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EXHIBITORS LISTING 2021 AARP Alabama Contact Person: Anne Hails, Associate State Director of Community Outreach 400 South Union Street, Suite 100 Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 462-5214 E-mail: ahails@aarp.org Web Address: Aarp.org/al AARP is working to help Americans 50+ in Alabama live life to the fullest We advocate for our members on critical priorities, such as strengthening Social Security, protecting seniors’ access to their doctors, and ensuring all Americans have independence and choice as they age AARP serves as a one-stop resource for information on the 50+ population in Alabama We also offer programs and tools that help Americans age 50+ make the best decisions about their health and financial security Abilities Unlimited LLC dba Accessible Alabama Contact Person: Dr Eric M Peebles 1919 Oxmoor Road, Box 272 Birmingham, AL 35209 Phone: 1-888-678-2767 ext 101 E-mail: eric@accessiblealabama.org Web Address: www.accessiblealabama.org Accessible Alabama engages the public, private, and non-profit sectors to help our communities step up to meet current accessible housing needs and prepare for the accelerating demand as the aging population grows We build bridges between housing development stakeholders and the needs of people with disabilities We work collaboratively, share information and innovation, and increase awareness of community needs AIDB: iCanConnect Contact Person: Wendy Darling 1105 Fort Lashley Avenue Talladega, AL 36160 Phone: (256) 761-3312 E-mail: darling.wendy@aidb.org Web Address: www.icanconnect.org iCanConnect is the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program We distribute equipment to low-income, deaf-blind people to assist them with distance communication A-KEEP Contract Person: Irene Jaeyeon Do RSA Union Building, Suite 732 100 North Union Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 322-1661 E-mail: irene.do@akeep.org Web Address: https://www.akeep.org/ A-KEEP Helpline is a language service between English Korean either an oral interpretation or a document translation for both Koreans and Americans We help all people including people with disabilities overcome language barriers Alabama ABLE Contact Person: Anita Kelley 100 North Union Street, Suite 660 Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 242-7515 E-mail: Ania.Kelley@treasury.alabama.gov Web Address: Alabama-able.gov ABLE provides people with eligible disabilities to save more than $2,000 in their name without losing their state or federal benefits Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities (ACDD) Contact Person: Holli Cawthorne, Contracts Manager RSA Union Building 100 North Union Street, Suite 682 P O Box 301410 Montgomery, AL 36130-1410 Phone: (334) 242-3973 E-mail: Holli.Cawthorne@mh.alabama.gov Web Address: www.acdd.org The Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities (ACDD) has a mission to support independence, advocacy, productivity, and inclusion for Alabamians with developmental disabilities It has a vision that all Alabamians, regardless of disability, will live, learn, work, and play in inclusive communities To implement these, ACDD supports statewide projects in areas that emphasize advocacy, childcare, community support, education, employment, healthcare, housing, recreation, and transportation In addition, ACDD sponsors self-advocates and family members of persons with developmental disabilities to attend trainings and conferences to learn more about disabilities through its Consumer Involvement Fund Alabama Head Injury Foundation Contact Person: Catherine Barlow 3100 Lorna Road, Suite 203 Hoover, AL 35216 Phone: 1-800-433-8002 E-mail: cbarow@ahif.org Web Address: www.ahif.org Our mission is to improve the quality of life for survivors of traumatic brain and/or spinal cord injuries through resource coordination, support groups, respite care, camp, and education Alabama Institute for Deaf & Blind (AIDB) Contact Person: Jenny Savage 432 E Jefferson Street Montgomery, AL 36107 Phone: (334) 262-0824 E-mail: savage.jenny@aidb.org Web Address: www.aidb.org Provide a statewide continuum of services to individuals who are deaf, blind, & deaf-blind and their families ranging from infants to senior adults Alabama Lifespan Respite Contact Person: Tracy Cieniewicz 1856 Keats Drive NW Huntsville, AL 35810 Phone: (256) 859-8300 E-mail: tracyc@ucphuntsville.org Web Address: www.alabamarespite.org Alabama Lifespan Respite provides full-time, unpaid family caregivers statewide with personal choice option respite reimbursement services; including emergency respite, free caregiver mental health stipends, free caregiver respite education and public awareness, one-on-one caregiver respite resource information, support and referrals, technical assistance for startup or expansion of community-based respite services, and caregiver advocacy Alabama Parent Education Center (APEC) Contact Person: Teresa Moulton 10520 US Highway 231 Wetumpka, AL 