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Critical factors affect consumers purchase intention towards greeen products in ho chi minh city

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Tiêu đề Critical Factors Affect Consumers’ Purchase Intention Towards Green Products in Ho Chi Minh City
Tác giả Tran Huy Bao
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh
Trường học University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
Chuyên ngành Master of Business (Honours)
Thể loại Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2015
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 90
Dung lượng 282,8 KB

Cấu trúc

  • 2.1 Greenproduct (12)
  • 2.2 Purchaseintention (14)
  • 2.3 Eco-label (18)
  • 2.4 Greenpackaging (20)
  • 2.5 Greencorporateperception (21)
  • 2.6 Greenproductvalue (21)
  • 2.7 GreenAdvertisement (23)
  • 2.8 Conceptualmodel (25)
  • 3.1 Researchapproach (26)
  • 3.2 Sampling (26)
  • 3.3 Datacollectionmethods (28)
  • 3.4 Measurementscales (29)
  • 3.4 Dataanalysismethods (32)
  • 4.1 Respondents’demographics (35)
  • 4.2 ReliabilityAnalysis (37)
  • 4.3 ExploratoryFactorAnalysis(EFA) (43)
    • 4.3.1 EFAforindependentvariables (43)
    • 4.3.2 EFAforthedependentvariable (46)
  • 4.4 CorrelationTesting (47)
  • 4.5 MultipleRegressionAnalysis (48)
  • 5.1 Mainfindings (55)
  • 5.2 Managerialimplications (61)
  • 5.3 Limitationsandfutureresearch (63)

Nội dung


Y e v s e y e v , 2011).Theseproductseliminatethecauseofenvironmentalpollution,thecause ofnationalr e s o u r c e degradationorthecauseofhumanhealth,etc…

Inordertomanufacturetheproductsw h i c h shouldbefriendlywithenvironment becomesessen tial,called“greenproducts”.Ap r o d u c t , satisfiessomecriteria,shouldbecalled“green”.Accordingt oDepartmentofNaturalR e s o u r c e s andEnvironmentofThanhHoaProvince(2009),itstatedthat:

Ap r o d u c t i s c r e a t e d frome n v i r o n m e n t a l f r i e n d l y m a t e r i a l s I t meanst h e p r o d u c t includesrecycledcommodities,insteadofnewandrawmaterialsthatcalledagr eenp r o d u c t

A productdecreasestheeffectofenvironmentwhen using(small toxic,smallcostofservice,usingrecycledenergy).LotsofEuropeansreuseglassmilkbottles,dec reasingt h e p r o p o r t i o n o f u s i n g p l a s t i c milkb o t t l e s H e n c e , t h e g l a s s m i l k b o t t l e s c a n b e recycledeasilyforlongusage.

Aproductcreatesthefriendlyrelationshipofenvironmentandsafetyforhumanhealth.I n details, gr eenproductsassociate closelytohumanlife inhousing, eliminatethe spreadofpollutionthroughoutventilationandairfilterofeco-airconditioning.

TanandLau(2010)definedterminologyofgreenproductasproductwhichassociatesw it h corpora testrategyinrecyclingorwithrecycledcontent,reducingpackaging,usinglesst o x i c materialstodim inishbadgreenproductischaracterizedbyfeaturessuchas“originalgrown,recycle/ reusable,containnaturalingredients,containrecycledcontent,donotpollutee n v i r o n m e n t , containappro vedchemicalandnottestonanimals”(Panvan,2010).Moreover,S h a m d a s a m i etal.

(1993)statedthatgreenproductsastheproductthatwillnotpollutetheearthordeplorenatural resources,andcanberecycledorconserved.Ingeneral,Roy,Wield,Gardiner andPotter(1996)depicte dgreenproductthroughitsobjectivesshowedinTable2.1.

 Capableoflesseningglobalenvironmentalproblems e.g.eliminateCFCs(chlorofluorocarbons);reduceCO 2 (carbondioxide)emissions


AccordingtoWhitlark,GeurtsandSwenson(1993), purchaseintention isa purchasep r o b a b i l i t y associatedwithanintentioncategoryatthepercentageofindivid ualsthatwillactuallybuyproduct.Theyareindicationsofhowhardpeoplearewillingtotry,orhowmuch o f aneffort theyareplanningtoexert inorderto executethe behavior;inshort,thestrongert h e i n t e n t i o n t o e n g a g e i n c e r t a i n b e h a v i o r , t h e morel i k e l y a n a c t u a l b e h a v i o r w o u l d b e performed(Ajzen,1991).Nik,JusoffandKassim(2009)referre dgreenpurchaseintentionast h e probabilityandwillingnessofapersontogivepreferencetoproductshaving eco-

14 friendlyf e a t u r e s overotherconventionalproductsintheirpurchaseconsiderations.Simil arly,Chen and Chang (2012) definedgreenpurchaseintention as the likelihoodthat aconsumerwouldbuya p a r t i c u l a r p r o d u c t r e s u l t i n g f r o m h i s o r h e r e n v i r o n m e n t a l n e e d s C o n s t r u c t s l i k e consideringsomethingpurchasingabrandandanticipatingtop urchaseabrandaidstoscopet h e intentionsofpurchasing(Porter,1974).Porter(1974)alsoelaboratedcustomers

’intentiont o purchaseafocusedbrandisnotmerelybyhissamebrandattitude,butalsobyhisattitudesleadin gtootherbrandsinchoiceofsetconsidered.Porter(1974)explainedthatcustomersbuyingbehav ioralsodependon thelevelof existing competition inthe industry.Schoen ( 2 0 0 4 ) ex plainedatypeofloyalcustomer,whosepurchaseintentionisinsensitivetopricinga n d theshowtheirloyal tybysuggestingpositiverecommendationstofirmandeveninvestingm o n e y inthebrandwhichshowtheirex tremetrustinthebrand.

Green purchase behavior, as defined by Chan (2001), refers to eco-friendly actions consumers take to show their environmental concern Purchase intention is a key predictor of consumer behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) and serves as a proxy for actual purchasing actions (Follows & Jobber, 1999) Kotler and Armstrong (2001) noted that during the evaluation stage, consumers assess brands as part of their purchase intention process, which is entirely within their volitional control (Dodd, 2010) Research by Anand, Holbrook, and Stephens (1988), as well as Laroche et al (1996), indicates that the exposure rate of advertising endorsers can influence consumer preferences and attitudes, thereby enhancing purchase intention Additionally, Wang (2006) demonstrated that a higher brand image positively correlates with increased purchase intention, while studies by Kamins and Marks (1991) further support these findings.

(1996)foundthatconsumer'sbrandattitudeandpurchaseintentionwillbehigherwhenaproduct hashighpreferenceimageand familiarity.Inthecontext ofpurchaseintention fortheg r e e n p r o d u c t , I m a n a n d Z a i n u d d i n ( 2 0 1 1 ) c o n c l u d e d t h a t t h e p e r c e i v e d g o v e r n m e n t legislationdidnothaveaninfluenceneitheronenvironmentalattitudenorpurchase intention.N g a n d P a l a d i n o ( 2 0 0 9 ) c o n d u c t e d a n e m p i r i c a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n a m o n g s t youngc o n s u m e r s withintheAustraliancontextonthepurchaseintentionongreenmobilep hones.Thestudy indicatedthatpeersa n d environmentalknowledgeappearedtobesignificantfactorsine n c o u r a g i n g greenpurchase.Inanycircumstances,consumer’spurchaseintentioniskindofth eintentionw hichconsumerhasinterestingthought andthenmakesadecisiontobuy;firstimpressionalwayst a k e s shapeinconsumers’mindthatbeco mesanintention.Infact,intentionisthebestpredictorofbehavior(Ajzen,1991).


