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The Dragon Lord Season 1

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DRAGON LORD S1 The Dragon Lord Season 1 Coming Soon In The Dragon Village The Power Of the Great Dragon Is passed on From Generation To Generation and Now it has Been Passed on To Len a 13 year old wh.DRAGON LORD S1 The Dragon Lord Season 1 Coming Soon In The Dragon Village The Power Of the Great Dragon Is passed on From Generation To Generation and Now it has Been Passed on To Len a 13 year old wh.

DRAGON LORD S1 The Dragon Lord Season Coming Soon In The Dragon Village The Power Of the Great Dragon Is passed on From Generation To Generation and Now it has Been Passed on To Len a 13 year old who Dreams oF one day becoming A Lord The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 1:The Ninja Academy My Name is Len iam the 40th Dragon Lord Before we Go on this Amazing adventure let Me explain Centuries Ago The Great Dragon and Humans Leaved Together in Peace Until Great Darkness Appeared The Dragon Possessed a Human Of Pure heart to defeat The Darkness And Up till Date The Dragon Keeps Possessing A Human Of Pure Heart To keep Dragon Village Safe Pretty Cool Right The Dragon Gave Humans Unique Abilities To Manipulate The Elements Air Water Earth ⛰⛰ Fire There are Other Villages known as Sun Village, They Get there Power From the Sun Moon Village,They Get there Power From The Moon Village Of Earth,They Get there Power From The Earth And my Village ,Dragon Village we Get our Power From The Dragon The Villages are not Peacefully Co-existing They Have been Ninja Wars Back To Me it is my Dream To Become A Lord A Lord Is Considered As The Strongest Ninja In The Village But it isn't Easy To Acheive Follow me on my amazing Journey My Parents Were Killed few years after I was born By Unknown People When they realized I was going to Be the Dragon Lord they Tried To kill me My Mum and Dad Sacrificed There Life To Protect Me Present Day At The Ninja Academy Hina:Welcome To The Ninja Academy were you will be trained To become Great Ninja's There are Stages as A Ninja _Beginner Ninja _Junior Ninja _Senior Ninja _Master _Lord I hope your all Prepared For this Amazing Journey Reo:it is such a Long Journey To become a Lord isn't it Len? Len:it isn't easy but I don't care I must become the 10th Lord Reo:That's if you don't die Len:wa❓ Reo:yeah a lot of Ninja Die because of this stupid war Len:I'll never let my class mate Die Reo:I know your the Dragon Lord But you can't Protect Everyone Death is Inevitable Len:Don't say that Reo:[smiles]If The war does not end 50% of us will die To Be Continued The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 2: Graduating The Academy1 Continuation Len :So What's Your Dream Reo Reo:I really Don't Care Len :Your insane Reo Reo :Maybe a Senior Ninja I can't Bother Myself To become a Master or Lord Len:Your So Lazy Mai:Hey You two you've been talking since the class Began come and tell us what you've learnt so far Len & Reo: Years Later: Len is Now 13 Years Old Axel: Congratulations To all of you Today 14 of you will become Beginner Ninjas [Axel is A Senior Ninja ] Len :Only 14 Reo :We are up to 120 Rilia :I Guess it's every man For Himself Jozi:Can You shut up let's here what Sensei has to say Len:what's up with Him❓ Rilia :I here he's been in the academy for times he just can not Graduate Len: Reo:Don't laugh you idiot He is really skilled I've watched him train in the past he can Manipulate air very well Len :I See well no matter what I must Graduate Today Axel: Attention ‼️Today You'll be Running Through a Very Long Obstacle Course The First 14 Students To get there will become Beginner Ninja's and will start Going On Missions Reo:Aagh The Futher We Go the harder it Becomes Len:Quit Complaining all the time Reo: Axel:Are You Ready Students ❓ Student:Yes Sensei Axel:1 Ready .Go All the students Ran Fast like Never Before Even Reo who was extremely lazy Put in effort The First Obstacle they Had to cross was a huge Wall it wasn't a problem For those who could Manipulate Air and Earth ⛰⛰They easily Flew above the wall But For Len Who could Manipulate fire