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The United Nations Diabetes Resolution and the Diabetes Pandemic - A Call to Action

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Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) Advancing women’s health throughout the life span 777 United Nations Plaza, 7th Floor New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: +1 212 286 0424 www.gawh.org ® ® Merck & Co., Inc One Merck Drive Whitehouse, NJ 08889-0100 Tel: +1 908 423 1000 www.merck.com ® Global Alliance for Women’s Health in co-sponsorship with the Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations Office at Geneva in partnership with Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk A/S Novo Allé, 2880 Bagsværd Denmark Tel: +45 4444 8888 www.novonordisk.com Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations Office at Geneva Avenue Blanc 47 1202 Geneva Tel: +41 22 731 89 20 Fax: +41 22 732 82 55 Email: mission.tanzania@ties.itu.int Merck & Co., Inc and Novo Nordisk A/S The United Nations Diabetes Resolution and the Diabetes Pandemic - A Call to Action Thursday, 17 May 2007 1:00 – 3:00 p.m U.N Delegates Dining Room Palais des Nations, Geneva member states from all U.N regions With these governmental partners and with the private sector partners, GAWH has presented symposia, roundtables, briefings, luncheons and receptions throughout the world: in Geneva, Addis Ababa, Beijing, Jakarta, Dakar, Istanbul, Copenhagen and Washington, DC A large number of the meetings have been held at U.N headquarters in New York and at member states’ U.N missions: e.g., Australia, Germany and Romania ® Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) The Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) is committed to advancing women’s health in all stages of life and at all policy levels through health promotion, education, advocacy and program implementation GAWH believes that long-term initiatives and commitments are needed and that partnering with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governmental organizations, the private sector and academic institutions is necessary to provide effective health care and research for women In 2003, the Global Alliance for Women’s Health began a diabetes campaign to expand international awareness of the increasing prevalence of diabetes and its impact on women GAWH organized the first symposium ever on diabetes at U.N headquarters in March 2004 at the 48th Session of the U.N Commission on the Status of Women By March 2005, GAWH had organized six additional events and had presented a statement to the 49 th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women GAWH’s outreach extends to more than 110 countries Each year, our website is visited by more than 90,000 visitors Additionally, the Global Alliance for Women’s Health has:      Created worldwide women’s health networks on several issues including tobacco, trachoma and diabetes Campaigned successfully among member states at the United Nations to include provisions for women’s health throughout the life span in four platforms of the world conferences in the 1990s Developed partnerships across the public and private sectors in all regions of the world to advance women’s health Developed donation programs for meningitis vaccine and palliative treatment for oral thrush for persons living with HIV/AIDS Campaigned to expedite treatment for HIV/AIDS in SubSaharan Africa Since its founding 13 years ago, GAWH has developed public-private partnerships for health advocacy and education with more than 80 Novo Nordisk is leading the fight against diabetes Defeating diabetes is our passion and our business We have made a promise to change diabetes, which starts by recognizing that the status quo is not good enough We want to position ourselves as a partner and catalyst for change in our mission to finding ways of improving and changing the way diabetes is managed, and ultimately – defeated Novo Nordisk is a healthcare company and already a world leader in diabetes care The company has the broadest diabetes product portfolio in the industry, including the most advanced products within the area of insulin delivery systems In addition, Novo Nordisk has a leading position within areas such as haemostasis management, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services that make a significant difference to patients, the medical profession and society With headquarters in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs more than 23,500 employees in 79 countries, and markets its products in 179 countries For more information, visit novonordisk.com With a focus on discovering and developing novel medicines and vaccines, as well as innovative programs and policies to ensure that people throughout the world have access to them, Merck contributes to improving the health of people in all nations _ Produced by Anne Neumann Merck & Co., Inc is a global research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to putting patients first Established in 1891, Merck discovers, develops, manufactures and markets vaccines and medicines to address unmet medical needs The company devotes extensive efforts to increase access to medicines