Nathalie trudeau, CeCilia tam, dagmar graCzyk aNd Peter taylor INFORMATION PAPER ENERGY TRANSITION FOR INDUSTRY: INDIA AND THE GLOBAL CONTEXT 2011 January INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Its mandate is two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member countries through collective response to physical disruptions in oil supply and to advise member countries on sound energy policy. The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among 28 advanced economies, each of which is obliged to hold oil stocks equivalent to 90 days of its net imports. The Agency aims to: n Secure member countries’ access to reliable and ample supplies of all forms of energy; in particular, through maintaining effective emergency response capabilities in case of oil supply disruptions. n Promote sustainable energy policies that spur economic growth and environmental protection in a global context – particularly in terms of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change. n Improve transparency of international markets through collection and analysis of energy data. n Support global collaboration on energy technology to secure future energy supplies and mitigate their environmental impact, including through improved energy efficiency and development and deployment of low-carbon technologies. n Find solutions to global energy challenges through engagement and dialogue with non-member countries, industry, international organisations and other stakeholders. IEA member countries: Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Korea (Republic of) Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States The European Commission also participates in the work of the IEA. Please note that this publication is subject to specic restrictions that limit its use and distribution. The terms and conditions are available online at © OECD/IEA, 2011 International Energy Agency 9 rue de la Fédération 75739 Paris Cedex 15, France Nathalie trudeau, CeCilia tam, dagmar graCzyk aNd Peter taylor INFORMATION PAPER ENERGY TRANSITION FOR INDUSTRY: INDIA AND THE GLOBAL CONTEXT 2011 January This information paper was prepared for the Energy Technology Perspective Project of the International Energy Agency (IEA). It was drafted by the Energy Technology Policy Division of the IEA. This paper reflects the views of the IEA Secretariat, but does not necessarily reflect those of individual IEA member countries. For further information, please contact Nathalie Trudeau at ©OECD/IEA2011 EnergyTransitionforIndustry:IndiaandtheGlobalContext Page|3 Tableofcontents Acknowledgements 7 Executivesummary 9 Transitiontoalow‐carbonenergyfuture 14 Introduction 17 Chapter1.Industryoverview 19 EnergyandCO 2 savingspotentialinIndi a,basedonbestavailabletechnologies 21 IEAscenariosforIndia’sindustrialsector 22 Furtherconsiderations 25 Chapter2.Sectoralanalysis 27 Ironandsteel 27 Cement 36 Chemicalsandpetrochemicals 43 Pulpandpaper 51 Aluminium 59 Chapter 3.AlternativecaseforIndia:Stronggrowth 69 BasicassumptionforIndia’sstronggrowthcase 69 Materialsconsumptionandproductionunderthestronggrowthcase 70 ScenariosforindustrialenergyuseandCO 2 emissionsinthestronggrowthcase 71 AnnexA:KeytrendsinIndia’sindustrialsector 75 AnnexB:Indicatorsforthechemicalandpetrochemicalsector 81 AnnexC:References 85 AnnexD:Abbreviations,acronymsandunits 89 Listoffigures FigureES.1:India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbyindustryinthelow‐demandcase 11 Figure1:GlobalCO 2 emissionsreductionbysectorintheBLUEScenario 17 Figure2:Industrialenergyusebyregion,2007 19 Figure3:Industrialfinalenergyconsumptionbysub‐sectorinIndiaandintheworld,2007 20 Figure4:IndustrialfinalenergymixinIndiaandintheworld, 2007 20 Figure5:Materialsproductionbyregioninthelow‐andhigh‐demandcases 24 Figure6:Useofcokedryquenchingtechnologybycountry,2004 29 