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Managing Complex Technical Systems Working on a Bridge of Uncertainty

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Tiêu đề Managing Complex Technical Systems Working on a Bridge of Uncertainty
Tác giả Eli Berniker Ph.D, Frederick Wolf Ph.D
Trường học Pacific Lutheran University
Chuyên ngành Management of Technology
Thể loại academic paper
Năm xuất bản 2001
Thành phố Lausanne
Định dạng
Số trang 34
Dung lượng 117 KB

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International Association for the Management of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland March, 2001 Managing Complex Technical Systems Working on a Bridge of Uncertainty by Eli Berniker Ph.D Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, WA, USA And Frederick Wolf Ph.D University of Puget Sound Tacoma, WA, USA Keywords: normal accidents, complexity, uncertainty, hazardous chemical releases, petroleum refineries, safety Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems Managing Complex Technical Systems Working on a Bridge of Uncertainty “Anyone can make something work It takes an engineer to make it barely work.” Drew Worth, 1988 (personal communication) Introduction Our systems have become very safe and effective However, as they continue to evolve towards increasing complexity and they proliferate, the present levels of safety will become unacceptable A Boeing vice president stated that if the current accident rate in the very safe commercial airline industry is maintained and air travel increases as has been projected over the next few decades, we will experience the equivalent of one wide body airplane crash a week That is clearly unacceptable Similar projections might be ventured in a wide variety of industries operating complex, tightly coupled high consequence technical systems Despite the efforts of industry and government to improve safety, major industrial accidents are as likely today as they were 10 years ago Since 1982, there has been no reduction in the fatality rate or major accident rate in Us or European industry (Sellers,1993) (National Safety Council,1998) All such systems are socio-technical systems, i.e technical systems operated by organized groups of people Therefore, any general theory of complex systems risk must be anchored in both engineering, and consequently the natural sciences, and organizational science At present, the engineering, managerial, and organizational approaches to systems safety derive from incommensurable Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems theoretical foundations producing partial analyses They cannot be readily integrated into a coherent theory of systems failure and, therefore, a usefully complete model for systems safety We will propose a general theory of complex systems failure, anchored in the laws of physics which define the fundamental challenges of systems safety and suggest links to the engineering and organizational disciplines relevant to these challenges We start with Normal Accident Theory (NAT) (Perrow, 1984, 1999) as a validated model of the relationship between technical system characteristics and their reliability and safety Normal Accident Theory will be restated in terms of the Second Law of Thermodynamics as the basis for a general theory of systems failure relating systems complexity, and coupling and the necessary uncertainty associated with the stochastic nature of failure paths The fundamental challenge in managing complex high-consequence systems is the need to operate safely under conditions of uncertainty and continuing failures We will review current theories of systems safety with particular emphasis on how they relate to uncertainty, failure, systems complexity and coupling Revisiting NAT, we will discuss the research evidence for its validity Finally, we will propose a general model for interdisciplinary collaboration to improve the management of complex high consequence systems Normal Accident Theory Perrow defines normal accidents as the outcome of multiple interacting events that are incomprehensible to operators when they occur and result in catastrophic disruption of systems These are systems failures rather than Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems component failures However, component failures can be catalysts of systems accidents Normal accidents are rare but, according to Perrow, an inevitable result of systems designs Perrow defined interactive complexity and tight coupling as characteristics of engineered systems that lead to normal accidents, complexity and coupling are also characteristics of organizations and, in the form of limited resource availability, act to tighten the effective coupling of engineered systems As a social scientist, Perrow utilized a two by two matrix to classify industries according to these parameters Interactive complexity can be understood as an indication of the number of possible states available to the system which Perrow described in terms of close proximity, interconnected subsystems, common mode connections, multiple interacting controls, indirect information and limited understanding It is important, for theoretical reasons, to differentiate the engineered characteristics of systems from