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PRO 3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN ngày cô KÌ THI THỬ THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2021 Bài thi: NGOẠI NGỮ ; Mơn thi: TIẾNG ANH THPT NGƠ GIA TỰ - VĨNH PHÚC (LẦN 3) Ngày thi: 28/3/2021 Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the three in pronunciation in each of the following questions Question A jeans B bean C jealous D steam Question A sounds B secrets C obstacles D situations Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions Question A exist B bamboo C survive D workforce Question A excitement B document C emphasis D property Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question He plagued me stupid questions all through lunch A on B at C for D with Question The students don't know how to the exercises by the teacher yesterday A which given B given C is giving D who given Question If I that there was a test yesterday, I would not be punished now A knew B would know C had known D have known Question Someone is going to have to take responsibility for this disaster Who is going to ? A carry the can B foot the bill C catch the worms D hatch the chicken Question Mr Smith ate his breakfast in great so as not to miss the bus to Liverpool A haste B rush C pace D speed Question 10 Up when it saw its master A does the dog jump B the dog jump C did the dog jump D jumped the dog Question 11 As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has actively participated in the group's programs and has also created new and cooperation mechanisms A initiates B initiators C initiatives D initiations Question 12 His English teacher recommends that he a regular program A begin B begins C will begin D is beginning Question 13 Many educationalists feel that continue is fairer than formal examinations A assignment B judgment C cramming D assessment Question 14 milk production, sheep were then used for wool A Having first domesticated for B Having been first domesticated for C Although they had first domesticated for D Because they had been first domesticated for Đăng kí PRO3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN ngày cô Question 15 The newspaper editor-in-chief had a newswoman about the latest domestic robot A wrote B to write C write D writing Question 16 Air pollution is getting serious in big cities in the world A most and most B the most and the most C the more and the more D more and more Question 17 Mr Horrid was a terrible teacher and obviously not for teaching A cut in B cut out C cut up D cut on Question 18 He asked me that film the night before A if had I seen B that I saw C had I seen D if I had seen Question 19 Many young people want to work for this humanitarian organization, ? A don't they B didn't they C does it D doesn't it Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions Question 20 Some newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth just to impress readers with sensational news stories A gathering personal information B examining factual data C making changes to facts D providing reliable data Question 21 Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over small problems A worry about B get involved in C get angry about D look for Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 22 This boy is poorly-educated and doesn't know how to behave properly A uneducated B knowledgeable C ignorant D rude Question 23 If you say bad things about the person who gives a job you bite the hand that feeds you A be thankful B be ungrateful C be devoted D be unfriendly Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes the following exchanges Question 24 Tom's friends are waiting for him for an excursion - Tom: "Sorry, I'm late, Mike" - Mike: “ .” A No, I wouldn't mind at all B Not on my account C That's all right D Well, it's worth a try Question 25 Ken and Tom are high-school students They are discussing where their study group will meet - Ken: "Where is our study group going to meet next weekend?" - John: “ .” A Why don't you look at the atlas? B The library would be best C We are too busy on weekdays D Studying in a group is great fun Đăng kí PRO3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN ngày cô Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks MODERN SCIENCE It seems entirely natural to us that there are teams of scientists in universities and (26) _ institutions around the world, attempting to discover the way the world works (27) _, it hasn't always been that way Although the scientific method is now four or five hundred years old, the ancient Greeks, for example, believed that they could (28) _ the cause of natural events just by the power of thought During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could test their scientific ideas by designing a relevant experiment and seeing what happened A lot of (29) _ was made in this way by individual scientists These men and women often worked alone, carrying out research into many different areas of science, and they often received very little (30) _ for their hard work At the start of the 20th century, though, it became clear that science was becoming more complicated and more expensive This individual scientist disappeared, to be replaced by flighty qualified teams of experts Modern science was a boom Question 26 A every B other C another D whole Question 27 A Accordingly B However C Thus D Besides Question 28 A give out B solve out C come out D work out Question 29 A