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Microsoft excel dashboards reports for dummies

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Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports ® ® Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports ® ® 4th Edition by Michael Alexander Microsoft® Excel® Dashboards & Reports For Dummies®, 4th Edition Published by: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, www.wiley.com Copyright © 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the Publisher Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions Trademarks: Wiley, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, 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317-572-4002 For technical support, please visit https://hub.wiley.com/community/support/dummies Wiley publishes in a variety of print and electronic formats and by print-on-demand Some material included with standard print versions of this book may not be included in e-books or in print-on-demand If this book refers to media such as a CD or DVD that is not included in the version you purchased, you may download this material at http://booksupport.wiley.com For more information about Wiley products, visit www.wiley.com Library of Congress Control Number: 2022931501 ISBN 978-1-119-84439-6 (pbk); ISBN 978-1-119-84440-2 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-119-84441-9 (ebk) Contents at a Glance Introduction Part 1: Getting Started with Excel Dashboards and Reports CHAPTER 1: CHAPTER 2: CHAPTER 3: CHAPTER 4: Getting in the Dashboard State of Mind Building a Super Model 23 The Pivotal Pivot Table 65 Using External Data for Your Dashboards and Reports 101 Part 2: Building Basic Dashboard Components CHAPTER 5: CHAPTER 6: CHAPTER 7: 119 Dressing Up Your Data Tables 121 Sparking Inspiration with Sparklines 139 Formatting Your Way to Visualizations 153 Part 3: Adding Charts to Your Dashboards 185 Charts That Show Trending 187 Grouping and Bucketing Data 211 CHAPTER 10: Displaying Performance against a Target 231 CHAPTER 8: CHAPTER 9: Part 4: Advanced Reporting Techniques 247 CHAPTER 11: Giving Users an Interactive Interface 249 Interactivity with Pivot Slicers 283 CHAPTER 13: Sharing Your Workbook with the Outside World 303 CHAPTER 12: Adding Part 5: The Part of Tens CHAPTER 14: Ten CHAPTER 15: Ten 323 Chart Design Principles 325 Questions to Ask Before Distributing Your Dashboard 339 Index 345 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION About This Book Foolish Assumptions Icons Used in This Book Beyond the Book Where to Go from Here 4 PART 1: GETTING STARTED WITH EXCEL DASHBOARDS AND REPORTS CHAPTER 1: Getting in the Dashboard State of Mind Defining Dashboards and Reports 10 Defining reports 10 Defining dashboards 11 Preparing for Greatness 12 Establish the audience for, and purpose of, the dashboard 12 Delineate the measures for the dashboard 13 Catalog the required data sources 14 Define the dimensions and filters for the dashboard 15 Determine the need for drill-down features 16 Establish the refresh schedule 16 A Quick Look at Dashboard Design Principles 16 Rule number 1: Keep it simple .17 Use layout and placement to draw focus 19 Format numbers effectively 20 Use titles and labels effectively 20 CHAPTER 2: Building a Super Model 23 Data Modeling Best Practices Separating data, analysis, and presentation Starting with appropriately structured data Avoiding turning your data model into a database Using tabs to document and organize your data model Testing your data model before building reporting components on top of it Excel Functions That Really Deliver The VLOOKUP function The HLOOKUP function The SUMPRODUCT function The CHOOSE function Table of Contents 24 24 27 30 31 33 34 34 38 40 43 vii Using Smart Tables That Expand with Data Converting a range to an Excel table Converting an Excel table back to a range Introducing Dynamic Arrays Getting the basics of dynamic arrays Understanding spill ranges Referencing spill ranges Exploring Dynamic Array Functions The SORT function The SORTBY function The UNIQUE function The FILTER function The XLOOKUP function CHAPTER 3: 45 46 49 49 49 