those related to their human operators Both indirect information and limited understanding can relate to engineering design and also to operating organizations Intuitively, although not rigorously, interactive complexity suggests the number of ways a system might fail Coupling is descriptively defined as the availability of buffers, resources, time, and information that can enable recovery from failures Intuitively, coupling suggests the availability of possible recovery paths Tight coupling implies limited recovery potential while loose coupling implies many more recovery paths Perrow (1999) wonderfully illustrates tightness of coupling in describing a very Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems complex sequence of events at Three Mile Island that all occurred within eighteen seconds Note that by far the vast majority of failures are minor incidents for which recovery is possible and adverse consequences rare However rarely, normal accidents occur often with catastrophic consequences The research challenge was to convert this classification scheme into a useful metric that can be applied to engineered technical systems NAT is, first and foremost, a theory about engineered systems focusing “on the properties of systems themselves rather than on the errors that owners, designers, and operators make in operating them “ (Perrow, 1999) Wolf, in his research on petroleum refineries, ( 2001) operationalized complexity in terms of process parameters and their states Coupling was operationalized in terms of resource availability, a constraining factor in all complex systems Both allow NAT to be stated in thermodynamic terms The Second Law of Thermodynamics The Second Law of Thermodynamics, a fundamental law of physics, states that all systems must move towards increasing entropy or disorder Shrodinger (1967) explained the apparent capacity of open systems, including living systems, to grow and maintain themselves by their ability to import “negative entropy.” Such a process must convert larger amounts of energy into entropy than it needs in order to retain ordered energy and grow If the living, or open system, and its environment, are taken as the system, the Second Law is not violated Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems A petroleum refinery is a very high energy complex technical system that must perpetually seek entropic equilibrium The ultimate equilibrium entropic state of such a plant would be a smoking black hole The resources invested in ongoing maintenance of the refinery are necessary to assure safe operation and to reverse the entropic effects of wear on the system Boltzman formulated the equation for the entropy of a system (Schrodinger, 1967).: S = k ln D Where: S is a measure of the entropy (disorder) present in a system The equilibrium state represents the end point of the system k is the Boltzman constant, which for high-risk technologies would be expressed as the energy density of the system D is a “measure of the atomistic disorder” (Shrodinger, 1967) For engineered systems, D is the total number of possible states accessible to the system Wolf (2001) operationalized system interactive complexity as C i, an index of possible states of the system that is a subset of D Coupling was operationalized in terms of slack resources available to the system Greater resources loosens coupling and enables both prevention and recovery Scarcity of resources limits recovery possibilities In thermodynamic terms, resources represent the sources of negative entropy required to maintain the system and to recover from wear, damage, and failures Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems It should be noted that this use of Boltzman is not the first time that his equation has been applied to organizational science Shroedinger (1967) in What is Life inverted Boltzmann’s equation coining the result “negative entropy” for order which, in turn, Bertalanffy (1968) translated into information and organization as a foundation for general systems theory The systems model so widely used in the organizational sciences owes much to the Second Law equation A General Theory of Systems Failure The Second Law of Thermodynamics systems provides a firm basis for integrating Normal Accident Theory into a general theory of failure The Second Law forces us to accept the inevitable risk of failure of technical systems The Boltzman equation makes clear that catastrophic failure is a consequence of entropy or disorder associated with the equilibrium end state of systems Thus, failure must be associated with uncertainty and the impossibility of designing, building, or operating perfect technical systems Leveson (1995) has argued about similar limitations on software and Weinberg (1975) has demonstrated that such limitations are inherent in our scientific models Weick ((1990) recognized this character of technology: The very complexity and incomprehensibility of new technologies may warrant a reexamination of our knowledge of the cause and effect relations in human actions (p150) [and] the unique twist of the new technologies is that the uncertainties are permanent rather than transient (p152) Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems Based upon the Second Law, we may conclude: Any