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Co-Conveners of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)

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INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012 JOINT COORDINATION ACTIVITY ON ACCESSIBILITY AND HUMAN FACTORS (JCA-AHF) Doc 53 English only Original: English Source: Co-Conveners of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) Title: JCA-AHF report (November 2010) Contact: Andrea J Saks USA Email: asaks@waitrose.com Floris van Nes Netherlands Email: F.L.v.Nes@tue.nl Christopher Jones United Kingdom Email: acceque@btinternet.com Attention: This is not a publication made available to the public, but an internal ITU-T Document intended only for use by the Member States of ITU, by ITU-T Sector Members and Associates, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU related work It shall not be made available to, and used by, any other persons or entities without the prior written consent of ITU-T -2- INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012 STUDY GROUP TD 221 (GEN/2)-E English only Original: English Question(s): ALL Geneva, 9-18 November 2010 TEMPORARY DOCUMENT Source: JCA-AHF Conveners Title: JCA-AHF report (November 2010) This report is composed of two parts: - the JCA-AHF report that was submitted and discussed at the last JCA-AHF meeting last July (27 July 2010) - Annex 1: it contains an update of events from August 2010 to November 2010 related to Accessibility and the work of ITU-T -3- INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION JOINT COORDINATION ACTIVITY ON ACCESSIBILITY AND HUMAN FACTORS TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR (JCA-AHF) STUDY PERIOD 2009-2012 Report English only Original: English July 2010 Source: Convener JCA-AHF Title: Reports from interim meetings where accessibility was discussed -4- CONTENTS OF THIS REPORT Page ITU-T SG ITU-T SG 12 JCA – AHF Joint ITU-T/ISO/IEC/ JTC leadership meeting Joint WIPO-ITU Accessibility Workshop ITU-TSAG IGF and DCAD ITU-RAG 10 UNESCO 10 10 ITU-TDAG 10 11 ITU Accessibility Task Force coordination meeting 10 12 Improving accessible meetings for people with disabilities 11 13 ITU Workshop 11 14 WSIS 11 15 WTDC 12 16 Council group on the financial regulations of the Union 12 17 Future meetings 12 Annex 13 This annex contains an update of events from August 2010 to November 2010 related to Accessibility and the work of ITU-T 13 -5- Summary There have been many meetings concerning accessibility that have been convened since the last ITUT SG 16 meeting Among those, one was a workshop where presentations were given on accessibility Several of these activities were hosted by organizations other than ITU-T This report gives an overview of those various meetings and activities Table lists the SG meetings, etc in date order that Andrea Saks, convener JCA on Accessibility and Human Factors, attended or monitored Table ITU SG meetings and workshops attended/monitored for Accessibility in late 2009 and 2010 # Start End Event 16/11/2009 24/11/2009 ITU-T SG Service provision and telecommunications management Geneva, Switzerland 3/11/2009 12/11/2009 ITU-T SG 12 Performance, QoS and QoE Geneva, Switzerland 2/12/2009 2/12/2009 JCA-AHF Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors Geneva, Switzerland 02/02/2010 02/02/2010 coordination meeting Joint ITU-T/ISO/IEC/ JTC leadership meeting Geneva, Switzerland 02/02/2010 5/02/2010 WIPO Joint WIPO-ITU Accessibility Workshop Geneva, Switzerland 8/02/2010 11/02/2010 ITU-TSAG Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Geneva, Switzerland 15/11/2009 18/15/2009 IGF Fourth annual IGF Meeting (DCAD) Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt 9/02/2010 9/02/2010 IGF Internet Governance Forum Geneva, Switzerland 17/3/2010 17/3/2010 DCAD Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability Teleconference 10/05/2010 11/05/2010 IGF Internet Governance Forum Geneva, Switzerland 22/06/2010 22/06/2010 DCAD Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability teleconference 28/06/2010 29/06/2010 IGF Internet Governance Forum Geneva, Switzerland 17/02/2010 19/02/2010 ITU-RAG Radiocommunication Advisory Group Geneva, Switzerland 21/02/2010 23/02/2010 UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Paris, France 24/02/2010 26/02/2010 ITU-TDAG Telecommunication Development Advisory Group Geneva, Switzerland 11/03/2010 11/03/2010 coordination meeting Formation of new ITU Task Force on accessibility for persons with disabilities Geneva, Switzerland 7/06/2010 7/06/2010 coordination meeting Formation of new ITU Task Force on accessibility for persons with disabilities Geneva, Switzerland coordination meeting Improving accessible meetings for people with disabilities Geneva, Switzerland ITU Workshop on ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities Kampala, Uganda 10 11 12 13 numerous, February through April 2010 6/05/2010 6/05/2010 workshop Name Place -6- # Start End Event 14 10/05/2010 14/05/2010 WSIS 15 24/05/2010 4/06/2010 16 14/06/2010 15/06/2010 Name Place WSIS Forum session on ICTs and persons with disabilities Geneva, Switzerland WTDC-10 World Telecommunication Development Conference Hyderabad, India FINREGS Council group on the financial regulations of the Union Geneva, Switzerland ITU-T SG The Interim report of the JCA-AHF TD 108 (PLEN/2) was given in advance of the teleconference meeting planned for December 2009 The report of this meeting will be given at the next JCA-AHF teleconference meeting on the 27 July 2010 The report of the joint Q4/2 and Q26/16 meeting that was held during the SG16 meeting in October 2009, TD 109 (PLEN/2) was also presented Those documents can be found at http://itu.int/md/T09-SG02-091116-TD-PLEN ITU-T SG 12 The meeting produced a statement related to SG12 interest in Accessibility and Human Factors (TD11rev1/PLEN) The text is as follows: “SG12 recognizes that Resolution 70 emphasizes to all study groups the importance of universal design of accessible telecommunication/ICT services, products and terminals Accordingly, SG12 supports the JCA-AHF in its coordination efforts, and will take AHF aspects into account in developing Recommendations In the past, SG12 published several telephony-oriented Recommendations with AHF aspects, such as P.340 (Transmission characteristics and speech quality parameters of hands-free terminals), P.350 (Handset dimensions), P.360 (Efficiency of devices for preventing the occurrence of excessive acoustic pressure by telephone receivers) and P.370 (Coupling Hearing Aids to Telephone sets) The current SG12 work program (e.g., performance/design