[...]... DMA channel is used and the first DMA channel is reprogrammed 18 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Notes 19 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing 2 Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is formally defined as a digital operation performed on an input sequence of numbers (including feedback from the result of the digital operation)... of cross-correlation 29 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Notes 30 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Converting Analog to Digital Signals and Vice Vers 3 onverting Analog to Digital C Signals and Vice Versa 3.1 A Typical DSP System Most of the signals encountered in engineering applications are analog In order to process analog signals using digital techniques they... 11 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing The Personal Computer 1.4 Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) Bus The ISA bus signals are divided into four groups according to their function: • address and data bus signal group • data transfer control signal group • bus arbitration signal group • utility signal group Figure 1.2 ISA Signal Mnemonics, Signal Directions and Pin Locations Address and. .. Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Figure 2.3 Graphical representation of auto correlation As shown in Figure 2.3, the autocorrelated signal is made up from a sum of products of each shifted frame and the original frame, starting from zero shift until the full frame has been shifted 28 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing An improvement in the Signal- to-Noise... in terms of the sampling period Figure 3.4 Two Bandlimited Spectra 34 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Converting Analog to Digital Signals and Vice Vers A signal with no frequency component above a certain maximum frequency is known as a bandlimited signal Figure 3.4 shows two typical bandlimited signal spectra: one low-pass and one band-pass The minimum sampling rate allowed by the... Address and Data Bus Signal Group This group contains the signal lines that are used to address memory and I/O devices and the signal lines used to transfer the actual data 12 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing The Personal Computer • D[7 0] D[7 0] are the low eight bits of the 16-bit bidirectional data bus used to transmit data between the microprocessor, memory and I/O port • D[15 8]... filters (Note that the z-1 is a shorthand method of indicating delays; it also has mathematical significance) 20 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing Figure 2.1 Representation of a digital filter For example, if an analog voltage signate f(t) is sampled at discrete regular time intervals ∆t as follows: f(t), f(t+³t), f(t+2³t), f(t+k³t) and t=0 (to make it easier), the... upon multiplication, shifts signal samples to the right (delays) by k time units Figure 6.1 demonstrates how any discrete time (or digital) filter with input x(k) and output y(k) can be represented with the general difference equation: b0y(k) + b1 y(k-1) + + bMy(k-M) = a0x(k) + a1x(k-1) + +aNx(k-N) Thus: 2.0 21 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing In combining these... DSP algorithms 31 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Converting Analog to Digital Signals and Vice Vers The results or outputs of the processing are converted back into analog signals through interpolation This process is called digital- to-analog (D/A) conversion Figure 3.1 illustrates these three stages in diagram form Figure 3.1 The Three Stages of Analog -Digital- Analog Conversions... cycle is performed in which current and past inputs are multiplied by their respective coefficients Taking the Z-transform of the above equation, this becomes: 2.1 This means that X(z) and Y(z) are represented as: 2.2 2.3 The discrete time (or digital) transfer function can thus be defined as: 22 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing 2.4 2.5 This can also . used and the rst DMA channel is reprogrammed. Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing 19 Notes Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing 20 . alt="" 2 IDC Technologies Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing 3 Personal Computers and Digital Signal Processing © 2012 IDC Technologies