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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ************** NGUYEN HUU HAU THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES IN IMPROVING EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE AT SAMSUNG DISPLAY VIETNAM’S QUALITY DEPARTMENT MAJOR IN: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NO.: OUTLINE OF MASTER'S THESIS HA NOI - 2020 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ************** NGUYEN HUU HAU THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES IN IMPROVING EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE AT SAMSUNG DISPLAY VIETNAM’S QUALITY DEPARTMENT MAJOR IN: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NO.: OUTLINE OF MASTER'S THESIS SCIENCE INSTRUCTOR Assoc.Prof.Dr NGUYEN NGOC THANG HA NOI - 2020 REASSURANCES I guarantee that this is my own research project under the instruct of Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thang The data and results stated in the content of the thesis are truthful and have never been published in any previous research H a Noi, on the day of , 2020 NGUYEN HUU HAU ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my deep gratitude to Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thang who guided, I am wholeheartedly in the research process to write a dissertation, imparting new specialized knowledge and valuable experience treasure in practice Sincerely thank Samsung Display Vietnam in general and all staff in the Quality department in particular for creating favorable conditions and support in terms of information and data to meet the research objectives of the topic I would like to express and acknowledge the support of organizations and individuals who responded to the interview to provide information in the survey and interview process Thank you to the teachers, learners of the master class for sharing knowledge and helping me in studying Sincerely thanks! Tp Ha Noi, on the day of , 2020 NGUYEN HUU HAU Introduction 1.1 The urgency of the topic According to Evans, Pucik & Barsoux (2002, p 32), organizations are facing increasing competition due to the changes in the global, technological, political and economic environment, which has prompted these organizations to train their employees as one of the ways to prepare them for this growth and improve their performance It is important not to ignore the general evidence of knowledge growth in the business community over the past decade This growth is not only due to technological improvements and the combination of production factors, but also has increased efforts to develop the Organization's human resources Therefore, in each organization, the responsibility to improve the performance of employees and undoubtedly implement training and development is one of the key steps that most companies need to realize Obviously, employees are an important resource, and it is important to optimize employees' contribution to the company's goals and objectives as a means to maintain effective performance Therefore, as recommended by Afshan, Sonia, Kamran & Nasir (2012, p 646), this requires managers to ensure that sufficient staff with technical and social skills and career development skills are provided to professional departments or management positions In many cases, the question that may arise is why human resources are important Noting that human resources are the intellectual property rights of enterprises, employees have proved to be a good source of competitive advantages (Houger 2006), and training is the only way to develop organizational intellectual property rights through employee capacity-building In order to succeed, Organizations must effectively acquire and use human resources Therefore, organizations need to design their human resources management in a way that conforms to the organizational structure, because this will enable organizations to achieve their goals and objectives In addition, it is important that organizations support their workforces in acquiring the necessary skills and increasing commitment Samsung Display Vietnam (SDV) is a foreign-invested enterprise in Vietnam At SDV, managers focus on developing five core values including: People - Excellence Change - Intergrity - Co- Prosperity In the five core values mentioned above, PEOPLE is the value placed on top by SDV In addition to the great attention and investment in terms of comprehensive welfare regimes for employees, the company always spends a large amount of money on domestic and foreign training projects, updating public knowledge technology, developing skills through which employees have the opportunity to learn, experience and develop a career in a sustainable way Currently, SDV is on the rise in machine technology and automation equipment Therefore, the demand for the quality of human resources is increasingly high for specialization, specialized skills, especially human resources in the quality department, the department responsible for the management and quality assurance of input materials, paragraphs and output products This is a department that SDV's administrators pay special attention to implementing training programs to improve professional qualifications and specialized skills to ensure that they can meet the requirements of the job, increase the productivity of employees Recognizing the importance and impact of training programs on employees' performance, the author chose the topic “The effectiveness of training activities in improving employees