Codes of product, fashions in morality and ethics, all may come and go But what the human heart has desired and feared – down the ages goes on being very much the same The novelist’s task is to follow the well-trodden, time-worn path of human hopes and terrors Never forget: betrayal may be as old as time, it may happen every nanosecond of every minute that’s ever been, but the first time it happens to you feels like the first time in the history of the world A cliché is a cliché only if it is comfortably taking place in someone else’s life This empathy is vital in the writing of fiction Coleridge’s view of the poet as prophet to the hungry hordes is, in truth, a bit grand for me I admire it, but I am not, personally, quite up to it I am happier seeing the novelist, sleeves rolled up, in the thick of it alongside the reader, bleeding when pricked, in just the same way that the reader does The only capacity I would claim is that I have an instinct to select, from everything I have noticed in half a century’s beady-eyed people-watching, the telling detail, the apt phrase I seem to be good at the rhythms of dialogue I seem to know how not to overwrite But that is it really Except that the older I get, the more prepared I am to surrender and trust to the power of the unconscious mind Maybe this is a modest form of the secondary imagination, maybe not Whatever it is, it produces a level and intensity of communication that causes people to buy my books and write to me about them in numbers that I still can’t get over What I believe, fervently, is that we are all in this boat together – writer, reader, critic I have a tattered little quotation that lies on my desk and becomes more valuable to me as time goes on It comes from the autobiography of the celebrated nineteenth-century writer Anthony Trollope He said many remarkable things in this book, but my own personal favourite is on the subject of the novelist’s central preoccupation Trollope is not so much concerned with the landscape of the grand passions as with something else, something less glamorous perhaps, but just as intense and certainly more universal: ‘My task’, he wrote, ‘is to chronicle those little daily lacerations upon the spirit.’ I feel a thrill of recognition every time I read that, or even think about it That is what the writer’s life is all about for me The point of it is to emphasise that we are none of us immune to longing, or disappointment (much under-rated, in my view, as a source for distress), or frustration, or idiotic hope, or bad behaviour What fiction does, in this difficult world, is to reassure us that we are not alone, nor we are (most of us) lost causes There is a theory that Page of 17 suffering strengthens and elevates us in a way that joy can never somehow I’m not so sure about that Isn’t it just that we have, on the whole, so much more suffering than joy that we have resolved, out of our great surviving instinct, to insist that something worthwhile must be made of it? And isn’t fiction a handrail, of a kind, which we can all grasp while we blunder about in the dark? Isn’t fiction written by people for people about people? And is there a subject more fascinating or more important? 66 What view does the novelist express about creative writing courses? A A few good books emerge from them B It would be inappropriate for her to teach on them C Students are frustrated by the poor teaching on them D Some aspects of writing skills can be successfully taught on them 67 The novelist implies that a writer’s most valuable asset is A an instinct for the unusual B a gift for meticulous observation C the ability to put a fresh interpretation on the everyday world D the ability to highlight sensational aspects of our existence 68 What is stated about writers in the third paragraph? A They should not exploit their readers’ fears B They should revisit well-established themes C They should be prepared to exaggerate their personal experience D They should not try to keep pace with changes in literary tastes 69 The phrase ‘the well-trodden, time-worn path’ refers to themes of writing that are A familiar and long-standing B extraordinary and profound C up-to-date and catchy D simple and soulful 70 The word ‘prophet’ refers to writer as a(n) person A conservative B receptive C impartial D emotional 71 The novelist states that one of her own strengths as a writer lies in A her depiction of character B her construction of plot C her command of language D her knowledge of psychology 72 Why does novelist admire Anthony Trollope? A He portrays the fact that everyone suffers in some way B He realises that all writers need a strong sense of place C He understands that everyone craves deep emotion D He is aware that all writers have a particular obsession 73 The word ‘lacerations’ refers to events A exhilarating B epoch-making C pathetic D trivial 74 The novelist describes fiction as ‘a handrail, of a kind’ because it Page of 17 A reflects the negative aspects of emotion C helps us make sense of complex events B enables us to deal with failure D offers reassurance in an uncertain world 75 Which theme recurs in this text? A The need for novelists to avoid complex philosophical questions B The need for novelists to develop their writing techniques C The need for novelists to give an accurate reflection of the spirit of the time D The need for novelists to identify closely with readers’ preoccupations Part For questions 76-88, read the following passage and the tasks that follow (13 points) Does water have memory? The practice of homeopathy was first developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann During research in the 1790s, Hahnemann began experimenting with quinine, an alkaloid derived from cinchona bark that was well known at the time to have a positive effect on fever Hahnemann started dosing himself with quinine while in a state of good health, and reported in his journals that his extremities went cold, he experienced palpitations, an “infinite anxiety”, a trembling and weakening of the limbs, reddening cheeks and thirst – “in short”, he concluded, “all the symptoms of relapsing fever presented themselves successively ” Hahnemann’s main observation was that things which create problems for healthy people cure those problems in sick people, and this became his first principle of homeopathy: simila similibus (with help from the same) While diverging from the principle of apothecary practice at the time – which was contraria contrariis (with help from the opposite) – the efficacy of simila similibus was reaffirmed by subsequent developments in the field of vaccinations Hahnemann’s second principle was minimal dosing – treatments should be taken in the most diluted form at which they remain effective This negated any possible toxic effects of simila similibus In 1988 the French immunologist Jacques Benveniste took minimal dosing to new extremes when he published a paper in the prestigious scientific journal Nature in which he suggested that very high dilutions of the anti-lgE antibody could affect human basophil granulocytes, the least common of the granulocytes that make up about 0.01% to 0.3% of white blood cells The point of controversy, however, was that the water in Benveniste’s test had been so diluted that any molecular evidence of the antibodies no longer existed Water molecules, the researcher concluded, had a biologically active component that a journalist later termed “water memory” A number of efforts from scientists in Britain, France and the Netherlands to duplicate Page of 17 Benveniste’s research were unsuccessful, however, and to this day no peer-reviewed study under broadly accepted conditions has been able to confirm the validity of “water memory” The third principle of homeopathy is “the single remedy.” Exponents of this principle believe that it would be too difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the potential effects of multiple homeopathic remedies delivered simultaneously If it did work, they suggest, one could not know quite why it worked, turning homeopathy into an ambiguous guessing game If it did not work, neither patient nor practitioner would know whether the ingredients were all ineffective, or whether they were only ineffective in combination with one another Combination remedies are gaining in popularity, but classical homeopaths who rely on the single remedy approach warn these are not more potent, nor they provide more treatment options The availability of combination remedies, these homeopaths suggest, has been led by consumers wanting more options, not from homeopathic research indicating their efficacy Homeopathy is an extremely contentious form of medicine, with strong assertions coming from both critics and supporters of the practice “Homeopathy: There’s nothing in it” announces the tagline to 10:23, a major British anti-homeopathy campaign At 10.23 a.m on 30 January 2010, over 400 supporters of the 10:23 stood outside Boots pharmacies and swallowed an entire bottle each of homeopathic pills in an attempt to raise awareness about the fact that these remedies are made of sugar and water, with no active components This, defenders of homeopathy say, is entirely the point Homeopathic products not rely on ingredients that become toxic at high doses, because the water retains the “memory” that allows the original treatment to function Critics also point out the fact that homeopathic preparations have no systematic design to them, making it hard to monitor whether or not a particular treatment has been efficacious Homeopaths embrace this While results may be less certain, they argue, the non-toxic nature of homeopathy means that practitioner and patient can experiment until they find something that works without concern for side effects Traditional medicine, they argue, assaults the body with a cocktail of drugs that only tackles the symptoms of disease, while homeopathy has its sights aimed on the causes Homeopaths suggest this approach leads to kinder, gentler, more effective treatment Finally, critics allege that when homeopathy has produced good results, these are exceedingly dependent on the placebo effect, and cannot justify the resources, time and expense that the homeopathic tradition absorbs The placebo effect is a term that describes beneficial outcomes from a treatment that can be attributed to the patient’s expectations concerning the treatment rather than from the treatment itself Basically, the patient “thinks” himself into feeling better Defenders suggest that homeopathy can go beyond this Page 10 of 17 psychological level They point to the successful results of homeopathy on patients who are unconscious at the time of treatment, as well as on animals For questions 76-82, decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG) Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided