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Division of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management Grambling Achievement Program

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Division of Institutional Effectiveness and Enrollment Management Grambling Achievement Program First Year Experience 101/102 Textbook: Amos, Janet Tools for Success: 101 and 102 Ed Latotsha Britt, Brittany Hoskin, Kevin Sly, and Susan Wiley Littleton: Tapestry, 2016 Print Program/Course Description: The mission of the Grambling Achievement Program (GAP) is to ensure new freshman and transfer students experience a smooth transition to Grambling State University GAP offers two First Year Experience (FYE) Seminar courses (FYE 101 and FYE 102) that teach students how to learn FYE 101 is designed to assist first year students with their transition to the university community This course will introduce the entering student to the University's academic programs, general education requirements, student handbook, university catalog, financial aid and registration, and relevant policies and procedures This course will expose the first year student to the Grambling State University experience- its rich heritage, traditions and culture Other topics covered in this course will include college survival skills such as study skills, note taking, time management, goal setting, and library usage FYE 102 offers a continuation of the discussions on college survival skills Topics covered in this course will include problem solving, financial aid and registration, ethics and responsibility, management of personal finances, building positive relationships, diversity, communication styles, standardized tests, computer skills (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint), and career exploration BOTH SEMINARS ARE APPROVED SERVICE LEARNING COURSES Students who pass the course with a C or above should receive 20 hours of service-learning credit In these interactive college-level courses, students will receive critical information to ease the challenging process of transitioning to college The program provides foundational information, through Grambling Achievement Program and the Office of Retention that supports and enhances the students’ academic success and persistence Goal – Engage students in the discovery of Grambling’s rich heritage and vibrant history and legacy First Year Experience students will: Understand what it means to be a Gramblinite in context of the history, traditions, and culture of the University Goal – Be introduced to the University’s academic programs, general education requirements, student handbook, University Catalog, financial aid and registration processes, and University policies and procedures First Year Experience students will: Recognize the purpose and value of academic integrity and describe the key components as it relates to the policies and procedures of Grambling State University Identify appropriate campus resources and opportunities that contribute to their educational experience, goals, and campus engagement Develop and apply skills that contribute to building positive relationships with peers, staff and faculty Goal – Be introduced to life skills such as: goal setting, time management, learning styles, career personality assessment, and active learning, critical thinking, listening, note-taking, and class participation, reading to remember, test-taking skills, writing and speaking for success, service learning, and research First Year Experience students will: Adapt and apply appropriate academic strategies to their courses and learning experiences Demonstrate how to effectively evaluate information sources and utilize University library and laboratories for academic inquiry Use written and oral communication to discover, develop, and articulate ideas and viewpoints Identify and apply strategies to effectively manage time and priorities Identify relevant academic polices, processes, and procedures related to advising, course planning, and major exploration Course Requirements:   There will be quizzes based on chapter information and discussions from previous class lectures and/or assigned readings Be prepared each class period for a possible quiz Each student must attend workshops sponsored by FYE and other University academic units    Written assignments must be typed in MLA format, double-spaced, in 12 point font with cover page and references Visit Grambling’s English Writing Lab and Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab to assist you in formatting your written assignments https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/, www.easybib.com will assist you in formatting your citations If you not already have an established email account, you must establish one; this is a class requirement You will need to check your email regularly for class assignments, updates, information, and general communication not published in this syllabus You may be required to use Moodle for this course Course information may be provided via Moodle Course Objectives:          To assist students in selecting majors that are consistent with their future career choices To equip students with basic technology skills To help students fully develop their leadership skills for application in an ever-changing and complex world To assist students in developing the ability to weigh evidence without bias, tolerate ambiguity, and use ethical principles in their academic and personal lives To educate students about making healthy life style choices and understanding the consequences of those choices To expose students to the global society, thereby affording an appreciation for multiculturalism To encourage students to think critically about all issues that affects them and others To improve the students’ abilities to manage their time To engage students in a service-learning activity that develops reading, writing, and thinking skills as well as an appreciation for service to others General Education Course Objectives       To effectively use