of terminals and networks, objective and subjective assessment tools, quality of service, and quality of experience) applies to all types of user applications (audio, video, text/image) SG12 currently has no specific AHF-related deliverables, but will consider the needs of all users of telecommunication/ICT services, including those with disabilities, in the development of our Recommendations Accordingly it is important that SG12 receive information regarding requirements of all users.” The JCA-AHF Convener met with the representative for accessibility, Mr Chuck Dvorak, who said that in this particular Study Group meeting there was nothing that needed an accessibility inclusion at this time It was also discussed that the network cars will be having audio that for emergencies and other purposes that good clear sound was necessary SG 12 is fully aware of this requirement and has met it in the past Mr Dvorak requested participation of Human Factors experts to address the problem of driver distraction JCA – AHF The second meeting of JCA-AHF for 2009 was held as a virtual meeting, assisted by GoToMeeting and remote captioning It was attended by representatives from ITU-T SGs and ITU-D SGs and other interested parties, including SG Counselors, Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and rapporteurs from both sectors There was no change in the terms of reference and work plan The 2009 plan was carried over, -7- intact, to 2010 The report of that meeting is available here: http://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itut/oth/2E/04/T2E040000020001MSWE.doc It was noted that captioning and sign language are still sporadically provided and that it has to be requested by a person with disabilities It is becoming clear that Captioning is also beneficial for persons who, while are not physically disabled, not have English as a first language Also, the aging process causes diminished hearing Many of the delegates have commented that captioning improved their ability to follow a meeting, especially those that are paperless Furthermore, some virtual meeting software does not include a captioning pod It was difficult to deal with two websites, one for captioning and the other for the virtual meeting software Both web applications had chat facilities, which additionally confused some participants This is an area that needs to be studied Joint ITU-T/ISO/IEC/ JTC leadership meeting The leadership of the ITU-T and ISO/IEC/JTC held a coordination meeting 2-3 February 2010 in Geneva As part of that activity, the convener of the JCA on Accessibility and Human Factors emphasized the importance of collaboration activities on human factors studies, while noting the excellent collaboration so far between JTC & ITU-T on Accessibility matters The following topics for improvement of the relationship were discussed: – Extend collaboration on TR 29138 to ITU-T SG and to other SGs: – TR 29138 part “User needs mapping” would potentially help ITU-T discover accessibility gaps in their standards – TR 29138 part “Inventory” could help track potential overlap between standards – SWG-A to study “Accessibility checklist” (upon ITU-T invitation) – Exchange of information on how to run accessible standard meetings and how to produce and distribute accessible standards Many participants who not consider themselves disabled expressed appreciation for the value of the captioning that was provided Joint WIPO-ITU Accessibility Workshop This workshop was held at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) headquarters and was organized to assist web masters and communications officers of UN agencies and other International Organizations Though it was mainly directed to the needs of visually impaired persons, there was one speaker who recognized the deaf community’s need to be included in web accessibility The convenor illuminated this aspect or importance which was supported by other attendees The workshop gathered many experts and the report of the meeting may be found here: http://www.itu.int/oth/T0636000001/en -8- ITU-TSAG The Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group met in Geneva on – 11 February 2010 As part of that activity, the convener of the JCA on Accessibility and Human Factors reported on the relevant activities of the JCA-AHF from April 2009 through January 2010 A demonstration was given by ITU on virtual meeting software that included captioning pods 7.1 IGF and DCAD Fourth meeting of Internet Governance Forum The Internet Governance Forum held its fourth meeting in Sharm El Sheikh on 15 – 18 November 2009 The Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) held its second meeting as part of the IGF activities and issued a Message on Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities to the IGF The Message was presented to IGF at the main session of Diversity by selected DCAD and officially accepted There was also a live demonstration of a screen reader and how web pages could be built accessibly without losing artistic and important content The ITU webpage for the main session on Diversity is http://www.itu.int/themes/accessibility/dc/ The webcast is not captioned, but the captioned transcript of the session is posted along with the Message The report of the Sharm El Sheikh DCAD meeting can be found here: http://www.itu.int/themes/accessibility/dc/meetings/002.html At the IGF event, ITU presented two accessibility workshops, as part of DCAD: one on the “Global Internet access for persons with disabilities”, and was organized in collaboration with the European Broadcasting Union; the second one focused on the best practices for web accessibility “Best practices for an Accessible Web” Both workshops highlighted the necessity to make the Internet accessible to all, regardless of individual capabilities of different users Note that general information about DCAD may be found here: http://www.itu.int/themes/accessibility/dc/ 7.2 Preparations for Fifth meeting of Internet Governance Forum The Internet Governance Forum convened the first open consultation meeting on February 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland While there was remote participation via audio conferencing and chat, there was no captioning It was agreed at this meeting that this omission should be rectified and, along with audio webcast, there should be captioning for all consultation meetings Several other open consultation sessions were held to continue the preparations for the fifth meeting of IGF During these meetings the proposed workshops were evaluated in view of merging similar ones to reduce the number of events DCAD’s workshop, “From Athens to