Zussael h I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me, And what can be the use of him is more than I can see He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head; And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed —Robert Louis Stevenson, “My Shadow” Moaro, being a quiddity rather than a true sovereign, has no real demesne However, the city of Zussael (and the Plains of Desolation that surround it), once her home, retains some obvious significance to the fallen daughter of the grand matriarch Strangely, it seems almost as if Moaro responds to Zussael’s presence: in her wanderings, Moaro never travels far from the shadowy city-state and, indeed, seems to become more lucid the closer she is to her former home Almost as if in response, the city becomes more twisted and complex as Moaro wanders closer, the structures themselves changing in response to her presence Perhaps, it recognizes its lost daughter, or perhaps, Moaro’s Demesne Zussael has the planar traits of the Shadow Plane (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide for details) in addition to the following: Hidden Corners: Some portions of Zussael can only be reached when the full moon shines brightest Locating these mysterious sections of the city requires a DC 25 Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (geography) check Once a location is discovered, the creature can find it in the future with no check required A DC 25 Survival check allows the creature to pinpoint the minutes during the full moon when the area can be reached Creatures within the area can freely leave at any time although may not be able to return until the next full moon Should Moaro ever enter Zussael, these locations can all be entered normally Twisted: Zussael grows harder to navigate when the moon is dark or Moaro is away During a full moon or when Moaro is near the city’s boundary, it can be relatively easily navigated as any normal metropolis During a waxing or waning moon, creatures attempting to navigate Zussael must succeed on a DC 15 Survival check to not become lost within the city’s moving streets and changing structures Use the rules for getting lost in the wilderness (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook for details) except navigation tools not provide a bonus During a new moon, the Survival check increases to DC 25 and the DC of all related checks (recognizing you’re lost, setting a new course, and so on) increase by +10 Darklings gain a +4 modifier to these Survival checks The effect of Moaro’s presence supersedes the moon and decreases the difficulty in navigation Stability: The physical nature of objects grows weaker within Zussael with the phases of the moon During the full moon, all objects and structures have normal hardness and hit points During the waxing, waning, or new moon, all objects and structures have half their normal hit points During the new moon, objects and structures have half their usual hardness and any creature can move through any solid object as if they were incorporeal as a free action The creature can still manipulate other objects or treat them as completely solid if they wish Objects enchanted with the ghost touch property cannot be passed through or entered and not have their hardness or hit points reduced This has no effect on constructs or animated objects — 128 —