problem they had to climb it manually and others who could Manipulate water it was a Reo Who could Manipulate air was far ahead Len was Having huge problems climbing the wall Just Then he had an idea he used his fire technique to use the Fire to Push him up and Over the wall It was a difficult technique Axel who was Watching afar Smiled And taught "there is something Special about that kid not just that he is the Dragon Lord " To Be Continued The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 3: Graduating The Academy The Other Obstacle were pretty Easy and Len was Doing Quite well Until He met the 5th Obstacle a vast River it was going to waste time to swim across It wasn't a problem for Those who could Manipulate water they pratically walked across the River Up Front in First Place Was Kai he had the ability to manipulate Fire he was one of the Most Promising Student When Len Finally Got across the River he was Ready To Continue Running when He spotted Himari who was injured Len :Wha What Happened Himari:I got hurt by them Len :Who ? Himari:Tobi and Jozi they have taken this Thing Too far They are eliminating the Competition Len:What the that is wrong Himari :Im Just So Sad My Mum will kill me if I don't become a Beginner Ninja Today Len:You will Himari:How is that Len:[Interrups Her]Get On My Back Himari : time ☺☺tha tha tha thank you Len :No problem we better be on our way there is no Himari Got on His Back and He Began Running Len was 4th Place he was Running as Fast as he could until he met Jozi Jozi:Your The idiot who was laughing at my recent failure Len: Sorry about That Jozi:Sorry doesn't cut it you won't become a Ninja Today Len:You Lie [Len Drops Rilia] Jozi:Quit Trying To Be a Hero I'll kill you bastard Jozi ran at Len and Released Huge wind at Len which sent him flying Jozi didn't Give Him a Break He Attacked Him And Gave him a hard Punch Himari:Lennnnnnn‼️ Len:Ouch That Hurt A Lot I can't loose to a looser like you Len Used his Fire Technique To Attack Jozi He Produced Huge amount of fire to Blow Him he flew and hit his head on a piece Of Wood and Knocked Him out Len Backed Himari and Got across the Remaining Obstacles He Came 13th While Himari 14th .Reo had Crossed The Finish Line Long ago at 2nd Place Reo:The Future Lord Came 13th[Sarcastically] Len:Shut up I ran into some trouble Speaking Of Which Sensei Axel Axel:Yes Len Len:is eliminating competition allowed Jozi was Eliminating opposition and even Hurt Himari Axel:it is not allowed he will be expelled The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 4:Mission Axel: Congrats to all of you that passed the Exams you are Now Beginner Ninjas Len:This will be so fun Reo:it has began Len:what ❓ Reo:when we start dying Len: your making me scared Reo: Axel:well 14 People past and you will now be split into Groups you will now go on Dangerous Missions and Represent our Village Len:[Thinking ]I hope Reo will be in my team Axel:Team Lloyd Riku and Temari Team Len Kai and Rilia Team Himari Azula Reo and Hiroto Team Azula Kazumi Sara and Yua Each Team will meet your personal Sensei soon I Am Team Two's Sensei so Len ,Kai Rilia Follow me The of them leave Len:[Thinking be Good ]I already know Rilia this Kid Kai came First in the Obstacle Course he must Axel:I need three of you to know that being a Ninja is not easy you need to learn to work together or you will suffer when I was your age my team didn't understand team work and as such my two team mates died Len:it must be painful Axel:yeah Rilia:so when is our first mission Axel:Now [Len Kai and Rilia are all shocked ] Len:Now❓ Axel:yes downtown there has Been a series of robbery I want you to go Undercover and catch them and I also have to pick a team leader Len:uuuh pick me Axel:I choose Kai Len:waaaaaa he didn't even say he wants it Axel:You can go for the Mission immediately [The three Leave ] Kai:So we are going to take Cover act like we Belong Len:I say we ask questions Rilia :But but Kai is the leader Kai:Right Len: I don't care about what Sensei Axel said we don't need a leader Kai:Stay in character don't create a seen [Just Then three masked men Appear] Len :This is Bad they look scary