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Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section

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November 2006 Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section word and list peer-reviewed papers published by the membership (in case you missed any) during the past year The specialty section provides awards and some support for students who submit abstracts in our area of interest We would love to hear your new ideas or feedback about how we could better serve you! Executive Council President James N McDougal, Ph.D., ATS Wright State University james.mcdougal@wright.edu President Elect David W Hobson, Ph.D., DABT H&H Scientific Services, LLP Dave@HH-LLP.net Vice-President Carol S Auletta, MBA, DABT, RAC Huntingdon Life Sciences aulettac@princeton.huntingdon.com Secretary-Treasurer AnneMarie Api, PhD Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc Aapi@rifm.org Past President Robert L Bronaugh, Ph.D., ATS U.S FDA robert.bronaugh@fda.hhs.gov Councilors Senior Councilor Bill Reifenrath, Ph.D Stratacor Inc wmreifenrath@cs.com Junior Councilor Jeffrey J Yourick, PhD, DABT U.S FDA Student Representative Adrienne Black Rutgers University atblack@eden.rutgers.edu The Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section newsletter is published times/year (spring and fall) in electronic format If you would like to share a book review, meeting report, web site, or any other item of general interest to the specialty section, please send it to the editor prior to the publication date We also welcome any comments or suggestions pertaining to overall content or format Carol S Auletta (aulettac@princeton.huntingdon.com) President’s Message As we look forward to the annual meeting in Charlotte in just a few months, I’d like to encourage each of you to be a more active member in our specialty section! We provide good programs (continuing education, workshops and symposia) for the SOT meeting and participate in several planning and advisory activities to SOT as the role of the specialty sections becomes more important In my view, however, the most important role of our specialty section is the enhanced contact with skin scientists from a variety of organizations and perspectives Whether you are a student looking for a postdoctoral fellowship, or an established scientist looking for new opportunities, we are a good resource The officers of our specialty section are working hard to make sure the specialty section meets your needs We are trying some new ideas, like a “paper of the year” award and short informative talks at our business meeting/reception We provide newsletters to spread the So, please renew your membership, encourage your friends and students to join (students are free), and help the specialty grow with your involvement and thoughts Please feel free to contact me, or any officer Looking forward to seeing you in Charlotte, Jim McDougal DTSS President Special Reports Report from Specialty Section Officers Workshop by Carol Auletta In August, the SOT hosted a 2-day Leadership meeting of Specialty Section Officers in Chicago All specialty sections were represented Dave Hobson and I attended for DTSS SOT president Jim Popp, Specialty Section Liaison Michael Holsapple, Specialty Section Manager Marcia Lawson and representatives of the student and postdoctoral student organizations also attended The goals of the workshop were to improve the success of the Specialty Sections in meeting the needs of their members and the SOT and to facilitate interaction, networking and November 2000 information/idea exchange among the Specialty Sections The meeting began with a sharing of accomplishments and challenges, a great opportunity for new ideas This was followed by a presentation by Dr Popp on the Program Committee and three Strategy Committees He stressed the importance of Specialty Sections in submitting programs for the annual meeting Some common concerns centered around the procedure for submission and the acceptance criteria for program proposals: 1) feedback on nonaccepted proposals was not sufficiently detailed to provide guidance for future submissions and 2) the SOT website for submissions was difficult to navigate Dr Popp promised to bring these concerns to the Program Committee and try to resolve them for next year The Strategy Committees have been formed by SOT to address Scientific, Communications and Member Services issues and are focused on how SOT should be organized and positioned to best meet the goals of the SOT Long-Range Plan The Communications Committee provided a questionnaire to gather input on Specialty Section communication uses and needs The student organization has been restructured (See student activities report) and a Post-Doctoral Assembly (PDA) has also been formed Specialty Sections are encouraged to have both a student and a post-doctoral representative (DTSS will this in our upcoming elections.) Ways to encourage student participation in Specialty Sections and to establish mentoring programs were discussed Other discussions included a review of the