Virtual Teaming and Course Component Matrix for FIPSE Projects UCA CofC UB VIC University of Central Arkansas College of Charleston Universidad de Baja University of Vic, Spain Date Project Name University Professor Fall 2009 Culture Questions Through Virtual Teams UCA UC UADY Carson Ancona or Carline Fall 2009 Simulation on Negotiations between US and Mexico Fall 2009 Culture through Cinema between US and Mexico Spring 2009 Culture Questions Through Virtual Teams UCA UADY Gatlin Valentin UCA UC Gatlin Marboro Ancona?? UCA UC Carson Ancona Virtual Teaming Project Matrix NS FIU UPEI HAME UADY Nicholls State University Florida International University University of Prince Edward Island Hame Polytechnic, Finland Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan Students Courses Get # MGMT 2301: Business Communication ?????? Get # MGMT 3315: Diversity and Multicultural Communication (1 team) Get # Get # MGMT 3315: Diversity and Multicultural Communication MGMT 2301: Business Communication ?????? Page UC UV StFX UNB Universidad de Colima Universidad Veracruzana St Francis Xavier University Universite de New Brunswick Project Description Students from Mexico and the US were placed in virtual teams Using e-mail, students explored culture based on a number of prepared questions Student groups present and discuss their findings via videoconference Trial run: Students will engage in a simulated negotiation between the US and Mexico Observers will include additional class members and Mexican partners via video conference Students from Mexico and the US were placed in virtual teams Each team was assigned a movie from the US and a movie from Mexico to view and analyze The virtual partners collaborated to gain an understanding of the cultural nuances in the films Students from Mexico and the US were placed in virtual teams Using e-mail, students explored culture based on a number of prepared questions Student groups present and discuss their findings via videoconference 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM Spring 2009 Honey ExportImport Project Culture through Spring Cinema between 2009 US and Mexico Fall 2008 Simulation on Negotiations between US and Mexico Fall 2008 Culture through Cinema between US and Mexico Fall Honey Export2008 Import Project Spring Honey Export2008 Import Project UCA UNB UCA UC UCA UCA UC UCA UPEI UCA UNB St George Virtual Teaming Project Matrix Maxwell Ingersoll Get # Gatlin Marboro 34 ???? Gatlin Gatlin Marboro 34 ???? Rubach Wiener Maxwell Ingersoll Charles Get # 62 58 Students will present marketing plans for the export of honey from Mexico to the United States and ECON2310: Global Canada They will team with partner university Environment of students in Canada and the United States via email Business and video conference A marketing plan considers product policy, pricing, promotion, and distribution International Business issues Students will also consider legal forces, cultural influences, economic factors, and brand name questions Students from Mexico and the US were placed in MGMT 3315: virtual teams Each team was assigned a movie Diversity and from the US and a movie from Mexico to view and Multicultural analyze The virtual partners collaborated to gain Communication an understanding of the cultural nuances in the films MGMT 3315: Trial run: Students will engage in a simulated Diversity and negotiation between the US and Mexico Observers Multicultural will include additional class members and Mexican Communication partners via video conference (1 team) Students from Mexico and the US were placed in MGMT 3315: virtual teams Each team was assigned a movie Diversity and from the US and a movie from Mexico to view and Multicultural analyze The virtual partners collaborated to gain Communication an understanding of the cultural nuances in the films MGMT 3342: Students will present marketing plans for the export International Business of honey from Mexico to the United States and ECON2310: Global Canada They will team with partner university students in Canada and the United States via email Environment of and video conference A marketing plan considers Business Page 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM International Business Spring 2008 Ethics Case: Whistleblowing UCA Rubach MBA 6311: International Strategies in Management Get # Spring Culture Through 2008 Cinema UCA Mt A UC Gatlin Polegato Lopez 24 19 MGMT 3315: Diversity and Multicultural Communication Fall 2007 Culture Questions Through Virtual Teams UCA UC Gatlin López 25 16 MGMT 3315: Diversity and Multicultural Communication Fall 2007 Culture Through Cinema UCA UC Gatlin López 25 16 MGMT 3315: Diversity and Multicultural Communication Fall 2007 Culture Questions Through Virtual Teams UCA UC Maxwell López 72 16 ECON2310: Global Environment of Business Gatlin 24 MGMT 3315: Spring Culture Through UCA Virtual Teaming Project Matrix Page product policy, pricing, promotion, and distribution issues Students will also consider legal forces, Students completed case analysis on ethics Students from Mexico and the US were placed in virtual teams Each team was assigned a movie from the US and a movie from Mexico to view and analyze The virtual partners collaborated