Rilia Jumped to land a punch on one of them but she is Caught by one of them and Carried away Hostage While Len And Kai Run after them To Be Continued The Dragon Lord[Season 1] Episode 5:Kai's Story Len:You Know This is all your fault Kai: .Your Pathetic Len: what we now we have lost them Kai:we wait for them to attack again Len:How are you so calm what if they kill her Kai:Our Mission is to stop the Theives everything outside the Mission is Useless Len Gave Kai a hard Punch That Made him spit out blood Len:You don't know anything she is our team mate we have to rescue her at all costs Kai: your so stupid I don't care about you or her I just care about this Mission Len:[Thinking ] Something must have happened to him in the Past he is always sad he is never happy and he has no feelings or emotions Later at Night Len and Kai were hidden watching if the Criminals will return Just Then three men showed up Len:Those are the Guys let's Go Kai:No we wait and Follow them so they can lead us to were they kept her Len:No time For that Len Revealed himself To the men Man 1:what you want kid Len:I want my Friend you took her earlier Man 2:ohhhhhhhh she is probably dead go home kid Len :you killed her Len Used his Fire Technique on one of them and burnt his hands Man 3:you are a Ninja ? The Remaining men brought out there swords and ran towards Len Len Tried using his Fire Technique on them but it was useless they Dodged his attacks one of them cut lens arm slightly and he fell Kai:idiot I told you to wait Kai Jumped into the scene Man 1:another Brat Kai Who also uses Fire technique released huge amount of flame at the two men one of them Got hurt Man 3:You've Killed Him I'll kill you He ran at Kai with his sword intent on killing him but Kai dodged and somehow took his sword from him Man : please don't kill me Kai:why shouldn't I Len:tell him to take us to Rilia Kai:I don't care about Rilia I have to kill him the Mission is Get Rid of the Theives he is the last one I must complete it Len:you idiot Len who was weak managed to stand up and punched Kai Len:Take us to our friend Man 3:Okay please don't kill me Len:I don't kill people everyone deserves a second chance Len Rescued Rilia from the Criminals Hide out and the Mission was Completed Next Day Axel is talking to his team Axel:So How was the Mission Len:it was fine But I don't think I can work with Kai anymore Axel:You have to learn these teams were chosen By Rex The present Lord his decision is final Rilia :Len thanks For saving me ☺☺ Len:it was nothing Axel:I want to know why did you Become Ninja's Len:As a kid it has always been my dream to become a Ninja and Become a Lord to bring Peace Axel:I See Rilia What about you Rilia:I don't really know my mum was a Ninja and so was my dad so I followed Axel:You know you have to find your own path in life you don't have to copy someone else Rilia:I know sensei Axel:okay what about you Kai Kai:Revenge Axel:What you mean tell us more Kai:what am about to say should remain between us Axel:okay go on Kai:I am not from Dragon Village Axel ,Len and Rilia we're all shocked Kai:As you know people from other Villages are not allowed to leave in this Village I am the son of the Lord Of Sun Village My Dad was a wicked man he Ordered for my mum to be killed when I was simply because they were planning for war and she was the only elder who didn't approve The only person I loved was my sister Kitchna when I was a neighboring village came as guests to my Village my Dad ordered that I and my sister Fight with a slave to entertain the Guests I could hardly control my fire then the Slave won my dad was Angry and embarrassed that Night he Ordered us to be killed however i and my sister ran the Guards that were to kill us ran after us My sister Decided to fight them and told me to keep running I cried because I knew she couldn't beat up to 20 Guards And my worst fear became Reality she was Len:there is no short cut to getting more power you know Kai:Sorry For the stupid questions these are questions I normally ask myself Len:I see Kai:The Reason I called you here I'm sorry Len for everything I've done since we met Len: You don't need to apologize