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IVOA Astronomical Data Query Language

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Tiêu đề ivoa astronomical data query language
Tác giả Ivoa Voql Working Group
Người hướng dẫn Masatoshi Ohishi, Alex Szalay
Trường học ivoa
Chuyên ngành astronomical data query language
Thể loại working draft
Năm xuất bản 2005
Định dạng
Số trang 67
Dung lượng 568,5 KB

Cấu trúc

  • 2.1 Restrictions on SQL92 (4)
    • 2.1.1 Built-in Functions (4)
    • 2.1.2 INTO clause (4)
    • 2.1.3 Comments (5)
  • 2.2 Extensions to SQL92 (5)
    • 2.2.1 Aliases (5)
    • 2.2.2 Regions (5)
    • 2.2.3 Mathematical Funtions (5)
    • 2.2.4 XMATCH (5)
    • 2.2.5 XPATH for Columns (6)
    • 2.2.6 Returning subset of records – TOP (6)
    • 2.2.7 Units (6)
    • 2.2.8 Table Names with special chars\ (6)
  • 2.3 Version information (6)
  • 2.4 Regions (7)

Nội dung

Restrictions on SQL92

Built-in Functions

ADQL allows users to call built-in functions defined on the server system, with a minimum set specified in the SkyNodeInterface These scalar-valued functions include utilities for calculating great circle distances and converting units, such as from sexagesimal to decimal The SkyNodeInterface also provides a method for discovering all available functions on the server Users can leverage these functions in ADQL if they are aware of their existence in the target system, such as SkyNode.

Select HEALPIXID(a.ra, a.dec), a.ra, a.dec from photobjall a

A concise set of common built-in functions that represent the necessary astronomical functionality, together with their standard function names, will be defined in later versions of the ADQL specification.

INTO clause

INTO is a supported feature for VOSpace, allowing users to utilize the 'select into' command in SQL to create new tables or insert data into existing ones In ADQL, a similar functionality is anticipated, enhancing data management capabilities within the system.

The VOSpace endpoint is where files or tables can be created or appended Specifying this endpoint is not included in ADQL, which only provides the syntax necessary for defining a destination.

Select g.* into VOS:/JHU/gal from galaxy g where g.redshift > 3.5

1 http://cui.unige.ch/db-research/Enseignement/analyseinfo/AboutBNF.html#Johnson75


Comments in code must be formatted using the /* */ syntax and can only be placed before or after the main query It is important to note that comments cannot be inserted within the actual query itself.

Extensions to SQL92


All table names in ADQL must have an alias Aliasing tables is a part of standard SQL but we are enforcing this in ADQL/s.

This means queries in ADQL/s must take the form

This makes substitution of table names much easier as it must be done in only one place to change the alias.


ADQL supports the region specification as defined by the region.xsd [3] of the

IVOA/NVO For this and RegionXML specified below we shall create some default coordinate systems and units to simplify the regions initially See subsection 2.4 for its detailed specification.

Mathematical Funtions

JDBC [4] Mathematical functions shall be allowed in ADQL as follows:

Trigonometric functions: acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, cot, sin, tan

Math functions: abs, ceiling, degrees, exp, floor, log, log10, mod, pi, power, radians, sqrt, rand, round, truncate.


XMATCH refers to the process of crossmatching multiple astronomical catalogs and is applicable at a portal or SkyNode that allows for table uploads for matching While the semantic definition of XMATCH is detailed in the SkyNodeInterface specification, this document focuses solely on its syntax In ADQL, XMATCH is used in the WHERE clause and functions similarly to a function, with each parameter representing a table to be crossmatched, and the final parameter indicating the sigma value for the chi-square match.

SELECT o.objId, o.ra, o.r, o.type, t.objId

Please note this is a change as of ADQL0.8 Prior to this the sigma value was outside the bracket as in XMATCH(o, t) 100 Jansky

Table Names with special chars\

ADQL allows the use of square brackets ‘[ ]’ to enclose literal names that might trigger parsing errors For instance, if a table name begins with a number, the parser may struggle to process it; however, using brackets makes it valid.

This is also true for table names with spaces in or tables whose names are reserved words Many database systems also support this syntax.

Version information

ADQL/x documents must include a version identifier, starting with 1.0, represented as a dot-separated string of numbers This version number allows the receiving node to determine whether to process the document or raise an exception It is anticipated that this feature will be particularly relevant during major version changes that may introduce incompatibilities Our goal is to maintain backward compatibility by adding new features without deprecating existing ones.

Sample applications and tutorials for development and deployment of ADQL services is available at http://skyservice.pha.jhu.edu/develop/vo/adql/


ADQL/s will include support for the Region keyword, allowing users to specify a region using a single quoted string This approach mirrors the existing SDSS coverage specification, providing a straightforward method for defining spatial areas in queries.

