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A comparison of outsourcing and being outsourced activities of universities in vietnam

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Himalayan Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Open Access Research Article A Comparison of Outsourcing and Being Outsourced Activities of Universities in Vietnam Leo Paul Dana*1, Boleslaw Rafal Kuc2, Bogdan Nogalski3, Huynh Thanh Binh4, Huynh Giap Yen Nhi4 and Nguyen Thi Nhu Hao4 Dalhousie University, Canada Academy of Social Sciences, Poland Gdansk University, Poland Foreign Trade University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam *Corresponding Author LEO PAUL DANA Article History Received: 20.11.2021 Accepted: 30.11.2021 Published: 10.12.2021 Citations: Abstract: This study aims to compare the outsourcing and being outsourced activities of Vietnamese universities It is a new topic and there is not a single article mentioned or available The research has selected a number of articles related to outsourcing to be able to collect data and give specific factors for the research paper Research results shows that outsourcing and being outsourced activities are growing In particular, the element of changing the mindset and even the new mindset in business is really more necessary for businesses today as they are also fighting outsourcing and being outsourced Keywords: outsourcing, being outsourced, university Leo Paul Dana, Boleslaw Rafal Kuc & Nguyen Thi Nhu Hao (2021); A Comparison of Outsourcing and Being Outsourced Activities of Universities in Vietnam; Hmlyn J Human Cul Stud, 2(6) 7-13 DOI: 10.47310/Hjhcs.2021.v02i06.002 INTRODUCTION Research Overview Outsourcing is simply understood as the migration of business processes within the organization to external service providers In essence, this is a strategy of excluding non-core competencies to focus resources on the main businesses of the enterprise Logistics outsourcing is the use of external service providers (2PL, 3PL, 4PL) on behalf of the business to organize and implement activities  First of all, outsourcing helps to reduce investment capital and reduce costs, because logistics service providers have good technical and technological facilities, the ability to meet diverse customer needs on a large scale, should be achieved economies of scale that can provide the same service at a lower cost than a do-it-yourself business  Help improve customer service…  Developing relationships and strengthening management skills requires developing communication skills and cooperation with many logistics service providers and other businesses involved in the business  Increasing access to information in an ever-changing environment requires not only sharing information, but also capturing and analyzing external environmental information well, helping to promote better adaptation of businesses In the above benefits, the ability to reduce costs and improve service quality are the benefits of enterprise top concern Urgency of the Research Problem Vietnamese universities are growing by using outsourced services The school contracts with teachers and supports students in many ways, creating conditions for everyone to learn Vietnamese universities were established on July 11, 1997 by the Prime Minister and operates under the model of a private school The school always applies practical training programs, focusing on developing foreign language abilities and soft skills for students Over the years, Vietnamese universities have constantly expanded its network of links with prestigious schools and organizations around the world to bring students to study and work Through 21 years of establishment and development, Vietnamese universities have created trust for learners and is considered as a prestigious university training institution in the system of Vietnamese universities The school's lecturers, in addition to people with high professional qualifications, also have lecturers who are leaders and managers of organizations and businesses, so the lectures for students are boldly applied and practical Leo Paul Dana et al., J Human Cul Stud; Vol-2, Iss- (Nov-Dec, 2021): 7-13 Research Significance for Vietnamese Universities Currently, in order to increase productivity and improve service quality, many businesses and schools have outsourced services, such as marketing and consulting Outsourcing will also bring many benefits to Vietnamese universities such as:  Reduce and better manage costs: materials and equipment for classrooms, salaries of lecturers, laborers, security guards costs of installation and repair of school supplies  Improve the main expertise for the school: improve the quality of teaching and learning for teachers and students  Expanding internal resources of the school: in addition to teaching and learning, the school can create employment conditions for students, there are many scientific research works  Improve the quality of time-consuming work: supporting students to register for a course increases access to the portal instead of paying the registration fee, helping students to be proactive study time and place, as well as select lecturers suitable for learning ability, improving learning quality  Make the most of external resources: instead of paying huge costs to train new employees for a job that requires a lot of experience and high productivity, outsourcing the service will solve the problems That's for the school  Help share risks with partner companies when facing business difficulties   outsourcing, benefits and disadvantages to outsourcing and outsourcing Awareness of the importance of outsourcing for businesses and education today Not only because businesses lack resources but also the advantages that outsourcing brings today Capture and better understand how outsourcing will bring benefits in the near future, as well as the points to overcome the risks of outsourcing Theoretical Basis Outsourcing and Being Outsourced in Business Outsourcing is the practice of allocating parts of a business process to professional service providers outside the company Most organizations cannot handle all activities in the business process