Figure7:ReducingagentsconsumptioninBlastFurnacesintheworld2007/2008*/2009** 29 Figure8:Energysavingspotentialin 2007forironandsteel,basedonBAT 30 Figure9:IronandsteelenergyanddirectCO 2 intensityforlow‐demandscenarios, Indiaandworldaverage 32 Figure10:India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforironandsteel 33 Figure11:GlobaldirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforironandsteel 33 EnergyTransitionforIndustry:IndiaandtheGlobalContext ©OECD/IEA2011 Page|4 Figure12:RegionalcontributiontoreducingglobaldirectCO 2 emissionsiniron andsteel,low‐demandcase 34 Figure13:Shareofcement‐kilntechnology 37 Figure14:Thermalenergyconsumption pertonneofclinker 38 Figure15:Energy‐savingspotentialin2007forcement,basedonBAT 39 Figure16:CementdirectCO 2 intensityinIndiaandworldaverage 40 Figure17:India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforcement 41 Figure18:GlobaldirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforcement 42 Figure19:RegionalcontributioninglobaldirectCO 2 emissionsincement, low‐demandcase 42 Figure20:Energysavingspotentialin2007forchemicalsandpetrochemicals, basedonBPT 46 Figure21:India’schemicalandpetrochemical sector energyconsumption, includingfeedstock 47 Figure22:India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionfor chemicalsandpetrochemicals 48 Figure23:Globaldirectemissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforchemicalsand petrochemicals 49 Figure24:RegionalcontributiontoreducingglobaldirectCO 2 emissionsinchemicalsand petrochemicals,low‐demandcase 49 Figure25:Pulpandpaperheatefficiencypotentials 53 Figure26:Energysavingspotentialin2007forthepulpandpaper,basedonBAT 54 Figure27:India’spulpandpaperenergyconsumptionbyenergysourceandscenarios 56 Figure28 :India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforpulpandpaper 56 Figure29:GlobaldirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforpulpandpaper 57 Figure30:RegionalcontributiontoreductioninglobaldirectCO 2 emissionsinpulp andpaper,low‐demandcase 58 Figure31:Specificenergyconsumptionofmetallurgicalaluminaproduction 60 Figure32:Smeltertechnologymix,1990to2008 61 Figure33:Energysavingspotentialin2007foraluminium,basedonBAT 62 Figure34:India’sdirectandindirectCO 2 emissionsinaluminium 64 Figure35:India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforaluminium 64 Figure36:GlobaldirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbytechnologyoptionforaluminium 65 Figure37:RegionalcontributiontoreducingglobaldirectCO 2 emissionsinaluminium, low‐demandcases 66 Figure38:India’smaterialsproductionundertheETP2010andstronggrowthcases 71 Figure39:FinalenergyuseinIndia’sindustry 71 Figure40:India’sdirectenergyandprocessCO 2 emissionsbyindustrialsector 72 Figure41:OptionsforreducingdirectCO 2 emissi onsfromIndia’sindustryinthe stronggrowth case 73 ©OECD/IEA2011 EnergyTransitionforIndustry:IndiaandtheGlobalContext Page|5 Listoftables TableES.1:India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsreductionbyindustry 10 TableES.2:Production,energyconsumptionandCO 2 emissionsforIndia’s ironandsteelin du st ry 11 TableES.3:Production,energyconsumptionandCO 2 emissionsforIndia’s cementindustry 12 TableES.4:Production,energyconsumptionandCO 2 emissionsforIndia’s chemicalandpetrochemicalindustry 13 TableES.5:Production,energyconsumptionandCO 2 emissi on sfor India’spulpandpaperindustry 13 TableES.6:Production,energyconsumptionandCO 2 emissionsforIndia’s aluminiumindustry 14 Table1:India’sindustrialmaterialsproductionandenergyuse,2007 21 Table2:India’smaterialsdemandinkilogramspercapita(kg/cap) 22 Table3:India’stotalfinalenergyusebyindustry,Mtoe 23 Table4:India’sdirectCO 2 emissionsbyindustry,MtCO 2 24 Table5:Globalsteelproduction,2007 27 Table6:India’sironandsteelproductionbyscenarios,Mt 31 Table7:Technologyoptionsfortheironandsteelindustry 35 Table8:Globalcementproduction,2007 36 