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 The Pivotal Pivot Table 65 An Introduction to the Pivot Table 65 The Four Areas of a Pivot Table 66 Values area 66 Row area 67 Column area 67 Filter area 68 Creating Your First Pivot Table 69 Changing and rearranging your pivot table 72 Adding a report filter 73 Keeping your pivot table fresh 74 Customizing Pivot Table Reports 76 Changing the pivot table layout .76 Customizing field names 78 Applying numeric formats to data fields 79 Changing summary calculations 80 Suppressing subtotals 81 Showing and hiding data items 84 Hiding or showing items without data 86 Sorting your pivot table 88 Creating Useful Pivot-Driven Views .89 Producing top and bottom views 89 Creating views by month, quarter, and year 93 Creating a percent distribution view 95 Creating a month-over-month variance view 97 viii Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies ranges of data converting tables back to, 49 converting to smart tables, 46–48 limiting access to worksheet ranges, 308–309 unlocking editable ranges, 307–308 readability, dashboards, 341 read-only access, 304 recording macros, 251–254 reference lines, sparklines, 149–150 refresh schedule, 16 refreshing data pivot tables, 66, 74–75 refresh schedule, 16 Region filter field, pivot slicers, 284 reports adding report filter to pivot tables, 73–74 dashboards vs., 10 Return_array argument, XLOOKUP function, 61 row area, pivot tables, 67 Row_index_num argument, HLOOKUP function, 39 S scope, dashboards, 341 Scroll Bar control, 264 Search_mode argument, XLOOKUP function, 62–63 seasonality (business cycles), 207 secondary axis charts, 200–201 trending with, 199–201 security limiting access to specific worksheet ranges, 307–310 password-protected workbooks, 305–306 read-only access, 304 workbook structure, 310–311 Segoe UI font, 128 Select Locked Cells action, worksheets, 309 Select Unlocked Cells action, worksheets, 309 shapes constructing infographic widgets with, 182–183 creating visually appealing containers with, 180–181 layering, 182 sharing workbooks Excel Web App, 321 exporting to PDF, 316–318 linking charts to PowerPoint manually updating links, 313–314 overview, 311–313 turning off automatic updating, 314–316 to OneDrive, 318–320 protecting dashboards limiting access to specific worksheet ranges, 307–310 overview, 303–304 password-protected, 305–306 read-only access, 304 removing workbook-level protection, 306 workbook structure, 310–311 shelf life, dashboards, 341 side-by-side time comparisons, trends, 196–198 simple formatting, 17–19, 325–327, 340, 342 single accounting underlines, 124–126 Slicer Settings dialog box, 299 Slicer Settings, pivot slicers, 289 Index 357 slicers clearing filtering on, 286–287 controlling multiple pivot tables with, 293–294 customizing creating, 286–287 data item columns, 288–289 size and placement, 288 Slicer Settings dialog box, 289–290, 299 styles, 289–293 Filter fields, 283–284 filtering Table objects with, 300–301 as form controls, 296–300 Format Slicer pane, 288–289 Insert Slicers dialog box, 286 New Slicer Style dialog box, 291–292 overview, 283–285 Slicer Styles gallery, 291 Timeline slicer, 294–296 SMALL function, 219 smart tables converting back to ranges, 49 converting ranges to, 46–48 overview, 45–46 smoothing data creating custom smoothing calculation, 209–210 moving average functionality, 208–209 overview, 207–208 Sort action, worksheets, 309 SORT function Array argument, 55 By_col argument, 56 Sort_index argument, 55 SORTBY function Array argument, 56 By_array argument, 56–57 Sort_order argument, 56 358 sorting data before charting, 333 pivot tables, 88–89 tables, 128 sparklines aspect ratio, 145 changing data source for, 144 Column sparklines, 141 creating, 142–144 customizing autoupdating data ranges, 152 axis scaling, 148 changing sparkline type, 147 colors and line width, 147 data points, 147–148 date axis, 151 hidden or missing data, 146 reference lines, 149–150 sizing and merging cells, 145–146 defined, 139 deleting, 144 First Point option, 147 High Point option, 147 Last Point option, 147 Line sparklines, 141 Low Point option, 147 Markers option, 147 Negative Points option, 