values of Specialty Sections to members, the opportunity for Specialty Sections to organize Contemporary Concepts in Toxicology meetings to focus on particular aspects of toxicology of specific interest and an update on SOT resources available to Specialty Sections All participants agreed that this was a useful meeting that should be repeated annually The group will convene again (briefly) at the SOT meeting in March Volume 1, Number1 Stay tuned for changes in the way our Specialty Section can better meet the needs of our members and student members as ideas from this workshop are implemented by SOT If you have any questions about the meeting, please feel free to contact Dave or me Treasurer’s Report Based on the financial summary from June 30, 2006 for the year July 2005 – June 2006 the Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section (DTSS) has net assets of $8,254 Our income consisted of $1,680 from dues, $1,529 from registration and $393 from interest Our expenses totaled $1,820 (awards, executive meetings, SOT reception and $63 for miscellaneous expenses) We have $1,782 excess of revenue over expenses and together with the net assets of $6,472 from the beginning of the year, the total net assets for the DTSS is $8,254 Anne Marie Api DTSS Treasurer Aapi@rifm.org Student Activities A major goal of the SOT Specialty Section Student Representatives has been to increase student membership in the specialty sections We determined that more students may join a specialty section if additional information about each group was provided to prospective members than just a listing of the names of the sections A good starting point was the Student/PostDoc Mixer during the 2006 SOT Annual Meeting where each representative presented a poster providing information about their specialty section The DTSS poster (look for it on our website) attracted a number of students and each student was invited to enter into a drawing for a memory stick by answering some general questions about the skin In addition, the SOT student newsletter that was distributed this fall contained a paragraph about each specialty section, including its general purpose, interests, member information and student awards The leadership at SOT has also recognized the importance of student representation in regards to the Specialty Sections The Student Advisory Committee has recently been reorganized so that the Specialty Section and Regional Chapter representatives have equal standing and share control of the student organization The PostDoctoral Assembly has also been formed to represent the interests of post-doctoral fellows and will include representatives from each specialty section and regional chapter Adrienne Black DTSS Student Representative !! New Award !! The Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section is requesting nominations for the First Annual “Paper of the Year” Award in recognition of an exceptional recent publication in the field of skin toxicology and pharmacology To be eligible, a paper must have been published or in press in a peer reviewed journal during the period of August 1, 2005 and July 31, 2006 and first-authored by an SOT member The award will consist of a plaque and a $500 honorarium The winner will be announced at the Business Meeting of the Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section at the 2007 Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina Deadline for submission of nominations is December 15, 2006 Each nomination must be accompanied by an electronic copy of the publication Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section November 2000 Student Awards Our Section is again sponsoring Student Awards in recognition of outstanding papers (poster or platform) in the field of dermal toxicology that will be presented at the 2007 Annual SOT Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina The Student Awards will be presented at the Business Meeting of the Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section on March 27, 2007 Winners will receive a certificate and cash award of $500 Each candidate must submit an electronic copy of an accepted abstract and a letter of support from their major advisor Deadline for submission is December 1, 2006 Contact: William Reifenrath DTSS Senior Councilor wgr@stratacor-inc.com Committee Updates Program Committee One of the most important contributions of our Specialty Section is the active participation in the scientific program at the national meeting Our task is to put together suggested sessions (including speakers) for symposia, workshops, roundtables and continuing education courses for the 2008 Annual Meeting In the past our Specialty Section has made important contributions primarily by the initiative of our individual members coming forward with sessions and speakers We would like that to continue, but we would also like to try a more “global” or “top down” approach We want a committee of 4-5 volunteers from the membership to brainstorm important topics in the skin area and then try to identify individuals who could be session chairs and come up with