chain on their own In addition, some processes are temporary and businesses not intend to hire people to these tasks themselves, then businesses can choose to outsource personnel When you hire external service providers, they will be responsible for getting the job done and protecting your assets However, before hiring a third party to handle any work, we need to understand the pros and cons of outsourcing While outsourcing brings many benefits to an organization, it can also create difficulties if the right service provider is not hired Outsourcing and Being Outsourced in Higher Education Institutions Outsourcing can be understood as using an external provider to provide services to a company, services that companies cannot provide on their own, or cannot provide the most cost effective There are two types of higher education institutions:  Public higher education institutions are invested by the State, ensure operating conditions and represent the owner  Private higher education institutions invested by domestic or foreign investors, ensuring operating conditions Make clear of the objectives of the business, vision and strategy overview, make commitments and contracts closely, relationships with stakeholders, intervention and support of experienced managers, concerns about human resource issues, short-term financial proof The implementation of Outsourcing will help the school save a lot of costs, earn high profits to improve the quality of teaching and learning for students Along with the successes, there is also a risk when outsourcing to the school, which is the confidentiality of information and records of the school, stakeholders, and cooperative businesses And the quality of work when outsourced will not be as sure as the school's desired requirements To improve this, the school should sign contracts with reputable service outsourcers Outsourcing to Vietnamese universities is also a challenging step, but if successful, it will also bring many benefits to the university Most of the systems of private higher education institutions use outsourced services to reduce costs and increase labor efficiency Indeed, no less than 70% of institutions share the same thought that the Outsourcing is the right thing to and should be included in their long-term strategy Create an educational institution together with investors, hiring lecturers to teach the school to create jobs and help students in having clear access to knowledge in subjects that teachers specialize in with inexperienced people All equipment, machinery and systems must use outsourced services to ensure quality and quantity when in use, reduce risks and costs when damaged, without having to search for a repairman because there is a service Outsourcing is an investor who has signed a contract with the school OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY  Research on outsourcing and outsourcing for Vietnamese universities in order to help the university find the most optimal costs in the management and use of internal and external resources  Help students better understand concepts like outsourcing, the areas of application of service Leo Paul Dana et al., J Human Cul Stud; Vol-2, Iss- (Nov-Dec, 2021): 7-13  Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing and Outsourcing to Higher Education Institutions Any other business activities including t the increase in addition, there are both good and bad side In most cases, outsourcing offers businesses more benefits than disadvantages    Beneficial  Fast and professional: Most of the tasks are assigned to experts in their field These professionals possess specialized equipment and are technically proficient Sometimes, their equipment and techniques are much superior to the rental unit As a result, work gets done faster and more efficiently  Focus on core activities: Outsourcing support activities gives the organization more time to strengthen core activities  Shared risk: One of the important factors in determining the outcome of a project is risk Outsourcing certain parts of the business helps the organization to transfer certain risks to those companies that are hired Since the outsourcing company is an industry expert, there is a better plan to reduce risk  Reduce operating and recruitment costs: Outsourcing is a way to avoid the need to hire employees; For this reason, outsourcing will help keep recruitment and operating costs as low as possible This is one of the biggest advantages of outsourcing    By specialty: Documents in the industry, outside the industry and mass communication related to the topic According to documents: Types of reports, articles, books, databases, initial investigation results By space: Libraries, Internet, government reports, ministries, branches, representatives of scientists Primary data source: is the type of data collected by a researcher from primary sources, using methods such as surveys, interviews or experiments Investigate and survey the issue of buying (outsourcing) by investigating through available documents found through books, newspapers, search engines Database Unprocessed survey researched by economists but not officially recognized Income Method  References through books related to the topic and reputable websites on the Internet;  Experience on outsourcing and outsourcing of the school  Non-experimental  With secondary: Research documents  For elementary level: observation, interview, group discussion, survey Research Methods  Qualitative methods: based on the perspective Own experience, practical and historical events  Quantitative method: using measured and observed quantities to test research hypotheses Disadvantage  Security: is the issue that many CIOs are most concerned about They fear that outsourced employees will reveal the company's information to the outside, even to competitors  Responsibility: supplier irresponsibility, delay and failure to provide employees with the necessary quality will disrupt the work of the business  Quality: this is often a matter of transition from inhouse to outsourced services In the first time (which can last a whole year), the outsourced staff does not know the system of the business, causing