Labels play a crucial role in communicating essential information about product characteristics, functions, and safety to consumers According to D’Souza et al (2006), environmental labeling effectively conveys the benefits and safety claims of products, with accuracy and readability being key factors Sammer and Wustenhagen (2006) highlight eco-labels as vital marketing tools to address market failures caused by information asymmetries between buyers and sellers of environmentally friendly products Marketers utilize labels to communicate green attributes, such as "eco-friendly" and "biodegradable" (Morris et al., 1995) Elham and Nabsiah (2011) developed a model examining the impact of eco-labels, eco-brands, and environmental advertising on consumer purchasing behavior, suggesting these tools enhance consumer knowledge of environmentally friendly products Eco-labels serve as informative tools, often using logos to indicate the environmental implications of purchasing (Tang et al., 2004) Sonderskov and Daugbjerg (2011) describe eco-labels as credible sources of easily accessible information regarding a product's environmental attributes Previous research indicates that eco-labels positively influence consumer perception and behavior, aiding companies in expanding their market share (Kuhn, 1999; Rashid, 2009).

16 eaGreenlogoofferconsumersandsocietyanenvironmentalimprovementofenergyefficiency,recycling,d isposalandlifetimereliability.Basedonthisdiscussion,thefollowing hypothesis(H1)isproposed


In their 1994 study, VanDa and Van Trip explored Dutch consumers' perceptions and preferences for beverage containers, defining green packaging as the extent to which consumers recognize environmental aspects in their overall preferences Packaging serves as a communication tool between businesses and consumers, capable of capturing attention through its shape, size, color, materials, and labeling Gaafar and Ra’id (as cited in Panwar, 2004) emphasized that packaging must contain, protect, and present information throughout the production and transport process Joonas and Liisa (2008) highlighted that packaging research has primarily focused on its communicative characteristics, such as labeling and functionality Lamb et al identified four key functions of packaging, with three similar to non-green products—containing, protecting, and promoting products—while the fourth emphasizes recycling and reducing environmental harm A more recent study by Juwaheer, Pudaruth, and Noyaux (2012) examined the impact of green marketing strategies on consumer purchasing patterns in Mauritius, introducing a model with consumer perceptions of green packaging as a key predictor variable Additionally, Rosa and Devashish (2010) noted the importance of using natural, biodegradable, or recycled materials in packaging initiatives.


Green companies actively engage in environmental sustainability, contrasting with non-green companies that may not prioritize such measures (Okada & Mais, 2010) Strategies focusing on both immediate profits and long-term environmental sustainability are becoming essential for modern businesses (Aysel, 2012) Companies must acknowledge their responsibilities toward the environment and society, similar to their obligations to clients and stakeholders Future leaders will face challenges related to climate change and social issues, necessitating efficient decision-making (Aysel, 2012) Most businesses aim to manage their resources to minimize environmental impacts rather than merely restructuring around environmental safety (D'Souza et al., 2006) Corporate perception, shaped by social responsibility and environmental concerns, significantly influences consumer purchasing intentions Integrating environmental protection into organizational strategy is crucial for effective resource management, as companies strive to balance environmental concerns with profitability and market competition (D'Souza et al., 2006) Based on these considerations, the following hypothesis (H3) is proposed.


(2006)indicatedthatcustomersdonotperceivethosep r o d u c t s producedunderenvironm entalsustainablestandardsasofferinganydistinctbenefitst o t h e m a n d c u s t o m e r s d i s t r u s t t h e c l a i m s madebyt h e s e o r g a n i z a t i o n s T h i s i s thewayconsumerperceivesaboutsafeofproductinasp ectofqualityandprice(D’Souzaetal.,2006).C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s oftraditionalproductsuchasbrandna me,priceandqualityarestillthemostc o n c e r n ofconsumerwhen purchaseproduct.Greenproductsareperceived aslowerqualityan d higherpricebymostconsumers.Inaddition,theseproductsaremorecostl yto

18 manufacturet h a n c o n v e n t i o n a l p r o d u c t s , a n d t h u s , theya r e s i m p l y moree x p e n s i v e f o r consumerstopurchase(Royneetal.,2011;

SonderskovandDaugbjerg,2011).Hence,Chena n d Chang(2012)suggestedthatcompaniesshoulddevel opproductswithbothgreenfeaturesandhigh- valueattributestoattractconsumers.Theyfurtherarguedthatincreasingconsumerper cei v ed v a l u e a b o u t g r e e n p r o d u c t s m a y makecu st ome r n o m o r e doubtful a b o u t green p r o d u c t s andenhanceconsumers’purchaseintention.Therefore,greenproductsalsohavetocreatecompetitive advantageaboutnotonlyenvironmentalaspects,butalsootherimportantp r o d u c t characteristicslikep rice,quality,convenienceanddurability(Diamantopoulosetal.,2 0 0 3 ) Thegreenproductvalueindicatest hehypothesis(H4)


Many consumers struggle to determine if a product is genuinely environmentally friendly, as labels often fail to convey complete information, leading to a lack of trust Advertisements serve as a crucial tool for marketers to effectively communicate the green attributes of their products Research by Elham and Nabsiah Abdul (as cited in Chase & Smith, 1992) revealed that environmental messages in advertisements can influence purchasing decisions for up to 70% of respondents Furthermore, consumers are more inclined to favor green products when the environmental claims are credible (Habib et al., 2010; Mathur and Mathur, 2000) Chan (2004) defined green advertising as promoting product attributes or production processes that contribute to environmental protection According to Davis (1994), effective corporate environmental advertisements typically include three key elements: a general statement of environmental concern, a description of the corporation's initiatives to demonstrate commitment to environmental improvement, and specific details about environmentally related activities or outcomes for which the corporation takes credit Overall, consumer responses are shaped by various factors, including other advertisements, emotional states, and current circumstances.

(Gardner,1985;Aakeretal.,1986).Therefore,howtheconsumersfeelabouttheadthattheyareexposed willaffecttheirassessmentsofthebrand(Edell&Burke,1987).Thestudyofconsumers’attit udestowardsgreenadvertising hasbeenverycomprehensive.Consumers w h o aree nvironmentalconcernednormallyhavegeneratedpositiveattitudestowardsgreenadvertisingan denvironmentalissues(Carlsonetal.,1993).Fromthat,thehypothesis(H5)ofg r e e n advertisementisindica ted


Themainpurposeofthisstudyistoinvestigateifconsumers’perceptionongreen c o r p o r a t e , eco- label,greenadvertisement,greenpackaging,andgreenproductvaluein f lu en ce thei rgreenpurchaseintentioninHoChiMinhCity.