36092 Phone: (334) 567-2252 E-mail: ptitraining@alabamaparentcenter.com Web Address: www.alabamaparentcenter.com APEC provides parents with training, information, and support to help them become meaningful participants in their children’s education and lives Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (BPH) Contact Person: Angela Fisher Hall, Regional Librarian 6030 Monticello Drive Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone: (334) 213-3906 E-mail: afisherhall@apls.state.al.us Web Address: www.statelibrary.alabama.gov The Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (BPH) is a division of the Alabama Public Library Service (APLS) and located in Montgomery This regional library, along with the Talladega Subregional Library, provides books in Braille and audio formats, along with magazines, to more than 8,000 residents in the state who cannot read or use regular print materials as the result of a temporary or permanent visual or physical disability Alabama’s Early Intervention System 602 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 293-7500 Web Address: www.rehab.alabama.gov/services/ei Early Intervention provides support and services for infants and toddlers, birth through age (0 to 36 months of age) who have a developmental delay or a medical diagnosis that can delay normal development, which can prevent the child from meeting developmental milestones Early intervention supports and services focus on teaching parents and caregivers’ ways to help the child learn and participate in everyday activities Alcazar Shriners Contact Person: Lee R Sims 555 Eastern Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone: (334) 279-9174 E-mail: shriners@alcazar-shriners.net Web Address: shriners@alcazar-shriners.com Shriners provide medical services for burn, pediatric orthopedic, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate and related medical issues for children from birth to age 18 years Services are provided regardless of the ability of the family to pay AL HIPP: Alabama HIPP Program Contact Person: Catherine Cox 4121 Carmichael Road, Suite 205 Montgomery, AL 36106 Phone: (334) 245-2745 E-mail: ccox@hms.com Web Address: www.myalhipp.com The Alabama HIPP Program is designed to save money for Medicaid families with high health care costs by eliminating most out-of-pocket medical expenses for qualifying Medicaid recipients The program also helps Medicaid recipients by reimbursing a policyholder for cost of health insurance provided by an employer or COBRA ALL for Children Contact Person: Shannon Waid 2204 Ogletree Village Lane Auburn, AL 36830 Phone: (334) 209-2009 E-mail: Waid5@me.com Web Address: www.all-forchildren.com We provide pediatric speech-language, occupational, physical, and feeding evaluations, and therapy We see children for evaluation and treatment for the following: speech/language delays, auditory-verbal therapy, argumentative device, feeding, dyslexia, apraxia, Spanish and English Amedisys Home Health Contact Person: Les’Lee Gilberry 300 Interstate Park Drive, Suite 324 Montgomery, AL 36109 Phone: (334) 207-5572 E-mail: leslee.gilberry@amedisys.com Web Address: www.amedisys.com Amedisys Home Health Care is committed to delivering high-quality home health care backed by the latest research Amedisys Home Health of Montgomery offers the following services: skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, home health aide, speech therapy, and medical social work Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite / Alabama Foundation for Dyslexia Contact Person: Buddy M Wilson 565 Eastern Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone: (334) 277-8109 E-mail: secretary@mgmyaasrr.com Web Address: www.mgmyaasr.com Alabama Scottish Rite provides qualified free testing for Alabama children who demonstrate dyslexia symptoms The service is free Auburn University Regional Autism Network Contact Person: Dr Doris Adams Hill 2084 Haley Center Auburn University Auburn, AL 35847 Phone: (334) 844-2004 E-mail: hilldol@auburn.edu Web Address: www.education.auburn.edu/initiatives/auburn-university-regional- autism-network/ Alabama’s RAN serves those who have questions, concerns, or resource needs regarding themselves, a family member, friend, client, patient, or a student with diagnosed or suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) We provide professional training programs, technical assistance and consultation services, individual and direct family assistance, and public education programs Autism Society of Alabama (ASA) Contact Person: Charlotte Phillips P O Box 661304 Birmingham, AL 35266 Phone: (251) 259-5553 E-mail: charlotte@autism-alabama.org Web Address: www.autism-alabama.org ASA provides education and advocacy, as well as, compassionate programs including CAMP Frog, Sib shops, CARE binders, community events, and safety initiatives Camp ASCCA Amber Cotney, Program Director 5278 Camp ASCCA Drive Jacksons Gap, AL 36861 Phone: (256) 825-9226 E-mail: amber@campascca.org Web