performance at Samsung Display Vietnam’s quality Department” is the subject of my master's thesis to explore the impact and impact of SDV's training programs and activities on the performance of quality department staff From there, propose solutions to contribute to improving the efficiency of training activities to improve the work efficiency of employees in general and Samsung Display Vietnam Quality department employees in particular 1.2 Overview of research 1.2.1 Overseas research situation According to Otoo (2012), the theme about the Impact of Training and Development on Accra Institute of Technology Staff Performance The purpose of the study is to take Accra Institute of Technology as a case study to investigate whether training and development affect employee performance The methodology used for research is investigation The main data were collected from a sample of fifty (50) senior staff Data were collected by self-management questionnaire for analysis Research shows that there are organizational problems such as lack of management support for training and development programs, thus limiting training and development It is also found that training and development have a positive impact on the staff of polytechnics The study recommended that in order for Accra Polytechnic to succeed as Africa's preferred polytechnic, management must authorize all departments to participate in staff training and development in order to build potential and strengthen staff capabilities Nassazi (2013) reported that employees are the main asset of any organization Their positive contribution to the success of the company cannot be underestimated Therefore, it is imperative to equip these unique assets through effective training to maximize work performance The purpose of the paper is to assess the impact of training on employee performance, taking Uganda's telecommunications industry as a case study In order to understand the research objectives, four objectives have been formulated These objectives focus on determining the existing training programs in the industry, the training objectives provided, the methods used, and the impact of final training and development on employee performance The study is based on three case studies of the largest telecommunications company operating in Uganda The qualitative research method of data collection was adopted, which was composed of 18 questions distributed to 120 respondents The results show that training has a significant impact on employees' work performance Neelam Tahir (2017), on the theme is the Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance and Productivity: A Case Study of KPK, Pakistan, Peshawar City, United Bank Limited The main objective of this article is to investigate whether training and development will affect employee performance and productivity This paper is quantitative The data of the article are collected through the main sources of questionnaire survey The data were tested through statistical software to find out the impact of training and development on employee performance and productivity There are two changes in training and development (independence) and employee performance and productivity (dependence) Eight limited unified banks were selected for the study Eighty questionnaires were distributed to collect data SPSS descriptive statistical tools were used to check the reliability and consistency of the questionnaire The aim is to see whether training and development have an impact on staff performance and productivity The data are analyzed and discussed, and then the results show that there is a significant relationship between variables 1.2.2 Domestic research situation In the study of two authors Nguyen Minh Ha and Le Van Tung (2014) with the topic "The impact of training on the working efficiency of employees in the textile industry" used 240 survey samples at textile companies sewing in Ho Chi Minh City and using analytical techniques including descriptive statistics, scale reliability test, discovery analysis (EFA), and linear regression Exploratory analysis results (EFA) give components of training and regression results show that training components have a positive impact on employee performance in the textile industry, including: training needs prices, training methods, training content and training evaluation Figure Phuong Uyen (2020) has researched on the impact of training on the performance of cadres, civil servants and public employees in Ben Tre city The results show that there are factors affecting the performance of cadres, civil servants and public employees in Ben Tre city, namely: (1) Training assessment, (2) Needs assessment Training, (3) Commitment to training, (4) Active training methods and (5) Passive training methods 1.3 Research objective and question The main objective of this study is to identify the effects of training activities on the performance of Quality department staff at SDV 1.4 Research questions To achieve the research goals set out The study poses 04 research questions of the specific topic as follows:  What training programs are there for SDV’s Quality department staff?  What factors of training activities affect the performance of SDV's Quality department staff?  What is the impact of training activities on SDV Quality department staff's performance? 