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Building scientific knowledge based on the solution of clinical cases a contemporary learning process

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) Peer-Reviewed Journal ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O) Vol-8, Issue-7; Jul, 2021 Journal Home Page Available: https://ijaers.com/ Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.87.42 Building scientific knowledge based on the solution of clinical cases: A contemporary learning process Eduardo Fernandes Marques, Rodrigo Rodrigues Ventura Received:20 Jun 2021; Received in revised form: 14 Jul 2021; Accepted: 22 Jul 2021; Available online: 30 Jul 2021 ©2021 The Author(s) Published by AI Publication This is an open access article under the CC BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Keywords— Dentistry, active methodology, PBL I Abstract— The construction of scientific knowledge based on the solution of clinical cases, also called problem-situation or case study, is a contemporary methodology, centered on the student, problematizing, teaching-learning, which allows to know the previous knowledge of the group in the face of the presented situation, as well as identifying learning needs, building new meanings and knowledge, in addition to developing specific skills for self-learning Strategically, it is the insertion, during a course, of a social material (texts, audios, printed matter, videos), whose analysis and discussion allow to contextualize the theoretical content This work aims to present an experience in the construction, application and evaluation of clinical cases aimed at students in the fifth period of the dentistry course at Itpac - Porto Nacional in 2020 Clinical cases were previously screened by the teacher of endodontics at the multidisciplinary clinic at Itpac - Porto Nacional and presented to students in the classroom The students were instructed to organize themselves in groups, a time of hour was established for discussion of clinical cases and websites, scientific articles and books were made available to assist in solving the proposed activity After the end of the established time, each group presented the diagnosis of each clinical situation presented Based on this experience, it is possible to conclude that the use of clinical cases as a pedagogical practice brings students closer to the social reality and leads them to build networks of knowledge, making them active subjects in the learning process, without renouncing the depth and specificity knowledge that a dental student needs to develop INTRODUCTION According to Latif, 2014, Clinical Cases are real or fictitious situations, with summarized data and cognitive intentionality, whose objective is to introduce or illustrate certain knowledge However, due to their theoretical nature, they not allow real experience, being only an artificial, partial, systematic and theoretical proposal of professional practice, sometimes presented with a caricatural tone The insertion of a clinical case in the disciplines of the basic cycle without proper contextualization and without the proper baggage of practical experience can discourage or be little enlightening, even distorting the professional reality www.ijaers.com On the other hand, the presentation and discussion of clinical cases in the classroom as a way of stimulating reflection are essential when the student is already inserted in professional practice, in the case of Dentistry courses, or in the experience of multidisciplinary clinics, as the knowledge of the practical reality, even initial, allows a critical posture of the student in the face of the presented situation, being truly problematizing (Weeks et al., 2012) The Motivating Case methodology, by promoting the mobilization of common sense, allows to know and challenge the previous knowledge of the group of students in the face of the presented situation, as well as to identify Page | 387 Eduardo Fernandes Marques et al International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7)-2021 learning needs, to build new meanings and knowledge, in addition to developing specific skills for the student independent study (Crowe, et al., 2011) It differs from the discussion of the Clinical Case in that the situation presented challenges the student's knowledge based on what he already brings with him knowledge of life Even without knowing the theoretical content, the student understands the situation presented and assumes the possibility of resolution After the presentation of the proposal, the group discussion follows, which presents the various perspectives and opinions involved, many of them contradictory or partial, making the student aware that his current knowledge is insufficient for a resolutive or uniform understanding There follows an active search for knowledge and theoretical content, always under the guidance of the teacher, through the planning and execution of a strategy by the group, which generates new discussions and expansion of the perspective of the problem, seeking conciliatory syntheses (Souza et al., 2014) This work aims to present an experience in the construction, application and evaluation of clinical cases aimed at students of the fifth period of the dentistry course at Itpac - Porto Nacional in 2020 II METHODOLOGY Clinical cases were previously screened by the professor of endodontics at the multidisciplinary clinic at Itpac - Porto Nacional and presented to students in the classroom The students were instructed to organize themselves in groups, a time of hour was established for the discussion of clinical cases and websites, scientific articles and books were made available to assist in solving the proposed activity After the end of the established time, each group presented the diagnosis of each clinical situation presented (Pictures 01 and 02) Picture 01: Clinical case 01 Picture 02: Clinical case 02 III DISCUSSION The Motivator Case was a didactic tool used in the discipline of Endodontics for the fifth period of the dentistry course at ITPAC – Porto Nacional Before, the course was theoretical, with a predominance of expository classes, www.ijaers.com without the active participation of students, with classes without articulation as to content and with isolated assessments by the various participating disciplines From the longitudinal application of Clinical Cases, students had Page | 388 Eduardo Fernandes Marques et al International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7)-2021 the opportunity to debate and synthesize in groups the various subjects taught under a guiding axis The option for the topic Diagnosis in endodontics aimed to create the possibility of exploring and discussing an aspect that, in general, dental courses with a biological focus not prioritize Thus, the approach to this theme in the dentistry course in the methodology of Clinical Motivating Cases, with the presentation of real cases and situations, extracted from everyday life and the average, results in students' reflection and active posture on the subject discussed From the New National Plan for University Extension (2000/2001) it became of fundamental importance to deepen in the new concepts of the classroom, which should not be limited to the physical space of the traditionally established dimension, but should include all the spaces inside and outside the University, mainly in the community directly involved with it, starting to express a multi, inter and transdisciplinary content The traditional “tri-leg” that sedimented the University was based on teaching, research and extension activities – where knowledge was originated in the academy and applied in society, with research activities as the main support Today, with the inversion of this tripod, it has become essential that extension activities - expansion of the physical limit of the classroom - start to occupy the main level, where teaching and research activities should be directed according to the needs of the population In addition, the student must actively participate in the teaching-learning process, being subjected to theoretical reflection of the added knowledge, so that he can build knowledge and correlate it with other areas, comprising a human being as a whole and within a socioeconomic-cultural context The professor, in turn, must offer conditions for training based on scientific foundations, critical knowledge and concrete experience of social reality, consolidated by the approximation of the University and the Unified Health System Teaching activities should focus less on transmitting and more on seeking knowledge Therefore, the basic and professional sciences must be associated during the course of the course and encourage permanent research with the objective of obtaining scientific and technological growth in the respective areas of knowledge IV learning process, without renouncing the depth and specificity knowledge that a dental student needs to develop REFERENCES [1] Asmar T, Rodrigues J Origens: Thiago Silva abre o jogo e se emociona ao lembrar das dificuldades Grupo Globo [online] 2013.[capturado 21fev.2018] Disponível em http://globoesporte.globo.com/programas/esporteespetacular/noticia/2013/06/origens-thiago-silva-abre-o- jogo-e-se-emociona-ao-lembrar-das-dificuldades.html [2] Mitre SM et al Metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem na formaỗóo profissional em saỳde: debates atuais Ciờnc Saỳde Coletiva 2008;13(2):2133-2144 [3] Batista NA Desenvolvimento docente na área da saúde: uma anỏlise Trabalho, Educaỗóo e Saỳde 2005;3(2):283- 294 [4] Batista NA, Vilela RQB, Batista, SHSS Metodologias ativas de ensino aprendizagem (Maea): potờncias para aprender e ensinar em medicina In: Educaỗóo Médica no Brasil São Paulo: Cortez, 2017 p 219-234 [5] Berbel NAN A problematizaỗóo e a aprendizagem baseada em problemas: diferentes termos ou diferentes caminhos? 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