InHoChiMinhCity,greenproducthasnewfeatureswhichconsumersarefamiliarw i t h ; thus,theycouldnothaveenoughexperiencetoevaluateagreenproduct.Consequently,t h e researchmodel withfactorsaffectingdirectlyonpurchaseintentionaboutgreenproductsisshowedinFigure2.1

Thischapterpresentsresearchmethodologyofthisstudy.Firstly,itstartedwithresearch appr oach,introducedaboutmethodsusingforthisresearch.Secondly,m e a s u r e m e n t scalesarefollow edbysamplinganddatacollectionmethods.Thirdly,datacollectionmethodsarementionedinthischap ter.Finally,thischapteralsoaimedatdataanalysismethodsandpresentingthepurposeofusingthatmet hod.


Thisresearchmainly appliesquantitativemethodwhilequalitativemethodisusedtosupport.Quantitativemethodaims t o c o l l e c t , analyzet h e d a t a i n o r d e r t o comeu p w i t h f i n d i n g s

Q u a l i t a t i v e methodhelps tobuildandimprovethesurveyexplainmoreclearlyforf i n d i n g s andresultswhichisanalyzedbyqua ntitativeapproach.Concerningtothequalitativep h a s e , theV i e t n a m e s e v e r s i o n o f t h e s u r v e y q u e s t i o n n a i r e isp r e - t e s t e d u s i n g i n - d e p t h interviewsduringtwoweekswithfiveexpertstocollecttheirideasabouttheaccuracy,t heclarity,a n d t h e u n d e r s t a n d a b i l i t y o f t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e D u r i n g t h e i n t e r v i e w , thea u t h o r d e c i d e s tofindoutifthechosenmeasurementscaleissuitableforconductin gtheresearchinH o C h i M i n h City.A l l t h e commentsfromt h e intervieweesareg a t h e r e d wit htheaimtom odifythemeasurementscales.


ThesurveyisconductedinHoChiMinhCitywhereisthemostpopulouscity.Thet a r g e t populationisgreenconsumerswhoarebelongtomanysocialbackgroundssuchasoffi cestaff,teacher,businessman,doctor,engineer,etc…

Theyhavequiteclearoverviewthatg r e e n productsincludeenergy– efficientl i g h t bulbs,ecobags,recycledpaper,electricsteami r o n s , organicfoodsandoverinthesurvey.Es pecially,thesurveyconcentratesonofficestaffi n corporationgroupsincludingPetrovietnam,Vinamilka ndBankings.Thesurveyissenttot h e s e placesbydirectlyhand,emailor post.In details,thisresearchexploitsthequantitativemethod(questionnaire survey)toempirically e xamine therelationship between eco -

20 l abe l, g r e e n packaging,greencorporateperception,greenproductvalue,greenadvertisem entandthepurchaseintention.

Furthermore,thetargetrespondentsofthisresearchareindividualconsumerswhoareo v e r 18ye arsold,withtheassumptionthatthisgroupofconsumershasmiddleincomeando v e r , beingaware ofgreenproductsandindependentintheirowndecisionsforchoosingtheri gh tproductsamongmanya vailablechoices.

( 2 0 0 9 ) s t a t e d t h a t t h e m i n i m u m s a m p l e f o r appropriateu s e f o r s t a t i s t i c a n a l y s i s i s e q u a l t o o r g r e a t e r t h a n fivetimeso f numberofv a r i a b l e s , butnotlessthan100. n>0andn>=5k(k:numberofvariables)

Themodelinthisstudyconsistssixfactorswithtwenty- sixvariables,thus,atleastthenecessary samplesizeshouldbe:5*295observations.

ForExploratoryFactorAnalysis,ageneralruleisthattheminimumsamplesizeistoh a v e atle astfivetimesasmanyobservationasthenumberofvariablestobeanalyzedandlargerthan100(Hairetal.,2009).ThistheminimumsamplesizebyEFAinthisresearchis:n = 5 * 2 9 = 1 4 5 observations.


Beforecollectingdata,thepilotstudyiscarriedouttotestpreliminarilytheviabilityo f th equestionnaireandtoseeifthereareanyneededmodificationsorimprovements.Thein- depthinterviewsareconductedinordertomodifyandreviseallobserveditemsofthedraftq u e s t i o n n a i r e tomakeimprovementfortheofficialquestionnaire.

Convenience sampling was utilized in this study, where the original English questionnaire was translated into Vietnamese and back-translated for validity checks Participants completed self-administered surveys, primarily using a 5-point Likert scale The questionnaire consists of two sections: the first gathers demographic information, including living location, gender, age, and education, to classify and compare respondent groups A screening question, "Have you ever heard about green products?" was included to identify target respondents; those answering "No" were excluded from the survey The second section investigates the determinants influencing consumers' purchase intentions towards green products.

Thequestionnairesaredeliveredtorespondentsthroughtwowaysofhandlingdirectlyt o r e s p o n d e n t orindirectlybyemailwhichsuggestsusingonlineGoogleDrive tosurvey.Ac o v e r letterisalsoattachedexplainingthepurposeofthestudy.Moreover,informedconsent, explanationofstudy,procedureofmaintainingconfidentiality,anddetailedinstructionsonh o w tocompletethequestionnairesuccessfullyisincluded.Forthosequestionnairescompl etedthroughhardcopyformat,thedataisenteredmanually.Forthosequestionnairescompletedthr oughtheGoogleDriveweblink,thedataisconvertedintoadatabaseinanS P S S formatfi leforanalysis.


Thiss t u d y w i l l e x a m i n e r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n f a c t o r s o f g r e e n p r o d u c t s a n d p u r c h a s e intention.Themeasurementscaleforthisresearchisbuiltandmainlybasedonmeasur ements c a l e ofWilsonetal.

This study examines consumer purchase intentions towards green products in Ho Chi Minh City, utilizing a 5-point Likert scale for measurement The research identifies five key independent variables that form a multi-dimensional construct of green products: eco-label, green packaging, green corporate perception, green product value, and green advertisement Eco-labels are specifically assessed through a combination of Wilson et al.'s 3-item scale and Thanika et al.'s 2-item scale, resulting in a comprehensive 5-item measure This conceptualization of eco-labels encompasses consumer recognition, usage, understanding of meanings, and trust in the eco-label's message.

EL2 Theinformationoneco-labelsisusuallyeasytounderstand.EL3 Greenlabelisprerequisitecriteriatoconsideragreenproduct.

Green corporateperceptionis conceptualizedas asingledimension variablebasedonastudybyD’Souzaetal.(2006)andSmithandPerks(2010).D’Souzaetal.

(2006)offeredm e a s u r e m e n t scalewith2itemslikecompaniesshouldgiveprioritytore ducingpollution e v e n ifjobsareatrisk,andcompaniesshouldaimtoreducepollutiontha nincreaseprofit.F urth erm ore, S m i t h a n d P e r k s ( 2 0 1 0 ) i n d i c a t e d a 3- itemm e a s u r e w h i c h isg r e e n i n g theb u s in e s s functionsbythecorporation.


Twomethods,Cronbach’sreliabilityandfactoranalysis,areusedtoassessandselectt h e finali tems(5- pointquestionnaireresponses)thatwillbeemployedforhypothesistesting.F i r s t , C r o n b a c h ’ s r e l i a b i l i t y c o e f f i c i e n t i s c a l c u l a t e d f o r t h e itemso f e a c h h i g h e r l e v e l construct(e.g.,purchaseintention) Acoefficientof 70 isconsidered the cut- offl eve l ofreliabilityrecommendedfortheorytestingresearch(Nunnally&Bernstein,1994).Itemsth atd o notsignificantlyc o n t r i b u t e tothereliabilitywillbeeliminatedintheinterestsofparsim ony.