it's okay Kai:No it's not[Tears Rolled down his cheek]I've acted like a Jerk I need you to understand that I was stupid and Len:It's okay I Forgive you Kai: Smiles Both of them Sat down in the Ninja Field and watched as the Sun Set ⛅ Len Hoped that this would be the start of a beautiful Friendship The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 13:Kai's Master Kai sat down to talk to sensei Axel at the training field Kai:I've decided Sensei Axel please be my master if I will ever Defeat my father I need someone to train me Axel:Oh well I will be your Master Kai: Really Sensei❓ Axel:Yes Kai:Thank you so much when we start ❓ Axel:Immediately Kai:Huh❓ Okay I want to learn something that Len Can't Do Axel:I see Your not learning this to Fight Len Kai:No I Use Len as my Motivation If he gets stronger I have to too Until I'm stronger than him Only then can I Defeat My father Axel:I see okay then I want to teach you something that every Ninja Needs Kai:what is it❓ Axel: Energy Control Everyone has Energy Points all located at the chest Kai:I see Axel:But Each of them are at the stomach To use an element you have to push it from the Chest a little But Some people are bad at it that is why some people Can't use any element You saw me use Fire Mode to tis you have to push the Energy Points to your head to each palm and to each feet Even Len doesn't Know this I need you to learn energy Control it will make your Fire stronger and you will be able to activate Fire Mode Elsewhere Len was with Master Kinato Kinato:I see you've mastered the Fire Ball technique Len:yes it was really nice when I got it finally Kinato:Your on your way to Becoming a Great Ninja Len:Thanks Master Kinato Kinato:As you know your the Dragon Lord and your Destiny is different from other Ninja's own Len:Yes Kinato:You need to learn How this war began so you can know how to end it don't you Len :Yes Master Somewhere at the Border of Dragon Village In a secret Cave men are talking Man 2:Is it Time ❓ Man 1:No not yet I'm still monitoring things Man 3:there is no time we can destroy this Village in no time why are we stalling Man 1:You dont know what you are saying Dragon Village has two of the Strongest Ninja's at the Moment Rex and Kinato Man 2: But Man 1:No Buts I'll tell you when it's time Lord rex is a fool he is worried about the War He doesn't Know what is happening within this Village Man 3:He won't know what hit him Master Zane Zane:We wait Calm Down we will attack but not now when the time is appropriate Later That day Axel:Nice training today Kai:Yes sensei [Breathing Heavily] Axel:You should rest tomorrow we continue Kai:Yes sensei sensei will I ever be stronger than Len Axel:it depends on how you train Len is the Dragon Lord the pride of this Village but if you train harder than him I'm sure one day Kai:I understand sensei Kinato followed Len home because he wanted to tell him something important Kinato:Len this war goes way back but it wasn't always like this it all started years ago To Be Continued The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 14:Origin Kinato:It all started many years ago when the Dragon Lord Possessed the First ever Dragon Lord the other Villages feared he was too Powerful so they attacked our Village intending to bring us down I was not born then it was dark times in this village this was Regarded as the First Ninja war The Dragon Lord Single handedly defeated them And later became the First Lord of this village 50 years later I was Born when I was your age another war Broke out this time because of Greed each Village wanted to Expand there territory The 6th Dragon Lord helped end the war again and Just a little while before you were born there was another war this time it was Because of Our Village The 8th Lord was a maniac he started the war and he was Killed in the war So that' s were we are today waiting for someone to strike the Next blow to start another war But I think it's all stupid Len:Me too what's the point of always fighting what will happen if we all leave in peace Kinato:We are alike in many ways Len I have a secret to tell you you may not remember cause you were still a child But I and