system of sufficient complexity and tightness of coupling must, over time, exhibit entropic behavior and uncertainty resulting in its failure Failure is a certainty and, therefore, recovery and repair must be possible for the system to avoid end state equilibrium In the case of complex, tightly coupled systems, we simply cannot know enough about them to anticipate all modes of failure and prevent them within the time and resources available The challenge is: How can we design, build, and operate complex, high consequence, technical systems under conditions of necessary uncertainties and many possible paths to failure? Theories of Failure Two major disciplines: organizational science and engineering, provide alternative models of failure We will test their underlying paradigms with respect to their implicit sources of failure, and, therefore, conditions for systems safety We note that each of these disciplines makes valuable contributions to systems safety Yet, given necessary uncertainties, all must be deficient The Assumption of Human Error Shared across engineering and organizational science is a focus on human error as the source of failure and a strong tendency to confound failure with error A pervasive theme in the psychological and organizational literature is human error The assumption is that if human error can be controlled and prevented, system safety will be assured Implicit in this view is the denial of systems uncertainty Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems Turner and Pidgeon’s (1997) research, on 13 large industrial accidents, demonstrates the focus on human error They note during the time immediately preceding an accident: 1) events were unnoticed or misunderstood because erroneous assumptions were made; 2) discrepant events were unnoticed or misunderstood as a result of problems in information handling in complex situations; 3) events that warned of danger passed unnoticed as a result of human reluctance to fear the worst; and/or 4) formal precautions were not up to date and violation of rules and procedures were accepted as the norm Note that each of these failure categories relates to human error or cognitive processes According to Weick and Roberts (1993), “We suspect that normal accidents represent a breakdown of social process and comprehension rather than a failure of technology Inadequate comprehension can be traced to flawed mind rather than flawed equipment” (p.378) Roberts (1989) has written, “It is not really clear that all high risk technologies will fail” (p 287) By contrast, Leveson (1995) notes that systems can fail when they operate exactly as planned Weick, Sutcliffe and Obstfeld (1999) argue that: Theoretically, a system with a well-developed capability for improvisation should be able to see threatening details in even the most complex environment, because, whatever they discover, will be something they can something about The evidence presented in validating NAT will show that with respect to complex systems, this is a cognitively impossible task It is clear that we make errors and that many failures may be caused by our errors Leveson (1995) has critiqued engineering attributions of accidents to Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 10 human errors arguing that “the data may be biased and incomplete” and that “positive actions are usually not recorded.” Attributions are often based on the premise that operators can overcome every emergency… It appears…that the operator who does not prevent accidents caused by design deficiencies or lack of proper design controls is more likely to be blamed than the designer.” Moreover, “separating operator error from design error is difficult and perhaps impossible.” She cites Rasmussen as arguing that “human error is not a useful term” and expresses particularly well our core disagreement with this school of thought: The term human error implies that something can be done to humans to improve the state of affairs; however, the “erroneous” behavior is inextricably connected to the same behavior required for successful completion of the task (Leveson,1995, p102) Industrial Safety The assumptions of human error are linked with a perception shared across organizational and engineering disciplines that incident rates are linked to systems level risk management In 1959, Heinrich published his classic work, “Industrial Accident Prevention.” He described a ‘foundation for industrial safety’ programs which has come to be known as ‘Heinrich’s Triangle’ by safety practitioners in industry Based on observations derived from a sample of 5000 industrial accidents, Heinrich (1959) determined “in a unit group of 330 accidents of the same kind and involving the same person, 300 result in no injury, 29 in minor injuries and in a major loss” (p 26) This observation led to the realization that a ‘preventative opportunity’ exists to manage safety If the frequency of accidents Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 20 An appreciation for the cognitive complexity of an oil refinery may be gained when the criterion for dividing a population of 36 refineries into less and more complex groups is log 30 Perrow (1999) notes that the research address a vagueness in NAT Is incomprehensibility on the part of the