[...]... two wo/ds (e.g week + end = weekend) 9 Three acronyms (e.g RADAR = radar detection and ranging) 10 Two sentences that read the same (letter for letter) forwards and backwards (e.g Madam, I'm Adam) Discussions A-Z Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE 12 Punctuate the following sentence: He said that that that that that man said was correct 13 Decipher the following: UR 2 2 2 4 10 GOOD ME BE GOT 14 Answer the following... asked to be born and parents should not expect their help Children should not rely on their parents for money They should try to do some holiday/Saturday jobs and become economically independent Discussions A-Z Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE ^ Cambridge University Press 1997 31 Writing Warm-ups • Students to choose two or three of the following and write about the implications of living under such conditions:... being of mixed race (i.e with parents from different races)? 4 Would you be friends with, hove a relationship with, or marry someone from another race? 5 Is there racial discrimination in your country? Discussions A - Z Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE m Cambridge University Press 1997 19 Warm-ups • Brainstorm students on the most important decisions one has to make in one's hfe Write them on the board, adding... thought so too - until he had her beheaded - and so did his children and friends He didn't suffer the slightest twinge of conscience because he was behaving in accordance with the morality of his epoch I Discussions A - Z Intermediate Cambridge PHOTOCOPIABLE m 1 With your partner you hove five minutes to decide if you want to be resurrected as tfie king or Juju 2 If you overtfirew tfie king, and you became... watch on TV? g what job to have? c what friends to have? h whether to hove on abortion? d what to read? i whether to go to church? e what time to come home at night? j which political party to vote for? Discussions A - Z Intermediate PHOTOCOPABLE ^ Cambridge University Press 1997 23 Warm-up • Ask students to cover the left-hand column of the chart and identify or guess the languages shown in the illustration... The plurals oiman, ox, life, were mans, axes, lifes Comparison of adjectives was invariably made by adding -er, -est {good, gooder, goodest); irregular forms and the more, most formation were suppressed Discussions A - Z Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE K@ Cambridge University Press 1997 25 3 Fun with English • This is good for a last lesson Students get into groups and find the appropriate answers Make it... while walking along 2 Look at yourself in a shop window 7 Wear your pyjamas 3 Shout at or argue with your partner 8 Kiss your partner 4 Sing at the lop of your voice 9 Spit 5 Take all your clothes off Discussions A - Z Intermediate mii:Mi»It'"**'^^, dtv'Js:' .•v.ii ».:C:::^ 3 The Peters Projection I used the Peters . along. 7 Wear your pyjamas. 8 Kiss your partner. 9 Spit. 10 Cry. Discussions A-Z Intermediate mii:Mi»I<»]-jrili1fm © Cambridge University Press. continued on p. 1 8) 16 Colour 1 jyy!?* is your favourite colour? Discussions A-Z Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE m. Cambridge University Press 1997 17