Vilnius: Beyond the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities”, has been accepted The ITU has decided that it is now a DCAD workshop, and no longer an ITU workshop; however, ITU-T will continue to provide a secretariat and maintain web pages for DCAD The European Broadcast Union (EBU), DCAD’s partner at the last IGF meeting, has planned its own, separate, workshop called, “Applications for Mobile Internet Access for persons with disabilities” DCAD will be assisting EBU with the preparation of that workshop and providing speakers from volunteers out of the DCAD membership A schedule of the workshop events will soon be available on the IGF website and will be made available at the next DCAD teleconference meeting -9- 7.3 DCAD There have been two Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability meetings this year, one on the 17th of March and the other on 22nd of June, to prepare for the workshops to be convened during the fifth TGF meeting Both meetings were held by teleconference, with captioning and remote participation through a chat box on the captioning URL Reports of these meetings, as well as the caption transcript, will be available shortly on the JCA-AHF web page (http://www.itu.int/ITUT/jca/ahf/) The next teleconference is planned for the 20th of July and will be also captioned with remote participation There is a DCAD meeting planned for the Vilnius IGF meeting that also will have captioning and remote participation ITU-RAG The Radiocommunication Advisory Group met in Geneva on 17 – 19 February 2010 The convener of the JCA-AHF reported on the relevant activities of the JCA-AHF RAG appointed a representative to the JCA-AHF, Norifumi Yamaguchi A demonstration was given by ITU on virtual meeting software that included captioning pods UNESCO UNESCO, in cooperation with Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict), organized the consultative meeting “Mainstreaming ICTs for Persons with Disabilities to access Information and Knowledge” on 22-23 February 2010 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France The convener of the JCA-AHF moderated a session entitled, “Developing an Enabling Environment for Persons with Disabilities to access Information and Knowledge through ICTs” This session covered the following topics: – Disability demographic perspective – ICT demographic perspective – Enabling environment (including leveraging education systems, development of curricula, training of teachers and learners, flexible learning, legislation, resources, standards, training of key professionals such as IT engineers, media) – ICT training of disabled persons – schools, colleges, universities, rehabilitation services, vocational and professional training – Measuring impacts 10 ITU-TDAG The Telecommunication Development Advisory Group met in Geneva on 24 – 26 February 2010 The convener of the JCA-AHF reported on the relevant activities of the JCA-AHF TDAC prepared proposed resolutions on accessibility and modified Questions to address the subject, as input to WTDC-10 See clause 14 for discussion of the results of WTDC-10 11 ITU Accessibility Task Force coordination meeting The ITU is forming an accessibility task force to handle internal accessibility and develop ITU policy across the whole of the ITU to meet the UN convention It is under the guidance of Mr Peter Ransom within the office of Doreen Bogdan The terms of reference have been written and approved at the D2 level, but they have not been published or given to the JCA-AHF for comment This multidepartmental task force will be made up of ITU staff and will recommend the ITU policy concerning - 10 - physical access to its buildings and its meeting facilities This includes the topics of emergency evacuation and assistance for persons with disabilities who may be visiting ITU Furthermore, it will deal with employment practices and policies surrounding captioning, sign language interpretation as well as alternate document formats The coordination meetings have discussed finding the outside experts to train the members of the accessibility task force about best practices The Task force still has to be formed and staffed and is awaiting final review and approval of the SG 12 Improving accessible meetings for people with disabilities Guy Giradet of the ITU Users Services Division has been investigating several conferencing tools to improve remote participation to ITU meetings that make such meetings accessible to persons with disabilities, as well as to persons who not have English as their first language Some conferencing tools not have captioning pods Captioning is not only useful for persons with disabilities but also for person who not have English as their first language Live tests have been done with a caption company and more are to follow Some have better chat pods Another approach under consideration is Live blogging, which allows interaction and having someone giving details live, as well as allowing documents to be viewed, so that there is a person to monitor outside intervention There have been several meetings exploring the different possibilities and changes to see the accessible impact Peter Ransom has also been included for the benefit of the future Accessibility Task Force 13 ITU Workshop ITU held a workshop on Accessibility in Kampala, Uganda, on May 2010 This event was coordinated through the ITU-TSB, with support from the ITU-D field office in Addis Ababa The event promoted awareness of the needs of persons with disabilities in terms of access to ICTs and the growing set of tools for policy makers and engineers to address the needs of the disabled The sessions covered: – Key areas of government involvement in ICT accessibility and tools available to policy makers for implementation – Current trends and the future for accessibility to ICTs in ITU were discussed, with a focus on ITU-T’s standardization work in the field – A review of latest technology advances with a demo, e-accessibility basics and analysis of the past, present and future of accessibility and e-Inclusion – Designing accessible web sites, web accessibility standards, web accessibility checkers and a demo ; – Public procurement for promoting accessible ICTs – Areas of opportunities for ICT accessibility: telephony, TV Broadcasting, e-government web sites, access to published works, Internet cafés and community access and assistive technologies – Realtime captioning 14 WSIS WSIS Forum 2010 was held from 10 to 14 of May 2010 at the ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland On 11 May, the WSIS Forum session on ICTs and persons with disabilities was convened (http://www.itu.int/wsis/implementation/2010/forum/geneva/ifm/ifm_9.html) This event - 11 - was captioned The JCA-AHF convener made a presentation on the activities on accessibility from the ITU-T at this session Susan Schorr, from the office of special initiatives in BDT and responsible for ITU special initiatives, also gave a presentation at that session 15 WTDC A World Telecommunication Development Conference was held in Hyderabad, India on 24 May to June 2010 WTDC-10 created two resolutions specifically focused on accessibility and persons with disabilities The first concerned accessibility and broadcast TV and the second was a general Resolution on persons with disabilities and ICTs Furthermore, accessibility issues have been mainstreamed within the activities of the ITU-D, with many Questions adding consideration of these issues as part of the detailed study of other topics The results of WTDC-10 show a willingness on part of ITU-D to make the operations of ITU and its projects accessible to persons with disabilities, as inclusively as possible They also show the possibility of improving the lives of persons with disabilities in developing countries through assistive technologies Finally, they highlight the ITU-D attempt to conform to the requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 16 Council group on the financial regulations of the Union At the 14 – 15 June 2010 meeting of Council group on the financial regulations of the Union, the Secretary General invited to study the budgetary impact of providing accessibility services and to make recommendations to the next Council meeting with a view to examine the need to provide fellowships and accessibility services that could be offered to delegates with disabilities in the work of the ITU at PP-10 This action was taken because WTSA-08 Resolution 70 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities effectively mandate ITU to make its meetings accessible to disabled participants 17 Future meetings The following events are anticipated: Dates Topic Venue 20 July 2010 Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) Teleconference 23 July 2010 ITU Workshop: “Accessibility to ICTs” – World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China 14 – 17 September 2010 Fifth annual IGF Meeting (with DCAD) Vilnius, Lithuania – 22 October 2010 ITU Plenipotentiary Meeting / Accessibility side event Guadalajara, Mexico – November 2010 World Standard Cooperation Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, Switzerland 24 – 25 November 2010 ITU-EBU Joint Workshop on Accessibility to Broadcasting and IPTV – ACCESS for ALL Geneva, Switzerland - 12 - Annex This annex contains an update of events from August 2010 to November 2010 related to Accessibility and the work of ITU-T I Future events ITU-D Regional Development Forum for the Arab Region: "NGN and Broadband: Opportunities and Challenges ", Cairo (Egypt), 13-15 December 2010 Leo Lehman, the JCA-AHF representative for SG 13, will be presenting the following abstract Attachment1-Abstra ctLeo.doc ITU-EBU Joint Workshop on Accessibility to Broadcasting and IPTV ACCESS for ALL, Geneva, 23 and 24 November 2010 The Joint workshop website can be found at: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/accessibility/20101123/index.html and the full program can be found at: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/accessibility/20101123/programme.html Some highlights for persons with disabilities will be presented in the following sessions: Day - 23 Nov2010 - 15:30 - 16:15 Session 4: How the Internet can help Moderator – Masahito Kawamori, ITU-T Study Group 16 Rapporteur for Qs.13 and 28/16  Shadi Abou-Zahra, W3C  Klaus Merkel, IRT  Frank Kamperman, Philips/Digital Europe Day - 24 Nov 2010 - 09:00 - 10:30 Session 5: Manufacturer and User’s Perspectives Moderator – David Wood, EBU, Chairman, ITU-R Working Party 6C  Beat Kleeb/Donald Shelton, World Federation of the Deaf  Dan Pescod (RNIB and EDF)  Ulrike Haltrich, Sony, IEC/TC – 100  Dong-Hi Sim/Chantal Bonardi, ETSI The event will be captioned and audiocast in order to allow wider remote participation Details on the remote participation will be published on the website at: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/accessibility/20101123/index.html - 13 - “ICT Accessibility: A New Frontier for Disability Rights”, Global Forum Hosted by the Institute for Global and International Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, In cooperation with G3ict, Washington DC, USA, 15 – 16 November 2010 The TSB Director will participate to this high level meeting and present the work of ITU-T in the field of accessibility and the recent ITU PleniPotentiary resolution approved last October 2010 in Guadalajara, Mexico II Past meetings which cover the period of end of July 2010 – November 2010 ITU-T Study Group 16, Geneva, 19-30 July 2010 Q.26/16 meeting report (TD PLEN 236/16) [ 236-PLEN ] Draft Report of Question 26/16 "Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services": published at: http://www.itu.int/md/T09-SG16-100719-TD-PLEN-0236/en The following documents related to Question 26/16 were presented to the Study Group 16 A table reporting the list of documents(with links to the documents) is reproduced here for information Number Source Title Questions [ 264PLEN ] Rapporteur Q26/16 Early draft text for technical paper on relay services Q26/16 [ 239PLEN ] +Add.1 Rapporteur Q26/16 Presentation from Mike Pluke, Acting Chairman of ETSI HF (Human Factors) Q26/16 [ 236PLEN ] Rapporteur Q26/16 Draft Report of Question 26/16 "Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services" Q26/16 [ 231PLEN ] Rapporteur Q26/16 Updated work programme for Q26/16 (Accessibility to multimedia systems and services) Q26/16 [ 227PLEN ] Rapporteur Q26/16 Draft Liaison Statements of Q26/16 (Accessibility to multimedia systems and services) Q26/16 [ 212PLEN ] Rapporteur Q26/16 Information from ITU-R WP6C on "Disability-aware baseband Q26/16 systems for media (DAM) broadcasting" [ 210PLEN ] Rapporteur Q26/16 , Reports from interim meetings where accessibility was Convener JCA-AHF discussed Q26/16 [ 202PLEN ] Rapporteur Q26/16 Agenda and documentation for Q26/16 Q26/16 - 14 - 5th meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, 14 – 17 September 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania There were three workshops and the 3rd DCAD meeting where DCAD members participated The DCAD organized workshop no 180: a) Workshop no 180: “From Athens to Vilnius: Beyond the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities 16 September 2010, 09h00 - 11h00, Room The workshop was organized as an