147 overview, 139–141 Win/Loss sparklines, 141–142, 149–150 spill ranges #SPILL! error, 51–52 defined, 50 point of entry, 51 referencing, 53–54 Spin Button control, 263–264 Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies SQL Server database, importing data from, 116–118 stacked time comparisons, trends, 198–199 statistical charts, 220–223 StdDev function, pivot tables, 80 StdDevP function, pivot tables, 80 subtotals, pivot table, 81–84 Sum function, pivot tables, 80 SUMPRODUCT function filtering values with, 41–42 formulas, 42–43 overview, 40–41 symbols copyright symbol, 173 dollar symbol, 20 enhancing reporting with, 173–176 @ symbol, 54 T Table feature, 45–49 Table objects, filtering with pivot slicers, 300–301 Table_array argument HLOOKUP function, 39 VLOOKUP function, 35 tables See also pivot tables borders, 123–126 charts vs., 343 color, 122–123 design principles, 122–129 Format Cells dialog box, 125 labels and headers, 127–129 number formatting applying basic formatting, 129–132 applying color to, 135–136 dates and times, 136–137 hiding zeroes, 134 millions, 134 overview, 126–127 suppressing zeroes, 135 thousands, 132–134 overview, 121 Single Accounting underlines, 124–126 smart tables converting back to range, 49 converting range to, 46–48 overview, 45–46 using in place of data labels, 330–332 Tabular Form layout, 76–77 target, displaying performance against See performance against target, displaying text files, extracting external data from, 113–114 Text That Contains conditional formatting scenario, 156 thermometer-style chart, 234–235 thousands, formatting numbers in, 132–134 tilde (~) wildcard, 64 time periods, charting formatting specific periods, 202–203 marking significant events with dividers, 203–204 representing forecasts, 204–206 Timeline slicer creating, 294 filtering data in, 295–296 Insert Timelines dialog box, 294 Times New Roman font, 128 timestamp, 21, 341 Top 10 % conditional formatting scenario, 158 Top 10 Items conditional formatting scenario, 157–158 Index 359 top and bottom displays incorporating into dashboards, 212–213 overview, 211–212 using pivot tables to build, 213–215 Top/Bottom Rules category, conditional formatting, 157–159 trends and trending area charts, 189 avoiding trend lines, 328 column charts, 189 comparative trending secondary axis, 199–201 side-by-side time comparisons, 196–198 stacked time comparisons, 198–199 directional trending, 206–207 forecasts, 204–206 formatting specific periods, 202–203 label management abbreviating, 193–194 implying labels, 194 nesting labels, 195–196 vertical view, 194–195 line charts, 188 logarithmic scale, 192–193 marking significant events, 203–204 overview, 187 smoothing data creating custom smoothing calculation, 209–210 moving average functionality, 208–209 overview, 207–208 vertical axis on trending chart, 190–191 trusted documents, 257 trusted locations, 258–259 360 U unicode characters, 173 UNIQUE function Array argument, 57 By_col argument, 57 Exactly_once argument, 57–58 Unprotect Sheet dialog box, 310 Use AutoFilter action, worksheets, 309 Use PivotTable Reports action, worksheets, 309 user interface form controls adding to worksheet, 264–265 Button control, 263–264, 266 Check Box control, 263–264, 266–270 Combo Box control, 263–264, 274–277 finding, 263–264 Group Box control, 264 Label control, 264 List Box control, 264, 277–281 Option Button control, 264, 271–274 Scroll Bar control, 264 Spin Button control, 263–264 macros building navigation buttons, 260 enabling content, 258 file extensions, 258 one-touch reporting options, 262–263 overview, 249–250 rearranging pivot table data, 261–262 reasons for using, 250–251 recording, 251–254 running, 254–257 Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies trusted documents, 257 trusted locations, 258–259 overview, 249 pivot slicers controlling multiple pivot tables with, 293–294 creating, 286–287 data item columns, 288–289 filtering Table objects with, 300–301 as form controls, 296–300 overview, 283–285 size and placement, 288 Slicer Settings dialog box, 289–290 styles, 289–293 Timeline slicer, 294–296 user requirements, collecting data sources, 14–15 dimensions, 15 drill-down