ThenExploratoryFactorAnalysis(EFA)toexaminereliabilityandvalidityofthescalem e a s u r e m e n t Factoranalysisisappliedtodeterminewhethertheitemsinfactaggregatedaroundtheir proposedfactors,andwhethertheindividualitemsareloadedontheirappropriatefactorsasintended.Factor analysiswithaVarimaxrotationtechniqueisconductedonallmeasureditems.Finally,mu ltipleregressionisusedtoidentify thecorrelationandmeasuretheimpactlevelofeachindependentvariabletopurchaseintentionto wardsgreenproducts.A f t e r all,resultsofhypothesestestingarealsodiscussed.

Chapter3presentedresearchmethodologytoexaminescalevalidationandanalyzethec o l l e c t ed dat a.Inchapter4,resultsofstudywouldbeshownandanalyzedwithsamplen0.First,respondents’demographics weresummarized.Secondly,resultsofscalevalidationwerepresented.Inthissection,thedataofthisresea rchwasevaluatedthroughtwosteps.Step1u s e d Cronbach’sAlphaandExploratoryFact orAnalysis(EFA)toexaminereliabilityandv a l i d i t y ofthescalemeasurement.Instep2,th eresearcheremployedmultipleregressionstotestthefivehypotheses.Finally,resultsofhypothesestesti ngwerediscussed.


Datawascollectedbytwomethods.Firstly,datawascollectedbyusingonlinesurvey.T h e n u m b e r o f c o l l e c t e d o n l i n e s u r v e y w a s 9 0 w h i c h a l l w e r e v a l i d f o r analyzingd a t a Se condly,datawascollectedbydistributingsur ve y directly.Anumberofsurvey was87w h i c h onlyvalidated80surveysgain.Besides, 7surveysw e r e eliminatedbecauseof n o th e a r i n g aboutgreenproducts.Therefore,170sampleswerecodedandusedfordataanalysis.

Initialanalysisofdataindicatedthat94.1%ofrespondentswerelivinginHoChiMinhCity.Otherwise, only5.9%ofrespondentsbelongedtootherregions.Besides,thegenderwasn o t equallybetweenfemaleandmal e.Femalewasslightdominantwith51.8%ofrespondentsa n d malewas48.2%ofrespondents.

39yearsoldwith67.1%oftotalsample.Thenextproportionofagegroupwas20.6%of18and24ye arsold.Meanwhile,thebalancewasdividedby6.5%respondentsforagegroupbetween40and54ye arsoldand5.9%fortheagefromover55yearsold.

Educationw a s d i v i d e d i n 4 g r o u p s w i t h b a c h e l o r ’ s d e g r e e g r o u p occupied6 4 1 % , master’sdegreegroupoccupied17.6%,highschooldiplomaorlesseducationoccupied9.4%.Moreover,thepercentageofrespondentsincollegegroupwasjust8.8%.

Mostoftherespondentsweresurveyedbyofficestaffwith60%.Meanwhile,11.2%of studentswerethesecondplaceincareerstatistic.Therewerea quitebalancebetweenther e s t occupationsfrom4.1%to9.4%.

Finally,incomepermonthofmostofrespondentswasratherhigh.58.8%respondentsr e v e a l e d thattheirincomerangedfrom5to15millionVND.Thebalancewasdividedby15.3%respo ndentsforincomerangedfromlower5millionVNDand15.9%respondentsforincomerangedfrom1 5to30millionVND.Moreover,therewerejustabout6.5%peoplee a r n e d moret h a n 3

0 millionVNDe v e r y month,a n d thelastportionw i t h thel o w e s t p e r c e n t a g e s 3.5%wa stherespondentswiththeincomemorethan50millionVNDpermonth.

Income lessthan5 26 15.3 from5 to15 100 58.8 from15 to30 27 15.9 from30 to 50 11 6.5 morethan 50 6 3.5


To ensure the reliability of the measurement scale developed for this research, a reliability test is essential Cronbach’s Alpha is utilized to eliminate unstandardized scale items, as it assesses the consistency of a measure According to Craig and James (2003), Cronbach’s Alpha ranges from 0 to 1.00, with values closer to 1.00 indicating high consistency Therefore, a Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.6 or higher is required to confirm the reliability of each item in the measurement scale (Nguyen, 2011) In addition to Cronbach’s Alpha, the Corrected Item-Total Correlation is also considered to further validate the scale's reliability.

TotalCorrelationisalsoveryimportantforthereasonthatitemisassumedc l o s e l y correlatedtooth eritemsinthescaleifthecorrelationofthisitemwithtotaloftheotheritemsinthescaleishighert han0.3(Nguyen,2011).Thisspecificitembecomesagoodp a r t ofthistotalratingrate.Otherwise,ifthe Correcteditem–

Totalcorrelationofanyitemisnegativeortoolow(lessthan0.3),measurementscaleshouldberev iewedifthereisanyw o r d i n g orconceptualproblems(Leechetal.,2005).Thensuchitemsaren ecessarilytobem o d i f i e d ordeleted.

Inthisstudy,theresultindicatedsignificantlyhighinternalreliabilityoffortestitemss c a l e s i n c l u d i n g e c o - l a b e l , g r e e n c o r p o r a t e p e r c e p t i o n , g r e e n a d v e r t i s e m e n t a n d p u r c h a s e intentionwith the valueo f Cronbach’s Alphaw e r e morethan0 8 M e a n w h i l e , g r e e n p a c k a g i n g andgreenproductvaluehadCronbach’sAlphawithmorethan0.7.Thefollowingt ables4.2indicatestheresultsforreliabilityanalysis.

Cronbach's AlphaifItem Deleted Eco-Label:Cronbach'sAlpha=0.866

Asthetable4.2aresults,thecorrecteditemtotalcorrelation was0.182forGP2and0.273f o r G P V 3 w h i c h b o t h w e r e l o w e r t h a n 0 3 H e n c e , t h i s t w o i t e m s G P 2 a n d G P V 3 w e r e uncorrelated tootheritems;thus,bothofthemcouldbedel etedtoincreasethereliabilityofthisscale.Table4.2bshowsthefinalresultsofreliabilityanalysisinclu dinggreenpackaginga n d greenproductvalue.

Cronbach's AlphaifItem Deleted Greenpackaging:Cronbach'sAlpha=0.884



Bartlett'sTestof Approx.Chi-Square 2085.63

AsshowninTable4.3,KMOwas0.782(greaterthan0.7)whichprovedthatfactoran alysiswasacceptable.Bartlett’sTestofSphericitywaswithsignificantof0.000(lessthan0 0 5 ) ; h e n c e , t h e h y p o t h e s i s H0,w h i c h r e f e r r e d t h a t itemsh a d noi n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p , w a s r e j e c t e d Itmeantthattherewasinter-correlationamongitemswhichweresuitableforEFA.

Basedo n t h e v a r i m a x r o t a t i o n results,noi t e m s / v a r i a b l e s w e r e r e m o v e d f r o m t h e m e asu r e m en t scalebecauseoftheirhighloading(great erthan0.5).Thetotal23itemsoffiveindependentvariablesgroupedintothesef i v e componentsdefine dbyhighloadings.T h e itemsinthesameconstructafterrotatedalsogroupedinonlyonec omponentwithstrongloadingsanddidnotmixintotheremainedcomponent.Thisshowedthatthe itemsofeachc o n s t r u c t werewellconceptualized.

