Cambridge English: Flyers 6
Trang 3l-Cambridge University Press
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ISBN 978-0 -521.-7 3939 -9 Student's Book
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Trang 464 70
Trang 7Where did Viclcy's grandpo
Listen and write a letter in
Pcrt 3
5 questions
-get these things?
each box There is one exomple.
Trang 8H
Trang 9How is
and tich (r') the
Bitt going to get to
- 5 questions
-box There is one
the Jootbo[[ gome?
Trang 12-Looh and reod Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines.
There is one exompte
the sun
We hqve studied this Jor moft!, mong geors.
Peopte need to use these to open qll hinds
oJ doors Theg ore smotl ond mode oJ metal
You con see thls iJ it is dorh outside ondthere ore no clouds It Ls round ond usuotlg
loohs white
These peopte work Jor newspopers or
mogozines Theg hqve to tolh to lmportontpeopte ond write obout the news.
IJ Uou need to put butter on breod or cutsomething ti.he meo.t, Uou con use these.
IJ gou hove to go outside ot night, to.he thiswith gou to hetp uou see It is q kind oJ
sma[[ tight
Mony peopte corry one oJ these, but gou
con olso Jind them in homes ond olJices.
You can use them to tolh to peop[e who
are Jar owoy.
You use these to eot ice creqm'or soup Jrom
o bow[, or to put some sugor in o drinh
This person hetps people who hove probtems
with their cors or motorbikes He oJten gets
verg dirtg in his job
Most peopLe hove three oJ these o dog'breokJost, lunch ond dinner
You con usuollg see thi.s in the shy during
the dog It gives us light
Trang 141 There ls o bottle in o pocket oJ one oJ the ruchsachs.
2 The dog hos o piece oJ wood in its mouth
3 The bog who has hurt his leg hos q number on the bock
6 There is o lot oJ trolfic on the rood outside the park
7 At[ three bogs ore weoring the sqme hind oJ hot, buteoch hot is o dilJerent colour
Trang 15
-Port 3
- 5 questions
-Bettg is tolhing to her friend, Helen What does Helen sag?
Reod the converso,tion and choose the best q.nswer
Write o letter (A-H) for each onswer.
You do not need to use o11 the letters There is one example.
1 S Bettg: How oJten do you sleep in gour tent?
Trang 16A Nothing We've got evergthing.
B It is, isn't tt! (Example)
C I'm surprised too!
D This is the Jirst time.
E Bge! See gou loter
F Yes, I did Here it is.
G Yes, we ore We've got lots oJ Jood!
H Greot It wi[[ be cold loter
Trang 17Part 4
- 5 questions
-Reod the storg Choose a wordfrom the box Write the correct
word next to the numbers 1-5 There is one example.
There's o river ot the end oJ our orden so I Jish theresometimes Across the river is o Jorm so I
con sit ond
the Jields too There ore usuollg
cows there ond sometimes sheep.
One oJternoon, I wqs (2)
comlc when suddenly
on the gross, reodlng o
I heord something Mr Hide the
wqs ln the Jietd opposite "Helto!" I shouted
o.cross the rlver "Whqt ore gou dolng?" "l'm going to mqke o bridge, Jqch.Woutd gou like to he[p?" "Wow! Yes, ptease!" I qnswered
I coutdn't swlm ocross the rlver becouse it wos too
Trang 18(4) so I hgd to ride to the Jorm It tooh o long
tlme to get there on my bihe! But now we hqve o tittle bridge over the
rlver, it onlg takes two (5) I I oJten help ot the
Jorm now I con slt on the bridge ond looh ot the swons ond cotch much
bigger Jish too!
brove minutes
(6) Now choose the best nome for this sbrg.
Tich one box
The biggest Jtsh
The new bridge
Joch ond his pets
Trang 19Part 5
- 7 questions
-Looh qt the plcture q,nd req,d the storg Write some words to complete the sentences about the story You cq,n use 1,2,3 or 4words.
Horrg qnd hi.s sister, Emmo, decided to cooh the drnner one evening
becouse their mother wo.s in bed She hod o verj bod headoche "How
obout chocotote soup? Let's mohe thot," sqi.d Emmq "You con't put
chocotote in soup," loughed her brother "Mum onlg puts in tomotoes orchicken ond other things [ihe thot Let's just mqke some cheese sondwlchesond o chocolote cqhe." "0K," soid Emmo.
First, Horrg mode the sondwiches "Thls ls eosg," he thought "Now, weneed Jtour ond sugor Jor the cohe, Horry," sqid his sister "They're on the
top shef in the cupboord." "OK," soid Horrg "l'l.[ get some butter ondchocotote too Mum otwogs puts those in the Jridge." "At[ ri.ght," soi.d
Emmo "And bring some oJ the big brown eggs too, pteose We need to
put twetve in the cohe."
