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Teaching online a practical guide 4th ed

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Teaching Online Teaching Online: A Practical Guide is an accessible, introductory, and comprehensive guide for anyone who teaches online The fourth edition of this bestselling resource has been fully revised, maintains its reader-friendly tone, and offers exceptional practical advice, new teaching examples, faculty interviews, and an updated resource section New to this edition: • entire new chapter on MOOCs (massive open online courses); • expanded information on teaching with mobile devices, using open educational resources, and learning analytics; • additional interviews with faculty, case studies, and examples; • spotlight on new tools and categories of tools, especially multimedia Focusing on the “hows” and “whys“ of implementation rather than theory, the fourth edition of Teaching Online is a must-have resource for anyone teaching online or thinking about teaching online Susan Ko, Director of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology, CUNY School of Professional Studies Steve Rossen, Instructional Technologist and Electronic Librarian, formerly Manager of the Faculty New Media Center at UCLA Teaching Online A Practical Guide Fourth Edition Susan Ko and Steve Rossen Fourth edition published 2017 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 and by Routledge Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2017 Taylor & Francis The right of Susan Ko and Steve Rossen to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe First published 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company Third edition published 2010 by Routledge Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN: 978-0-415-83242-7 (hbk) ISBN: 978-0-415-83243-4 (pbk) ISBN: 978-0-203-42735-4 (ebk) Typeset in Utopia by Wearset Ltd, Boldon, Tyne and Wear Download the eResources from: www.routledge.com/9780415832434 Once more with Steve … Brief Contents Preface PART I Getting Started Teaching Online: An Overview Scouting the Territory: Exploring Your Institution’s Resources PART II Putting the Course Together Course Design and Development Working with Others to Develop a Course Creating an Effective Online Syllabus Building an Online Classroom Student Activities in the Online Environment Copyright, Intellectual Property, and Open Educational Resources Creating Courseware: Selecting “Web 2.0” Tools and Other Resources PART III Teaching in the Online Classroom 10 Preparing Students for Online Learning 11 Classroom Management and Facilitation 12 Classroom Management: Special Issues 13 Teaching Web-Enhanced and Blended Classes 14 Teaching and Learning in a MOOC 15 Taking Advantage of New Opportunities Glossary Guide to Resources Index 10 keeping up with ideas and technologies 421–3; learning from experience 417–21 networking 424; student expectations 424–5 orientation programs 298–304, 467–8 Pacansky-Brock, Michelle 114, 155–6, 199, 264, 287–8, 300–1, 302, 303 pacing considerations 113–14, 145–6, 385 Packer, Sharon 356, 357, 364, 365 Padlet 162, 269 Paint 254 Pang, Les 197–9 Panopto 150 paper records 312 participation see student participation participatory learning 405 passive participants, on MOOCs 390 password protection 78, 237–8, 349 PBworks 147 PDFs 432; embedded audio 258–9 peer evaluation/review 100, 206; of group work 180, 183, 187 MOOCs 401–2 peer mentoring 416 Pennsylvania State University 180–1, 182, 201, 263–4, 297, 323, 412 periodicals 422–3 Periscope 207, 265–6 personal challenge questions 78 personal websites, as resource 219 personalized learning paths, MOOCs 396 PhET Interactive simulations 190 philosophy courses 7–10, 8, 208, 264–5, 316–17 phone numbers 350 photos: 513 fair use guidelines 229; student 168, 176, 213, 352 photo-sharing sites 250 PicFindr 251 Pics4Learning 251 Picture Manager 254 Piktochart 278, 281 Pinterest 162, 269 plagiarism 79–80, 81–2, 210, 465–6 PlayPosit 268 plug-ins 169, 432 PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files 255 podcasts 150–1, 208, 221, 260, 303, 432, 454 Podomatic 260 Poll Everywhere 273 Polldaddy 273, 274, 275 polls 273–4, 275, 446–7 portals 217–18, 456–9 portfolio assessment 80, 162–3, 380 posting 432 PowerPoint 