on the answer sheet 76 Samuel Hahnemannn developed his principles based on an existent set of rules at his time 77 The existence of a biologically active part in water has yet to be conclusively proven 78 The single remedy serves to preclude the unforeseeable outcomes of remedial combinations 79 It has been suggested that the practice of applying several treatments at the same time becomes more common due to endorsements by scientists 80 The uncertainty of preparations for homeopathy is perceived by both supporters and opponents of it 81 Patients’ feelings are affected by the outcomes of the treatments they receive 82 Abortive attempts of homeopathic treatment are used to corroborate its opponents’ arguments For questions 83-88, write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the passage to complete the following paragraph Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided on the answer sheet There are three principles behind the practice of homeopathy The first one, simila similibus, was developed by Samuel Hahnemann after experimentation in which he observed that problem-inducing factors could become treatments for suffering people While marking a departure from that of (83) , this principle of homeopathy was substantiated by further advancements The second principle, minimal dosing, serves to avert (84) that can be caused by simila similibus The attempt for its furtherance was made by Jacques Benveniste, but controversy was sparked as there was a lack of (85) in the used water Moreover, a result from his experiment termed “water memory” had received (86) to the moment of writing The third principle named “the single remedy” works on the ground that application of multiple treatments at the same time can make homeopathy become a(n) (87) even when the results are desirable Homeopathy is a controversial remedy While there are arguments in favour of it, critics have suggested weaknesses in the treatment including its components, lack of systemic design and the reliance on (88) of its feasible positive effects Page 11 of 17 Part 4: In the passage below, seven paragraphs have been removed Read the passage and choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap There is ONE extra pragraph which you not need to use Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided on the answer sheet (7 points) The Waterphone Brooks Hubbert clutches the neck of a prickly, circular instrument that somewhat resembles an upside-down jellyfish, its tendrils represented by stiff bronze rods of various lengths 89 This is a waterphone, and its distinctive music is felt as much as heard - in the hair at the back of the neck and in the gut It's the sound of a lurching elevator or a renegade fairground ride about to spin off its axis 90 Invented and patented in 1969, the waterphone has captivated, confused, and generally creeped out audiences via film scores, orchestral works, and more than one experimental San Francisco concert over the past 45 years 91 Hubbert is now carrying on Waters’ legacy, building waterphones in his backyard workshop using the same painstaking process Waters devised Each waterphone starts with a stainless steel pan, shaped like two pie tins welded at the brim, which acts as a resonator Out of this base juts a series of bronze tonal rods and a long, thick neck with an opening at the top, where the water is poured in Fill the pan with water, and the rods vibrate and trill with woozy harmonies when tapped with a mallet or stroked with a bow 92 Just don't turn it upside down, or the water will fall out It fits into so many different applications because it has such a wide range of tones There are all kinds of playing techniques that have yet to even be discovered 93 Waters’ path to invention began in grad school in the mid-1960s at Oakland's California College of Arts and Crafts, where he first played an instrument he described as a Tibetan water drum - a round bronze tub, filled with water, that rocked when struck Later, dabbling in the local hippie scene, he heard the music of a kalimba in a Haight-Ashbury parade 94 Waters and Charlton, both drawn to experimental music, formed the Gravity Adjusters Expansion Band in 1969 and began showcasing Waters' sonic inventions around the Bay Area Other percussionists took notice When drummer Shelly Manne flew up from Los Angeles and asked to buy a waterphone, Charlton knew his bandmate was onto something big Waters soon drove a vanload of his instruments to L.A., and sold them all in one week 95 Think of those skin-bristling scenes where a protagonist wanders into a dark house alone - the audio accompaniment is often a waterphone, which Hubbert discovered while browsing music news on the Web in the late 1990s The Paragraphs Page 12 of 17 A Waters began welding his own homemade instruments out of tin cans, salad bowls, and hubcaps He eventually showed one to his friend, jazz drummer Lee Charlton At Charlton's studio, the pair poured some water into the base, and the first waterphone was born B Even as synthesizers rose to ubiquity and electronic samples could be coaxed from computers with a few deft keystrokes, Waters' acoustic invention never lost its appeal In times of peak demand, customers lined up for a spot on a yearlong waiting list, eager to shell out up to $1,700 for one of his handmade creations C The instrument’s melody is