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(In Polish, English summary p. 173197) 322 Zankl, H., 1965, Zur microfaunistischen Charakteristik des Dachsteinkalkes (Nor/Rat) mit Hilfe einer Losungstechnik: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, v. 116, no. 2, p. 549567, 3 pl Zeiler, F., and Wirtgen, P. W., 1855, Bemerkungen über die Petreefacten der älteren devonischen Gebirge am Rheine, insbesondere über die Echinodermen in der Umgegend von Coblenz und in dem Eifeler Kalke vorkommenden Arten: Verhandlungen des Naturhistorisch Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlands und Westfalen, v. 12, p. 7985, pl. 1012. (This is a continuation of Wirtgen and Zeiler, 1854, and citation is often given as Wirtgen and Zeiler for this second part although it is listed as Zeiler and Wirtgen on the title page.) Zelízko, J. V., 1911a, Zajímavé zbytky crinoidu ze spodního siluru od Ejpovic [Interesting crinoid remains from the Lower Silurian of Ejpovic, Bohemia]: Sborník Mestského Historického Musea v Plzni, v. 2, p. 118120. 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V., 1988, Krinoidei losishinskoi svity rudnogo altaya [Crinoids from the Losishinsk Fold of the Rudny Altai]. In Yolkin, E. A., and Kangyin, A. V., eds, Fauna i stratigrafiya paleozoya Srednei Sibiri i Urala [Paleozoic fauna and stratigraphy of central Siberia and the Urals]: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, v. 718, p. 7988, pl. 18, 19. (In Russian) Zittel, K. A. von, 187680, Handbuch der Palaeontologie, v. 1, Palaeozoologie: München, Leipzig, R. Oldenbourg, (1879), no. 1, p. 1765, (Echinoderms, p. 308560) Zittel, K. A. von, 1895, Grundzüge der Palaeontologie (Palaeozoologie), 1st edit, 971 p., R. Oldenbourg, München. (see Wachsmuth, 1895, for crinoids) Zittel, K. A. von, 1896 1900, Textbook of Paleontology, v. 1, transl. and edited by C. R. Eastman: London, New York, MacMillan & Co., 706 p., 1476 figs. (p 1372 published in 1896; p. 373706 published in 1900.) Zittel, K. A. von, 1910, Grundzüge der Paläontologie. 3rd edit., München, Berlin, Druck and Vorlag von R. Oldenbourg, v. 1, Invertebrata, p. 1608 Zittel, K. A. von, 1913, Textbook of Paleontology, v. 1, transl. and edited by C. R. Eastman, 2nd edit: London, MacMillan & Co., p. 1839, 1600 illus. (see Springer, 1913, for crinoids) Zittel, K. A. von, 1915, Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie), 4th edit., Ferdinand Broili, ed: Berlin, München, R. Oldenbourg, v. 1, Invertebrata, p. 1 694, (Crinoids p. 151195) Zittel, K. A. von, 1921, Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie), 5th edit., Ferdinand Broili, ed: Berlin, München, R. Oldenbourg, v. 1, Invertebrata, p. 1 1106, (Crinoids p. 151197). Zittel, K. A. von, 1924, Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie). 6th edit., Ferdinand Broili, ed: Berlin, München, R. Oldenbourg, v. 1, Invertebrata, p. 1 733, 1467 figs 3 324 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF PALEOZOIC CRINOIDS, CORONATES, AND HEMISTREPTOCRINIDS, 20002004 Aldrich, M. I., 2000. New York State Natural History Survey 18361842. Paleontological Research Institution Special Publication 22, 288 p. Arendt, Yu. A., 2002. Early Carboniferous echinoderms of the Moscow region. Paleontological Journal, v. 36, Supplement 2, p. 115184 Ausich, W. I., 2000. A remarkably long crinoid column from the Nowata Shale (Marmaton Group, upper Desmoinesian, Pennsylvanian), Tulsa, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Geology Notes, v. 60, no. 3, p. 6061. Ausich, W. I., 2001. Echinoderm Taphonomy, p. 171227. In Jangoux, M., and Lawrence, J. M. (eds), Echinoderm studies Volume 6. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. (nonsystematic) Ausich, W. I., 2003a. Lower Mississippian crinoid (Echinodermata) fauna from Utah County, Utah. Journal of Paleontology, v. 77, no. 1, p. 139145 Ausich, W. I., 2003b. Developmental breakdown during the early evolution of the Codiacrinidae: Parazophocrinus callosus Strimple, 1963 (Class Crinoidea). Journal of Paleontology, v. 77, no. 3, p. 471475 Ausich, W. I., and Babcock, L. E., 2000. 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