Inaddition,thecumulativeofthefivefactorsaccountedfor68.417percentofvariance( a p p e n d i x t ableC1).Itmeantthatmorethanahalfofvariancecouldbeexplainedbyfivef act o rs


KMOequaled0.825whichwasgood(Kaiser,1974).Inotherwords,therewereenoughitemstomeasuree achconstruct.TheBartlett’stestwasalsosignificant(significancevaluew a s lessthan5%)sho wingthatthevariableswerewellcorrelated.

Bartlett'sTestof Approx.Chi-Square 363.507

Asshowninthetable4.7thetotal4itemsofdependentvariablesclusteredintoonecomp onent.Thisshowedthattheitemsofthisconstructwereverywellconceptualized.

Inaddition,thereonefactorwasextractedintableC2(appendixC)abouttheTotalV arianceE x p l a i n e d , w i t h 7 3 8 2 6 % o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n I t meantt h a t moret h a n a h a l f o f variancecouldbeexplainedbythisfactor.


Correlationtestingisappliedtotestrelationshipbothbetweenindependent,dependentv a r i a b l e s andbetweenindependentvariables.Theresultofcorrelationwillbeusedtoentertostageofregr essionanalysis.


AccordingtotheCorrelationsmatrix,Pearsoncorrelationbetweeneco- label,g r e e n corporateperception,greenproductvalue,greenadvertisementandconsumers’p u r c h a se intentionisrelativelyhigh(correspondingrespectively0.528,0.452,0.311,

0.426).Additionally,allvariableshavesignificantvaluelessthan0.05.Thismatrixp r o v e d thatther ewouldbealowpossibilityofmulticollinearity.However,Pearsoncorrelationvalueofbetweengr eenpackagingandpurchaseintentionwasquitelowat

0.217.Nevertheless,theCorrelationmatrixfailedintestingmulticolinearitysometimesw h i l e varia nceinflationfactor(VIF)wasquitestrictindicatorinexaminingsuchproblem.Therefore,itneededtoc onsidermoretheVIFvalueinthetableofCoefficients(seeTable4.10)forwithdrawingthebestconcl usion.

Resultalsoproclaimedthatsomeindependentvariableshavecorrelationwitheacho t h e r butP earsoncorrelationbetweenthemisnotveryhigh.Therefore,inthenextstage,p r o b l e m ofmulticollin earityisgoingtobeconsideredwhenconductingregressionanalysis.


Finalstageindataanalysisprocessismultiplelinearregressionwhichisappliedtoho wmuch varianceof5independentvariablesincludingeco- label,greenpackaging,greenc o r p o r a t e perception,greenproductvalueandgreenadvertisem entthataffectsthed ep en d en t variableaspurchaseintention.TheresultisrepresentedintheTable4 8.

1 718 a 516 501 54120 2.006 a.Predictors: (Constant),GA,GP,EL,GCP,GPV b.DependentVariable:PI

TheModelSummarytable4.8presentedthemultiplecorrelationcoefficient(R)w a s 0.718,RSquareequaled0.516andadjustedRSquarewas0.501,showingthat50.1%o f thevar ianceinpurchaseintentioncouldbepredictedfromfiveindependentvariables.Inotherwords,t hemodelofthisstudywasgood.

Standardized Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Collinearity Statistics

Model Sumof Squares df MeanSquare F Sig.

Total 99.209 169 a DependentVariable:PI b Predictors: (Constant),GA,GP,EL,GCP,GPV

Toa s s e s s t h e s t a t i s t i c a l s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t h e r e s u l t , r e s u l t s f r o m T a b l e 4 9 w a s necessary.ThevalueofFwas34.943andthesignificantofthemodelwas 0.000(whichr e a l l y meantp < 0 0 5 ) T h e r e f o r e , it st a t e d t h a t t he m o d e l o f t h i s stud yhasr e a c h e d t h e statisticalsignificance.

Table4.10i n d i c a t e d thecoefficientsof multipleregression Asdiscussedin the correlationtestingabove,theVIFdemonstratedhowmuchthemulticollinearityamongthep r e d i c t o r variablesinthemodel.Hairetal.

(2009)statedthatVIFsexceeding4threatenfurther investigations,whileVIFsexceeding10were signsofseriousmulticollinearity.All theV I F v a l u e s i n t h i s analysisw e r e f r o m 1 0 3 2 t o 1 1 3 8 T h e r e f o r e , t h e t h r e a t e n o f m ulticol lin eari ty wasnotpresentedathreattothefinalresultanalysis.

Indetails,theBetavalueofeco- labelwas0.367,andtheSig.valuewas0.000(lowert h a n 0.05)thatmeanttheeco- labelhadpositiverelationshipwithpurchaseintention.Thisr e s u l t w a s consistentw i t h t h e f i n d i n g s o f thep r e v i o u s s t u d y o f Wilsone t a l

( 2 0 1 4 ) Furthermore,thepresentfindingsseemedtobeconsistentwiththepastresearches whichf o u n d positiverelationshipbetweeneco- labelandgreenpurchaseintentionorthew i l l i n g n e s s topaymoreinthecontextofenviron mentallycertifiedwoodproductsinUSA( V l o s k y e t a l , 1 9 9 9 ) ; i n t h e c o n t e x t o f “ D o l p h i n – S a f e ” e c o - labelo n c a n n e d t u n a inA u s t r a l i a ( D ’ Souza,2 0 0 0 ) ; i n t h e c o n t e x t ofE U energy- labelledwashingmachinesinS w i t z e r l an d (Sammer&Wustenhagen,2006);andinthecontextofec o- labelledpassengerv e h i c l e s pu rc hase d i n t h e U S A (N ob le t e t a l , 2 0 0 6 ) T h e r e f o r e , thehypothesis 1 was supportedfortheresearchmodel.

Asshowninthetable4.10ofCoefficients,theBetavalueofgreenpackagingwast h e low estvalueat0.105,andtheSig.valuewas0.059(morethan0.05).Thismeantthef act o r ofgree npackaging hadnegativeeffecton purchase intention.Incomparison to thet e s t e d resultofthisrelationshipinthepreviousresearchofWilsonetal.

(2014),itfoundthattherewasastrongrelevancebetweentworesults.GreenpackaginginSabah,Malays iaw a s n o t a p r e r e q u i s i t e c r i t e r i o n i n c o n s u m e r s ’ p u r c h a s i n g d e c i s i o n C o n s e q u e n t l y , t h e hypothesis2wasalsorejectedforthemodel.

Intermsofinvestigatingthecompatibilityperceivedaffectingtopurchaseintention,t h i s analysisfou ndaquitestrongeffectofgreencorporateperceptiononpurchaseintentiona s thepreviousstudyofD’Souzaet al.(2006).Withβ=0.301andp-value=0.000,itcouldb e concludedthathypothesis3wasconfirmed.

Furthermore,greenproductvaluehadBetaof0.148andp-value of 0.010 showingt h a t ithadaquitegoodrelationshipwithpurchaseintentionasthefindingsof previousstudyofWilsonetal.