activity of the Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) ITU is one of the founder Members of the DCAD The aim of the DCAD is to facilitate interaction between relevant bodies, and ensure that ICT accessibility is included in the key debates around Internet Governance in order to build a future where all sectors of the global community have equal access to the Information Society Attachment2-IGF Workshop no-180.docx b) Workshop no 182 was organized by EBU in closed collaboration with DCAD: Workshop Number: 182 - “Can ‘Apps’ create a new golden age of Accessibility?”, Wednesday 15 September 2010 (11:30h-13:30h) in Room A workshop proposed by the WBU/EBU with the support of the DCAD and UNESCO What people with disabilities need to benefit from 'applications' on 'Internet Enabled Devices'? They will be a critical part of mobile Internet ‘Apps’ hold tremendous promise to help people with disabilities to connect and participate Today applications such as voice control and others are available giving a new meaning to accessibility Is this the beginning of a new age of accessibility? Attachment3-Worksh op-182-Vilnius-2010.doc c) Workshop 114 ‘Digital inclusion: reaching the most socially excluded people in society, Wednesday 15 September (9.00h-11.00h) in Room NOMINET workshop t was chaired by the DCAD coordinator This workshop discussed the existing barriers to citizens being able to get online and highlight the experiences of countries that are working to tackle this problem This workshop will feed into the Main session on Access & Diversity which will take place on Wednesday 15.00-18.00 The coordinator resenting the finding of this workshop and the other two workshops at this main session The youth forum participated expressing their views very strongly and wanted to be heard and for Libraries not to closed but available for home work with ICT equipment available for homework This view was also expressed at the main forum d) 3rd face to face meeting of the DCAD meeting, 16 September 2010 (14:15h-16:15h) in Room - 15 - Attachment4-Third-D CAD-meeting-Vilnius-2010.doc The conclusions of the meeting were as follows: a) Feedback from the IGF Participants on accessibility measures taken at this IGF meeting and that it was noted that everyone was temporarily disabled due the fact the meeting rooms had no ceilings and there was constant ambient noise This fact really hit home in the fact that everyone needed captioning IGF had every main session and every workshop captioned and it was possible for everyone to function whereas without it would have made it impossible b) Remote Participation: Comments and experiences were expressed and brief report given by Ginger (Virgina Paque) the DiploFoundation online IG capacity Building programme coordinator that there were 600+ Remote participants / 32+ hubs / 35+ remote panellists Paque stated that it wasn’t perfect but that it worked and worked very well for such a large attempt and that the Captioning was an important partner for remote participation c) Feedback on the two workshops (see the IGF section): What did we accomplish was explored and it was felt that we should continue to participate The IGF Youth forum attended all the workshops and the DCAD meeting After contributing their experiences, it was decided to invite them to present at the next DCAD workshop at the 6th IGF meeting providing funding could be found d) Next Steps and future activities i) Survey or the creation of a survey was discussed but no firm plan was decide upon it was added to the new work plan ii) A report on the improvements of accessibility at IGF over the last five years as an outcome was suggested as part of the new work plan e) Work Plan for 2010 was discussed and created and will be available at a later date on the DCAD website Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1, Geneva, Switzerland, 20-23 September 2010 http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/study_groups/SGP_2010-2014/meetings/STG/2010/index.html Report of Question 20: Document 1/REP/6(Rev 1)-E, 23 September 2010 by Clara Luz who has returned as the Rapporteur for Question 20 Attachment5-D10-SG 01-R-0006!R1!MSW-E.doc The Convener of the JCA presented contribution 1/39 entitled “Power Point Presentation” She noted her role as a link between ITU-D and ITU-T as well as her additional role as Coordinator of the Internet Governance Forum Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability She encouraged participants to join this work The JCA Convenor highlighted the importance of universal design from the beginning of product development as well as the use of captioning in meetings, to facilitate not only persons with disabilities, but for remote participation in online meetings, among other uses Noting a range of new technologies, she highlighted the trend of Cloud Computing and how it could be used to allow persons with disabilities to access their preferred assistive technologies from anywhere in the world - 16 - Work on Cloud Computing is underway in an ITU-T Focus Group See http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/cloud/Pages/default.aspx The work of raising the awareness of developing countries on the rights of persons with Disabilities continues It is clear that the work of question 20 in Study group should continue to provide guidance in this area The main stumbling block seems to be the lack of understanding that universal design as described in the UN convention of the Rights of Person with Disabilities article must continue to be reemphasised’ when designing communications systems and networks If this is stressed and done then expensive refits to comply with the convention are not necessary and more people will have access to telecommunications and ICTs Susan Schorr, Head of Special Initiatives at ITU-D, also gave a Power Point on the work that ITU D is doing for accessibility The document can be found at: http://www.itu.int/md/D10-SG01-C-0042/en Inredis Workshop on Cloud Computing, Madrid, October 2010 A workshop entitled "Using the cloud to automatically personalise interfaces and materials" was held in the Headquarters of the ONCE Foundation in Madrid on October 2010 to investigate the role that Cloud Computing could play in alleviating both of these issues It was organised by Inredis, a research consortium which is lead by Technosite which is part of the ONCE Foundation The main speaker was Professor Gregg Vanderheiden of the Trace Centre at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the U S A He described an initiative called "National Public Inclusive Infrastructures" (NPII) which is a global effort to combine