Dog and Cat and the Garden by Tiana Rosen Animal Fantasy INTRODUCE THE BOOK RESPOND Activate Prior Knowledge/Build Background Read the title, and ask children about their experiences with gardens Ask: What did you see in the garden? Did you see flowers? Did you see any animals? Where was the garden? Tell children this book tells about a dog and a cat planting a garden Answers to the Reader’s Inside Back Cover: Preview/Use Text Features Preview the reader by talking about the illustrations together and naming the labeled items Preteach Vocabulary Review the highfrequency words that appear in this book: again, few, and soon Introduce these key words from the book: mint (p 4) and tomatoes (p 5) Discuss these words and add them to a Word Wall READ THE BOOK Choose among these options for reading to support children at all English proficiency levels Read Aloud Read the book aloud as children follow along Pause to verify comprehension and to explain unfamiliar concepts Monitored Reading Have children silently read a few pages at a time Use the following questions to support comprehension: • Pages 2–3 What plants are growing in the garden? (Carrots, pumpkin, lettuce, and roses are growing in the garden.) • Pages 4–5 What Dog and Cat want to plant? (Dog and Cat want to plant mint candy and tomato juice.) • Pages 6–7 Why shouldn’t Dog plant mint candy? (Candy will not grow.) Why shouldn’t Cat plant tomato juice? (Juice will not grow.) • Page What Dog and Cat plant in the end? (They plant a mint plant and a tomato plant.) © Scott Foresman ELL Reader 1.3.4 Talk About It The story happens in a garden (Setting) They can smell mint and tomato (Plot) Write About It Children should write about one or more foods that they like to eat Possible response: I like to eat carrots They are orange They grow in the ground Support writers at various English proficiency levels Beginning Let children dictate their answers in the home language If feasible, have children translate their work with the help of a partner Intermediate Have children tell partners about their favorite foods before they write about them Advanced Have children include at least four details about their favorite foods Extend Language Help children brainstorm names of flowers and vegetables Possible responses: pea plants, broccoli, cucumbers, tulips, roses Answers to page 32: Provide this sentence frame: My favorite part was when _ Possible response: My favorite part was when Rabbit said, “Candy will not grow.” Family Link Read aloud the Family Link activity on page 32 before sending copies of the Study Guide home with children Later, have them tell about what their families would like to grow in a garden Reread Have children reread the book with a partner, in small groups, or independently Have them complete the Study Guide on page 32 ELL Readers Teaching Guide Unit 3, Week Dog and Cat and the Garden 31 Study Guide Dog and Cat and the Garden Name Family Link Ask family members to tell what they would like to grow in a garden 32 Dog and Cat and the Garden Unit 3, Week ELL Readers Teaching Guide â Scott Foresman ã Read Dog and Cat and the Garden again • Draw a picture of your favorite part of the story • Write a sentence about it ...Study Guide Dog and Cat and the Garden Name Family Link Ask family members to tell what they would like to grow in a garden 32 Dog and Cat and the Garden Unit 3, Week ELL Readers... 3, Week ELL Readers Teaching Guide © Scott Foresman • Read Dog and Cat and the Garden again • Draw a picture of your favorite part of the story • Write a sentence about it