to gain an understanding of the cultural nuances in the films Students from Mexico and the US were placed in virtual teams Using e-mail, students explored culture based on a number of prepared questions Student groups present and discuss their findings via videoconference Students from Mexico and the US were placed in virtual teams Each team was assigned a movie from the US and a movie from Mexico to view and analyze The virtual partners collaborated to gain an understanding of the cultural nuances in the films Students from Mexico and the US were placed in virtual teams Using e-mail, students explored culture based on a number of prepared questions Student groups present and discuss their findings via videoconference Students from Mexico and the US were placed in 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM 2007 Cinema UC Spring 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Lopez UCA Maxwell 17 UC Guzman 25 UCA Maxwell 20 UCA Carson 24 UC Hugo 24 UCA Gatlin 18 UC Lopez Global Cultures Virtual Teaming Project Matrix virtual teams Each team was assigned a movie from the US and a movie from Mexico to view and analyze The virtual partners collaborated to gain an understanding of the cultural nuisances in the movies ECON 2310: Global Environment of Business Students are assigned a virtual partner from Mexico with whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their Mexican partners These questions helped them obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Students participated in a video conference to present results of the project 15 Global Cultures and Cases? Leadership through Cinema Diversity and Multicultural Communication ECON 2310: Global Environment of Business MGMT 3315: Diversity and Multicultural Communication MBA 6312 Multicultural Communication Page Students are assigned a virtual partner from Mexico with whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their Mexican partners These questions helped them obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Students participated in a video conference to present results of the project Students participated in virtual teams that were composed of students both the countries These virtual team mates communicated with each other via e-mail to discuss leadership issues in US and Mexico Students watched five different movies and completed a case analysis of leadership characteristics that are depicted in the movies Students participated in two video-conferences: one was an introductory "get-acquainted" conference and the second conference was to present the results of the analysis of the movies During this project students are exposed to cultural diversity and are required to consider 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Code of Ethics & Global Readings UCA Gatlin 22 UC Aurelio 21 UCA Rubach 47 UPEI Collins 43 UC Guzman 79 CofC Mueller 32 Lemon Project Virtual Teaming Project Matrix MGMT 2301 Business Communications MGMT 3342 International Business BUS 482 New Customer Relations Page leadership from different cultural perspectives Virtual teams of students from the US and Mexico completed two projects: Identified desirable ethical characteristics and a case analysis on ethics or culture In the Limon Project virtual teams of students from the US, Mexico, and Canada worked together to research the issues involved with the export of limons from Colima, Mexico and the import of limons into the US and Canada The Limon/Lime Project was an exercise in learning that there are language and cultural differences between Canada, the US, and Mexico The most important is that limon in Spanish means lime, not lemon During the second year of this project, the US and Canadian students were briefed on the meaning of limon Students experienced the nuisances of crossborder communications first-hand 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM UCA Spring 2006 Spring 2006 Fall 2005 Global Cultures Project Global Cultures Project Lemon Project Carson UCA Maxwell Laurea Polytech nic, Helsinki Finland Sherri Carder (Fulbright Scholar) 30 18 MGMT 3315: Diversity/Multicultural Communication ECON 2310 Global Environment of Business 18 Marketing Communication & Advertising UCA GatlinWatts 31 MGMT 2301: Business Communications Grenada Reccia Charles 18 Marketing UCA Rubach 35 UPEI Collins 11 UC Hugo 18 UC Amescua / Hernandez 30 Virtual Teaming Project Matrix MBA 6311: International Strategic Management BUS 482: New Customer Relations Page Students are assigned a virtual partner from Finland with whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their international partners These questions helped them obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Student teams presented the information they had learned to their class mates Students are assigned a virtual partner from Grenada with whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their international partners These questions helped them obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Student teams presented the information they had learned to their class mates In the Limon Project virtual teams of students from the US, Mexico, and Canada worked together to research the issues involved with the