through far-reaching programs that not only donate Merck medicines but help deliver them to the people who need them Merck also publishes unbiased health information as a notfor-profit service For more information, visit www.merck.com Since its founding in 1891, Merck researchers have pioneered innovations for treating serious diseases – a tradition that produced such major medical advances as treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, cholesterol management, osteoporosis and HIV/AIDS Merck’s long-standing record of achievement continues as the company works to develop breakthrough medicines and vaccines Today, Merck scientists are focusing on novel treatments in critical areas such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and vaccines Recognizing that serving the public interest also serves our business interests, Merck is a leader in global health policy issues worldwide In the United States, Merck provided its medicines for free to more than 600,000 Americans in need in 2003 through its Patient Assistance Program In the developing world and in those countries hardest hit by the epidemic, Merck offers its HIV/AIDS medicines at prices at which it does not profit And, through a partnership with the government of Botswana and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck has helped build a large-scale, comprehensive program focused on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support As part of the program, the Merck Company Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation each provided $50 million to the partnership United Nations A/RES/61/225 General Assembly Distr.: General 18 January 2007 Sixty-first session Agenda item 113 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [without reference to a Main Committee (A/61/L.39/Rev.1 and Add.1)] 61/225 World Diabetes Day The General Assembly, Recalling the 2005 World Summit Outcome and the United Nations Millennium Declaration2, as well as the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields, in particular the health-related development goals set out therein, and its resolutions 58/3 of 27 October 2003, 60/35 of 30 November 2005 and 60/265 of 30 June 2006, Recognizing that strengthening public-health and health-care delivery systems is critical to achieving internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, Recognizing also that diabetes is a chronic, debilitating and costly disease associated with severe complications, which poses severe risks for families, Member States and the entire world and serious challenges to the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, _ See resolution 60/1 See resolution 55/2 06-50787 A/RES/61/225 Recalling World Health Assembly resolutions WHA42.36 of 19 May 1989 on the prevention and control of diabetes mellitus and WHA57.17 of 22 May 2004 on a global strategy on diet, physical activity and health4, Welcoming the fact that the International Diabetes Federation has been observing 14 November as World Diabetes Day at a global level since 1991, with co-sponsorship of the World Health Organization, Recognizing the urgent need to pursue multilateral efforts to promote and improve human health, and provide access to treatment and health-care education, UN Decides to designate 14 November, the current World Diabetes Day, as a United Nations Day, to be observed every year beginning in 2007; Invites all Member States, relevant organizations of the United Nations system and other international organizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to observe World Diabetes Day in an appropriate manner, in order to raise public awareness of diabetes and related complications, as well as its prevention and care, including through education and the mass media; Encourages Member States to develop national policies for the prevention, treatment and care of diabetes in line with the sustainable development of their health-care systems, taking into account the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals; Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of all Member States and organizations of the United Nations system 83rd plenary meeting 20 December 2006 _ See World Health Organization, Forty-second World Health Assembly, Geneva, 8–19 May 1989, Resolutions and Decisions, Annexes (WHA42/1989/REC/1) Ibid., Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly, Geneva, 17–22 May 2004, Resolutions and Decisions, Annexes (WHA57/2004/REC/1) Millennium Development Goals See http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ The United Nations Diabetes Resolution and the Diabetes Pandemic - A Call to Action Agenda Welcoming Remarks  Elaine M Wolfson, Ph.D President and Founder, Global Alliance for Women’s Health Presenters  Professor Jean Claude Mbanya, MD, PhD, FRCP (London) o Keynote address, “The Global Burden of Diabetes and the Impact of Prevention and Care” President-Elect, International Diabetes Federation; Physician and Professor of Endocrinology; Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon  Dr Harvey Katzef o “The Diabetes Epidemic: New Tools for a Brighter Future” Global Director for Scientific Affairs – Diabetes for Merck Research Labs, Merck & Co., Inc  Kaushik Ramaiya, MD