operator due solely to hidden, mysterious, and unaticipated interactions, or, can it be the result of the sheer volume of the number of states that the system is forced to monitor (p363) As Berniker, comments in a letter: We might postulate a notion of Organizational Cognitive Complexity; i.e that the sheer number of nodes and states to be monitored exceeds the organizational capacity to anticipate or comprehend Complexity indices for major refinery units processes varied from 156,000,000 for alkylation/polymerization down to 90 for crude refining The very use of a logarithmic scale to classify complexity suggests the cognitive challenges facing an organization Coupling may be thought of us the density of energy flow in the system Higher energy flows represent the rate at which material flows through the refinery and its temperature in the various refining processes Higher energy configurations are higher risk configurations The systems seeks to minimize its free energy The more states accessible to the system (the greater its interactive complexity) the larger is its entropy Increasing temperature increases disorder As technology becomes more interactively complex and is engineered with everincreasing energy density (including, but not limited to, heat, pressure, transfer rate kinetics, exothermal reaction kinetics, etc) (Perry, 1997) (Pool, 1997a), its risk of system accident increases System accidents are a manifestation of disorder required by the second law of thermodynamics Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 21 Coupling was operationalized, with respect to the refineries in two different ways The original research asked ifthe refinery operated continuously, pumping their products into a pipeline, or discontinuously, delivering their products to tanks This is a familiar operations distinction, continuous or batch processing Subsequently, the sample size was greatly expanded and the coupling parameter generalized in terms of available resources In this second case, Return On Assets served as a measure of resource availability The outcome variable was Reportable Quantities of Hazardous Substance Releases (RQ’s) Such releases are very serious accidents The actual quantities released that must be reported varies with their toxicity Research Results The results of both research efforts are presented in Figures and Figure demonstrates the very significant differences between the two major groups of refineries, those that are more complex, (above Log C i = 30) and tightly coupled (continuous processing) from those that are less complex and loosely coupled (batch processing) The difference in RQ rates, 9.8/plant per year versus 0.3/plant/year is significant above p = 0.01 (Wolf and Berniker,1999) Wolf then deepened the research by increasing the sample size to 70 refineries, reconceiving coupling in terms of available resources, operationalized as Return on Assets, and modifying the outcome variable, RQ’s, to take into account scale effects These results are seen in Figure Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 22 This sample of 70 refineries demonstrated a significant relationship exists between complexity, resource availability (as determined by return on assets) and the number of reportable quantity releases experienced by the refineries (Wolf and Finnie, 2001) First, the outcome variable, RQ/10MBC strongly demonstrates the refineries were highly reliable systems Given the average values for the less complex and more complex refineries, 1.6 and 2.3 RQs per 10 million barrels of crude oil processed respectively, reportable quantity release accidents are rare events Yet these high-consequence systems behave in accordance with Normal Accident Theory More complex refineries experienced significantly (p=.01) more RQs per ten million barrels of crude distilled than less complex refineries Second: as noted by Marcus and Nichols (1999) , organizations must have signals to serve as warnings that safety may be drifting beyond a level of acceptability and make use of resources available to take corrective action in a timely way Refineries of equivalent complexity having greater available resources, should on average, experience fewer reportable quantity accidents Indeed, as shown in Figure 2, this was demonstrated at a high level of significant (p=.01) for the 70) refineries in the sample As Wolf (2001) noted: Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 23 “…as Perrow argues, poorly run organizations will have more discrete errors that are available for unexpected interactions that can defeat safety systems and thus will be more prone to “system accidents” as he refers to normal accidents Less financially successful organizations have fewer resources available for operational exigencies such as preventative maintenance, replacement of aging equipment or modernization and less slack operating resources Poor financial performance can also trigger risky actions including the use of low-bid outside contractors But secondly, and Perrow does not note this, poorly run or financially starved organizations may be forced to operate with tighter coupling as a result of cost cutting measures Tight coupling may not be just a requirement of the manufacturing process, but may be a managerial