(2014).Previously,therewasstrongevidencethatindicatedthatthep r o d u c t valuedidplayanim portantroleindetermininganindividual’sgreenpurchaseintention,suchasC h e n and Chang( 2 0 1 2 ) s t u d y inthecontextofinformationc o m m u n i c a t i o n technologicalprod uctsinTaiwan;andLitvineandWustehangen(2011)studyinthecontextofgreenelectr icityinSwitzerland.Therefore,thehypothesis4wassupportedforthemodel.

0.000in turnindicating thatgreenproduct valueinteractedtopurchaseintentionstronglyi n thesameofThanika etal. (2012)study.TheresultsofthisstudycontradictedthestudybyElhamRahbarandNabsiahAbdul (2011).Theystatedthattherewasaninsignificante f f e ct ofgreenadvertisementonpurchasebe havioramongPenangconsumers.However, customerss e e k morec o n c r e t e a n d a u t h e n t i c a t e d p r o d u c t i n f o r m a t i o n fromt h e s e a d v e r t i s e m en t s toguidethemintheirpurchasingdecisions(Chan,2004).Therefo re,thehypothesis5couldbeapproved.

Briefly,among fivedeterminantvariables,all offour variablesdemonstratedp o s i t i v e e f f e c t o n t h e d e p e n d e n t f a c t o r I t i m p l i e d t h e s e f a c t o r s w e r e m e a n i n g f u l t o purchaseintentiontowardsgreenproducts.W ithBetais0.367,itwasshownthateco- labelf a c t o r hadthestrongestrelationwithpurchaseintentiontowardsgreenproductsinHoChi


No Hypotheses Testingresult Beta Sig.

H1 Therei s a p o s i t i v e effecto f eco- labelo n purchase intentiontowardsgreenproducts.

H4 Therei s a p o s i t i v e effecto f greenproductva lueo n purchaseintentiontowardsgreenproduc ts.

Insummary,t h i sc h a p t e r p r e s e n t e d d a t aa n a l y s is r e s u l t s o f measurementsca l es, r e s e a r c h model,a n d h y p o t h e s e s R e s u l t s o f r e l i a b i l i t y testa n d E F

A testtof i n d t h e m easur em ent s c a l e s w h i c h w e r e morer e l i a b l e a n d w e r e s u i t a b l e f o r measuringe a c h construct.M u l t i p l e r e g r e s s i o n a n a l y s i s r e s u l t demonstratedt h a t mosto f i n d e p e n d e n t v a r i a b l e s hadgoodrelationshipswiththed ependentfactor,exceptforoneindependent.

Int h i s s t u d y , t h e a u t h o r e x a m i n e s h o w t h e r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n c o n s u m e r s’ p u r c h a s e intentioninHoChiMinhCityandpotentialfactorsincludingeco- label,greenpackaging,g r e e n corporateperception,greenproductvalueandgreenadverti sement.Thesefactorsareselectedbasedonacomprehensivereviewofsomepreviousrelatedresearches.


Mainfindingswhichareanalyzedaboveareusedtoanswerresearchquestionsabove.T h e table 5.1presentsasummaryofthethesis’fiveresearchquestionsandtheassociatedhypothes esbelow

RQ2Isthere apositiverelationbetweengreenpackagingandconsumers’ No purchaseintention in Ho Chi Minh City?

Isthere apositiverelationbetweengreencorporateperceptionand consumers’purchaseintentioninHoChiMinhCity? Yes

Isthere apositiverelationbetweengreenproductvalueandconsumers’purchaseintentioninH oChiMinhCity? Yes


Eco-labels significantly influence consumers' intentions to purchase green products, with a strong correlation indicated by a beta value of 0.367 and a p-value of 0.000 This suggests that many consumers view eco-labels as essential factors in their decision-making process for buying environmentally friendly products These findings align with previous research demonstrating a positive relationship between eco-labels and green purchase intentions, including studies on environmentally certified wood products in Australia, eco-labelled passenger vehicles in the USA, and EU energy-labelled washing machines in Switzerland.

&Wustenhagen,2006).Inthesame way,thisstudyalsoreportthatamajorityofconsumersinHoChiMinhCityareawareoftheinformationava ilableoneco-labelaseasytounderstanda n d accurate.Especially,withgreenproduct,eco- labelwithcertificatefromVietnamE n v i r o n m e n t Administrationmakesconsumersbelieveandh aveadecisiontopurchase.

Asforgreencorporateperception,thebeta(0.301)isthesecondvaluewhichhas as i g n i f i c an t effectongreenpurchaseintention.Organizationsclearlyrecognizetheimportanceo f environm entalprotectionandreducingpollutionbywastetreatment,alternativeenergyr e s o u r c e s andstoragesavings.ThisfindingisfurthersupportedbythecontextofChoiandNg(2011),whoarguedthatconsumersmaybemotivatedtomakegreenpurchasingbehaviortosupportfirmsthatcar eforenvironmentalsustainability.Furthermore,thisexistingfindingi s alsoinagreementwithBarber(2010)findings,whichshowedthatabout77percentof ther e s p o n d e n t s statedthattheyrefusedtobuywineproductsfromcompaniesallegedlyb eingh a r m f u l t o t h e e n v i r o n m e n t M a n a g e m e n t a n d o t h e r e m p l o y e e s oft h e b u s i n e s s becomeenthusiasticaboutgreeningallthebusinessfunctions.Businessesshouldconscio uslymakea

42 progressbyusingresourcesmoreefficientlyinthemanufacturing/ operationsfunctionandd i s t r i b u t i o n / l o g i s t i c s function.Fromthattimebeing,backtocorevalue,itcouldstillgivebusines sesahugeadvantagethatpositivelymaximizetheprofit.

Besides,asfarasgreenadvertisementisconcerned,theexistingresultrevealedthatitis significant lylinkedwithgreenpurchaseintention(β=0.275,p- value=0.000).Hence,livingi n themoderncitywithdiversifiedproducts,consumerspayattentiont oadvertisementssomuchwhichimpactonpurchasingbehavior.Becauseofenvironmentalprotectionandhea lthyf o r t h e f u t u r e g e n e r a t i o n i n g r e e n a d v e r t i s e m e n t , c o n s u m e r s a r e readytop u r c h a s e g r e e n p r o d u c t s whicharesatisfiedwiththeirneeds.Theresultsofthepresentstudyconcurred witht h e s t u d y o f C h a n ( 2 0 0 4 ) , w h o f o u n d t h a t t h e p e r c e i v e d c r e d i b i l i t y o f t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l advertisementclaimandtherelevanceoftheadvertisedproductstorespondents

Furthermore,thebetavalue(0.148)andthesignificantvalue(0.010)forgreenproductvaluearethe fourthonewhichhasquitegoodinfluenceonpurchaseintentionaswellasthefindingsofpreviouss tudyofWilsonetal.

(2014).Previously,therewasstrongevidencethatindicatedthattheproductvaluedidplayanimporta ntroleindetermininganindividual’sg r e e n purchaseintention,suchasChenandChang(2012)studyi nthecontextofinformationc o m m u n i c a t i o n technologicalproductsinTaiwan;andLitvineandWusteha ngen(2011)studyi n thecontextofgreenelectricityinSwitzerland.Thisresultprovokes consumersarestillc o n c e r n e d aboutgreenproductvaluesorbenefitsofthegreenproduct Respondentsclaimthatgreenproductvalueisnotprerequisitecriteriaforpurchaseintention.