Table9:India’scementindustrymainindicatorsbyscenarios 39 Table10 :Technologyoptionsforthecementindustry 43 Table11:PotentialenergyimprovementsbyBPTintheglobalchemicaland petrochemicalsector,2006(includingbothprocessenergyandfeedstockuse) a 45 Table12:India’sHVC,ammoniaandmethanolproduction 47 Table13:Technologyoptionsforthechemicalandpetrochemicalindustry 50 Table14:Globalpaperandpaperboardproduction,2007 51 Table15:India’spulpandpaperproductionbyscenarios 55 Table16:Technologyoptionsforthepulpandpap erindustry 58 Table17.Globalprimaryaluminiumproduction,200 7 59 Table18:India’saluminiumproductionbyscenarios 63 Table19:Technologyoptionsforthealuminiumindustry 67 Table20:GDPprojections(%peryear,basedonpurchasingpowerparity) 69 Table21:High‐leveli ndicatorsforIndiainETP2010andstronggrowthcases 70 Table22:India’smaterialsdemandpercapita,kg/cap 70 TableA.1:Demandprojectionforindustry,kg/cap 75 TableA.2:MaterialsproductionintheBaselineScenario,Mt 75 TableA.3:MaterialsproductionintheBLUESce nario,Mt 77 TableA.4:FinalenergyuseinindustryintheBaselineScenario,Mtoe 79 TableA.5:FinalenergyuseinindustryintheBLUEScenario,Mtoe 79 TableA.6:DirectCO 2 emissionsinindustryintheBaselineScenario,MtCO 2 80 EnergyTransitionforIndustry:IndiaandtheGlobalContext ©OECD/IEA2011 Page|6 TableA.7:DirectCO 2 emissionsinindustryintheBLUEScenario,MtCO2 80 TableB.1:BPTvaluesonthespecificenergyconsumptionfortheproduction ofkeychemicals(left:infinalenergyterms,denotedwithindex”f”;right: inprimaryenergyterms,denotedwithindex“p”) 1 82 Listofboxes BoxES.1:Scenariosfortheindustrialsector 9 Box1:TheETP2010scenarios 23 ©OECD/IEA2011 EnergyTransitionforIndustry:IndiaandtheGlobalContext Page|7 Acknowledgements ThispaperwaspreparedbystaffoftheInternationalEnergyAgency’sDirectorateofSustainable EnergyPolicyandTechnologyincollaborationwiththeDirectorateofGlobalEnergyDialogue. A number of Indian experts have contributed significantly to improving the data and analysis presented in this paper. The IEA is grateful for the contribution of the India Energy Technology Perspectives Expert Group and wishes to thank the then Secretary, Ministry of Power, H. S. Brahma for establishing the India Energy Technology Expert Group to work with the IEA in preparingEnergyTechnology Perspectives2010. The expert group provided invaluable insights to our team to develop the India analysis. The IEA wish to thank for their important contributions: S.M. Dhiman, Member (Planning), Central Electricit y Auth orit y ,chairmanoftheExpertgroup;DilipChenoy,DirectorGeneral,SocietyofIndian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), chairman of the transportation sub‐group; I.C.P.Keshari,Joint Secretary,MinistryofPower,chairman ofthepowersub‐group;Dr.AjayMathur,DirectorGeneral, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), chairman of the buildings sub‐group; V. Raghuraman, Chief Adviser, Jaguar Overseas Ltd, chairman of the industry sub‐group; A. S. Bakshi, Chief Engineer, Central Electricity Authority (CEA); Amarjeet Singh, Chief Engineer (C&E), (CEA); Anita Gahlot, DeputyDirector,CEA;andtheconvenerandmembersofthesub‐work ing groups: Sub‐Groupfo rPowersector :SewaBhawan,R.K.PuramChiefEngineer,CEA(convener);Ms.Shruti Bhatia,ConferederationofIndianIndustry(CII);Dr.Pradeep Dadhich,SeniorFellow,The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI); Mr. D.K.Dubey, AGM (CCT); Shri P.K. Goel, Director, Ministry of Power; Shri R.B. Grover, Scientific Adviser, Departm ent of Atomic Energy (DAE); Shri D.K. Jain, ExecutiveDirector (Engg),NTPC Ltd; Dr. Sudhir Kapur, Member CII National Committee on Power and MD & CEO‐CountryStrategyBusine ss ; Shri R.K. Kaul, Joint Advisor,PlanningCommission; Sh. Sanjeev Mahajan, DGM (PE‐CCT) ; Shri Sudhir Mohan, Advisor, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE); Mr.B.H.Narayana, Addl.Dir., Central Power Research Institute(CPRI); Mr.Sunil Parwani, Addl. General Manager (Power Sector‐Planning & Monitoring), BHEL; Shri D.N. Prasad, Director,MinistryofCoal;ShriR.K.Sethi,Director,MinistryofEnvironmentandForests(MOEF);Sh. ArunSrivastavaScientificOfficer/Engineer‐H,(StrategicPlanningGroup),DAE. Sub‐GroupforBuildingssector :Sh.SanjaySeth,EnergyEconomist,BEE(Co nvener);Mr.Pradeep Kumar,SeniorFellow,TERI;Mr. K.I.Singh,GM(PE‐Infrastruct ureServices),NTPCLtd;Mr.S.Srinivas, Principal Counsellor, CII Green Business Centre, Hyderabad; Sh. Lekhan Thakkar, Vice President, GujaratUrbanDevelopmentCompanyLtd.