often compared to that of the humpback whale - so much so that conservation groups have used the apparatus to summon cetaceans The waterphone is classified as a percussion instrument, but it has a greater range than any of its comrades in that category There is no part of the gadget that doesn't make music - one can strike the rods, hit or rub the underside of the base, or finger-drum on the neck D A few years later, Hubbert was playing a gig at a local yacht club, and Waters, not recognizing him, came up to praise the show Hubbert took off his sunglasses and reintroduced himself; they had a fond reunion Waters started attending Hubbert’s gigs, and Hubbert would stop by Waters’ home studio to chat about the waterphone craft E That idea might have pleased Waters, a trained painter, kinetic sculptor, bamboo enthusiast, and lifelong creator who would often walk into a room and begin drumming on any interesting wood or brass objects he saw, according to his daughter, Rayme Waters F It might call to mind the soundtracks of 1980s-era horror and ghost movies, and with good reason The instrument's low, haunting moans and eerie, high-pitched squeals - like screeching brakes - have become known as the sound of suspense in films like Poltergeist, The Matrix, Star Trek - The Motion Picture, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Let the Right One In G Shortly after that, Hollywood came knocking An acquaintance of Waters' who worked as a sound-effects artist told him the waterphone had potential, and before long, composers began incorporating the instrument into film and TV scores Thrillers were a natural fit H He drags a bow across a few of them, producing a piercing, metallic shriek Satisfied with this, he tilts the instrument to one side, and this is where the sound goes wonky as tones bend upward, dip down, and shift sideways because the six ounces of water in the device’s base echo and resonate Part 5: For questions 96-105, you are going to read an article about an art exhibition that focuses on the subject of whether paintings are authentic or fake Answer the questions by choosing from the sections of the article (A - F) The sections may be chosen more than Page 13 of 17 once Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided on the answer sheet (15 points) A Close Examination at the National Gallery looks at 40 problematic works from the Gallery's collection - including outright forgeries, misattributions, and copies, altered or over-restored paintings, and works whose authenticity has wrongly been doubted The curators have taken on a huge subject - the range of possibilities museum professionals take into consideration when they investigate a picture's status and the variety of technical procedures conservation scientists use to establish authorship and date The case histories they discuss have a single common denominator Whatever conclusion the combined disciplines of connoisseurship, science and art history may lead, the study of any work of art begins with a question: is the work by the artist to whom it is attributed? B A good example is an Italian painting on panel that the National Gallery acquired in 1923, as the work of an artist in the circle of the Italian 15th century painter Melozzo da Forlì Today, we find it incredible that anyone was ever fooled by a picture that looks like it was painted by a Surrealist follower of Salvador Dali But this is to forget how little was known about Melozzo, and how little could be done in the conservation lab to determine the date of pigments or wood panel Even so, from the moment the picture was acquired, sceptics called its status into question Nothing could be proved until 1960 when an art historian pointed out the many anachronisms in the clothing When technological advances enabled the gallery to test the pigments, they were found to be from the 19th century C Scientific evidence can be invaluable but it has to be used with caution and in tandem with historical research For example, Corot's ravishing sketch The Roman Campagna, with the Claudian Aqueduct has always been dated to about 1826, soon after the artist's arrival in Rome However, the green pigment that Corot used throughout the picture only became available to artists in the 1830s The landscape wasn't a fake and for stylistic reasons couldn't have been painted later than the mid-1820s All became clear when historians did further research and discovered that the firm that sold artists' supplies to Corot in Paris started making the newly developed colour available to selected customers in the mid-1820s, long before it came into widespread use D The flipside of a fake, but capable of doing equal violence to an artist's reputation, occurs when an authentic work is mistakenly labelled a forgery Back in 1996, I well remember how distressing it was to read an article in which the former director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas Hoving, declared that Uccello's lovely little canvas of St George and the Dragon was forged The gallery therefore X-rayed the picture and tested paint samples, before Page 14 of 17 concluding that it was a rare survival of a work by Uccello dating from the early 1470s Hoving was irresponsible not because he questioned the attribution of a much-loved work, but because he went public without first asking the gallery to carry out a thorough scientific analysis E Anyone can label a picture