decision based upon budgetary stress or profit targets.” Refineries operated by more financially successful firms experienced significantly fewer RQs/10MBC when classified according to complexity, than less successful firms Regardless of how such resources are applied, when fewer resources are available, less corrective action is possible and the band of acceptable performance will be forced wider In this case, the organizations with fewer resources are faced with the dilemma of having to cope with the signals of an impending safety boundary as evidenced by significantly higher incidences of reportable quantity releases while lacking sufficient resources to take appropriate risk mitigating actions Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 24 Third: the data suggests there is some evidence for improving reliability, perhaps through organizational means Three of the refineries classified “more complex” experienced no RQs during the period 1993-97.All were operated by the same corporation We not know if this is the result of some systematic and deliberate effort to under-report such accidents, or if other factors, possibly organizational in nature are involved Additional work is planned to determine if organizational factors were involved in the atypical performance of the three refineries We believe the validity of NAT as a useful model for the challenges presented by complex, high consequence, systems has been well demonstrated The question remains, how are such systems to be safely operated? Managing Complex High Consequence Systems The primary challenge is: How can we safely design, build, and operate complex, high consequence, technical systems under conditions of necessary uncertainties and many paths too failure? This challenge should be addressed at two levels: research and operations The research paradigms of the engineering and organizational sciences are incommensurate Each defines phenomena in different terms excluding the other Neither can move far in reducing uncertainty There is a need to build a ‘bridge of uncertainty’ upon which both sets of disciplines can collaborate; a bridge between the physical and social sciences The foundation for that bridge is the recognition that neither set of disciplines can overcome fundamental uncertainties However, cooperating, they Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 25 can push back the walls of uncertainty and make progress Therefore, the acceptance of uncertainty, the recognition by each discipline of their fundamental limitations and of the complementary potential contributions of the other disciplines is the ‘bond’ that makes such a multi-disciplinary bridge possible Once any discipline claims to have “The Answer” it has walked off the bridge Information and Cognition The point of articulation between the social and engineering sciences is where information is cognitively processed Engineers, in designing systems, determine the nature of information that can be drawn about the system, instrumentation, control points, and the sets of potential actions that operators make take Yet, engineers are not trained in the cognitive processes of individuals or groups and, therefore, their designs are often suboptimal and in some cases, even dangerous (Leveson, 1995) Organizational and cognitive scientists seek to organize learning and decision making with little recognition of the technical significance of much systems information, i.e the cause and effect relationships of potential actions and how those actions may be represented by the instrumentation of a system Without technological understanding, subtle and important distinctions can be lost Weick (1990) demonstrated the potential complexities of just a few words uttered by the KLM pilot in the Tenerife catastrophe There is a need for greater technological understanding by organizational scientists and greater cognitive understanding by engineers Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 26 The shared, collaborative, research agendas across this ‘bridge of uncertainty’ might be framed by the following questions: For engineering scientists, what principles should guide the design of complex, high consequence systems intended to be operated by competent teams with the capacity to learn? For organizational scientists, how would competent teams or operating groups be designed to generate technological knowledge about complex, high consequence systems? Complex Systems Operation We start with Petroski’s (1992) argument that all engineering designs are hypotheses to be tested and the comments by Starbuck and Millikan (1988) that fine tuning is “experimentation in the face of uncertainty.” Thus, the operation of complex systems constitutes empirical testing of engineering design hypotheses often in poorly designed experimental settings fraught with uncertainty and failures Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 27 Thus, the challenge becomes: How we design, build, and operate complex, high consequence systems as competent experiments that will enable designers and operators together to push back the walls of uncertainty and prevent, in so far as possible, unrecoverable failures? The designers might be guided by the following principles:     Simplify as much as