(GUDC);Dr.Vakil,CEPTUniversity,Ahmedabad. Sub‐Group for Industry sector:Sh. Amarjeet Singh, Chief Engineer (C&E), CEA (Convener); Shri B.N.Bankapur,Director(Ref),IndianOilCorporation(IOC);Mr.M.R.Gandhi,Scientist‐G,Central Salt&MarineChemicalResearchInstitute;Dr.SatishKumar,ChiefofParty,USAIDECO‐IIIProject, IRG; Sh. A. Panda, ED (S&EP); Shri K. Murali, Director (Ref), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL); Sh. U. Venkata Ramana; Sh. Gautam Roy, GM(T); Mr. Ambuj Sagar, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT); Mr. Girish Sethi, Director(EET Division), TERI; Mr. S.P. Singh, GM (E&P); Sh. S.B. Thakur, DGM (S&EP); Mr. K.S. Venkatagiri, Principal Counsellor, CII Green BusinessCentre,Hyderabad;SaurabhYadav,Knowledge ManagementSpecialist,BEE. Sub‐Group for Transport sector : Smt. Neerja Mathur, Chief Engineer (OM), CEA(Convener); Dr.Ajit Gupta, Retd. Advisor, MNRE; Mr. Saurabh Dalela, Addl. Dir, NATRiP; Sh. Dinesh Tyagi, Director(Tech)NationalAutomotiveTe stingandR&DInfrastructureProject(NATRiP). EnergyTransitionforIndustry:IndiaandtheGlobalContext ©OECD/IEA2011 Page|8 AswellasallotherparticipantsattheJointIEA‐IndiaWorkshoponRegionalAnalysisofIndiawho provided valuable comments and feedback on the Indian analysis including, but not limited to: Suresh Chander, Chief Engineer, CEA; K.K. Roy Chowdhury, Technical Associate, Cement Manufacturers’ Association; Sriganesh Gandham, GM‐ Corporate R&D, HPCL; Shri Alok kumar Goyal, Scientist, CPRI; Praveen Gupta, Director, CEA; Shri A.K. Gupta, Chief Engineer, CEA; Ravi Kapoor, USAID, ECO‐III; Shri S. M. Kulkarni, Hindalco; A.K. Kulshreshtha, CDE (PE‐Mech); Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Director, CEA; Mr. R.C Mall, IPMA; Dr. Nand, Fertiliser Association of India; P. Pal, Deputy GM, Engineering; Prof. V.K. Paul, Head of the Dept of Building Engineering & Management; Shri M.S. Puri, Chief Engineer, CEA; Prof. P.K. Sarkar, Professor of Transport Planning; Naveen Kumar Sharma, GM, Grinding Unit, JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd.; K. Sheshadri, Assistant Director I, CEA; Shri Avtar Singh, Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA); K.I Singh,NTPC;HardayalSingh,DeputyDirector,CEA;MajorSingh,ChiefEngineer,CEA;V.K.Singh, Deputy Director, CEA; Dr. B.P. Thapliyal, Scientist, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI); C.B. Trivedi,DeputyDirector,CEA;AnilKVarshney,AdditionalVicePresident,BSESRajdhaniPower. [...]... to promote the adoption of current BAT and other options such as fuel switching, higher levels of recycling and CCS will need to be deployed to improve energy efficiency and reduce the CO2 intensity of industrial production. Page | 25 Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context Page | 26 © OECD/IEA 2011 Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context ... International mechanisms for reducing carbon such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will need to play a role in deploying low‐carbon energy technologies in India. Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context Page | 16 © OECD/IEA 2011 © OECD/IEA 2011 Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context Introduction The fourth assessment report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ... calculating the savings potential in the industrial sector. Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context © OECD/IEA 2011 Although using BATs globally could result in significant energy and CO2 emissions reduction, their potential in the iron and steel sector is limited to around 22% of the global energy. This is considerably less than the energy demand growth ... aluminium sector given its high share of electricity use. The iron and steel sector will contribute the Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context © OECD/IEA 2011 most to the reduction. The scenario is consistent with a 50% reduction in global CO2 emissions and a 24% reduction in the global industry sector in 2050, compared to the 2007 level. Figure ES.1: India s direct CO2 emissions reduction by industry in the low‐demand case ... growth case for India. In this alternative case, the future growth of GDP is higher than that used for the development of ETP 2010. Each country and region of the world will contribute differently to the reduction in emissions from the industrial sector, depending on the expected growth in production as well as the potential for energy and CO2 savings. Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context © OECD/IEA 2011 In the case of India, total industrial energy consumption between 2007 and 2050 is expected to ... techno‐economical perspective – building on detailed resource and technology data for India. It also identifies the key technologies for India, as well as the energy and CO2 savings that would result from their deployment. It analyses the possibilities for energy efficiency improvements and CO2 emissions reduction for the five most energy intensive industrial sectors including: iron and steel; cement; chemicals and petrochemicals; pulp and paper; ... production, using CO2‐free electricity and hydrogen; Improving the materials flow management (high recycling rates); and Providing carbon capture and storage (CCS). Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context © OECD/IEA 2011 Cement Demand for cement in India will be between 3.8 and 9.7 times higher in 2050 than it was in 2007. Production is projected to be the same under the Baseline and BLUE scenarios (Table ES.3). ... a “least‐cost approach”, industry would have to reduce its overall emissions to 24% of the 2007 levels by 2050. The contribution from different countries and industrial sectors varies according to their respective potential to reduce emissions through energy efficiency, the availability of fuel‐switching and recycling options, and their potential for deploying carbon capture and storage (CCS). Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context ... emissions in the BLUE Scenario largely results from technological innovation and efficiency gains, and the introduction of CCS. Total direct emissions reduction amount to 370 Mt CO2 in the low‐ demand case and to 496 Mt CO2 in the high‐demand case in 2050. CCS contributes 39% and 47% of the total reduction in 2050 (Figure 10). © OECD/IEA 2011 Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context ... 524 Mtoe and 634 Mtoe in 2050 under the Baseline Scenario (Table 3). Energy Transition for Industry: India and the Global Context © OECD/IEA 2011 Table 3: India s total final energy use by industry, Mtoe 2007 Baseline – 2050 low-demand Aluminium BLUE – 2050 high-demand low-demand high-demand 3 16 25 14 20 Cement 13 42 48 49 55 Chemicals and petrochemicals 27 83 126 74 100 Iron and steel 38 173 211 122 153 Pulp and paper 3 19 33 17 31 Other industries . graCzyk aNd Peter taylor INFORMATION PAPER ENERGY TRANSITION FOR INDUSTRY: INDIA AND THE GLOBAL CONTEXT 2011 January INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY The International. taylor INFORMATION PAPER ENERGY TRANSITION FOR INDUSTRY: INDIA AND THE GLOBAL CONTEXT 2011 January This information paper was prepared for the Energy Technology