The conversion process is unidirectional: when an ADQL/s string is transformed into ADQL/x, the Region string is converted into XML format If the ADQL/x is subsequently converted back to ADQL/s, the Region must still be represented as inlined XML, utilizing the RegionXML keyword.

A comment section may be incorporated into the region.xsd, preserving the original string This section will serve display purposes in specific areas and should include a concise summary description of the region in English.

Other constructs mentioned in [5] are RECT, POLY, and CHULL are also supported.

As implied above it is possible to inline a region specification as in ADQL/s using the RegionXML keyword e.g (not a valid region spec )

RegionXML (‘ICRS19.5- 36.70.02’)

It is also possible to refer to a region specification as a URL in ADQL/s using the

RegionURL (‘http://aserver.edu/aregion.xml’)

An ADQL/s might be as follows:

This would be represented in ADQL/x as follows:

LPAREN searchCondition

// expression comparisonOperator expression comparisonOperator ( expression

| (ALL | SOME | ANY) LPAREN selectStatement RPAREN

LIKE expression (ESCAPE expression)? // only single char

| CONTAINS LPAREN (dbObject | STAR) COMMA (stringLiteral | Variable) RPAREN

| FREETEXT LPAREN (dbObject | STAR) COMMA (stringLiteral | Variable) RPAREN

); region: REGION LPAREN regionClause RPAREN {adqlb.StackRegion();}; regionClause: QuotedIdentifier; xMatch: XMATCH LPAREN xAlias (COMMA xAlias)* (

){adqlb.StackXMatch();}; xSigma: number; selectList : selectItem ( COMMA selectItem )*; selectItem :

(STAR // "*, *" is a valid select list

// starts with: "alias = column_name"

(alias2 dbObject COMMA) => alias2 column

| (alias2 dbObject (binaryOperator | LPAREN)) => alias2 expression

| (dbObject (alias1)? COMMA) => column (alias1)?

| (dbObject (binaryOperator | LPAREN) ) => expression (alias1)?

){adqlb.AddSelectItem();}; fromClause : {adqlb.from();}FROM tableSource (COMMA tableSource)*; tableSource : subTableSource (joinedTable)*; subTableSource :

| (archiveTable)? dbObject (alias1)? ( (WITH)? LPAREN tableHint (COMMA tableHint)* RPAREN )?

| (CONTAINSTABLE | FREETEXTTABLE) LPAREN dbObject COMMA (dbObject | STAR) COMMA (stringLiteral | Variable) (COMMA Integer)?

| COLON COLON function (alias1)? // built-in function

// "joinHint JOIN" is invalid join expression

| ( (INNER | (LEFT | RIGHT | FULL) (OUTER)? ) (joinHint)? )? JOIN tableSource ON searchCondition; joinedTables : subTableSource (joinedTable)+; joinHint : LOOP | HASH | MERGE | REMOTE; tableHint :

LPAREN (identifier | Integer) ( COMMA (identifier | Integer) )* RPAREN

| ASSIGNEQUAL identifier // old index hint syntax

; alias1 : // alias name can also be single-quoted literal (but not for table names)

ASSIGNEQUAL; xAlias: {adqlb.StackXAlias();} (NOT alias1 | QUESTIONMARK alias1 | alias1); tableColumns : dbObject DOT_STAR; column :

(PLUS)* // "++column_name" is valid and updatable column name

// for expression like "(column)" SQL Server returns updatable column

(collate)? // it is not well documented but COLLATE can be used almost anywhere

(selectStatement) => selectStatement // select statement returning a single value

(collate)?; // it is not well documented but COLLATE can be used almost everywhere expression2: expression; function : // LEFT and RIGHT keywords are also function names

(dbObject | LEFT | RIGHT ) LPAREN ( expression (COMMA expression)*

| STAR // aggregate functions like Count(), Checksum() accept "*" as a parameter

| (ALL | DISTINCT) (STAR | expression) // aggregate function

| Variable ASSIGNEQUAL expression (COMMA Variable ASSIGNEQUAL expression)*

RPAREN; starArg: STAR {adqlb.StackStar();};

//don't use these directly aggregateFunction: (AVG|MAX|MIN|SUM|COUNT)

{adqlb.StackAggregateOp();} LPAREN (starArg|expression) RPAREN; trigFunction: (SIN|COS|TAN|COT|ASIN|ACOS|ATAN|ATAN2)


//use this one explicitFunction: (aggregateFunction | trigFunction | mathFunction) {adqlb.CloseFunction();}; archiveTable : {adqlb.StackArchiveTable();} identifier COLON; caseFunction :