Emmo mi.xed everything together in a bow[ qnd then put the cohe in thecooher The children were woshing the J[oor in the kitchen when the[r
fother arrlved home "Thqt smetts greot! Whot is it?" he soid ond openedthe cooker to look inside "A lovely chocolqte co.he!" soid the children
"How mong eggs did you use?" oshed Dod "Twe[ve," soid Emmo Dadsmited "lt wi.[[ toste greqt,l'm sure Let's give [t a nome How obout'Emmo's chocolote Egg cohe'?" The chitdren loughed and theg otl sqtdown to eot their dinner
Trang 20The chitdren's mother hod o ygi:y_ bqd heodoche that
Emmo wonted to moke choco[ate soup
Emmo put twelve
When their fother
in the cohe.
come [n, the children
the hitchen Jloor
Emmo ond Horry's Jother
Dqd cqlted the cohe
looked inside
Trang 21There q.Le usuotlg o tot oJ boohs obout Jomous
ortlsts in llbrories beco.use peop[e like reqding obout them and [oohing
at pointings
one oJ most Jomous ortlsts in thi wortd wos cloude
Monet He stqrted to paint 160 geors. , when he wos
20 yeors old He pointed o lot oJ plctures, but iJ you wont to bug
now, you must be verg, very rrch Peopte cqn stitl museums to see them there
Monet eryoged pointing plctures oJJlowers ond woter, so he
polnted the countrgslde o.nd the seq He qlso lihedpointing pictures oJ peopte in gardens on boots
o.rtlst wos Jomous becouse he used hundreds oJ dilJerentcotours in his pointing when he loohed qt o tree, he didn't just
green leoves In the tightJrom the sun, he sow gettow,
pinh, purp[e ond oro.nge leaves, too
It is stronge For mony yeors tiked his pointings He
couldn't setl them, so he wos verg poor, but now people love them
Trang 23hod lunch us It wos sunny so we ote ln thegorden.
We him his presents qnd then we otl went tothe new clnemq It's much bigger ond better
the old one We sow oJitm which wos 'The
Pgromid' In one port oJ the JiLm someone suddenly jumped
out oJ o box We were o[[ aJroid.
AJter the Jitm, Uncle Jim tooh us otl his
Jovourlte restquront qnd I hod a pLzzo,.lt wos excellent!
Trang 25Wish' about
Trang 26Which thing must Alex tahe to each lesson tomorrow?
Trang 27Dc
Trang 28Listen ond tick (r') fie
Where did Kotg go on her
Trang 29Which wos Kotg's Jovouri.te octor?
Trang 31-Look qnd read Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
There is one exomple.
These peopte worh in clrcuses ond people lough
ot the things they do
1 These onlmots can live [n coves, in trees
ond sometimes ln our houses! In some
ptoces, Uou see them Jtgtng ond [oohing
Jor Jood in the evenlng
2 This is o klnd oJ big, round Jruit which ls
dork green outside ond red or pinh inside
3 These veru rich women who qre veru
importont Some oJ them live in costtes
4 These qnimols tived o long time ogo.'
Theg don't [[ve now
5 These people dro.w ond point pictures to
6 You eot this Jrom q bowl with o spoon or
drinh it Jrom o big cup You co.n mohe it
with vegetobles o.nd meot
7 This is mode with Jruit ond sugo.r.
8 These onimots live in wo.ter People enjogwotching them swlm, ju^p ond do clever
q Th[s person loohs Jor news stories ond then
writes them Jor us to reod
10 These onimols con corrg o lot oJ heovy things
ond con wolh Jor a Long time in hot weqther
wlthout onu woter
Trang 32Part 2
- 7 questlons
-Looh and reod Write $€S or rtO.
There is o red butterJtg which is Jtying obove the wo[t
The boy is swinging Jrom the tree
Trang 331 The brown birds
the tree
are bigger thon the birds thot ore [n
The robbit which i.s necr the girl hos eoten o[[ the
geltow Jlowers
Someone hos put the hnives ond Jorhs on the plotes
The womon [s weoring a T-shirt which is gellow wlth
red stripes
The mon is cooklng some eggs on the Jire.
The womon ls sitting under on umbrello and tolhing
on the phone
The pochets on the girl's shorts are dtJJerent colours
Trang 34Po'rt 3
- 5 questions
-Emmo is tolhing to her friend, Harrg What does Harrg sag?
Reod the conversation and choose the best answer Write a letter (A-H) for eoch q,nswer.
You do not need to use atl the letters There is one exomple.
Trang 35Reading and Writing
A Yes, I got o present Jor gou!
They ore, oren't theg!
It's o toy pondo, like the one
You didn't hove to go.
Yes, thanh you! (Example)
No, not too monu
Me too! It's dilJicult
Trang 36Part 4
- 5 questions
-Read the storg Choose a word fro^ the box Write the correct
word next to the numbers 1-5 There is one exomp[e.