Cloud Computing, web and platform services to provide anytime, anywhere, any computer access to people with disabilities whilst at the same time greatly reducing the cost of that access A full report is attached to this Report by Gerry Ellis who is blind and an active participant in both DCAD and the JCA-AHF References: • Consultant on Accessibility and Usability gerry.ellis@feelthebenefit.com • Madrid Workshop www.epractice.eu/events/socialcloud • The NPII Initiative www.npii.org • The Trace Centre www.trace.wisc.edu • Universal Design www.universaldesign.ie Attachment6-Inredis Workshop on Cloud Computing.docx Committee on the rights of persons with Disabilities, Geneva, Switzerland, -7 October 2010 On October, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held its first Discussion Day on Accessibility at the Palais des Nations in Geneva This was an important milestone in the implementation of the international monitoring of the CRPD which the Committee is responsible for The Discussion Day was primarily designed to gather information and receive recommendations - 17 - from ICT accessibility experts ITU was represented by Alexandra Gaspari, ITU-T Accessibility Coordinator, while the first keynote of the ICT accessibility session was delivered by Axel Leblois, Executive Director of G3ict, the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs , co-founder of DCAD and copublisher with ITU-D of the e-Accessibility Policy Toolkit for Persons with Disabilities His keynote included a comprehensive review of current international cooperation in support of ICT accessibility including ITU’s activities, and the results of G3ict’s progress report on the implementation of the ICT accessibility dispositions of the CRPD by States Parties As per the request of the Secretariat of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Axel Leblois presented the five following recommendations to the Committee, several of which in direct support of ITU’s accessibility activities: a) Promote existing knowledge sharing tools and programs and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement b) Establish a minimum set of data to be reported by countries on ICT accessibility in cooperation with international organizations and G3ict c) Recommend State Parties to accelerate and fund capacity building programs for policy makers with a focus on areas with greatest room for improvement d) Request that Standard Development Organizations provide an annual report to the Committee regarding the progress made in the development and actual implementation of ICT Accessibility Standards as per article 9.2 (a) e) Monitor WIPO negotiations for conformity with CRPD art 30 – (3) The Committee expressed a high level of interest for issues related to standards in general and for ICT accessibility standards in particular This should open the door to further support by all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the CRPD of the ITU accessibility programs ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, Guadalajara, México, - 22 October 2010 The passage of the first Accessibility resolution for all of the ITU "Telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities, including age-related disabilities“ The text of the resolution is attached to this document at the very end as an annex  PP-10 approved a new Resolution that will enable the ITU to begin to comply with the legal requirements of the UN convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities  ITU to provide accessibility to ICTs, and to ITU facilities and services, for persons with disabilities to include sign language interpretation and captioning for meetings, accessible websites for screen readers with captioned videos and alternate document formats to enable full participation in the ITU Standards process  Establishment of voluntary fund to assist disabled participants so that the resolution will enable the ITU member states to share resources and best practices in how to meet the accessibility requirements of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  Make sure that there is an accessible working area for Persons with Disabilities with all the amenities and with emergency access and an egress for all Accessibility Side event, Thursday 14 October 2010 (1630h) in Room G Speakers at the session on accessibility were as following: Houlin Zhao, DSG, ITU; Sami Al Basheer, Director, BDT, ITU; Reinhard Scholl, Deputy Director, TSB, ITU; Cynthia Waddell, International Center for Disability Resources on the internet (ICDRI); Keith Besgrove, Communications and the Digital Economy, Australia; Ali Ghodbani, Ministry of Communications - 18 - Technology, Tunisia The session was moderated by Clara Luz Alvarez(Mexico), Rapporteur ITU-D Q20 Throughout the session the same key messages were interwoven – (i) accessibility is an issue for all, (ii) a focus on accessibility creates and supports products that are of benefit to all consumers and, (iii) innovative policies act as an important facilitator of change and enhanced accessibility Attachment7-Accessi bility synopsis Final draft.docx ITU-D Workshop for Europe and CIS Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming ICT Accessibility for persons with disabilities, Kiev, Ukraine, 1-2 November 2010 (http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/sis/PwDs/Seminars/Ukraine/Odessa_workshop.html) A workshop entitled “Europe and CIS Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming ICT Accessibility for persons with disabilities", was held in Kiev, Ukraine on 1-2 November 2010 It gathered for the first time ICT accessibility stakeholders from CIS countries The workshop was organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ict and hosted by the Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications The main aim of the workshop was to share experiences and inform participants regarding policies and strategies addressing ICT accessibility and service needs for persons with disabilities in line with the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) The UN CRPD has been signed by 146 countries and ratified by 89 countries in July 2010, including nearly 40 in the Europe and CIS regions These countries now seek to effectively implement the Digital Accessibility Agenda of the UN CRPD The ITU-T was represented by the Accessibility Coordinator Alexandra Gaspari who gave a presentation on the current work in the standardization sector The workshop was open to ITU Member States, including national policy makers, regulators and ITU-D Sectors Members and Associates Individuals from international, regional, national organizations