Korapira’s Demesne The Green Expanse has the following traits: Impeded Magic: It is difficult to magically navigate or travel within the Green Expanse without using the realm’s paths Any spell with the teleportation descriptor or any divination spell (such as find the path) used to navigate is impeded (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide) Creatures attempting to cast spells or use spell-like abilities of this type within the Green Expanse must make a concentration check (DC 20 + the level of the spell) If the check fails, the spell does not function but is still lost Paths: Creatures within the Green Expanse can use the right paths to reach any familiar forest within the multiverse Th is requires a single successful DC 25 Knowledge (nature) check for a group of creatures and functions as the teleport spell, except interplanar travel is possible, creatures can travel any distance, and travel always requires one hour of walking (regardless of movement speed) A failure on the skill check by or more causes the creature to become lost and causes skill checks to navigate the paths to be at a cumulative +5 DC until the creature makes a successful check to navigate the paths An attempt to travel to a false destination or a mishap instead causes the creature to travel to the Heartwood The Heartwood can otherwise be reached with no need for familiarity This effect cannot be used to travel to the demesnes of other sovereigns unless they permit it The paths can additionally be used to navigate the Green Expanse itself The familiarity of any desired location is always a minimum of viewed once Shifting: The Green Expanse is difficult to navigate without using the paths, and the forest actively works to cause creatures within to become lost Anyone traveling overland through the demesne must make DC 20 Survival checks each hour to see if they become lost (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook) Navigational tools (maps, sextants) cannot be used Any additional Survival check made by creatures to either recognize they are lost or set a new course take a −5 penalty — 76 — It’s usually about that time that travelers start to really take note of the staggering diversity of plant life present and realize the immediacy of the situation Most of the sounds and movement come from the plants themselves Vines visibly snake along the ground; branches and leaves shift and vie for sunlight; green jaws clamp shut on errant insects The apex predators of these forests are the plants themselves: (mostly) stationary flytraps that could entomb a man in a single bite, hidden pitcher plants awaiting the unwary footfall, grasping vines that extend from hidden aggressors, seeming normal animals and humanoids that are actually plants using mimicry, and other even stranger forms TUFAGA The Tufaga are what remain of the natives of Tanarao Korapira’s presence was actually prophesied by the Tufaga, who see her birth as a cleansing and scouring that ushers in a new age; they worship her as a god These devout and ruthless people everything in Korapira’s name They know every square inch of the forests and travel them unmolested They utilize the vast alchemical cornucopia of the forest for medicines, poisons, and psychedelics They guard the borders and tend to the gardens They navigate the Green Expanse throughout the multiverse, returning with slaves for Korapira’s experiments They even regularly offer up themselves to her experiments, with the result that many now possess plantlike traits and abilities Korapira’s first dealing with the Tufaga left her more than a little confused She had never expected animals (as she refers to all non-plant creatures), those she has effectively declared war on, to treat her as a god Her initial hesitation in slaughtering these worshippers has proven extremely beneficial to her They have become favored pets, and ultimately, she hopes they will be the mechanism by which she turns all animal life into plants