Vicky wos on otd womon who lived in o Jorest Th.r were tots oJ onlmqlsthere, but she wos the onlg Person She wos Jriendlg with
monu oJ the Jorest onlmols, but her Jovourite Jriend wos o brown beor
colled Chocolote
One morning, it wos very cotd ond there wos o tot oJ
(1) on the ground Vichy wcls on her woy to
see Chocolote when she Jett ond (2) her [eg, but
Chocolote come to hetp CoreJu[[g, the big beor piched her up ond rooh her
Trang 37to the vi[[oge vichy wosn't oJroid He teJt her outside the little
(3) then ron boch lnto the darh Jorest "Consomeone hetp me, p[eose?" shouted Vichg Two doctors heord her ond rq.n
outslde Theg corried Vicky inside ond looked oJter her She wos soon
ond hoppg ogoin
The next time Vichg sow Chocolote, she (5)(4)
She never Jorgot the doy thot Chocotote hetped her.
(5) Now choose the best nome for this story.
Tich one box
Chocotote vlslts the Jorest o.nlmols
Chocolote hurts one oJ his legs
Chocolote hetps his Jriend
brohe c[osed thonhed
Trang 38Part 5
- 7'questions Looh qt the picture q,nd reqd the storg.
comptete the sentences about the storg.
Write some words to You con use 1 ,2,3 or 4
Daisu and the funnu drinh
Doisg Green lived in o Jtot in the city with her Jomitg Lost Sundog wos o
very hot dog ond the Green Jomitg decided to stqy ot home Doisg didn't
hove o.ngone to ptog with She oshed her dod, but he hqd to wosh the cor
She didn't osk her mum, becouse she wqs in the living room with one oJ
her Jriends
Daisy thought, "Perhops Anno witt ptag wlth me." But her otder sister wosdolng her homeworh in her bedroom "Shh! Be quiet!" Annq sqid "AL[rlght," Doisy whispered "But gou looh hot I't[ get Uou o drlnh."
Doisg went downstoirs to the hitchen She tooh three things out oJ theJridge: the mi[k, o bottle oJ oronge juice and some lemonode It wos
dijjicutt to choose, so Doisy put o[[ three oJ them ln one gtoss The drinhloohed veru stronge, but Doisg took [t upstoirs ond put it down coreJultg
on Anno's desh.
"Hove gou Jinished gour homeworh yet?" she osked "Yes," sqid Anno
"Let's emoil some oJ our Jrlends." "Greqt!" soid Doisg Then Annq picked
up the drinh ond tosted it "Doisy!" she loughed "Thls drinh is horrib[e!
Let's go downstoirs ond osk MumJor some ice creom Then we cqn p[oU."
"Good'rdeo!" soid Doisg
Trang 39Dolsg's Jamily tived in o flot which wos in the cttg
It wqs o hot day on ?y$gy
the cor thot
6 Anna thought the drinh wos
7 The girls went downstoirs to get sorne
when Doisg went into her
things Jrom the Jridge
her Jriends
Trang 405 6
peopte hove goots on Jormspeop[e
qnd mith Jrom them Peopte drink the mitk or mqhe
ond other
which live
hinds oJ Jood with
on mountoins mind very cotd
weother, ond ore good ot wolhing on dijjicult ground They con
to the top oJ the highest rocks ond mountoins without
Jotting GootsSome kinds oJ
eot gross qnd other Ptonts.
ooots J. looh sheep There ore goots
with short legs ond goots with longer [egs goots hovebeords Some hove q tot oJ long hoir ond other goots don't Some
hlnds oJ goots, Jor exompte 'Mohotr' ond 'Coshmere' 9oots, give
beoutiJul soJt woo[ Peop[e use it to mohe sweoters,
scorves ond other ctothes clothes ore veru worm, butore oJten expensive r'J Uou bu9 them Jrom o shop
Goots con be dongerous
sometimes use their verY
theg ore unhoppg, theghord heqds to other goots
Trang 41Eoch
Trang 42coutd cteon gour house There also a room
with big pictures oJ plonets ond stors in it
The museum hod o cinemo, too, ond we wotched o fitmqbout o house oJ the Juture The house wqs
oJ gloss ond metot, ond wos under the ground I'd
to llve in o house lihe thot
Trang 45Part 3
- 5 questions
-Where must Richard tahe eoch thing?
Listen ond write a letter in each box There is one exomple.
Trang 48o toxi
Part 1
- 10 questions
-Looh ond read Choose the correct words and wrlte them on the lines
There is one exomple
o mechonlc a sto.tion l' ; bridges
li t-'i:'l
These ore oJten oJ wool and iJ gou weor
them in co[d weother, your honds don't get cold glqVgS
1 You enjou going in these ,J gou tihe Jtying
You con sometimes see them in the shy or
2 You oJten woth over these when you
cross rivers or roods TraJJic cqn go over
bigger ones.
3 This person ptogs o sport Jor his job.
He must run Jost qnd hick o bo[t.
4 IJ Uou wqnt to go somewhere ln your fownbut gou don't o cor qnd there's no bus,
gou con go in this
5 Some peopte hqve to weor these ot worh
or ot schooI so everyone loohs the some.
6 IJ gou o problem with gour cqr, th'LS
person con help gou
7 When peopte need to cqtch troins, theymust go to this ptoce.
8 People use these to tahe big or heovgthings bg rood Jrom to shops,
Jor exompte.
q Some peopte lihe to weqr these f the
weother is hot o.nd sunny
10 These peopte work in hospitots ond theyhetp peopte who ore i[t.