as well as Academia and related institutions also participated Well attended by representatives from different CIS nations, the workshop allowed multiple stakeholders to engage in meaningful discussions Telecom regulators, industry, disabled persons organizations, international bi-lateral cooperation agencies and academia offered their perspectives and experiences in implementing ICT accessibility and assistive technologies in the CIS region While special education and assistive technologies expertise are high at certain academic institutions, actual implementation across the board remains constrained due to limited budgets and a relatively low level of awareness of accessibility issues among decision makers Yet, examples from a mobile operator and university both based in Kiev show successful implementation of programs to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities on a large scale Web accessibility was discussed with Russian delegates sharing the recent program conducted in the Russian Federation to assess the accessibility of government web sites Overall, this first workshop drew the attention of regional leaders on the need to raise awareness among their decision makers, and on the availability of important resources such as the G3ict – ITU Policy Toolkit for Persons with Disabilities and of existing solutions to make the information infrastructure more accessible Of particular interest for CIS participants were the discussions on accessible television and mobile phones technologies - 19 - The momentum of the discussions engaged during the workshop was quite impressive Based on feedback from participants, follow-up meetings may be held in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan in 2011 2010 World Standard Cooperation (WSC) Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-5 November A workshop on “Accessibility and the contribution of International Standards” organized by the World Standards Cooperation (WSC) was held from 3-5 November 2010 The World Standards Cooperation (WSC) brings together the three leading international standards bodies, namely the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) The workshop takes up the topic of the 2010 World Standards Day, celebrated each year on 14 October, which is “Accessibility” An additional meeting on the November was specially organized for standards developers to address and discuss the outcome of the workshop as well as specific issues related to standards development work However, other stakeholders were also welcome to participate This meeting as an addition to the workshop and not as part of it The workshop was a big success in terms of participants, with 140 participants coming from the different stakeholders involved in the accessibility field The full program can be found at: http://www.iso.org/sites/WSC_Accessibility_2010/programme.html and some pictures of the event can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/isostandards/sets/72157625303964920/ III Information on the Management Team At its 27 July 2010 meeting, the JCA-AHF elected Christopher Jones, who suffers from a profound hearing loss, as co-convener to replace Bill Jolley, who is blind and is now stepping down - 20 - ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION wgpl/2 (Guadalajara, 2010) Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities, including age-related disabilities The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Guadalajara, 2010), recognizing a) Resolution 70 (Johannesburg, 2008) of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly, on telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) accessibility for persons with disabilities, and the current studies, initiatives and events on this issue undertaken by the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) and its study groups, in particular Study Group and Study Group 16, in collaboration with the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF); b) Resolution 58 (Hyderabad, 2010) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference, on access to ICT for persons with disabilities, including age-related disabilities, based on the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) special initiative work carried out through studies conducted within the framework of Question 20/1 of ITU-D Study Group 1, commencing in September 2006 and proposing the wording of that resolution and, likewise, the ITU-D initiative on development of an e-accessibility toolkit for persons with disabilities, in collaboration and partnership with the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ict); c) ongoing work in ITU-T, the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) and ITU-D to bridge the digital disability divide; d) the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), calling for special attention to be given to persons with disabilities, including age-related disabilities; e) the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which entered into force on May 2008 and which requires for States Parties to take appropriate measures for access for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others to ICT, emergency services and Internet services, considering a) that the World Health Organization estimates that ten per cent of the world's population (more than 650 million people) are persons with disabilities, and that this percentage may increase due to factors such as the greater availability of medical treatment and longer life expectancy, and also because people may acquire disability through aging, accidents, wars and circumstances of poverty; b) that over the past 60 years, the approach to disability adopted by United Nations agencies, and by many Member States (through a changed emphasis in their laws, regulations, policies and programmes), has moved from a health and welfare perspective to a human-rights based approach, which recognizes that persons with disabilities are people first, and that societal actions have, in certain instances, placed barriers upon them as opposed to their disabilities, and which includes the goal of full participation in society by persons with disabilities; c) that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which entered into force on May 2008, requires States Parties, under Article on Accessibility, to take appropriate measures including: - 21 - i) 9(2)(g) "to promote access for persons with disabilities to new information and communications technologies and systems, including the Internet"; ii) 9(2)(h) "to promote the design, development, production and distribution of accessible information and communications technologies