speaker The 2008 meeting seems like a long way away, but we need to submit our list of recommended Volume 1, Number1 sessions next spring shortly after the 2007 annual meeting If you are interested in serving on this committee or already have a session in mind please contact: Dave Hobson, Ph.D DTSS President-Elect and Program Committee Chair Dave@HH-LLP.net Graduate Student Award: Adrienne Black Rutgers University Graduate Program in Toxicology atblack@eden.rutgers.edu for her poster :Paraquat Alters Expression of Arachidonic Acid Metabolizing Enzymes and Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in Primary Cultures of Mouse Keratinocytes” Communications Committee The communications committee puts together this newsletter and keeps the Dermal Specialty Section website up to date We have just had a major update to our website, with technical assistance from SOT, and now have a brand new look Check it out !! http://www.toxicology.org/ ISOT/SS/dtss/index.html We are always looking for information to share with members, such as meetings, announcements, job openings, postdoctoral positions, etc that can be posted on the website or included in the newsletter We are hoping to begin including, with the next issue, updates on hot topics in dermal toxicology and other updates and information of interest to our members Look for a Nanotechnology update in the spring issue If you have information or new ideas/suggestions for inclusion in the newsletter contact: Carol Auletta DTSS Vice President Communications Committee Chair aulettac@princeton.huntingdon.com Honors and Awards The winners of our 2006 student awards were: Postdoctoral Award: Dr Jessica P Ryman-Rasmussen NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine Center for Chemical Toxicology Research and Pharmacokinetics jpryman@ncsu.edu for her presentation: Skin Penetration, Cellular Uptake, Cytotoxicity, and Inflammatory potential of Quantum Dots Announcements Taylor and Francis Taylor and Francis offers a discounted price to DTSS members for its journal Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology Be sure to inquire about this when purchasing this journal Just ask the Customer Service department for the special SOT DTSS rate: Taylor and Francis Customer Service 325 Chestnur St., Suite 800 Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 625-8900 customer.service@taylorandframcis com Taylor and Francis sponsors an award for the best dermatological paper in Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology the journal each year The winner of the best paper will be honored at the dermal specialty section annual meeting with a certificate and a one-year subscription to the journal Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section November 2000 If you are interested in submitting manuscripts, please submit them electronically to: A Wallace Hayes, PhD, DABT, FATS, FIBiol, FACFE Harvard School of Public Health Editor, Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology awallacehayes@comcast.net (978) 749-3085 Meetings 2007 - “Occupational And Environmental Exposures of Skin To Chemicals – 2007” The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Colorado School of Mines are taking the lead in organizing this conference It will be held in Golden, Colorado, near Volume 1, Number1 Denver, on 17-20 June 2007 Watch for details as the planning progresses Meetings in Far-away Places April 17, 2007 - Annual meeting of ISVD (International Society of Veterinary Dermatology) held in conjunction with the NAVDF (North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum) on the island of Kauai on April 18-21 2007 (Abstract deadline for ISVD is December 15, 2006) March 26-28, 2008 - Eleventh Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration Conference in the Palais de Congres, La Grande Motte, France ****** DTSS Members – Would you like to become more active in your Specialty Section? Do you know of others who would? We are looking for: Nominations for officers for next year Volunteers for the Program Committee Please let us know NOW! Send nominee suggestions to: Robert L Bronaugh, Ph.D., ATS Past President U.S FDA robert.bronaugh@cfsan.fda.gov Send Program Committee volunteers to: Dave Hobson, Ph.D DTSS President-Elect and Program Committee Chair Dave@HH-LLP.net Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section ... of the values of Specialty Sections to members, the opportunity for Specialty Sections to organize Contemporary Concepts in Toxicology meetings to focus on particular aspects of toxicology of specific... goal of the SOT Specialty Section Student Representatives has been to increase student membership in the specialty sections We determined that more students may join a specialty section if additional... include representatives from each specialty section and regional chapter Adrienne Black DTSS Student Representative !! New Award !! The Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section is requesting nominations

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 23:25


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