Withrespecttothedimensionofgreenpackaging,greenpackagingisfoundtohaveinsi gnificanteffectoninfluencingpurchaseintentionbyβ=0.105,p- value=0.059.Therefore,r e s p o n d e n t s p e r c e i v e t h a t r e c y c l e o r b i o d e g r a d a b l e p a c k a g i n g h a s n o t e f f e c t o n p u r c h a s e intentionmuch.A p o s s i b l e e x p l a n a t i o n , t h e r e s p o n d e n t s d o n o t t o t a l l y c a r e a b o u t g r e e n p a c k a g i n g becauseofthehabitofusingt raditionalpackaging.Furthermore,theconsumersdonotgiveprioritytogreenpackagingint heirproductchoices.Greenpackagingisnotthemainconsiderationinrespondents’purchased ecision.Also,thereislackofawarenessanden v i r o n m e n t a l knowledgetowardsgreenp ackagingandtheconceptofgreenpackagingis

(2011)foundthatthemajorityoftherespondentsfavouredacontainer madefrombiodegradable ma ter i al inHawaii, US A O n t he otherhand, these f i n d i n g s aremoreinlinewiththeresearchfindi ngsofDamandTrijp(1994)inthecontextofbev er age containerspreferenceintheNetherlands.Theref ore,understandinghowpackagingv ar iab l es, suchascolor,design,andgraphics,impactcons umerrealization,evaluationandb e h a v i o r isnotconcernedabout.

Ins u m m a r y , t h i s e m p i r i c a l r e s e a r c h c o n t r i b u t e v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t s a b o u t t h e f a c t o r s w h i c h a f f e c t g r e e n p u r c h a s e i n t e n t i o n inH o C h i M i n h City.Moreover,s e v e r a l u s e f u l r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o r marketinga n d s a l e s p l a n n i n g


Althoughthemainfindingsofthisstudyarebasedupontheanalysisconductedononly1 7 0 consumers, therearesomepreciousinterestswhichshouldbeconcerned.Thefindingsofthestudycanbeusefulforow ner’scorporationwhodesiretomanufactureenvironmental- f r i e n d l y productsandmarketingplansaswellinHoChiMinhCity.Accordingtothisway,their greenproductscanbestmatchwithwhatcustomersarelookingfor.

Research indicates a strong link between eco-labels and purchase intentions, emphasizing the necessity for green products to be fully certified by national authorities like the Vietnam Environment Administration This certification helps prevent counterfeit goods and clarifies information about green products, reducing consumer confusion A clear and recognizable eco-label is crucial in influencing consumer purchasing decisions (Wilson et al., 2014) For instance, energy-efficient lightbulbs must be registered with eco-labels, as demonstrated by Philips Similarly, organic foods with eco-labels attract consumer attention and foster a sense of friendliness Overall, eco-labels serve as vital marketing tools to bridge the information gap between consumers and sellers, addressing market failures (Sammer & Wustenhagen, 2006).

Sonderskov&Daugbjerg,2011) Additionally, thestudyproposes thatg r e e n corporateperceptionisavitaldeterminantofgreenpurchaseintentionforconsumers

In Ho Chi Minh City, green corporate perception significantly influences green purchase intentions Managers can enhance their environmentally friendly corporate image by increasing efforts in environmental conservation activities Green advertising positively correlates with purchase intentions, and to address concerns about credibility, companies should provide detailed information and actual benefits of green products By showcasing their environmental actions, firms can help consumers distinguish between "green" and "non-green" companies, as the demand for green products continues to rise Emphasizing green production methods and product attributes is crucial to attract consumers Additionally, the perceived value of green products is a key predictor of purchase intention, prompting firms to ensure their products meet or exceed consumer expectations regarding environmental performance To maintain customer satisfaction, managers should focus on producing high-quality, convenient, and affordable products while continuously improving product features.

This study on consumers' purchase intentions in Ho Chi Minh City aligns with findings from Wilson et al (2014) and D’Souza et al (2006) It provides practical insights into how eco-labels, green packaging, corporate perceptions, product value, and green advertising influence green purchase intentions Academically, the research reinforces existing theories regarding the factors affecting purchase intentions for green products Additionally, the study offers recommendations for companies manufacturing green products to develop effective marketing strategies tailored to their business needs.


Becauseofrestrictionoftime,resourceandgeography,thestudyisonlyconductedinHoChiMin hCitywithnotlargesamplesizeanditconcentratesontargetconsumerswhoareo v e r 18yearsoldandhave middle-incomelevelandover.Therefore,itcouldnotpropose themostaccurateresult Thisstudyalso suggests that future research couldbe conductedinother areasornationalscalesinordertoshowmoregeneralviewaboutthistopic.

This study focuses on purchase intention rather than actual purchasing behavior, which may not fully meet the expectations of marketers in this field Future research should delve deeper into green packaging, as it is crucial for marketing researchers to understand its role in preserving, protecting, and promoting products To gain a better understanding of consumer purchase intention, subsequent studies should expand their research models to analyze actual consumer behavior Additionally, due to limitations in available sources and the author's knowledge, this research may not encompass all aspects necessary for the effective development of green products in Ho Chi Minh City Therefore, marketers should carefully consider the most suitable recommendations for their specific situations.

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Myna m e i s T r a n HuyBao.I ama s t u d e n t a t I n t e r n a t i o n a l S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s I amconductingr e s e a r c h a b o u t“ C riticalF a c t o r s A f f e c t ConsumerP u r c h a s e Intentiont o w a r d s GreenProductsinHoChiMinhCity”.Theaimofthisresearc histocollectthefeedbackfrom consumersabouttheirpurchase intentiontowardsg reenproducts tosupportforcorporationsdevelopinggreenmarketingeffectivelyintheircorporatestr ategy,t o contributetoimproveapartofenvironmentandtocreategreenproductsbeingb etterf o r yourhealth.

Thereisnocommentwhetheritistrueorfalseopinionorattitudebutallanswerisonlyusefulforpur poseorresearching.Therefore,Iamappreciatingthatyouhavetimetoa n s w e r s followingquestion sandallofyouranswerswillbevaluableforthisresearch.A l l personalinformationwillbekeptconfid entially.

Productswhicharemanufacturedwithrecycledmaterialsormorecompact,moree n e r g y effici entandlesswastefulofmaterialsingeneral.Greenproductsbringsafea n d healthyenvironmentfo rhumanbeingsinsteadoftraditionaltoxicproducts.Forinstance,greenproductsincludeenergy –efficientlightbulbs,ecobags,electricsteamirons,recycledpaper,organicfoods,etc…

4itemsofpurchaseintentiontowardsgreenproductand5factorsimpactingonpurchase intention included:eco- label,greenpackaging,greencorporateperception,greenpr od uctvalue,andgreenadvertisement.

 Purchasei n t e n t i o n : the purchaseprobabilitya n d w i l l i n g n e s s a s s o c i a t e d with anintentioncategoryatt h e percentageofindividualst h a t w i l l a c t u a l l y buya product(

 Eco-label:themeanofinformationtoolthatusuallyutilizedlogotoconveyinformationt o c o n s u m e r s o n the environmentimplicationsofbuyingaproduct (Tanget al., 2004).Fo rexample,“eco-friendly”,“environmentallysafe”,“recyclable”,“biodegradable”and

 Greenp a c k a g i n g : t o c o n t a i n , p r o t e c t a n d p r e s e n t t h e g r e e n i n f o r m a t i o n t h r o u g h sequenceofproducing,handlingandtransportinggoodtothepointofarrivalwithstateo f gooda sthemomentofproduction(Panwar,2004).