and systems at an early stage, so that these technologies and systems become accessible at minimum cost"; d) the importance of cooperation between governments, the private sector and relevant organizations to provide possibilities for low-cost access, recalling a) § 18 of the Tunis Commitment, made at the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (Tunis, 2005): "We shall strive unremittingly, therefore, to promote universal, ubiquitous, equitable and affordable access to ICTs, including universal design and assistive technologies, for all people, especially those with disabilities, everywhere, to ensure that the benefits are more evenly distributed between and within societies, and to bridge the digital divide in order to create digital opportunities for all and benefit from the potential offered by ICTs for development"; b) the Phuket Declaration on Tsunami Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities (Phuket, 2007), which emphasizes the need for inclusive emergency warning and disaster management systems using telecommunication/ICT facilities based on open, non-proprietary, global standards; c) Resolution GSC-14/27 agreed at the 14th Global Standards Collaboration meeting (Geneva 2009), which encouraged greater collaboration among global regional and national standardization bodies as a basis for establishing and/or strengthening activities and initiatives concerning the use of telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities, resolves to take account of persons with disabilities in the work of ITU, and to collaborate in adopting a comprehensive action plan in order to extend access to telecommunications/ICTs to persons with disabilities, in collaboration with external entities and bodies concerned with this subject, instructs the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Directors of the Bureaux to coordinate accessibility-related activities between ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D, in collaboration with other relevant organizations and entities where appropriate, in order to avoid duplication and to ensure that the needs of persons with disabilities are taken into account; to consider the financial implications for ITU of providing accessible information through ICTs and to ITU facilities, services and programmes for participants with visual, hearing or physical disabilities, including captioning at meetings, access to print information and the ITU website, access to ITU buildings and meeting facilities, and the adoption of accessible ITU recruitment practices and employment; to encourage and promote representation by persons with disabilities so as to ensure that their experiences, views and opinions are taken into account when developing and progressing ITU work; to consider expanding the fellowship programme in order to enable delegates with disabilities, within existing budgetary constraints, to participate in the work of ITU; to identify, document and disseminate examples of best practices for accessibility in the field of telecommunications/ICTs among ITU Member States and Sector Members; to work collaboratively on accessibility-related activities with ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D, in particular concerning awareness and mainstreaming of telecommunication/ICT accessibility - 22 - standards and in developing programmes that enable developing countries to introduce services that allow persons with disabilities to utilize telecommunication/ICT services effectively; to work collaboratively and cooperatively with other relevant organizations and entities, in particular in the interest of ensuring that ongoing work in the field of accessibility is taken into account; to work collaboratively and cooperatively with disability organizations in all regions to ensure that the needs of persons with disabilities are taken into account; to review the current ITU services and facilities, including meetings and events, in order to make them available to persons with disabilities, and to endeavour to make the necessary changes to improve accessibility, where appropriate and economically feasible, pursuant to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 61/106; 10 to consider accessibility standards and guidelines whenever undertaking renovations or changing the use of space at a facility, so that accessibility features are maintained and additional barriers are not inadvertently implemented; 11 to prepare a report for submission to each annual session of the Council on implementation of this resolution having regard to the budget allocated for this purpose; 12 to submit a report to the next plenipotentiary conference on measures taken to implement this resolution, invites Member States and Sector Members to consider developing, within their national legal frameworks, guidelines or other mechanisms to enhance the accessibility, compatibility and usability of telecommunication/ICT services, products and terminals, and to offer support to regional initiatives related to this issue; to consider introducing appropriate telecommunication/ICT services in order to enable persons with disabilities to utilize these services on an equal basis with others, and to promote international cooperation in this regard; to participate actively in accessibility-related activities/studies in ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D, including participating actively in the work of the study groups concerned, and to encourage and promote representation by persons with disabilities so as to ensure that their experiences, views and opinions are taken into account; to take into account considering c) ii) and d) above, and the benefits of cost affordability for equipment and services for persons with disabilities, including universal design; to encourage the international community to make voluntary contributions to the special trust fund set up by ITU to support activities relating to the implementation of this resolution ... Group and Study Group 16, in collaboration with the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF); b) Resolution 58 (Hyderabad, 2010) of the World Telecommunication Development... Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group met in Geneva on – 11 February 2010 As part of that activity, the convener of the JCA on Accessibility and Human Factors reported on the relevant... it contains an update of events from August 2010 to November 2010 related to Accessibility and the work of ITU-T -3- INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION JOINT COORDINATION ACTIVITY ON ACCESSIBILITY

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