60–1, 117, 261, 262 PowToon 268–9 practice exams 376 practicums 196 presence, instructor 305–7, 315, 392–5 presentations: narrated slides 61, 117, 261, 392, 393; scripted versus unscripted 262; slide shows 60–1, 117, 261–2 student 58, 71, 256, 329, 380–1; see also lectures Prezi 261–2 primary-secondary model of team teaching 347–8 privacy issues 157, 234, 242–3, 272, 349–51 problem-based learning approach 181–3, 184–5, 186 514 proctoring solutions 78–9 progress reports 165 ProProfs Quiz School 164 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) 219 Public Health Games 205 Q&A areas 167–8 Quality Matters rubric 51–2, 415–16 Quality Online Course Initiative (QOCI) rubric 50 quiet students 355–7 quizmakers 163–5, 274, 375–6, 446–7 quizzes: interactive video 268; MOOCs 401; readiness 297 real-time 274–6 Ragan, Larry 263–4 randomization of questions 78 readability 59–60, 443 readiness programs 297–8, 467–8 real-time chat see chat activities real-time quizzes 274–6 record keeping 308–12 redesign see course redesign Redistricting Game 192 Reed College 82 reflective activities 197–201 Remind 157 remote proctoring solutions 78–9 research activities 58, 72–4, 215–22 resources: guide to 436–70 institutional 23–9; see also internet resources; see also open educational resources (OERs) retired professionals 408–9 Ridley, Linda 204–5, 338 515 role-playing activities 187–90, 193, 463–4 Rowe, Stephen 178 RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds 151, 170, 432 Rubin, Jon 211–15 Rubistar 338 rubrics: assessment 59, 76, 444 course design 50–2, 443; for discussion activities 224–5, 338; grading 59, 71, 82, 223–5, 338, 401; group work evaluation 180, 181, 182, 186, 187; participation requirements 86, 119 SafeAssign 79, 81 Sakai 140 scaffolding 54–5, 108, 432 scanning 253–4 scenarios 203–4, 205 schedule areas 152 schedules 118–21; blended courses 384–5; cross-cultural exchanges 209, 211; examples 128–30, 137 Schoology 140 Schroeder, Ray 423 Schumaker, Richard 208, 264–5, 316–18 science, asynchronous discussion 66 science courses 10–12, 200–1 Scoop.it 162 screen grabs/capture 253, 452 screen reading software 52–3 screen sharing 69, 158–9, 450–1 screencasting 117, 266–8, 269, 433, 449 Screencast-o-Matic 267 ScreenChomp 269 516 Scribblemaps 279 scripted narrations and presentations 262 SeaMonkey Composer 247 search capabilities 163 Second Life 171, 193 security, online testing 77–81, 163, 164 self-assessment quizzes 163, 376, 401 self-evaluation 100, 183, 187 self-paced computer-based training 97 self-pacing 113–14 self-plagiarism 80 seminars 65, 373 sequencing 56–8, 97–8, 143 SERC portal 190, 283 serious games 190–4, 464–5 Seton Hall University, New Jersey 51–2, 95, 97 shared responsibility model of team teaching 344–5 shortened courses 85–7 ShowMe 269 Siemens, George 423 Sierra College 114, 155–6, 300–1 simulations 63; augmented reality 193, 428; computer-based 190–4, 196–7, 463; lab work 196–7; role-playing 189, 463–4 virtual worlds 171–2, 193, 352, 434, 453–4 Skype 67, 260, 310, 350, 377 Slideshare 261–2 slide-show presentations 60–1, 117, 261–2 smartboards 158 smartphones 433; see also mobile devices Smithsonian 193 SMS texting 156–7, 310, 313, 319, 433 517 Snagit 253, 267 social bookmarking 72–3, 84, 162, 433, 447 social curation tools 269 social identity 351 social interaction: chat 343 MOOCs 403 social networking sites 169–70, 421, 448; group activities 160 privacy issues 349, 350; rules of conduct 366; in web-enhanced courses 375 Socrative 276 software 7, 25, 138–41; adaptive learning 109–10, 401; adaptive release 144–5; aggregators 170, 423, 453; announcement areas 151–2, 313; application sharing 69, 428; audio recording and editing 259–60, 259, 454 augmented reality 193, 428 avatar generators 280–2, 282; blogging 148–9, 149, 150, 154–5, 197–9; calendars 120 choosing 84; collaborative 62, 68–9, 158–9; computer-based simulations 190–4, 196–7, 463; content presentation areas 146–9; curation tools 160–2, 170, 453; demonstrating familiarity with 304 ePortfolios 80, 162–3 evaluating 287–8; finding right tools 170; group activity areas 159–60, 161, 379; 518 image editors 253, 254–5, 452–3 infographics 278, 281, 451; instant messaging (IM) 156–7; intellectual property protection 237–8; interactive maps 279–80; internal message