your mother were in the same team Len:wha what Kinato:Yes I , Your Mum and Lord Rex were all in the same team The legendary team that won't be forgotten in the history of this village Len:What was she like Kinato: She was an amazing Ninja She invented Teleportation Len:what is teleportation Kinato: Ninja's are fast but your mum was the Definition of speed she was so fast that she could Disappear from one point and appear in another point Instantly I still miss her It's a shame she didn't teach anyone how to it Len:Yeah Kinato:She Mastered all the elements at 18 She was amazing She Len:At 18 How m Kinato:Your Mum would have easily become the 9th Lord But we left it for our Best Friend Rex Len:If she was here maybe she would have been my master Kinato:maybe .but enough talking about the past I want to teach you my Legacy Len:What is that❓ Kinato:Revenge Can Never make you happy it only makes more enemies for you Len:What❓ Kinato:I have made many enemies in life because of Revenge But I don't want you to make that mistake Len Learn to forgive Others Len:My Friend Kai He wants to kill his dad Because his dad killed his Sister and mum what about that ❓ Kinato:If Kai kills his father he won't gain happiness he will regret it and only Get pain and sorrow in return Len:I see master Then i must change him Kinato:if you can A heart that wants Revenge is Dark and can anything i once had a Friend he was also in our team however he wanted Revenge for something and it lead to his destruction Len:I see sensei Kinato:Good Also the Dragon in you I want you to learn to control it it acts on emotions but when you can control it you are more in Sync and Become Very Powerful You can unleash it at any time When you let it act on emotions you don't control what happens and you can Hardly those dear to you Len:So that's what happened I did not tell you but I've felt the power before against kai I heard I almost killed him Kinato:You see that is Bad If you can control it it would have been easier you would have known when to stop Len:So how I control it Kinato:that is something online you must Figure out as the Dragon Lord The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 15:The Eagle Eye Early One Morning Axel:Three of you your going to see Lord Rex Len:So Cool The 9th Lord Kai:One of the Greatest Ninja's in This Village Rilia:I'm so happy we get to see him Axel:He said something about a Very important Mission and I'm not Going with You Rilia:Will it be alright ❓ Axel:I suppose let's Go The of them went to Lord Rex's Office Rex:Hello Young Ninja's I have a combined mission for Kai:What is a Combined mission Rex:I'm Joining you with two members of team Azula Kazumi come in Azula and Kazumi walked in Rex:At the Borders we had heard activity of Rogue Ninja's Again and last time the Rogue Ninja's caused your team so much trouble so I added another team and also you will need Kazumi's Visual Prowess Rilia:what you mean by visual prowess Rex:You'll find out The of them got to the national Borders but when they got there there was no activity Kai:maybe we should report back Azula:No Kazumi you know what to Kazumi:Yeah Eagle Eye Kazumi's Pupil in His eye Changed from Black to Grey Len:What is happening to him Azula:he is using the Eagle eye it is the eye created by the Great Dragon which gives it's user the Ability to see far see through walls and the Enemies weak point Kazumi cant manipulate any element The eagle eye is the only power he has Len: How Did he get it Azula:His Dad had it So he also has it Rilia:So Kazumi what can you see Kazumi:Over there After the National Borders in the Forest I Can see Ninjas I suppose those are the Guys causing trouble Kai ,Rilia Len And Azula Ran into the forest along with Kazumi he was the one Given Directions and finally they met the Rogue's Kai:What you want this time Rogue 1:stop sounding so Cool else I'll kill you Len: Why don't you give up Otherwise Rogue 3:What .Anyway we are causing trouble because Lord Rex is a fool Len:I Won't let you talk Rubbish about him he is a Lord Ninja while your a Rogue add Respect Rogue 3:He is a fool We want to start the Revolution and Rule this Village The Rogue Made