CASE ( expression (WHEN expression THEN expression)+

| (WHEN searchCondition THEN expression)+ // boolean expression

; castFunction : CAST LPAREN expression AS identifier (LPAREN Integer (COMMA Integer)? RPAREN)? RPAREN; dbObject : {adqlb.StackDBObject();}

DOT (identifier | IDENTITYCOL | ROWGUIDCOL | keywordAsIdentifier)


; stringLiteral : UnicodeStringLiteral | ASCIIStringLiteral; identifier: NonQuotedIdentifier | QuotedIdentifier; constant :

ODBCDateTime | systemVariable; unaryOperator : PLUS | MINUS | TILDE

; binaryOperator : arithmeticOperator | bitwiseOperator; arithmeticOperator : {adqlb.StackArithmeticOperator();} (PLUS | MINUS | STAR | DIVIDE | MOD); bitwiseOperator : AMPERSAND | TILDE | BITWISEOR | BITWISEXOR

); logicalOperator : ALL | AND | ANY | BETWEEN | EXISTS | IN | LIKE | NOT | OR | SOME

************** class SqlLexer extends Lexer; options { testLiterals = false; k = 2; caseSensitive = false; caseSensitiveLiterals = false; charVocabulary='\u0000' '\uFFFE';

// Operators protected DOT:; // generated as a part of Number rule

// LITERALS protected Letter : 'a' 'z' | '_' | '#' | '@' | '\u0080' '\ufffe'; protected Digit : '0' '9'; protected Integer :; protected Real :; protected Exponent : 'e' (Sign)? (Digit)+ ; protected Sign : (PLUS | MINUS);

| '.' { _ttype = DOT; } ( (Digit)+ (Exponent)? { _ttype = Real; } )?

| "0x" ('a' 'f' | Digit)* { _ttype = HexLiteral; } // "0x" is valid hex literal

; protected Currency : // generated as a part of NonQuotedIdentifier rule

| ('a' 'z' | '_' | '#' | '\u0080' '\ufffe') (Letter | Digit)* // first char other than '@'

// test for literals in case of a function begining with '@' (eg "@@ERROR") options { testLiterals = true; }

HexLiteral // generated as a part of Number rule

The XML schema defines the structure for ADQL (Astronomical Data Query Language) version 0.9, utilizing namespaces such as tns for ADQL, xs for XML Schema, and reg for STC region specifications It ensures that elements are qualified under the specified target namespace, facilitating standardized data queries in astronomical contexts.

The base type for any of items to be selected in a query

The base type for a scalar expression

Represents an expression inside a bracket

Represents a binary expression such as a+b

Used for expressing operations like A+B

Represents an unary expression such as -(a.ra)

Operators for expressing a single element operation

Represents a column

Encapsulates basic literals such as Strings, Integers and Real numbers

The base type for all literals

The base type for all numbers

Represents a real number

Represents an integer

Represents a string literal

The base type for a function

Option of selecting all or distinct elements in a query

Enumeration for All and Distinct options

Represents a trigonometric function

Enumeration of allowed trigonometric functions

Represents a math function

Enumeration of allowed math functions

Represents an aggregate function

Enumeration of allowed aggregate functions

Used to select an expression as a new alias column

Represent all columns as in Select * query

The Comparison operators such as Less-than or More-than, etc

The base type for all tables used in the From clause of the query

Same as a tableType with an additional archive name

Represents a table with its name and its alias name

The base type for all table inclusion or drop types used in a cross match expression

Used for adding a table for the Xmatch operation

Used for avoiding a table in Xmatch

The base type for searches in Where and Having clauses of the query

Represents expressions like A And B

Represents expressions like A Or B

A cross match expression

The Like expression of a query

The Not Like expression of a query

Represents SQL NOT IN expression

The base type for selection set in a SQL IN expression

Represents the subquery in a SQL IN expression

Represents expressions like (A)

Represents the Comparison of two expressions

Represents the Between expression of a query

Represents the Not Between expression of a query

Represents expressions like Not A

Represents the Regions such as circle in Where clause

Represents the Having expression part of a query

Represents the Group By expression part of a query

Represents the Where part of the query

Represents the From part of the query

List of items to be selected in the Query

Represents the TOP part of a query

Represents the SQL INTO expression

Ascending or Descending order of an Order by term

Option for setting the direction for Order By

Represents the ORDER BY part of a query

List of expressions in which order the results should be provided

Represents a list of constants provided for a SQL IN expression

Represents SQL IN expression

The only permitted root element of a query, the SELECT element

The SELECT part of a query

Represents user defined function expressions

Denotes the type of a Join operation

Represents SQL JOIN expression

Represents an array of tables in the from expression

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2022, 11:25