Address: www.campascca.org Camp ASCCA is a summer camp located on Lake Martin that provides recreation for people of all ages with disabilities Central Alabama Aging Consortium (CAAC) Contact Person: Sandra Adams-Whatley 2500 Fairlane Drive, Suite 200 Montgomery, AL 36116 Phone: (334) 240-4680 E-mail: Sandra.adams-whatley@adss.alabama.gov Web Address: www.centralalabamaaging.org Central Alabama Aging Consortium (CAAC) is part of a statewide aging network that provides a variety of home and community-based services to the region’s senior and disabled populations and their caregivers CACC coordinates services for these targeted populations in Autauga, Elmore, and Montgomery counties The primary goal is to develop, coordinate, and support services in the community that promote an active and independent lifestyle where those we serve can live and thrive Disability as an Ability Toward Success: Moms on the Move (D.A.T.S.M.O.M.) Contact Person: Tametria Dantzler, Founder 3015 McGhee Road Montgomery, AL 36111 Phone: (334) 669-6590 E-mail: datsmom@yahoo.com Web Address: www.datsmom.org This organization is a national support network for parents of children on the Autism Spectrum It reaches parents right at their fingertips; providing knowledge, inspiration, and the tools needed to shift their child’s disability to an ability We help families progressively navigate the autism journey by providing free family services, activities, training, and programs Easterseals Central Alabama Contact Person: Varina Mead 2125 East South Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36116 Phone: (334) 288-0240 E-mail: info@eastersealsca.org Web Address: www.eastersealscentralalabama.org A collection of disability programs such as speech therapy, medical equipment through the CARE Project, Certified Nursing Aide program, Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic, ASL Interpreting Program, Vocational Evaluation, Employment, Project Search, Respect Care for Air Force Families, Senior Employment Services Employment Program and Dyslexia testing and treatment Easterseals Alabama / Dogs on Call Contact Person: Lisa Stanton 5960 East Shirley Lane Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone: (334) 395-4489 E-mail: lstanton@al.easterseals.com Web Address: www.dogsoncall.com Providing pet therapy services to people in nursing/assisted living facilities, hospitals, children’s rehabilitation centers, and other locations Evolve Music Therapy Services Contact Person: Jocelyn Stovall P O Box 680306 Prattville, AL 36066 Phone: (334) 595-5773 E-mail: jocelyn@evolvemusictherapy.com Web Address: www.evolvemusictherapy.com We provide professional therapeutic music interventions to address fine and gross motor coordination, speech impairment, self-expression, and cognitive development Our goals are addressed through individual and group sessions for adults and children with varying disabilities Consultations are Free! Full Life Ahead Contact Person: Suzanne Stewart 2908 Clairmont Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 Phone: (205) 907-7617 E-mail: Suzanne@flaf.team Web Address: www.fulllifeahead.org Full Life Ahead exists to provide H.O.P.E (Helping Other People Envision) for teens and young adults and their families, living with any type of disability Our focus is to provide the tools and resources necessary to successfully navigate the complex, and often overwhelming process of transitioning from school into the adult world We have individuals and their families move from fear of the future to the reality of living their best (full) lives Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama Contact Person: Shay Hicks 900 Air Base Boulevard Montgomery AL 36108 Phone: (334) 263-4633 E-mail: shicks@algoodwill.org Web Address: www.algoodwill.org Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama’s mission is to provide training, vocational rehabilitation, and employment opportunities for people with disabilities or other vocational problems, which result in barriers or limitations to competitive employment Governor’s Office on Disability Contact Person: Marlene Word 602 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 293-7228 E-mail: marlene.word@good.alabama.gov Web Address: www.good.alabama.gov The Governor’s Office on Disability (GOOD) serves as a statewide clearing house for information and referrals related to education, employment, health care, housing, leisure, and transportation for people with disabilities in Alabama GOOD also serves as an advisor on public disability-related issues in Alabama GOOD monitors Alabama’s disability related legislation and policies and provides policy analysis to Governor Kay Ivey and the Governor’s Office GOOD is available at no cost to accessibility surveying, presentations at meetings or seminars, and training HandsOn River Region – 211 Program Contact Person: Tasha Cooper or Tammy Spencer 101 Coliseum Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36109 Phone: (334) 264-3335 E-mail: admin@handsonriverregion.org Web Site: www.handsonriverregion.org HandsOn River Region mobilizes volunteers and connects people, information, and services to meet local needs and build a strong, caring community Home Care Assistance Contact Person: Kristy Butler 7742 Vaughn Road Montgomery, AL 36116 Phone: (334) 593-3988 E-mail: kbutler@homecareassistance Web Address: www.HomeCareAssistanceMontgomery.com Our mission at Home Care Assistance is to change the way the world ages We provide older adults with quality care that enables them to live happier, healthier lives at home We are the only home care solution offering an innovative science-based approach to aging, elevating the standard of care for seniors everywhere Independent Rights & Resources Contact Person: Roshaire Byfield 345 Molton Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 240-2520 E-mail: roshaire@independentrandr.org Web Address: www.independentrandr.org Independent Rights and Resources aims to empower individuals with disabilities We provide services such as advocacy, peer support, transportation, information/referrals, etc Kick Back Ranch & Event Center, LLC Contact Person: Mindy Newell 414 Union Academy Ada Road Ramer, AL 36069 Phone: (334) 286-4140 E-mail: Mindy@theKickBackRanch.com Web Address: www.KickBackRanch.net Kick Back offers 20% discount on cabins, cottages, and RV hookups to Military families We have overnight rooms on property designed to be handicap friendly with concrete paths to roam around in Cowboy Town Learning Disabilities Association of Alabama Contact Person: Tamara Massey AUM-CDS, P O Box 244023 Montgomery, AL 36124-4023 Phone: (334) 244-3754 E-mail: tmassey2@aum.edu Web Address: https://ldaalabama.org/ The mission of the Learning Disabilities Association of Alabama is to create an environment that supports, informs, and empowers individuals with learning disabilities throughout their life span We host training programs and workshops throughout the state and are the resource for advocacy training materials The Learning Tree, Inc Contact Person: Stephanie Weldon 101 S Dubois Street Tallassee, AL 36078 Phone: (334) 415-9372 E-mail: sweldon@learning-tree.org Web Address: www.learning-tree-org We provide residential and preschool services for children with developmental disabilities, including autism We also have four autism clinics for preschool and school aged children We are located in Mobile, Jacksonville, Anniston, Tallassee, Birmingham, and Montgomery Midstate Medical Services, Inc Contact Person: Carol Moore 1507 Mulberry Street Montgomery, AL 36106 Phone: (334) 263-6034 E-mail: midstatemedicalservices@gmail.com Web Address: www.midstatemedicalcar.wixsite.com/ Midstate Medical offers medical equipment for the home including hospital beds, wheelchairs, lift chairs, c-pap machines, and adult diapers We have a large line of walkers including the latest stand-up walkers We also repair equipment and install vehicle lifts Montgomery Area Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities Contact Person: Anna Taylor 560 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 293-7156 E-mail: Anna.Taylor@rehab.alabama.gov Primary goal is to educate the public about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities and to promote greater independence for people with disabilities Montgomery Area Down Syndrome Outreach Group Contact Person: Laurie Helms P O Box 230571 Montgomery, AL 36123 Phone: (334) 301-3036 E-mail: lauriechelms@gmail.com Web Address: montgomeryareadownsyndrome.com We are a support group that provides information and resources to families about issues pertaining to Down Syndrome (DS) while providing opportunities for fellowship among these families during quarterly meetings and special activities We also provide social opportunities for teens and adults with DS on a quarterly basis We advocate for the inclusion of individuals with DS in the educational setting and in our community Montgomery Interpreting Services, LLC Contact Person: Belinda Montgomery 2035 Surles Road Lapine, AL 36046 Phone: (334) 221-9950 E-mail: MIS.bmontgomery@gmail.com Montgomery Interpreting Services, LLC (MIS) provides interpreting services for those who communicate using American Sign Language (ASL) as their primary language MIS provides qualified interpreters who hold a license or permit to interpret in Alabama Documentation of interpreter’s qualifications can be provided if needed The owner/coordinator of MIS serves as the consultant for each assignment need Information, fees, and agreement packages can be provided to facilitate access to your communication needs by contacting us at MIS.bmontgomery@gmail.com National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Contact Person: Kelly Emerson 1401 I-85 Parkway, Suite A Montgomery, AL 36106 Phone: (334) 396-4797 E-mail: kemerson@namialabama.org Web Address: www.namialabama.org NAMI Alabama provides no-cost education programs and support groups for individuals with a mental illness and family members We also