Water With sharp edges and launched it at the Ninja's It Cut them all they were all bleeding but it was mild One of them Used Earth To Bury them under the Ground Rogue:Fools we've beat them now there dead Suddenly the Ground Burst Open and one of them Fell under Azula could Manipulate Earth So she Closed the Ground after Len Kai Kazumi and Rilia had Jumped out Azula then Made the Ground Shoot out Huge stones which took out one The Remaining two Rogue Ninja's we're Offended and Ran at them Kai:Fire Ball A Huge Ball of fire appeared on his palm he Used it on one of them The Rogue Fell dead Len:Kai I didn't know you Could use Fire Ball Technique Kai:I couldn't I just learnt it right Now Len:[thinking]how it took me days to learn it Kai:[thinking]Thank You sensei Axel [Kai Flash Back] Axel:Learn to balance energy if you learn it you can various technique Balancing Energy is something Len Can't Do Kai:Okay Sensei Axel [End of Kai Flash Back] The Remaining Rogue Was Outnumbered He held Rilia in the Neck Rogue :I'll KILL HER Len: Please Calm down don't that The Rogue took out a Kunai and stabbed her on her Stomach Len: Nooooo The Rogue Threw a little Bomb at Len and the Other Ninjas it Exploded the Rogue smiled All of them Fell exept Len Len Started To Glow Red His Eyes were like that of a Dragon Len:[Dragons Voice]You Killed her Len Flew Up he was standing in mid air Rogue :What are you Len:[Dragons Voice]I'm the Dragon Lord He Attacked the Rogue with a wave of flame Len speed multiplied he punched the Rogue From all Directions the Rogue was Barely Standing Len:[Dragons Voice]Fire Ball Len made a Gigantic Fire Ball And He launched it at the Rogue there was A Large Explosion Len went to Rilia still Glowing and touched her stomach And she opened her eyes the Wound Covered Up Len Became Normal and Fainted Azula:What Power Kai:what you expect he is the Dragon Lord Len Later Regained consciousness and the Ninja's went Home The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 16:Lens True Power Len was exhausted from the last Mission but he managed to go to the Ninja Training Field there he met Kai already training Len:Hey Kai:Hey Len:You Come Here everyday Kai: Yes Revenge Motivates me Len:About that I wanted to talk to you about this Revenge thing Kai:What about it Len:What if this is all phase your going through and you don't really Kai Was Smiling it suddenly turned to a frown Kai:What you mean Len:I mean Revenge won't take you anywhere Kai: you don't understand Len: Actually I But Kai:Shut Up Len:List Kai Folded his Hands to punch Len But he controlled himself in the Last Minute Kai:What happens if you find out who killed your parents ❓ Len: Kai:Think of that Before trying to Convince me that Revenge is wrong I'm going to train Somewhere else Len Was Confused he Couldn't train Kai asked him a Very Difficult Question Len:[Thinking]I Can't .I can't forgive who killed my parents [tears Rolled down his face] The Next Day Sensei Axel assembled his team Axel: Urgent Mission From Sensei Rex Rilia:What's it about Axel:It's the most Difficult Mission we have been on Earth Village said they will sign a Peace Contract with our Village if we help them Len:Help them what ❓ Axel:There is an outbreak of Civil war in Earth Village so the Lord Of There Village is Gathering help it could be a set up so Kai:We have to be careful Rilia:Its a war isn't it Dangerous Len:Yeah No Senior Ninja's Axel:Other Teams and senior Ninja's are on Missions I'm Coming with You This is a Extremely Difficult Missions it'll also test how you handle War's Len:Let's Do this The Ninja's Began the Journey when they got there The atmosphere was Dark they had been fighting for 4days Many people we're Dead it was a fight Between The Northern Side Of Earth Village and the Southern Side Len:Look how everything is What's the point war is too bad Axel:I know but it's the world we live in today Kai:Sensei who are we Joining forces with North or South ❓ Axel:The Northern Side The Earth Lord said His Brother hated his ways of leading so he Vowed to take Over So he lead the Southern Side to Revolt Len:Why don't we Try ending the war instead of siding anyone Axel:That's