o “Status of Diabetes Care in Africa” Consultant Physician and Assistant Medical Administrator, Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Hon Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Muhimbili University of Health Science, Dar es Salaam  Professor AK Azad Khan, MD, Ph.D., FRCP (London) o “Diabetes in South-East Asia” Founder President, Bangladesh Gastroenterology Society, Honorary President for life; Founder Secretary General, Bangladesh Endocrinology Society, Currently Vice-President Questions and Answers Dr Harvey Katzef Global Director for Scientific Affairs – Diabetes for Merck Research Labs Merck & Co., Inc Dr Harvey Katzeff attended Carnegie Mellon University where he studied Chemistry and Physics He then received his medical degree from the State University of NY, Downstate Medical Center in 1976 He performed his residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Arizona, Good Samaritan Hospital, in Phoenix, Az and his fellowship in Endocrinology and Metabolism was completed at the University of Vermont Dr Katzeff then joined the faculty of Cornell Medical College and Rockefeller University where he studied the interrrelationships between nutrition and thyroid hormone metabolism Dr Katzeff was then appointed as the Director of Diabetes at North Shore University Hospital and then Chief of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Long Island Jewish/ North Shore Health System prior to joining the Division of Clinical Research as Medical Director in Metabolism at the Merck Research Laboratory Dr Katzeff is presently the Global Director for Scientific Affairs – Diabetes for Merck Research Labs Dr Katzeff has received numerous honors including a Public Health Service Traineeship and a NIH New Investigator Award as well as numerous research grants He was Chairman of the Professional Education Committee and then President of the Eastern Region of the American Diabetes Association He has published over 40 original reports in the medical literature as well as book chapters and reviews and has been a journal reviewer for numerous journals He is recognized for his expertise in the study of the interrelationship between diabetes and obesity University of New York, and held an adjunct appointment at the Columbia University School of Public Health She has lectured on women’s health at international seminars in Spain, Italy and Korea, and has consulted on women’s health with the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Her publications on women’s health include articles, monographs and edited compilations Elaine M Wolfson, Ph.D President and Founder Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) A political scientist and academic since 1967, Dr Wolfson became a representative of a non-governmental organization at the United Nations in 1991 As a result of her research in the formation of social policy, more than two decades of work on women’s health policy, and her experience at the United Nations, she noted the consistent underattention and inadequate information available about all stages of women’s health throughout the world She founded the Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH), a non-governmental organization, in 1994 in order to help address these shortcomings through women’s health advocacy, education and promotion internationally During the 1960’s, her research on the formation of social policy in the United States convinced her of the importance of the private sector in the development of sustainable economic opportunity It also became apparent to her that many of the advances in women’s health garnered in the twentieth century in the US often originated from private initiatives—from individuals as well as corporations, from foundations and academia and from the profit as well as the not-for-profit sectors In those instances, the role of government in developing public policy for women’s health was reactive In the early 1980’s after finishing a special program for Ph.D.s in the arts and sciences at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr Wolfson began teaching courses on business and society in an MBA program at Baruch College, a branch of the City University of New York Her lectures and her research on women’s health reinforced her understanding of public-private partnerships With her founding of the Global Alliance for Women’s Health, these ideas coalesced Publicprivate partnerships became a cornerstone of GAWH’s mission and its method for advancing women’s health internationally Dr Wolfson was educated at Smith College (BA) and New York University (MA and Ph.D.) and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (certificate) She has taught at New York University, the State University of New York, Long Island University, Rutgers University and the City Professor AK Azad Khan, MD, Ph.D., FRCP (London) Founder President, Bangladesh Gastroenterology Society, Honorary President for life Founder Secretary General, Bangladesh Endocrinology Society, Currently Vice-President Professor AK Azad Khan is the Founder Professor, Gastroenterology in Bangladesh He has published over 150 original research papers Currently, he is Honorary President for life of the Bangladesh