centers 156; interoperability 140–1; introduction to for students 302–3; language lab 49; livestreaming video 207, 265–6, 449; low threshold 244 mind-mapping 277, 454 mobile apps 4, 169, 245, 421, 428; online gradebooks 167 polls 273–4, 275, 446–7 quizmakers 163–5, 274, 375–6, 446–7; resource guide 444–56 screen grab/capture 253, 452; screen reading 52; screen sharing 69, 158–9, 450–1 screencasting 117, 266–8, 269, 433, 449; search capabilities 163; security features 78–9; SMS texting 156–7; social bookmarking 72–3, 84, 162, 433, 447; social curation 269 student requirements 301–2; student tracking 142; surveys 164, 273, 274, 446–7; syllabus and schedule areas 152; synchronous tools 67–9; technical support areas 168–9; templates 141–2; timeline creation 278–9, 451; 519 timing of access to content 143–5; training 138–9, 141, 409–10, 414–15; video 265–9, 448–9 virtual worlds 171–2, 193, 352, 434, 453–4; web editors 247, 452; whiteboards 68, 158, 269, 379; wiki 12, 160; word cloud generators 277–8; see also chat tools; see also courseware creation; see also discussion boards/forums; see also Web 2.0 tools sound see audio Southern Cross University, Australia 178 speech courses 34–5, 49 stalling students 365 standardized courses 106–8 State University of New York (SUNY) 51, 205, 211–15 Storify 162 Story Maps 271–2, 280 storyboards 433 streaming media 257, 433 Street View 279 student activities see activities student behavior management 353–66; belligerent students 361–4; controlling students 364; disruptive students 357–64; know-it-all students 358–9; must-have-an-A students 365–6; mutineer students 359–61; noisy students 354–5; quiet students 355–7; stalling students 365 student dynamics 320–7 student expectations 424–5 managing 114–15 520 student identity issues 78–9, 80, 349, 351–3 student introductions 168, 170, 175–6 student lounge areas 167–8 student orientation programs 298–304, 467–8 student participation 14; in asynchronous discussion 331–7; blended courses 22, 385–6; and class size 320–7 grading 113, 224–5, 329–30, 385–6; group strategies 322–4; passive participants on MOOCs 390; quiet students 355; requirements 86, 113–14, 119, 328–30, 355; stalling students 365 student preparation 293–307; introductory techniques 305–7; orientation programs 298–304, 467–8; providing FAQs 304–5; readiness programs 297–8, 467–8; typical student problems 294–6 student presentations 58, 71, 256, 329, 380–1 student problems 294–6 student profiles 25–6 student progress reports 165 student tracking 142, 165–6, 328–9 group activities 160, 161; quiet students 355; stalling students 365 student-generated content 234, 270–2 student-led discussion 338–9 summaries 195 supervised start-up 416 support: technical 16, 26–7; 521 web-enhanced courses 376–9; see also instructor training and support SurveyMonkey 164, 274 surveys 164, 273, 274, 446–7 syllabus areas 152 syllabus creation 111–36; blended courses 384–5, 387; checklist 119; contract 113–15; examples 122–36, 137; managing student expectations 114–15; map 116–17; resources 439–40 schedule 118–21 synchronous discussion 65, 67–9, 429, 433; benefits versus drawbacks 342–3; cross-cultural 210; facilitating 330, 339–42; group activities 70 with guest speakers 207, 340, 343; social aspects 343; using polls 273–5; see also chat tools tablets see mobile devices TagCrowd 277 tags 433 TEACH Act 229–30 TeacherTube 220, 233, 265 teaching, heightened awareness of 19–20 teaching assistants 16, 67, 322, 326 teaching online: basic concepts 12–15; benefits of 4–5, 19–22; courses designed by others 104–6; standardized courses 106–8 team marketing communications plan 183–7 522 team teaching 344–8; division of labor model 346–7; primary-secondary model 347–8; shared responsibility model 344–5 teams see group activities technical computer skills: instructors 16–19; students 302 technical problems 295, 342 technical requirements 301–2 technical support 16, 26–7 technical support areas 168–9 technology: for intellectual property protection 237–8; keeping up with 421–3; microphones 257–8; streaming media 257, 433; in web-enhanced courses 374–5; see also mobile devices; see also software Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act 229–30 TED Talks 208 TEDEd 283 templates: course layout 141–2; course planning 56, 57, 