export of limons from Colima, Mexico and the import of limons into the US and Canada The Limon/Lemon Project was an exercise in learning that there are language and cultural differences between US and Mexico Limon in Spanish means lime, not lemon The US and Canadian teams did their research on importing lemons into the US Colima farmers grow limes, not lemons So much of the research undertaken by the English-speaking students was about the wrong product Clearly, a breakdown in cross-border communications 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM Fall 2005 Global Cultures Project UCA Carson 34 UC Aurelio Hugo/ Lopez 16 UCA Gatlin 26 UC Lopez 20 UC Fall 2005 Spring 2005 Leadership through Cinema Leadership Through Cinema 47 UCA Carson 31 VIC Masnou Virtual Teaming Project Matrix Students are assigned a virtual partner from Mexico with MGMT 3315 Diversity/Multicultural whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their Mexican partners These questions helped them Communications MBA 6312 Multicultural Communications MGMT 3315: Diversity /Multicultural Communication Page obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Student teams presented the information they had learned to their class mates Students participated in virtual teams that were composed of students both the countries These virtual team mates communicated with each other via e-mail to discuss leadership issues in US and Mexico Students watched five different movies and completed a case analysis of leadership characteristics that are depicted in the movies During this project students are exposed to cultural diversity and are required to consider leadership from different cultural perspectives Due to technical difficulties, the scheduled video conference could not be held; thus, students were only able to present their projects to their class mates at their home university Students participated in virtual teams that were composed of students both the countries These virtual team mates communicated with each other via e-mail to discuss leadership issues in US and Spain Students watched five different movies and completed a case analysis of leadership characteristics that are depicted in the movies Student teams presented the information they had learned to class mates 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM Spring 2004 Global Cultures Project UCA Maxwell 47 UC UCA VIC Hugo Horton Masnou 18 10 39 HAME Valtaranta 22 UCA Fall 2004 Global Cultures Project Carson 28 UCA Horton 20 UCA Maxwell 64 UCA Carson 24 UCA Rubach 39 UCA GatlinWatts 19 UCA McMurtrey 25 UPEI Maltby 50 Virtual Teaming Project Matrix ECON 2310: Global Environment of Bus International Business 3310: Public Finance International Business Automation Technology 3315: Diversity / Multicultural Communication 4320: Comparative Economic Systems ECON 2310 Global Environment of Business 3315: Diversity / Multicultural Communications 3342: International Business MBA 6312: Diversity and Multicultural Communication 3328: Systems Analysis and Design BSAD 357: International Business Page Students are assigned a virtual partner from another country with whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their international partners These questions helped them obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Student teams presented the information they had learned to their class mates Students are assigned a virtual partner from another country with whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their international partners These questions helped them obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Student teams presented the information they had learned to their class mates 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM Fall 2003 Global Cultures Project HAME Valtaranta VIC Masnou UPEI Maltby 42 UCA Maxwell 24 UCA Horton 17 UPEI Maltby 36 VIC VIC Masnou Gorges 10 VIC Gorges UCA Rubach 37 Virtual Teaming Project Matrix Global Cultures MGMT 3342: International Business BSAD 357: International Business ECON 2310: Global Environment of Business ECON 4375: Econ of Developing Nations MGMT 3342: International Business International Business Public Administration Sociology of Organizations MGMT 3342: International Business Page Students are assigned a virtual partner from another country with whom to correspond Then each team prepared questions to ask their international partners These questions helped them obtain information from virtual partners about culture, religion, education, social activities, etc Student teams presented the information they had learned to their class mates 10/18/2022; 4:33:57 AM ... 18 UC Lopez Global Cultures Virtual Teaming Project Matrix virtual teams Each team was assigned a movie from the US and a movie from Mexico to view and analyze The virtual partners collaborated... Culture Questions Through Virtual Teams UCA UC Maxwell López 72 16 ECON2310: Global Environment of Business Gatlin 24 MGMT 3315: Spring Culture Through UCA Virtual Teaming Project Matrix Page... Fall 2006 Fall 2006 Code of Ethics & Global Readings UCA Gatlin 22 UC Aurelio 21 UCA Rubach 47 UPEI Collins 43 UC Guzman 79 CofC Mueller 32 Lemon Project Virtual Teaming Project Matrix MGMT 2301