provide education and outreach to the public and advocate for sound mental health public policy, funding, treatment and services and research New Hope Academy Contact Person: Hailey Morrow 301 Water Street Prattville, AL 36067 Phone: (334) 361-9505 E-mail: Hailey+1210@gmail.com Web Address: www.newhope4kids.com We are a small school that provides an individualized education for students who learn differently or have special needs 10 The Noah Foundation, Inc Contact Person: Tina Halbert or Hailey Morrow 301 Water Street Prattville, AL 36067 Phone: (334) 361-9505 E-mail: thenoahfoundation@gmail.com Web Address: www.thenoahfound.org We are an Alabama based nonprofit organization whose mission is to help families with special needs children People First of Alabama Contact Person: Susan Ellis 1929 Canyon Road Vestavia, AL 35216 Phone: (205) 422-5006 E-mail: pf.susan.200@gmail.com Web Address: www.peoplefirstal.net Developmental disability advocacy and education for youth and adults with developmental disabilities and intellectual disabilities PRC-Saltillo Contact Person: Brenda Yoder 1022 Heyl Road Wooster, OH 44691 Phone: 1-800-262-1984 E-mail: brenda.yoder@prc-saltillo.com Web Address: https://www.prc-saltillo.com/ For over 50 years, PRC-Saltillo has been leading the way in giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves Since 1966, the company has paved the way in developing speech-generating devices and continues innovating in the field of language development We believe in empowering communication for all Resource Roundup Contact Person: Amber Lovelady 3380 Lake Terrace Millbrook, AL 36054 Phone: (334) 303-2921 E-mail: amberlovelady@outlook.com Web Address: www.facebook.com/Resourceroundup1 Less searching more doing…One resource connecting resources Resource newsletter connecting all resources and special needs events and programs in the River Region 11 RoofTop Friends Contact Person: Hope Cassidy 5780 Vaughn Road Montgomery, AL 36116 Phone: (334) 546-7221 E-mail: hopecassidy@aol.com Web Address: www.rooftopfriends.com We provide Retreats, respite care activities, training of buddies for other organizations, and support to other organizations and ministries that support persons with disabilities SAIL: State of Alabama Independent Living Program Contact Person: Lisa Alford, Director 602 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (844) 605-7245 E:-mail: Lisa.Alford@rehab.alabama.gov Web Address: www.rehab.alabama.gov SAIL provides specialized in-home education and counseling, attendant care, training, and medical services to Alabamians with significant abilities, ensuring they can live as independently as possible at home and in the community Smart Solutions Contact Person: Kevin Braswell 228 Poinciana Drive Homewood, AL 35209 Phone: (205) 868-9311 E-mail: kevin@mysmartsolutions.com Web Address: http://mysmartsolutions.com Smart Solutions is an Alabama-based technology products and services company delivering home automation (ECU) solutions for persons with disabilities We empower our clients with the latest in-home technology to foster a sense of pride and independence believing that your only limitation is your imagination STAR: Alabama's Assistive Technology Resource Contact Person: Helen Baker, Executive Director 560 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 293-7012 E-mail: helen.baker@rehab.alabama.gov Web Address: www.rehab.alabama/star Administered through the Department of Rehabilitation Services, STAR guides individuals through the process of locating and obtaining technology to assist them at work, school, play, and in everyday life STAR services are free and available to Alabamians regardless of disability or age 12 State of Alabama Client Assistance Program (SACAP) Contact Person: Rachel L Hughes 400 South Union Street, Suite 465 Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 293-7236 E-mail: Rachel.Hughes@rehab.alabama.gov Web Address: http://sacap.rehab.alabama.gov SACAP is responsible for informing individuals with disabilities of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation and Independent Living Services’ benefits available in Alabama The purpose of SACAP is designed to assist individuals with disabilities to resolve problems they may experience under Vocational Rehabilitation or any of Alabama’s federally funded rehabilitation programs Steel City CBD, LLC Contact: Mary Anderlik 1953 Chandaway Drive Pelham, AL 35124 Phone: (205) 201-0420 E-mail: thesteelcitycbd@gmail.com Web Address: www.thesteelcitycbd.com All-natural, organic, and non-GMO vegan, herbal, and hemp products such as pian relieving rollons, salves, creams, oils, lotions, herbal teas, capsules, gummies, neuroprotectant, anti-inflammatory and hormone regulation products Still Serving Veterans Contact Person: Charles Livings 1208 Broad Street Phenix City, AL 36867 Phone: (334) 384-9111 E-mail: clivings@ssv.org Web Address: www.ssv.org Empowering Veterans to gainful civilian careers through resume, interviewing, networking, training