movement B evolution C progress D development Question 30 A gift B reward C prize D present Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990 This law extends civil rights protection to persons with disabilities in private sector employment, all public services, and in public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications A person with disability is defined as someone with a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits him or her in a major life activity, such as walking, talking, working, or self-care A person with a disability may also be someone with a past record of such an impairment, for example, someone who no longer has heart disease but discriminated against because of that history The ADA states that employers with fifteen or more employees may not refuse to hire or promote a person because of a disability if that person is qualified to perform the job Also, the employer must make reasonable accommodations that will allow a person with a disability to perform essential functions of the job All new vehicles purchased by public transit authorities must be accessible to people with disabilities All rail stations must be made accessible, and at least one car per train is existing rail systems must be made accessible It is illegal for public accommodations to exclude or refuse persons with disabilities Public accommodations are businesses and services such as restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, and parks All new buildings must be made accessible, and existing facilities must remove barriers if the removal can be accomplished without much difficulty or expense The ADA also stipulates that companies offering telephone service to the general public must offer relay services to individuals who use telecommunications devices for the deaf, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week Question 31 What is the main purpose of the passage? A To describe discrimination against persons with disabilities B To explain the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act C To discuss telecommunications devices for the deaf D To make suggestions for hiring persons with disabilities Đăng kí PRO3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN ngày cô Question 32 According to the passage, all of the following are effected by the Americans with Disabilities Act EXCEPT A public transit authority B an employer with lower than fifteen employees C a person with a past record of an impairment D someone who has difficulty walking Question 33 The word “impairment” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A disability B violation C danger D aptitude Question 34 The author implies all of the following EXCEPT A the ADA protects the rights of people with mental impairments B the ADA is designed to protect the civil rights of many people C the ADA requires people with disabilities to pay for special accommodations D public transportation must accommodate the needs of people with disabilities Question 35 It can be inferred from the passage that A the ADA is not well-liked by employers B every car of a train must be accessible to persons with disabilities C restaurants can refuse service to people with disabilities D large companies may not discriminate against workers with disabilities Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Oxford University scientists have launched an attempt to bring the Northern White Rhinoceros back from beyond the “point of no return” using IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) The team believes a pioneering treatment can prompt a revival of the persecuted species, despite the death last year of the last known male and the fact that the two remaining females, Najin and Fatu, cannot have calves One of two subspecies of White Rhinoceros, the Northern Rhinoceros once ranged over tracts of Uganda, Sudan, Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo However, the value of its horns saw it poached from a population of approximately 500 to 15 in the 1970s and 1980s A small recovery numbers reached 32 - from the early 1990s was then reversed from 2003 when illegal hunting intensified again The Oxford researchers believe that it will be possible to remove ovarian tissue from the animals and stimulate it to produce eggs, which would then be fertilized from sperm preserved from male Northern White Rhinoceros The embryos would then be implanted into a surrogate mother of a similar species, probably a Southern White Rhinoceros The technique has been used successfully in mice for nearly two decades; it has also been accomplished for some species of dog, horse and cat However, it has never been attempted before on a rhinoceros, meaning the Oxford team plan to perfect it first by conducting a series of trials on ovarian tissue taken from a Southern White Rhinoceros In principle, the benefit of removing ovarian tissue for use in the lab is that it can go on producing eggs Other researchers are exploring the possibility of using the remaining Northern White Rhinoceros sperm to cross-breed with Southern White Rhinoceros, however, Dr Williams believes the focus should be on preserving the identity of the northern species “This will be a huge buffer against disease and ill-health in the long-term, and give the new herds better genetic ability to adapt to changing environments in the future.” Đăng kí PRO3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN ngày cô Najin was born in captivity in 1989 and Fatu