Gastroenterology Society and Vice-President of the Bangladesh Endocrinology Society In addition, he is Founder Secretary General of the Asian Network for Research in anti-diabetic plant materials (ANRAP) As the President of the Diabetes Association of Bangladesh, Professor Khan is the Chief Organizer of Diabetic Health Care delivery and primary prevention in Bangladesh Professor Khan received his MBBS from the University of Dhaka in 1965 with honors in Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine In 1970, he received his FCPS degree in Medicine from the College of Physician & Surgeons of Pakistan and was awarded with the Col Jefrey Gold Medal for best performance in Pakistan Professor Khan obtained his D Phil from Oxford University in 1977 Professor Khan has been awarded several honorary degrees In 1999, he received the Honoris Causa Medicinae Doctorem from the University of Basel, Switzerland Since 2000, he has been a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London Professor Khan became a Fellow of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences in 2001 Professor Jean Claude Mbanya, MD, Ph.D., FRCP (London) President-Elect, International Diabetes Federation Physician and Professor of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon Professor Mbanya is a Physician and Professor of Endocrinology at the Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon He has been actively involved with the IDF for many years, notably as Chair of the IDF African Region (1994-2000), Vice President of IDF (2000-2006), member of the Board of Management and Executive Board (1994-present) and Chair of the IDF Task Force on Insulin, Test Strips and Other Diabetes Supplies (1997-present) Prof Mbanya also serves on several WHO advisory groups As Chair of the Task Force on Insulin, Test Strips and Other Diabetes Supplies, Prof Mbanya has focused his energy on the fulfillment of the Task Force’s mission to make insulin available and accessible to everyone who needs it His commitment and efforts have led the American Diabetes Association to choose him as the 2004 recipient of the Harold Rifkin Award for Distinguished International Service in the Cause of Diabetes Professor Mbanya is Editor-in-Chief of “Diabetes Bulletin” in Cameroon and a member of the International Committee of Diabetes Media (ICDM) Kaushik Ramaiya, MD Consultant Physician and Assistant Medical Administrator, Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Hon Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Muhimbili University of Health Science, Dar es Salaam Dr Kaushik Ramaiya is Consultant Physician and Assistant Medical Administrator at Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Hon Lecturer at the Department of Medicine of Muhimbili University of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam He is currently Vice-President of the IDF Dr Ramaiya received his basic medical training at the University of Bombay, India, and completed his postgraduate training in internal medicine at the University of Dar es Salaam Dr Ramaiya has been actively involved in research on diabetes for many years He specialised, among other topics, on glucose tolerance and cardiovascular disease risk factors and mainly focused on Hindu communities living in Africa Dr Ramaiya greatly contributed to a better understanding of diabetes in the African region His research on the role of ethnic differences is of great value Dr Ramaiya has also investigated on the status of diabetes care in Africa, the economic costs of diabetes and its consequences He has held many oral presentations and published several articles on the above topics Dr Ramaiya is Honorary General Secretary for the Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania and Honorary General Secretary of the Tanzanian Diabetes Association Previous appointments include Secretary of the Organising Committee for the 6th Pan African Diabetes Study Group Congress, held in Dar es Salaam in 1998 ... Science, Dar es Salaam Dr Kaushik Ramaiya is Consultant Physician and Assistant Medical Administrator at Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Hon Lecturer at the Department... Goals See http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ The United Nations Diabetes Resolution and the Diabetes Pandemic - A Call to Action Agenda Welcoming Remarks  Elaine M Wolfson, Ph.D President and. .. e.g., Australia, Germany and Romania ® Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) The Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH) is committed to advancing women’s health in all stages of life and at

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Mục lục

    Global Alliance for Women’s Health

    in co-sponsorship with the

    Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations Office at Geneva

    Novo Nordisk A/S

    The United Nations Diabetes Resolution and the Diabetes Pandemic - A Call to Action

    Global Alliance for Women’s Health (GAWH)

    The United Nations Diabetes Resolution and

    the Diabetes Pandemic - A Call to Action

    Professor Jean Claude Mbanya, MD, PhD, FRCP (London)

    Keynote address, “The Global Burden of Diabetes and the Impact of Prevention and Care”