possible and avoid over design (Leveson, 1995) Avoid excessive redundancies that provide back-ups but also increase the paths to failure Increase decoupling in order to increase the potential responses of operators and allow better isolation of subsystems and observation and control of variables Increase information sources relevant to projected uncertainties Most important, designers should:  make explicit those uncertainties that their design safety factors, redundancies, and controls are intended to control Questions and uncertainties are better shared with the operating organizations than attempts to design around them Rather then assuming solutions, they should be empirically tested Designers should set the experimental agenda to whatever extent possible From the organizational side, operating teams should engage in “High Reliability Organizing.” When operating complex, high consequence systems, organizations cannot achieve high reliability, that is, eliminate uncertainty and risk We can achieve high reliability organizing which is the process of gaining knowledge and pushing back the walls of uncertainty Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 28 In describing High Reliability Organizing (HRO), we draw primarily from the work of Weick, Sutcliffe, and Obstfeld (1999) HRO calls for “mindfulness” as a general term for the many ways that different cognitive processes interact to create knowledge These processes include:      Preoccupation with failure Reluctance to simplify interpretations Sensitivity to operations Commitment to resilience Underspecification of structures Consider these processes as guiding principles for the ongoing development and execution of competent experiments linked to unexpected events The connection between systems uncertainty and mindfulness is captured by Schulman (cited in Weick, Sutcliffe, and Obstfeld (1999) There is Widespread recognition that all potential failure modes into which the highly complex technical systems could resolve themselves have yet to be experienced Nor have they been exhaustively deduced Therefore, the primary focus should be on competent experimentation to produce knowledge The budgets for operating groups should include provision for learning These extra costs are likely to be far smaller than the costs of over design and the extra maintenance costs of over designed systems Perhaps, as we enter the “knowledge economy,” accountants will be able to see knowledge creation as an investment rather than an overhead expense Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 29 With respect to complex, high consequence systems, organizing will generally involved multi-professional teams because of the wide range of professional knowledge involved There has to be continuing involvement of design and maintenance engineers along with operators Such teams are more complex than multi-skilled teams where it is expected that all members can master all required skills Given the challenge of competent experimentation, it should be apparent that operating roles will become professional with demanding qualifications Managing complex high consequence technical systems becomes organizing ongoing competent experiments whose purpose is to push back the boundaries of system uncertainty by mindful attention to system performance, continuos questioning, and the systematic evaluation of what is known, what is in doubt, and what might remain unknown The organization literature terms this a learning organization In this case, the subjects are both organizational functioning and the functioning of a complex tightly coupled system C West Churchman (1971) called for such a model when he wrote that systems design processes cannot be separated from their outcomes Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 30 Figure Four Quadrants of Normal Accident Theory and Refinery Reliability As Reportable Quantity Accidental Hazardous Substance Releases (Wolf and Berniker, 1999) COUPLING Tighter COMPLEXITY More Complex Less Complex Catastrophic Accidents = RQ Releases = 15 RQ average = 1.0/plant/year Looser (n = refineries) Catastrophic Accidents = RQ Releases = 829 RQ average = 9.8/plant/year (n = 17 refineries) Catastrophic accidents = RQ Releases = 26 RQ average = 0.3/plant/year (n = 16 refineries) Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 31 FIGURE Four Quadrants of Normal Accident Theory and Refinery Reliability As Reportable Quantity Accidental Hazardous Substance Releases/10MBC (Wolf and Finnie, 2001) COMP L E XI T Y More Complex 2.197 RQs/10MBC (n = 14 refineries) ROA > 5.0% COUP L I NG ROA < 5.0% Less Complex 1.948 RQs/10MBC (n = 15 refineries) 2.707 RQs/10MBC (n = 20 refineries) 2.290 RQs/10MBC (n = 21 refineries) Papers/Managing Complex Systems – IAMOT 2001 Berniker and Wolf - Managing Complex Technical Systems 32 References Bertalanffy, Ludvig von, (1968) General System Theory, New York: George Braziller Churchman, C (1971) The Design of Inquiring Systems New York: Basic Books Davidson, R (1970) Peril on the Job Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press Dorf, R (1996) The Engineers Handbook Boca Raton, FL: CRC/IEEE Press Heinrich, H (1959) Industrial Accident Prevention (4th ed.) 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