delays in solving problems or errors  Cost: general statistics show that using outsourcing is more economical than doing it yourself, but that does not mean that outsourcing will save costs Outsourcing contracts that are not tight can cause large costs for businesses (for example, when detecting service contents that are not included in the contract) Research Process  Identify the problem and goal of comparing       outsourcing and outsourcing of Vietnamese universities Developing a research plan: Divide the problem into many aspects to study; Division of work for members to find out information, look up documents; Collecting information through document lookup, survey and investigation Analyze information to draw out the necessary content for the essay Present the results obtained in the essay RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Benefits and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Activities at Vietnamese Universities Benefit Highly Specialized Work assigned to a third party helps businesses focus on developing their expertise Thereby helping to save time, money, promote business development better RESEARCH METHODS Data Sources and Methods of Income Data Sources  Secondary data source: is data collected for other purposes, the researcher reuses for his research Leo Paul Dana et al., J Human Cul Stud; Vol-2, Iss- (Nov-Dec, 2021): 7-13 Minimizing Costs The cost for outsourced services is usually lower than the cost of building a working structure in the enterprise, and also saves costs and training time Benefits and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Activities at Vietnamese Universities Benefit Flexibility in the Use of Resources When there are arising activities, enterprises can easily coordinate resources to quickly solve the situation Access to Advanced Technology In the era of booming technology, businesses must constantly update and be exposed to many technologies if they not want to be outdated However, investment in technology requires a large amount of capital Outsourcing will help businesses solve the above problems Saving, Reducing Costs Save time searching and agreeing between parties, reduce costs such as warehousing, redundancy, etc when it's off-peak Quality Assessment Have time to observe, examine and evaluate the quality of the resources at no extra cost High Labor Efficiency Outsourced service providers actively coordinate human resources to complete the work, making the most of resources to increase labor efficiency Resource Development Have the opportunity to cooperate, develop with parties, promote business development Saving Working Space (Warehouse) When using outsourced services, it is not necessary to invest in an office such as a desk, chair, computer, etc or a warehouse to store goods Earn Extra Income Outsourcing such as leasing yards or classrooms, etc., when off-peak, helps to increase income Ensure Work is Always Run Efficiently In case the company's official employees apply for leave or there is a problem in the delivery and delivery the outsourced service will ensure that the work is operated efficiently and without interruption Disadvantage Passive If there are no reasonable preparation plans, when an incident arises, it is easy to affect resources from the lessor Backup With a large number of outsourced service providers, they easily ensure that customers are always served continuously, minimizing the risk of disruption when operating Disputes over Resources When used together, the parties are prone to disputes Disadvantage About Security Outsourcing services may disclose confidential company information to the outside Loss of Vital Resources Partners have the opportunity to access enterprise resources, facilitate contact and learn, leading to the possibility of losing important resources Responsibility If the supplier is irresponsible, late, or does not provide enough services as required, it can disrupt the operation of the business Damaged Failure to agree on reasonable outsourcing terms may result in damages resulting in repair costs Take Advantage of Benefits and Overcome Disadvantages in Outsourcing by Vietnamese Universities The use of outsourcing services will be more beneficial to the school because c hi charge outsource lower than using internal staff capitals save time by transferring the job to the service, the school can optimize and take advantage of the internal human resources to focus on core values in business operations its main and transfer of non-core work to external partners This will help businesses save time and reduce costs Besides the benefits that it disadvantages for hiring foreign main leaking confidential information of the school and how to fix it is the school will use the service to outsource jobs as importantly, does not require information confidential or write an agreement Quality In the first time using outsourced services, when the partner does not understand how the business operates, it can cause delays and interruptions in work Costs If the contract with an outsourced service provider is not tight, it can incur large costs for the business 10 Leo Paul Dana et al., J Human Cul Stud; Vol-2, Iss- (Nov-Dec, 2021): 7-13 on the issue of confidential information with outsourced services and ensure the flexibility universities become more stable and develop However, due to time constraints as well as no practical experience, the study cannot cover the entire situation of outsourcing and outsourcing, but only focuses on collecting information sources from different sources of newspapers and magazines related to the topic But it is hoped that the solutions given in this study will partly contribute to the improvement of rental and rental activities at Vietnamese universities today Outsourcing will bring many beneficial partnerships for the school and also contribute to creating jobs for many workers In addition to those benefits, the main disadvantage is the need for dynamic employees who know how to grasp market trends well Research results on comparing outsourcing activities of Vietnamese universities by statistical methods, synthesizing, comparing and collecting data Factors of benefits and