89 course redesign 89, 90 testing 77–81, 163–5 text 13–14, 59–60, 246–9 textbooks 83, 124, 133 texting 156–7, 310, 313, 319, 433 threads 433 time zones 67–8, 71, 112, 115 Timeline JS 279 timelines 278–9, 451 timing: 523 of access to online classroom 143–5; of synchronous discussion 67–8 Top Learning Tools site 277 tracking see student tracking training see instructor training and support Tricklar 277 Turnitin 79, 81 “tutoring” companies 80 Twine 192–3 Twitter 151, 157, 162, 313, 350, 375, 423 UNESCO 218 universal design in learning (UDL) 52–4, 249, 442 Universidad de Los Andes, Bogatá 99–101 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 178, 323 University of Central Florida 358 University of Colorado, Boulder 190 University of Colorado, Denver 412 University of Maryland University College 66, 82, 101–2, 183–7, 197–9, 200–1, 208, 264–5 University of Nebraska 220 University of Pennsylvania 393–4 University of Wisconsin 412 unscripted narrations and presentations 262 uploading 433 URLs 433 user options, discussion software 153–4 video 13; accessibility 52 announcements 316–18 course design 61–3 courseware creation 149–51, 263–9; end of week presentation 400; guest speakers 207; in high-stakes assessment 78, 80–1 interactive lessons 268 524 internet resources 208, 220 language courses 49 livestreaming 207, 265–6, 449 MOOCs 392, 393, 394; noisy students 354; quiet students 356–7; reasons for using 282–5 resources 448–9; screencasting 117, 266–8, 269, 433, 449 vodcasts 150–1, 221, 432 video animations 268–9, 450 video hosting services 63 VideoScribe 268–9 Vimeo 265 virtual classrooms 4, 433; see also building online classrooms virtual field trips 264 virtual learning environments (VLE) see building online classrooms; see learning management systems (LMS) virtual office hours 4, 115, 119, 158, 343, 378–9, 399 virtual worlds 171–2, 193, 352, 434, 453–4 visually impaired students 52–3 vocal intonation 296 vodcasts 150–1, 221, 432 VoiceThread 155–6, 233, 303 VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) 67, 434 Voki 280 Washington Online 297 Watters, Audrey 423 Web 2.0 tools 140, 233, 244–5, 246, 421, 434; evaluating 287–8; rules and protocols 319; terms of use 242–3, 286–7, 349; when to avoid 285–8; see also courseware creation web browsers 18, 434 525 web links see hyperlinks web page creation 246–9; design tips 248–9; by students 197 web servers 434 web-based research activities 72–3, 215–22 webcams 79, 434 web-editing software 247, 452 web-enhanced courses 368–82, 434; discussion boards/forums 373–4; group activities 379–80 internet resources 381–2 online lectures 370–2 participation grading 329; providing advice and support 376–9; quizmakers 375–6 student presentations 380–1 team teaching 382; using technology 374–5 webmasters 434 websites 434; see also internet resources; see also web page creation Websites of the Day 220 Weebly 148–9 weekly announcements 107, 313–15, 387 What’s App 377 whiteboard animation 268–9 whiteboards 68, 158, 269, 379, 434 wifi 27, 435 wiki software 12, 160 Wikipedia 272 Wikipedia Commons 250 wikis 160, 221, 423, 434–5 wireless connection services 27, 435 WittyComics 280 526 word clouds 277–8 Word documents: editing images 254; embedded audio 258–9 Wordle 277 Wordpress.com 147–9, 162, 273 working students 54, 65, 71, 118, 178 workload management 320–7, 337 World Digital Library 218 World Wide Internet TV 218 World Wide Web 435 writing courses 264–5, 317–18 WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) 19, 197, 245, 246–7, 247, 435 Xavier University 300 xMOOCs 391–2 YouTube 63, 149, 150, 208, 220, 233, 262, 265, 268 Zoho Challenge 164 Zoom 159 527 ... Preparing Students for Online Learning 11 Classroom Management and Facilitation 12 Classroom Management: Special Issues 13 Teaching Web-Enhanced and Blended Classes 14 Teaching and Learning in a. .. Behavior Problems A Special Word about Social Media A Final Word 13 Teaching Web-Enhanced and Blended Classes Tips for Teaching Web-Enhanced Courses Posting Lectures Online A Revised Approach... Teach Suggestions for Approaching the Teaching of a Highly Standardized Course Competency-Based Education and Adaptive Learning Modules Creating an Effective Online Syllabus The Contract Class

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