School of Education California State University San Marcos 333 S Twin Oaks Valley Road San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 Tel: 760.750.4311 Fax: 760.750.3352 DISTRICT-EMPLOYED SUPERVISOR ORIENTATION/TRAINING The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires district-employed supervisors (i.e cooperating teachers—CT and on-site liaisons—OSL) receive 10 hours of initial orientation to the program curriculum, about effective supervision approaches such as cognitive coaching, adult learning theory, and on current content-specific pedagogy and instructional practice practices These experiences can include, but are not limited to: SOE workshops for university supervisors, cooperating teachers, and on-site liaisons BTSA training CTC-developed online training modules District-sponsored workshops and trainings TOSA training Attendance at professional conferences Graduate-level coursework CT/OSL Name School/District Content Area and/or Assignment Type of Experience Location/Date Length of Time Additional Notes Once this form is completed, it will be entered into a SOE database It only needs to be filled out once The California State University Bakersfield Monterey Bay | | Channel Islands Northridge | | Chico Pomona | | Dominguez Hills | East Bay Angeles | Maritime Academy Sacramento | | San Bernardino San Marcos | Sonoma | Fresno | | San Diego | Stanislaus Fullerton | | Humboldt San Francisco | | Long Beach San Jose | | Los San Luis Obispo