not the Mission let's help and leave Were not getting into the Center Of the war Len:I understand Sensei An Earth Ninja approached them Earth Ninja:Hello you must be the Ninja's from Dragon Village called to help us Axel:Yes Earth Ninja:My Name is Omotki The earth Lord awaits you Omotki lead them to a Building hidden under a cave there they met the Earth Lord Earth Lord:My name is Iwuka and as you know there is a Civil war Going on I need your help to end this I asked for more Ninja's You must be the Best for him to send only of you Len:Yes Axel:[Thinking]wrong Lord Rex thinks this is a Set up that is why he sent only three of us Iwuka:Anyway Currently there is a Fight in the East Get there and see what you can When they Got there The Fighting was mass they didn't know were to start from Axel Kai and Len all did the Fire Ball technique at once and launched it at the Ninja's from the South The Explosion was massive and many Got killed The Southerners had to Retreat Axel:Go Back to the cave and report Len:What about you Axel:Go without me I don't trust Lord Iwuka I'm going for Investigation Axel picked Assaulted one of the Southerners Behind and put on his Clothes so he Could fit in he followed them to there Southern Planning Base Southern General:Damn It my brother has called for reinforcement He is such a Fool Our Village has suffered the most from the Recent wars he is planning a new one to attack the other Villages soon when we will suffer the most He wants To use innocent citizens as war puppets to fight in a war we can stay out of Axel:[Thinking]at this point I don't know what to believe Maybe I should assault all these Southeners here and Now Axel Used his Eye to count how many Southern soldiers were there they were over 100 Axel:[thinking]I Can take them But i need to Be careful otherwise I might Die Axel Revealed himself He Used Fire Ball to Kill half of them Southern General:What are you doing I'm leading the Revolution Axel:Shut up your a bigger fool than your brother you want to Rule .But look you and your army have already killed over 20,000 people Your Not a Leader your a Killer and you deserve to die Southern General:Soldiers Stand Down We are failures Don't attack him I want you [ talking to Axel] I want you to kill all of us present here we must pay for our Evil however promise me that My Brother won't get away with this Axel:I won't make any Promises .But maybe he won't get away with this Axel took one of the soldiers sword and killed all of them Axel:I'm sorry Axel Returned to Lord Iwuka Axel:The war is over i have killed your brother Iwuka:Good what shall I repay you with Axel: Nothing Len Kai Rilia were leaving Iwuka:I'm afraid you can not leave Axel:What you mean Iwuka:This was all part of my plan you supported the wrong side I wish to start the New Ninja war My Brother was against it That's why this Civil war started But to start the war i need to strike First Blood So I Had you Come so you will be killed Such actions will spark Tension and start the new war [Laughs Like an insane person] Len:Your Insane Iwuka:Guards Hold them this is there last day on Earth To Be Continued The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 17:Lens True Power Axel:As expected this was a set up .However I am prepared Axel took threw a smoke Bomb And they Tried Escaping But a Huge Rock Stopped them From proceeding Iwuka:You dont Understand in this Village the Earth Element is our specialty You Better accept your fate Axel Len Kai And Rilia Knelt down and they were taken to a Prison Iwuka:You will be killed tomorrow morning Only An Earth Controller Can Open It don't try escaping the wall is made of Rocks Axel:[thinking]Oh Brother why didn't I Learn Earth Control ‍♂️ At Night no one Could sleep they were all Confused Axel:Let's all Calm down it'll be alright Rilia:How can we be calm Axel:Because As Ninja's If we die we die Len:I'm not ready to die I've not acheived my dream yet Axel:As Ninja if you fear death it will come to you Kai:We Need a plan What if we Use Fire Mode we will be Untouchable Axel:Yes But Rilia can't uses fire Mode only Air Mode and I doubt she can use it and if we use that and we don't