disadvantages have been stated quite specifically, in which the issue of cost… is the most important factor The level of using outsourced services of enterprises shows that the relationship factor and the benefits as well as the risk factor in outsourcing have a strong impact on the level of outsourcing Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of using external resources, enterprises must have a plan to check and control the activities of service providers In addition, the parties including the lessee and the lessor need to pay attention to building a good relationship for longterm cooperation In particular, for service providers, it is necessary to prove themselves as a good and reliable partner in order to bring the highest benefits and minimize risks for businesses using outsourced services Recommendations and Suggestions For the Board of Management of Vietnamese Universities  The Board of Rectors and the Board of Directors need to come up with correct and transparent policies on outsourcing and outsourcing activities, and arrange them appropriately with the school's activities  Clearly assign work to department heads to limit errors in the best way, to approve recommendations from department heads in an equitable manner, in the best interest of the school For the Heads of Departments of Vietnamese Universities  Comply with the instructions from the Board of Rectors and the Board of Directors strictly, and at the same time organize the assignment for officials, employees, lecturers, researchers clearly, need constant updating, accurately the issues of outsourcing and leasing activities so that they can be presented to the Board of Rectors and the Board of Directors if an unexpected situation occurs  It is necessary to make reports with clear cost statistics for the easiest approval by the Board of Rectors and Board of Directors This result can be used by outsourced service businesses for reference The field of research topics on comparing outsourcing activities of Vietnamese universities needs to be expanded in terms of research scale, conducting actual surveys to compare and present results in a timely manner more complete and accurate Conclusions and Recommendations CONCLUSION Currently, in Vietnam, the demand for outsourcing and outsourcing services of enterprises is not popular, but tends to increase These two activities are also being applied by Vietnamese universities, but outsourcing activities of Vietnamese universities are higher than outsourcing activities For Executive Staff/Lecturers/Researchers at Vietnamese Universities  Strictly follow instructions from superiors, immediately report to the department heads if there are any shortcomings in hiring and outsourcing at Vietnamese universities The study introduced the most basic knowledge about the difference between outsourcing and outsourcing activities in business, in educational institutions and especially at Vietnamese universities, contributing to creating a foundation knowledge for those who are interested and want to learn about this issue Solutions to Improve Leasing and Outsourcing Activities at Vietnamese Universities  Vietnamese universities need to be more proactive in outsourcing, must be very careful when making the final decision, in order to ensure the greatest benefit of outsourcing – cost effectiveness and achieve the same results expected Prioritizing experienced units and owning a team of reputable experts will be the solution "to eat and wear durable" Because employees are the factor that makes a unit fail or succeed  Vietnamese universities need to think about strategies to retain good people such as how many At the same time, the study has also pointed out the benefits and disadvantages of outsourcing and outsourcing to higher education institutions in general and Vietnamese universities in particular so that readers can have a correct view and most accurate More specifically, the study also proposes some recommendations and solutions to help Vietnamese 11 Leo Paul Dana et al., J Human Cul Stud; Vol-2, Iss- (Nov-Dec, 2021): 7-13     benefits will long-term employees enjoy, worthy remuneration policies Vietnamese universities should make sure to keep track of information and requests from outsourcing to ensure that no information is omitted Vietnamese universities can train and coach good students right at the campus Open contests to find good students and invite them to work immediately after graduation Vietnamese universities should regularly open small internal contests to reinforce the problems and knowledge that employees lack Some companies should outsource products and services to increase the university's income and benefit students 10 11 REFERENCES Principles to know when writing scientific research objectives http://phantichsolieuyhoc.com/5-nguyen-tac-canbiet-khi-viet-muc-tieu-nghien-cuu-khoa-hoc/ Access on 13/07/2020 Structure of a scientific research project http://yrcftu.com/cau-truc-mot-de-tainc/?fbclid=IwAR1qjb6Sqarrkuhp3PtTmjpc67fUaH4Wb8nNg4ZYRErqPfbC9cNA1pwA4o Accessed on 24/07/2020 Should the company its own market research or outsource it? https://khaosat.me/blog/uu-va-nhuocdiem-tu-nghien-cuu-thitruong/?fbclid=IwAR1IixF5rQmdiIwBKeImD6lBl Lcz8l0m9vSE6hoccNBk0t9XXO8mKPdXjqM accessed on 19/07/2020 Effect of outsourcing strategies on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40497017-00840?fbclid=IwAR3wUc2TlFViRyYxL8JYO2twg0H ATdchM0hjw1k3a_tKhXYorttyT8RXGDc 2020 How to weigh the pros and cons 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Tien, N V (2019) The role of brand and brand management in creating business value case of Coca-Cola Vietnam International Journal of Research in Marketing Management and Sales, 1(2), 57-62 39 Tien,... business Damaged Failure to agree on reasonable outsourcing terms may result in damages resulting in repair costs Take Advantage of Benefits and Overcome Disadvantages in Outsourcing by Vietnamese... disadvantages of outsourcing and outsourcing to higher education institutions in general and Vietnamese universities in particular so that readers can have a correct view and most accurate More

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