in 2000 They both belong to the Cvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic, which shipped them to the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya in 2009 amid tight security In place of their horns, keepers have fitted radio transmitters to allow close monitoring of their whereabouts in the large paddock areas The team has enough funding for three years’ research, donated from Foundation Hoffman, however, Oxford University has launched a public appeal to raise the money to secure the project long term Question 36 Which of the following best serves as the title for the passage? A Oxford University Pondering Changes to Fertilizing Techniques B Oxford University in an Attempt to Protect an Endangered Species C Oxford University to Launching a Campaign to Raise Public Awareness of Rhinoceros D Oxford University Holding a Public Appeal to Raise the Animal Protection Fund Question 37 According to paragraph 2, the number of Northern Rhinoceros A has been dramatically dropped since 2003, after a long time of continuous development B decreased from approximately 500 to 32 in the 1970s and 1980s because of poaching C has been descended as a result of illegal hunting since people began to value its horns D was relatively small in Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo Question 38 The word "its" in paragraph refer to ? A White Rhinoceros B Southern White Rhinoceros C subspecies D Northern White Rhinoceros Question 39 According to the passage, Najin and Fatu are mentioned about all of the following EXCEPT A their strength B their habitat C their gender D their origin Question 40 The word "surrogate" in paragraph mostly means _ A considerate B endurance C prolific D substitute Question 41 It can be inferred from paragraph that _ A Preserving the identity of the northern species is the priority in this period of time B Cross-breeding always makes animals lose their natural ability to adapt the environment C Hybrid Rhinoceros can adapt to the future environment better than their ancestors D Dr William wants to promote cross-breeding Southern and Northern Rhinoceros Question 42 Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage? A Najin and Fatu are the last known female rhinos which can have calves naturally B Researchers can find out the position of Najin and Fatu if they want C The technique that Oxford University scientists use to breed rhinos has never been successful before D Oxford University can afford a three year project without being sponsored by any foundation Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 43 Animals like frogs have water proof skin that prevents it from drying out quickly in air, sun or wind A that B wind C it D have Đăng kí PRO3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG PRO 3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Theo dõi Page : Học Tiếng Anh cô Vũ Mai Phương để học GIỎI TIẾNG ANH HƠN ngày cô Question 44 Public speaking is quite a frightening experience for many people as it can produce a status of mind similar to panic A panic B frightening C quite D status Question 45 Generally, Europe and Asia are regarded as being distinct continents, but they are simply vast geography divisions of the larger lad mass known as Eurasia A are regarded B Generally C vast geography D known as Eurasia Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions Question 46 You should have persuaded him to change his mind A It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn't B You should persuade him to change his mind C You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn't listen D You didn't persuade him to change because of his mind Question 47 He was successful in his career thanks to his parents support A Had it not been for his parents support, he wouldn't be successful in his career B But for his parents’ support, he wouldn't be successful in his career C Without his parents' support, he would have been successful in his career D If his parentss hadn't supported him, he wouldn't have been successful in his career Question 48 "We will not leave until we see the manager," said the customers A The customers agreed to leave before they saw the manager B The customers refused to leave until they saw the manager C The customers promised to leave before they saw the manager D The customers decided to leave because they did not see the manager Question 49 My mother is very busy with her work at the office She still takes good care of us A Because my mother is very busy with her work at the office, she takes good care of us B My mother is so busy with her work at the office that she cannot take good care of us C In spite of being very busy with her work at the office, my mother takes good care of us D My mother is too busy with her work at the office to take good care of us Question 50 We cannot completely avoid stress in our lives We need to find ways to cope with it A Since we cannot completely avoid stress in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it B After we can completely avoid stress in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it C As long as we can completely avoid stress in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it D Because stress can completely be avoided in our lives, we need to find ways to cope with it Đăng kí PRO3M/COMBO CẤP TỐC/PRO3MPLUS – CHINH PHỤC ĐIỂM 9+ MÔN TIẾNG ANH CÙNG CÔ VŨ MAI PHƯƠNG

Ngày đăng: 14/10/2022, 08:43

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