a fake or a copy, but their opinions are worthless unless they can support them with tangible proof One picture that's been smeared in this way is Raphael's Madonna of the Pinks In this exhibition we are shown infrared photographs that reveal the presence both of major corrections which a copyist would not need to make, and also of under drawing in a hand comparable to Raphael's when he sketched on paper The pigments and paper technique exactly match those that the artist used in other works of about the same date F For all its pleasure, the show also has an unspoken agenda It is a reply to the mistaken belief that museums have anything to gain by hiding the true status of the art they own As the downgrading in this show of Courbet's Self-Portrait to the status of a posthumous copy of a picture in the Louvre shows, the opposite is the case: museums and galleries constantly question, reattribute and re-date the works in their care If they make a mistake, they acknowledge it In which section of the article are the following mentioned? 96 the different categories of people involved in examining pictures 97 an incorrect idea about the attitude of people responsible for exhibiting paintings 98 similarities in an artist's style in more than one place4 99 investigative work that showed that a picture was an unusual example of an artist's work 100 information that solved a mystery about a painting known to be authentic 101 reasons why it is understandable that a certain mistake was made 102 the willingness of experts to accept that their beliefs are wrong 103 the fundamental issue surrounding research into a picture 104 evidence from an expert outside the world of art 105 an accusation that upset the writer personally D WRITING (60 points) Part Read the following extract and use your own words to summarize it Your summary should be about 140 words You MUST NOT copy the original (15 pts) According to a report by Asiaweek, on-the-job injuries are no longer confined strictly to blue-collar workers The modern-day office has become a danger zone and computers are largely to be blamed Their increased use points to an increase in sick leave and doctors' visits The new group of patients includes writers, secretaries and data-entry clerks Anyone who spends hours at a keyboard can be at risk Page 15 of 17 The most frequent complaints are wrist, hand and neck pain These are typical signs of repetitive strain injuries Another related condition is called carpal tunnel syndrome caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist It results from repeated movements such as typing or using the mouse over a long period of time Before computers came along, typists would stop to make corrections or change paper These movements provided some relief Now, typists rarely move from their computer, hitting as much as 21,600 words an hour In severe cases, the pain shoots up a victim's arm Some also develop neck and shoulder problems from holding their head in uncomfortable positions Computer users may also complain of eye strain, headaches, double vision and other eye problems caused by improper use of display screens It may be a result of staring at the screen for too long It could also be due to improper lighting and screen glare The best way to cope with such problems is to adopt healthier work habits This means that the workers have to hold their wrists flat when they use the keyboard They should also tap on the keys softly and take frequent breaks Their feet should also be flat on the floor and their heads and backs straight Some may be required to change their typing technique In severe cases, taking a rest and some anti-inflammatory medication may be necessary There are also ergonomic hardware and software that blends well with a person's body or actions Some examples of such ergonomic hardware are tilting display screens, detachable keyboards and specially designed keyboards that are suitable for the wrists Employers and managers should help employees create a comfortable working environment to reduce the side effects of working on the computer Part The bar chart below gives information about the percentage of the population living in urban areas in different parts of the world Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant (15 points) Page 16 of 17 Changes in percentage of population in urban areas Part Essay writing (30 points) Some people say that citizens should be given freedom to express their personal opinions and concerns about the social problems on the Internet To what extent you agree or disagree? Give reasons and relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 350 words HẾT -(Thí sinh khơng sử dụng tài liệu Cán coi thi khơng giải thích thêm) Họ tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Page 17 of 17 ... made about them C They need to be made more attractive to meat-eaters D They may become more widely affordable in future 13 What is George's opinion of 'vertical farming'? A It could provide... 76-82, decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG) Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided on the answer sheet 76 Samuel Hahnemannn developed... bought a new one 54 The building looks a bit (future) from the outside but it’s quite traditional inside 55 Left-handers now dominate the game to an extent that (weigh) their numbers C

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2022, 09:52