1.5 Research object and scope 1.5.1 Research object The research object of the topic is the impact of training activities on the performance of Quality department staff at Samsung Display Vietnam 1.5.2 Research scope  Space scope: Research was conducted within the Quality department staff at Samsung Display Vietnam  Time scope: Secondary data of the study collected over a period of recent years (from 2017 to 2019) 1.6 Research Methodology The research uses quantitative research methods, using analytical techniques: descriptive statistics, EFA analysis and discovery, regression model The scale of the independent and dependent variables is designed according to Likert 5, based on previous studies of studies on the impact of training on employee performance The research data collection tool was the questionnaire The questionnaire was distributed to all employees working in the quality department of Samsung Display Vietnam Research sample: According to Bentler & Chou (1987), the minimum number of observations for one parameter is estimated to be Therefore, when completing the survey questionnaire, based on the number of questions in the home survey content The research will calculate the minimum sample number of the study and conduct a survey until there are enough samples to be analyzed The structure of the thesis In addition to the summary, the references and the topic appendices are divided into six specific chapters as follows: CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 The urgency and reasons to choose the topic 1.2 Research objectives 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Research subject and scope 1.4.1 Research subject 1.4.2 Research scope 1.5 Scientific and practical significance of the topic CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Concept and Definition 2.1.1 Meaning of training 2.1.2 Organization’s Need for Training (Performance) 2.1.3 Aims and Objectives of Training 2.1.4 Training needs Identification and Analysis or Assessment 2.1.5 Training Methods / Techniques 2.1.6 Training Evaluation 2.1.7 Benefits of Trainin 2.2 The components of training impact employee performance 2.2.1 Training Needs Assessment 2.2.2 Training commitments 2.2.3 Training contents 2.2.4 Training methods 2.2.5 Training Evaluation 2.3 Model and hypothesis of the study CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH MOTHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design 3.2 Building questionnaires and encoding scale 3.3 Methods of sampling and data collection 3.3.1 Methods of collecting primary data 3.3.2 Sample size 3.4 Analyzing data plan 3.4.1 Reliability analysis by Cronbach’s alpha 3.4.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis – EFA 3.4.3 Regression analysis CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1.Overview about Samsung Display Vietnam 4.2 Data description 4.3 Reliability analysis 4.4 Exploratory factor analysis 4.4.1 EFA test results of the independent variable 4.4.2 EFA test results of the dependent variable 4.5 Regression analysis 4.5.1 Pearson correlation analysis 4.5.2 Verify multivariate linear regression model 4.5.3 Multiple regression equations and conclusions about the hypotheses CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 5.1.Conclusion 5.2 Suggestions 5.3 Limitations and future research direction REFERENCE APPENDIX Plan for the research Activity Oct Nov Dec Jan/2021 Feb/2021 Mar/2021 Choose topic Literature review Design of the study Collect primary data Data analysis Writing research Talking with instructors References Vietnamese Nguyen Minh Ha and Le Van Tung (2014) The impact of training on the performance of employees in the textile industry (Tác động đào tạo đến hiệu làm việc nhân viên ngành dệt may) Scientific Journal City Open University Ho Chi Minh City - No (36) 2014 Hinh Phuong Uyen (2020) Impact of training on working efficiency of cadres, civil servants and public employees in Ben Tre city (Tác động việc đào tạo đến hiệu 10 làm việc cán bộ, công chức, viên chức địa bàn thành phố Bến Tre) Industry and Trade Magazine English Afshan, S., Sobia, I., Kamran, A & Nasir, M 2012 Impact of training on employee performance: a study of 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Canadian Business Economics 1,1, 25–33 Guest, D E 1997 Human resource management and industrial relations Journal of Management Studies 24,5, 503–521 Harrison, R 2000 Employee Development Silver Lakes, Pretoria Beekman Publishing Harvey, M 2002 Human Resource Management in Africa: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland International Journal of Human Resource Management 13,7, 1119 – 1145 Nassazi, A (2013) Effects of training on employee performance Neelam Tahir (2017) The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Performance and Productivity A case study of United Bank Limited Peshawar City, KPK, Pakistan Otoo, G (2012) The effect of training and Development on Employee Performance at Accra Polytechnic 11 ... been formulated These objectives focus on determining the existing training programs in the industry, the training objectives provided, the methods used, and the impact of final training and development...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ************** NGUYEN HUU HAU THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES IN IMPROVING EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE AT SAMSUNG DISPLAY... including: training needs prices, training methods, training content and training evaluation Figure Phuong Uyen (2020) has researched on the impact of training on the performance of cadres, civil

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2022, 01:32

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