information and communication technology To demonstrate knowledge of the history of Grambling State University To display knowledge of the importance of giving To demonstrate an understanding of knowledge of healthy living To provide evidence of integrity and ethical behavior in academic work and in extracurricular activities To show evidence of preparation for citizenship in a democratic society FYE 101       Discover Grambling State University Making the Classroom Work for you Becoming A Successful Student Making Time Work for You Improving Memory and Learning Skills Listen Actively and Taking Good Notes Historical Milestones Academic Success Skills Student Success Skills Time Management Memory Skills Listening Skills  Developing Test-Taking Skills Test-Taking Skills Preparing for Success in College Learning to Think Critically Presenting Your Best Work Leadership, Ethics, and Responsibility Sharing Your World Making Healthy Choices Planning for Your Career Information Technology College Success Skills Critical Thinking Skills Writing Skills Character Building Skills Diversity Skills Life Skills Career Planning Skills Computer Information Skills FYE 102         Additional Course Requirements:        There will be a midterm examination based on assigned readings and class discussions There will be a final examination based on assigned readings and class discussions covered during the semester There will be quizzes based on chapter information and discussions from previous class lectures and/or assigned readings Be prepared each class period for a possible quiz Students must complete the registration process and provide a validated schedule/bill (fee sheet) as evidence of completion to receive the maximum points allotted Each student must submit a final journal/essay based upon assigned readings and discussions from the previous classes Each student must participate in the assigned service-learning activity, which includes attending the Constitution Day, Founder’s Day, GAP sessions, and other university convocations All journal entries and written assignments must be typed in APA format, double-spaced, in 12 point font with cover page and references Evaluation Criteria:  Midterm Examination 100  Final Examination 100  Quizzes 100   GAP Session and Convocation Attendance Completion of registration for Spring 2017 Verification of participation in student organization/activity 100 100 100  Journal Entries 100  Attendance 100  Class Participation 100   Participation in Service-Learning Project TOTAL 100 1000 Grading Scale: The final grade for the course will be calculated on the basis of the following scale: POINTS 900 – 1000 800 – 899 700 – 799 600 – 699 000 – 599 PERCENTAGE GRADE 90 – 100 % 80 – 89 % 70 – 79% 60 – 69% – 59% A B C D F – Student will not receive service-learning credit – Student will not receive service-learning credit Class Schedules: Fall FYE 101 Schedule Fall FYE 102 Schedule ă Week 1: Aug 22, 2016-Academic Policies ă Week 2: Aug 29, 2016-Syllabus Overview ă Week 3: Sep 5, 2016-Preparing for Success in College ă Week 4: Sep 12, 2016-Preparing for Success in College/Planning for Success in College ă Week 5: Sep 19, 2016-Learning to Think Critically ă Week 6: Sep 26, 2016 (Founders Week)History of Grambling ă Week 7: Oct 3, 2016 (Midterm Examinations) ă Week 8: Oct 10, 2016-Presenting Your Best Work ă Week 9: Oct 17, 2016-Presenting Your Best Work ă Week 10: Oct 24, 2016- Leadership, Ethics, and Responsibility ă Week 11: Oct 31, 2016 (Spring Registration starts)-Sharing Your World ă Week 12: Nov 7, 2016-Making Healthy Choices ¨ Week 13: Nov 14, 2016- Planning Your Career ¨ Week 14: Nov 21, 2016 (Thanksgiving) ă Week 15: Nov 28, 2016 (Last week of classes) ă Week 16: Dec 5, 2016 (Finals Week) ă Week 1: Aug 22, 2016 - Academic Policies ă Week 2: Aug 29, 2016-Syllabus Overview ¨ Week 3: Sep 5, 2016- Making Time Work for You ă Week 4: Sep 12, 2016-Making Time work for You ă Week 5: Sep 19, 2016-Making the Classroom Work for You ă Week 6: Sep 26, 2016 (Founders Week)Historical Milestones ă Week 7: Oct 3, 2016 (Midterm Examinations) ă Week 8: Oct 10, 2016-Becoming a Successful Student ă Week 9: Oct 17, 2016-Becoming a Successful Student Continued ă Week 10: Oct 24, 2016-Improving Your Memory ă Week 11: Oct 31, 2016 (Spring Registration starts) Registration Overview ă Week 12: Nov 7, 2016-Listening Actively and Taking Good Notes ă Week 13: Nov 14, 2016-Developing TestTaking Skills ă Week 14: Nov 21, 2016 (Thanksgiving) ă Week 15: Nov 28, 2016 (Last week of classes) ă Week 16: Dec 5, 2016 (Finals Week) Fall 2016 Events:     Founder’s Day – Sep 27, 2016 Constitution Day – Sep 22, 2016 Male Empowerment – Nov (TBA) Female Empowerment – Nov (TBA) Campus Resources:     Career Services Counseling Center Foster Johnson Health Center Favrot Student Union Board (FSUB)      Judicial Affairs Library Office of Retention Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Student Government Association (SGA) Assurance Statement: Grambling State University adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities Students with disabilities should register with the ADA Student Services Coordinator and contact their instructor(s) in a timely manner to arrange for appropriate accommodations If you need accommodations in this class related to a disability, please make an appointment as soon as possible ... information and communication technology To demonstrate knowledge of the history of Grambling State University To display knowledge of the importance of giving To demonstrate an understanding of knowledge... policies and procedures First Year Experience students will: Recognize the purpose and value of academic integrity and describe the key components as it relates to the policies and procedures of Grambling. .. discovery of Grambling? ??s rich heritage and vibrant history and legacy First Year Experience students will: Understand what it means to be a Gramblinite in context of the history, traditions, and culture

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 23:14