 Greencorporateperception:thecompanieshavestrategictargetswhichmakeaprofitn o t onlyfort hedaybutalsoforlong- termprofitabilityandenvironmentallyfriendlysustainability(Aysel,2012).

 Greenproductvalue:thewayconsumerperceivesaboutsafeofproductinaspectofquali tyandprice.Companiesdevelopproductswithbothgreenfeaturesandhigh- valueattributestoattractconsumers(Chen&Chang,2012).

 Greenadvertisement:theattributesoftheadvertisedproductorassociatedproductionp r o c e s s c ontributedto e n v i r o n m e n t a l protection o r w it h otherpositiveeffects to the e nvironment(Chan,2004).

Pleaseindicateyourhowmuchyouagree/ disagreewithfollowingstatements(1=stronglyd i s a g r e e , 2=disagree,3=neutral,4=agree,5=strongl yagree):

ECO–LABEL(Wilsonetal., 2014 &Thanikaetal., 2012)–5items

Iconsiderwhatis printed oneco-labelsto beaccurate.

GREENCORPORATEPERCEPTION(D’Souzaetal., 2006;Smith&Perks,2010)–5 items

Companiescreate byproducts,recycle andre- usetoeliminatewaste.

Overall,I’msatisfied with theinformationcurrentlyavailableon theeco-label of theproductsIpurchase.

TôilàTrầnHuyBảo.TôilàhọcviêncủaViệnđàotạoQuốctếthuộctrườngĐạihọckinhtếTP.HCM. Hiệntôiđanglàmđềtàinghiêncứuvề“Nhữngyếutốảnhhưởngđếnýđịnh muasảnphẩmxanhcủangườitiêudùngởthànhphốHồChíMinh.”Mụcđíchc ủabàinghiên cứunàylàđểcóđượcphảnhồitừkháchhàngvềýđịnhmuaSảnphẩmXan h, nhằmcungcấpth ôngtinchonhữngdoanhnghiệpcóýđịnhpháttriểntiếpthịxanhv à o chiếnlượccủacôngtyhiệuqu ả,gópphầncảithiệnmôitrườngvàđồngthờitạoran h ữngSảnphẩmXanhtốthơnchosứckhỏen gườitiêudùng. Ởđâykhông có quanđiểmhaytháiđộ nào làđúnghaysai,màtấtcảđềulà cácthông tinhữuíchchonghiêncứu.Vìvậy,tôirấtmonganh/chịdànhthờigiantraođổimộtsốsuyn g h ĩ c ủaanh/chịvềvấnđềnày.

 sảnphẩmđượcsảnxuấttừnhữngnguyênliệutáichếhoặclàsảnphẩmtiếtkiệmn ă n g lượngv àítgâyralãngphínguyênliệunóichung.Sảnphẩmxanhmangđếnmôitrườngthânthiệnvàsứ ckhỏechongườitiêudùngthaychoviệcsửdụngnhữngsảnphẩmtruyềnthốngcóchấtđộchạ i.

Vídụ,bóngđèntiếtkiệmđiện,túisinhhọc,bànủihơinước,giấytáichế,thựcp h ẩmhữucơ,… (Nguồn:BộTàinguyênvàMôitrường)

Cóbốntiêuchívềýđịnhmuasảnphẩmxanhvà5nhântốảnhhưởngđếnýđịnhmuasảnphẩmxanh: nhãnsinhthái,đónggóisảnphẩmxanh,nhậnthứcxanhcủadoanhnghiệp,giátrịsảnphẩmxanhvà quảngcáoxanh.

 Đónggóisảnphẩmxanh:chứađựng,bảovệvàgiớithiệuthôngtinxanhthôngquaquytrìnhsản xuất,chuyênchởhànghóađếnđịađiểmgiaohàng.

 Nhậnthứcxanhcủadoanhnghiệp:cáchãngsảnxuấtcómụctiêuchiếnlượclàmlờic h o doanh nghiệpkhôngchỉchohiệntạimàcònhướngtớilợinhuậndàihạnvàduytrìviệctạorasảnphẩmthân thiệnvớimôitrường.

 Giátrịsảnphẩmxanh:ngườitiêudùngnhậnthứcsảnphẩmcóđángtincậyhayk h ô n gdướikh íacạnhchấtlượngvàgiácả.Cáchãngsảnxuấtpháttriểnsảnphẩmvớin h ữngđặcđiểmxanhvàth uộctínhmanggiátrịcaođểthuhútngườitiêudùng.

Anh/chịvuilòngchobiếtmứcđộđồngý/khôngđồngýcủaanh/ chịvớinhữngphátbiểud ư ớ i đây(Đánhdấuvàoôtròn;trongđó,1=hoàntoànkhôngđồngý,2=khô ngđồngý,3=phânvân,4=đồngý,5=hoàntoànđồngý).

Tôi muasảnphẩmxanh vì nó khôngđộchạiđếnm ô i trường.

Tôi xem việcchuyểnquadùngsảnphẩm mangnhãnhiệuxanh vìlýdo sinh thái bảo vệmôitrường.

Tôi muasảnphẩmxanh vì nólàmgiảmsựô nhiễmmôitrường.

Tôi thấynội dungintrênnhãnsinh thái làchínhxác. Thôngtintrênnhãnsinhtháithườngdễdànghiểuđược.

Nhữngthôngtinđầyđủđượccungcấptrênnhãns i n h th ái. ĐÓNGGÓISẢNPHẨM XANH Đónggóiđượclàm từvật liệu táichế. Đónggóisảnphẩm xanhcóthểtựhủy Đónggóisảnphẩm xanhcóthểtáichế Đónggóisảnphẩm xanhcóthểđươcsửdụnglại.

Doanhnghiệpnênchútrọngưu tiênviệcgiảmsựônhiễmmôitrường(chấtthảitừkhói, bụi,nước,…)h ơ n l à giatănglợinhuận.

Doanhnghiệpchútrọngưu tiênviệc bảovệmôitrườnghơn làgiatănglợi nhuận.

Doanhnghiệpsửdụngcáckhochứahàngtiết kiệmchỗhoặcphươngtiện lưukho phù hợp đểgiảmthiểutácđộngcủamôitrường.

Cáctínhnăngthuộcmôi trườngcủa sảnphẩm xanhrấtcógiátrịvới tôi.

Tôi muasảnphẩmxanh vì nó cónhiềulợiíchmôitrườnghơnsảnphẩm khác.

Tôi muasảnphẩmxanh vì nó liênquanđến môitrườngnhiềuhơn sản phẩmkhác.

Quảngcáoxanh thu hút tôi mộtcáchấntượng.

Sảnphẩmxanhđược quảngbátrongcácquảngcáokêugọibảo vệmôi trườnghiệncótạiTPHCMđượcthểhiệnmộtcáchtrungt hựcNóichungtôihàilòngkhi muasảnphẩmxanh vớinhữngthôngtinsẵncótrênnhãnsinh thái.

Component Total Variance % Total Variance % Total Variance %

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total %ofVariance Cumulative% Total %ofVariance Cumulative%

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2022, 10:45