features, 16 establishing purpose of dashboard, 12–13 filters, 15 key performance indicators, 13–14 refresh schedule, 16 V Value argument, CHOOSE function, 44 Value Field Settings dialog box, 79 values filtering with SUMPRODUCT function, 41–42 grouping bottom values, 219 grouping top values, 216–219 values area, pivot tables, 66–67 Var function, 80 variances, displaying performance against target with, 231–232 VarP function, 80 views, pivot tables monthly, 93 month-over-month variance, 97–99 overview, 89–93 percent distribution, 95–97 quarterly, 93–94 yearly, 93–94 visualizations Camera tool, 176–180 conditional formatting adding manually, 162–166 Color Scales, 160–161 Data Bars, 159–160, 169–170 Highlight Cells Rules category, 155–157 Icon Sets, 161, 169–172 overview, 154 showing only one icon, 166–168 Top/Bottom Rules category, 157–159 defined, 153 shapes constructing infographic widgets with, 182–183 creating visually appealing containers with, 180–181 layering, 182 symbols, 54 VLOOKUP function Col_index_num argument, 35 data validation drop-down lists, 37–38 formulas, 36–37 Lookup_value argument, 35 overview, 34 Range_lookup argument, 35 Table_array argument, 35 Index 361 W widgets, infographic, 182–183 wildcard characters asterisk (*) wildcard, 63 question mark (?) wildcard, 63 tilde (~) wildcard, 64 Win/Loss sparklines, 141–142, 149–150 workbooks extracting external data from, 111–112 limiting access to specific worksheet ranges, 307–310 overview, 303–304 password-protected, 305–306 read-only access, 304 removing workbook-level protection, 306 sharing Excel Web App, 321 exporting to PDF, 316–318 linking charts to PowerPoint, 311–316 to OneDrive, 318–320 workbook structure, 310–311 worksheets adding form controls to, 264–265 limiting access to worksheet ranges applying worksheet protection, 308–309 Delete Columns action, 309 Delete Rows action, 309 Format Cells action, 309 Format Columns action, 309 362 Format Rows action, 309 Insert Columns action, 309 Insert Hyperlinks action, 309 Insert Rows action, 309 Select Locked Cells action, 309 Select Unlocked Cells action, 309 Sort action, 309 Use AutoFilter action, 309 Use PivotTable Reports action, 309 X XLOOKUP function asterisk wildcard, 63 Lookup_array argument, 61–62 Lookup_value argument, 61 Match_mode argument, 62–63 Not_found argument, 61–62 question mark wildcard, 64 Return_array argument, 61 Search_mode argument, 62–63 tilde wildcard, 64 Y yearly view, pivot tables, 93–94 Z zeroes hiding, 134 suppressing, 135 Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies About the Author Michael Alexander is senior consultant at Slalom Consulting with more than 15 years’ experience in data management and reporting He is the author of more than a dozen books on business analysis and has been named Microsoft Excel MVP for his contributions to the Excel community Dedication To my family Author’s Acknowledgments My deepest thanks go to the professionals at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., for all the hours of work put into bringing this book to life Thanks also to Elizabeth Kuball and Guy Hart-Davis for suggesting numerous improvements to the examples and text in this book Publisher’s Acknowledgments Associate Editor: Elizabeth Stilwell Production Editor: Mohammed Zafar Ali Project Editor: Elizabeth Kuball Cover Image: © Photobuay/Getty Images Copy Editor: Elizabeth Kuball Technical Editor: Guy Hart-Davis Take dummies with you everywhere you go! 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Excel dashboards and reports, as well as a list of online resources for even more Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies information on Excel dashboards and reports Just go to www .dummies. com... Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports ® ® Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports ® ® 4th Edition by Michael Alexander Microsoft? ? Excel? ? Dashboards & Reports For Dummies? ?, 4th Edition... month-over-month variance view 97 viii Microsoft Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies Using External Data for Your Dashboards and Reports

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