escape we will loose all our Energy Len:[Thinking]I can't even Fire Mode what does sensei mean by We does this mean Kai Can fire Mode Axel:We should sleep and refresh our Mind Early tomorrow we might have a plan None of them Could sleep they Kept thinking and thinking and soon it was morning Guards Opened the Prison Door and lead them to the Lord Iwuka's Palace Rich Men and Women Gathered To watch their death Man 1:Lord Iwuka Which Slave we get to watch Die today Iwuka:Today is a special day This Time it's the Ninja's From Dragon Village Woman 3:Wow So Nice this should be fun Lord Iwuka Len Kai Axel and Rilia we're Tied and kept at the Center Of The the Room Lord Iwuka :Bring In the Slayer A Bald Man Walked in With A Long Shiny Sword Iwuka:Kill them Make it special The Spectators and I are exited A Ninja From Earth Village walked in and whispered something into Iwuka's Ear Iwuka:Oh My Oh My Ladies and gentlemen the Dragon Lord is Before Us I just Heard that that Boy[Points at Len]Is the Dragon Lord the Pride of Dragon Village The Spectators all laughed Like insane people Iwuka:So we shall start the Killing From Him Slayer slay the boy Slayer Walked toward Len and smiled Slayer:Today is your End He Kicked Len on his face Len started Bleeding Slayer Lifted His Sword Determined to Kill Len Tears Rolled down Axel's Face as he looked away Rilia and Kai:Noooooooo Slayer Lifted His Sword and Hit Len The sword Broke into a million Pieces Everyone was shocked Lens Body Began to Glow Red Four Red Balls Appeared above his Head The Ropes that were used to tie him Cut Rilia:What Happening with Len Axel:This is the Power Of the Dragon Lord The Dragon In Len is Giving Him some Of it's Power Rilia:What you mean some❓ Axel:[Smiles]Clearly You don't know the Power of the Dragon Lord this is only the Second Stage of the Dragons Power It is Called DRAGON MODE the Balls above his Head Represent the Elements In this mode he can all four Elements even if he has not Learnt it But Len cant control it we should take Cover this can get nasty for us Fire Mode Fire Covered Axel's Body and the Ropes holding him cut he released Kai and Rilia and they watched what was happening from a far Distance Iwuka:So this is the Dragons Power Len Stood In Mid Air he was Glowing Red With 4Balls above his head The Guards tried attacking him with Rocks But none of there Attacks Touched Him He was Virtually Untouchable Len:[In Dragons Voice] You are Beyond evil Iwuka Now you will Pay with your life One Of the Balls Opened and Huge amount Of The Elements Came Out And Destroyed the palace and killed almost Everyone Iwuka Still stood Smiling Iwuka:I am not afraid of you I am the Almighty Iwuka Rock Burial Thousands of Rocks Stood and launched towards Len It Covered Him Up Iwuka :You see you are not that Powerful I The Rocks that Covered Len Exploded Len Made Iwuka Fly Towards Him And Punched Him Iwuka Flew Past Buildings He was Bleeding Badly Len Was No longer in control the Dragon was controlling him he was bent on killing Iwuka Axel screamed from afar Axel:Calm Down Don't kill him otherwise it will increase tension and start the war like he wants Control yourself calm down Len slowly transformed back to Normal and fell Axel Carried him as they headed home no Body blocked them they were all terefied By the Dragon Lords Power Axel:[Thinking]He has to learn how to control it Otherwise End Of Season ... Continued The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 14 :Origin Kinato:It all started many years ago when the Dragon Lord Possessed the First ever Dragon Lord the other Villages feared he was too Powerful so they... Figure out as the Dragon Lord The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 15 :The Eagle Eye Early One Morning Axel:Three of you your going to see Lord Rex Len:So Cool The 9th Lord Kai:One of the Greatest... that he is the Dragon Lord " To Be Continued The Dragon Lord [Season 1] Episode 3: Graduating The Academy The Other Obstacle were pretty Easy and Len was Doing Quite well Until He met the 5th Obstacle

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2022, 08:16


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