The Faerie Ring mates from the pens to share her bed for a time until she tires of them FORGOTTEN CAVERNS The caverns of the forgotten are reserved for fey who hold some terrible secret others desire to never be known It might also become home to prisoners wishing to forever forget some crime they committed Creatures dwelling in the caverns find their memories slipping away over time Within days, they might have difficulty recalling specific names, dates, and details After months or years, they recall little of their lives before entering Aralu, the memories relegated to confusing dreams These effects persist until they leave the caverns, their memories slowly returning after an equal passage of time Use of this portion of the gaol halted shortly after Jasmine was bound to the realm to prevent shameful secrets from falling into her hands She still manages to occasionally find some ancient forgotten prisoner, drawing them away from the caverns to slowly gain information from their recovered memories More than one fey noble fears the day Jasmine uncovers some fact they hoped forever buried RED BATH Crafted by the black hats with their foul sorcery, Jasmine’s private antechamber is a thing of which nightmares are made The stony expanse contrasts sharply with the velvet finery that drapes the place, serving as her bedchambers and private areas where she entertains her most important guests Dominating the very center of the chamber sits a large bath cut from granite on a central rise This stone tub is ritually filled with the blood of Jasmine’s fairest prisoners, and in this filth, Jasmine bathes her primeval form Through a mixture of foul necromancy and illusion, Jasmine’s Damsel form is continually renewed through the drained beauty of those slaughtered to bathe her, allowing her to maintain the glamoured facade of a vibrant young noblewoman If spied upon here, Jasmine can be seen in her true form—that of a bloated, gigantic, slime-covered worm rolling and bathing in the gore Anyone witnessing such a horrid sight finds it nigh-impossible thereafter to see Jasmine as a beautiful creature regardless of the glamour she wears Jasmine immediately devours anyone who thus gives away having spied on her It is for good reason Jasmine retires to the Red Bath alone SHRINE OF THE SOUTH GATE In the distant mountains to the south of the Valley of the Bloodwind, there is rumored to be an extant shrine to the spirits of the wind—the same spirits responsible for the wind curse Few know where the shrine is and even whether it truly exists, but many windscorned believe that it alone is the key to curing those afflicted by the curse However, it is also rumored that the winds demand a high price in servitude for their aid SLEEPLESS CELLS The sleepless cells are reserved for those fey condemned for betrayal Most trapped within failed in some attempt to take power, broke sacred oaths, or crossed the wrong influential nobles Aralu itself seems to take pleasure in causing misery to those held here Prisoners find it impossible to find comfort or rest Every stone is sharp enough to painfully cut but not truly wound Food and water are scarce but sufficient to keep everyone alive The earth occasionally quakes, causing collapses that break bones without crushing skulls No prisoner is ever killed by the environment They are instead each kept on a knife’s edge between death and suicidal despair with just enough hope to keep them going All who spend any time within these caves are eager for respite, and Jasmine has recruited her most trusted servants from the sleepless cells She likewise uses them to maintain loyalty, reminding her followers that there are worse fates than death VALLEY OF THE BLOODWIND South of the primary entrance to Aralu is a blasted land populated by impossibly tall, knife-edged spires and redstone arches This high-altitude desert is home to the largest known windscorned nesting ground Bloodspire is the biggest aerie, and satellite aeries are scattered throughout the valley Such a dense population brings nearly constant conflict — 57 —