Jasmine’s home That very evening, she began whispering quiet words of revolution in the ears of Jasmine’s subjects It may take years or even decades, but Lady Jaye will take her place as rightful ruler of Aralu Characteristics: While still technically a black hat, Lady Jaye has transformed into a tall and slim maiden with black tresses and stunning beauty Side by side with Jasmine and Mab, the lords and ladies of court would quake in their loveliness Relationships: Lady Jaye has a small army of black hats loyal to her, at least when she’s around Thus far, none have ratted her out to Jasmine She seeks alliances with the windscorned, but their isolationist nature makes them difficult to deal with She’ll happily ensnare as many mortals as possible to her bidding As for Jasmine, Lady Jaye has no desire to reveal herself to the object of her obsession quite yet She’s aware of how much power she needs to obtain before Jasmine can be destroyed Strategy & Tactics: Like Jasmine, Lady Jaye seeks to seduce rather than destroy After all, why throw away a pawn when you can convert it? If she should be forced to fight, she will throw her minions in waves at the enemy while retreating into the shadows, using her stealth to slip away MOONDOG TUMBLEBUSH Moondog was bored I mean, he’s not a kid anymore, and there’s so much out there to see! It’s not so much that he ran away from home as it is that he’s running toward everything else (The sense of adventure really latched onto this one.) He wants to follow in his elders’ footsteps, of course, becoming one with the Grand Illusion: the Kaleidoscopic Veil within and the Technicolor Cavalcade without But he’s not really into burying his face in books and practicing his harmonic kaleidoscopes day after day Moondog really learns best when he’s out in it, when he’s really able to get is hands dirty with the illusion, when he’s allowed to fail fantastically And he’s learning so much! Characteristics: Moondog’s really just like any other far darrig, albeit showing a bit more rashness and gusto — 66 — Actually, take your average far darrig and dial them up a notch or two, and there’s your Moondog He has a penchant for talking all the time and asking ridiculous questions Relationships: Moondog has latched on to a few other individuals periodically along his travels, usually after pestering them incessantly with his illusions He’s never been asked to stick around, but he’s so charming in his own way that it’s impossible to not be drawn in despite the annoyingly constant stream of consciousness erupting from his mouth It’s a very conflicting experience Strategy & Tactics: Moondog plays every moment by ear, never planning ahead You can’t plan for everything, so it’s better to plan for nothing He does go out of his way to never the same thing twice in a row He is the very epitome of unpredictable So it’s tough to say how he might react in any given circumstance I can say that he’ll probably surprise you ADDING COMPLICATION Complication is the hallmark of the fey They would likely shrivel and die without it The following odds and ends can be used to inspire plotlines for use in your game: ❖❖ Of course, Jasmine wants to be free, and surely, she would be even more of a terror if able to roam freely outside of Aralu Her prison is not so easily thwarted, however But what if, more simply, she is able to also imprison Mab? Jasmine is very much still capable of accomplishing much the old fashioned way, through manipulation and influence, lies and coercion, deceit and treachery Do not for one moment dismiss Jasmine’s potential for putting events into motion ❖❖ Or perhaps, most perverse, what if Titania and Oberon must be put down for good, and only by teaming up, as grotesque and temporary as that must be, can Jasmine and Mab survive to once again return to simply plotting against one another ❖❖ The far darrig have a plan to cut Jasmine from their lives! It’s complicated, but just maybe