and assistance Success Unlimited Academy Contact Person: Susan Alred 2328 Fairland Drive Montgomery, AL 36116 Phone: (334) 213-0803 E-mail: principal@suacademy.com Web Address: www.suacademy.com We provide one on one tutoring, specialized comprehensive testing, classroom accommodations, and self-contained offerings Available to ages 3-21 13 Superior Van & Mobility Contact Person: Tim Schultz 2015 Eastern Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone: (334) 244-1011 E-mail: tschultz@superiorvan.com Web Address: www.superiorvan.com Formerly Phase III Mobility, Superior Van & Mobility is Montgomery, Alabama’s premier destination for handicap accessible vehicles, wheelchair vans, scooter lifts, and mobility driving aids We offer sales/service/rentals We also service and install hand controls and vehicle wheelchair lifts Triumph Services Contact Person: Stephanie Betsch 600 South Court Street, Suite 326 Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (205) 566-9252 E-mail: sbetsch@triumphservices.org Web Address: www.triumphservices.org Triumph Services provides holistic, community-based services to adults with developmental disabilities who want to live and work independently Services include independent living skills, employment, social skills, therapy, and transitions U.S Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Contact Person: Venita Beaty, LCSW, Healthcare for Homeless Program Coordinator 2400 Hospital Road Tuskegee, AL 36083 Phone: (334)727-0550 / Ext 2549 E-mail: Venita.Beaty@va.gov Web Address: www.centralalabama.va.gov The Central Alabama Veteran Health Care System’s Health care for Homeless Veterans Program (HCHV) is designed to address the needs of homeless Veterans HCHV staff work with Veterans who are mentally ill or have substance abuse programs to help them overcome the barriers that may prevent them from receiving or benefiting from health services The VA staff partners with shelters, community organizations, and local governments to provide Veterans with access to these combined resources Through these connections, the HCHV Program strives to serve all homeless Veterans in our area and improve their quality of life VA – Homeless Program Contact Person: David Wynn 2600 Hospital Road Tuskegee, AL 36083 Phone: (334) 314-1763 E-mail: David.Wynn3@va.gov Web Address: www.va-gov We provide homeless veterans with services to include housing, employment, peer support, medical, and recreational services 14 VA – Veterans Justice Outreach & Health Care Reentry Program Contact Person: Marguerita High 1310 13th Street Columbus, GA 31907 Phone: (334) 558-8505 E-mail: Marguerita.High@va.gov The Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Justice and Health Care Reentry Veterans Program (VJO/HCRV) provides outreach to Veterans involved with the local criminal justice system The goal of the program is to provide timely access to VA services for eligible Veterans, preventing homelessness and avoiding unnecessary criminalization, while providing routes to mental health and other clinical treatment for justice involved Veterans The VJO/HCRV Program is designed to help incarcerated Veterans receive medical and behavioral health services and reintegrate back into the community after their release VIVA Medicare Contact Person: Tori Levy 2107-B Eastern Boulevard Montgomery, AL 36117 Phone: (334) 451-0755 E-mail: ctowle@uabmc.edu Web Address: www.vivahealth.com/medicare/ Viva Medicare is a local Medicare Advantage plan that assists individuals with healthcare at an affordable price We provide extra benefits like dental, vision, over the counter items, discounted hearing aids, gym memberships and even transportation Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Montgomery District Office / Blind and Deaf Services Contact Person: Melvin Walker 602 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 293-7155 E-mail: melvin.walker@rehab.alabama.gov Web Address: www.rehab.alabama.gov Vocational Rehabilitation provides services to assist consumers obtain or maintain employment Orientation and Mobility Specialist teach consumers with vision loss how to travel independently with cane skills Vision Rehab Therapist teach consumers with vision loss independent living skills Vocational Rehabilitation / General Services Contact Person: Andrew Richards 560 South Lawrence Street Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 293-7227 E-mail: andrew.richards@rehab.alabama.gov Web Address: http://rehab.alabama.gov/ Vocational Rehabilitation can provide the following services but not limited to: Vocational Guidance and Counseling, Vocational Evaluations, Career Exploration and Employment services such as Job Readiness, Job Training, Job Placement/Development, Job Retention, Supported Employment and Post-employment services Other services that could be provided include interpreter and notetaking services, Assistive Technology/Equipment and Adaptive Drivers Training 15

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 21:35
