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Perfect society full best

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PERFECT SOCIETY PERFECT SOCIETY An Overview On “B Happy” All living beings in this whole universe live in an objective to be Happy A person with the right state of mind concludes that a sadist who tor.

PERFECT SOCIETY An Overview On “B Happy” All living beings in this whole universe live in an objective to be Happy A person with the right state of mind concludes that a sadist who tortures their body is mentally impair but that specific sadist is actually gratifying his/her bodily pleasure In this respect, it’s clear to the author that even a sadist looks for Happiness in the form known to us as pain For a common person to attain Happiness, the author believes in the Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs The basic Needs of a person that comprises of food, shelter, clothing, medication, healthy, safety and the Wants which consist of socialising, education, transportation, entertainment, social status and anything that glitters are to be fulfilled for Happiness to be achieved However, the level of Needs and Wants of each individual are different and must be acknowledge being different so that each individual will work for a better social status with the intention of obtaining a better life style What Perfect Society would like to achieve on the personnel level is that the Needs and Wants of an individual can be satisfied being differentiated only by the Hierarchy Of Status (See 2.2 – Hierarchy Of Status at page 18) In achieving this, there will be no hard core poor or even beggars that leads to starvation or anything that are being deprived off in a person’s Needs and basic Wants On a greater personnel achievement, the condition provided in a Perfect Society allows each individual to practice righteousness, hence in the long run achieving self actualisation as describe by Maslow in his theory of Hierarchy Of Needs It’s the author’s personnel view that spiritual advancement is the final stage of development for humans and the most significant indicator pointing to this fact is a perfectly peaceful mind leads to supreme Happiness At the global level, every business transactions are to be fully computerised and monitored, ranging from a small pavement stall right up to a business to business transaction, hence cash are being made obsolete In view of this, 1|Page there will not be any social illness, the likes of killing, robbing and stealing because a person’s daily requirements have been taken care off and most importantly nothing is gain by adopting the above mentioned action (Except for rape) There will be No War because true Religions of the world are to be viewed equal, no discrimination of Race and individuals are given equal opportunity to perform and every Nation are to be govern by one (1) administration There will be No Power Struggle among nations as its now being govern by one (1) administration The need to invent and produce advance weapons and weapons of mass destruction are being made obsolete There will be No Poverty among the nations as all allocation of resources is to be shared in a fair and righteous manner There will be No Illegal Drug Trafficking as first the need for a Profit (See 2.1 - The Concept Behind Profitlessness at page 17) have been taken out from the society, hence giving the drug trafficker no reason to make a sale Secondly, all valid business transactions are to be fully computerised and monitored, hence making it a barrier of entry to make a business transaction There will be No Terrorist as global cohesiveness is put into action Each nation is given equal opportunity to contribute to the development of its country and to the world There will be No Recession or Inflation, hence people are guaranteed of his/her job This is so because there will be no Profit (See 2.1 - The Concept Behind Profitlessness at page 17) associated with the demand and supply of any given commodity There will be No Kidnapping and No Corruption in due respect to the fact that there is nothing to gain from it and all business transaction are being monitored A true democratic system practice by all nations because in the current real world when conflict of interest arises between nations, there are always personnel agendas to accomplish by a specific nation or nations This is so because the survival instinct of a nation acts as a norm to be self-centred 2|Page It’s also noted and a known fact that certain nations are more equip and capable in producing certain product, hence following the concept of superiority in producing a specific product (See 2.4.2 – Production Superiority at page 23) will allow the world to be more efficient because there will be no duplicate of effort When there is no duplicate of effort, resources are fully utilise without wastage From the Hierarchy Of Status (See 2.2 – Hierarchy Of Status at page 18) database an accurate production forecast can be make known so that an organisation knows exactly how much to produce for a product in a given market segment and in that effect, no wastage on resources Lastly, advance research and development made possible being the gathering of brain power throughout the world, a “think tank” to solve the world’s current issues and to explore on the much futuristic advancement that humans dreamed of achieving 1.0 - Social Structure History tells us that humans have gone to wars duly because of a discriminated mindset that there exists a greatest religion, race or nation It has come to an awareness to the author that this three (3) component needs to be synergies to form a society of mutual respect that has a common goal towards achieving greater heights 1.1 - No Religion The author finds that all true religion speaks the language of Wisdom (Righteousness Or Virtue) and Compassion (Great Love) and without a doubt teaches His disciple to act in good faith It’s the author’s objective to put into prospective that wisdom and compassion is apparent in these true religions via its stories and stanzas and they carry the same message because it’s the Ultimate Truth or The Law of the Universe and achieving that status, it’s undisputable 3|Page Comprehending its actual meaning and putting it into action brings abundant of joy and benefits to its practitioner and if the world put its effort in the right basket, behold “The Kingdom of Heaven is bestow on Earth and its name Zion” 1.1.1 – The First Golden Question – Does GOD Exist? It was described in one of the Holy Scriptures that “At First There Was Nothing” the nothing in this context does not denotes entirely nothing but the existence of God’s consciousness It was noted by science that an atom consist of 0.00001 percent (%) matter and 99.99999 percent (%) void ness However latest discovery reveals that the percentage of void ness is actually consist of consciousness and the author will like to call it as “Conscious Energy” So conscious energy existed even before the existence of time because of the existence of dualism, a situation where conscious energy (Something) and nothing (Complete And Total Void Ness) must co-exist at any given of time Through forgettable period of time, a particle of this so called conscious energy somehow gains awareness, hence begins the evolution for the creation of God The author would like to stress that God gain awareness Himself and created Himself Awareness is a state of mind where you know the existence of a thought but you not know what does it represent or represents Through forgettable period of time again that specific conscious energy that gains awareness evolved and obtains the power of perception The state of perception is the ability to recognise, hence establishing a knowing factor in a mind’s faculty Through countless period of time this conscious energy develops feelings, a state of mind where a pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feeling arises This is when this conscious energy feels lonely, as mentioned by some religion or religions The final stage of development is the faculty of mental formation, a state of mind where it contemplates and now this conscious energy is able to 4|Page discriminate thoughts that appear within its faculty and through its ability of discrimination, analytical superiority arises Through countless periods of time after analysing most if not all possible outcomes of any given situation, that conscious energy becomes omniscience Because of its loneliness, this entity has decided to create; hence through the power of omniscience it discovers the method to cultivate the development of supreme psychic powers At this point, that entity which was earlier called conscious energy have evolved into God and with His supreme psychic powers, He has become omnipotent This is when God begins to create and His first creation was through the thought of words “Let There Be Light” and He willed it to happen and than light was created which is actually an extremely dense atomic energy Followed by the theory of big bang in science the universe evolved It was also noted in the Holy Scriptures that God rested on the seventh day and before resting, He has put forward the Law Of The Universe and willed it to happen accordingly which science calls it cause and effect with the evolvement of inanimate objects and Karma (Some Religion) for any evolvement of animated living beings To rationalise that the Law Of The Universe was willed by God and have allowed events to happen as nature permits, archaeologist have unearthed fossils of dinosaurs, thus proofed the existence of dinosaurs at one (1) point in time Now if God is omniscience which is all knowing, will He willed dinosaurs to be created and than terminating them while declaring that His creation is a total failure The argument is simple, why border performing an action when you know in advance that it’s going to fail To God, His superiority is to proof to Himself that even when total free-will is being adopted and with infinite permutations and against all odds, there will come a time where a perfect being of His own creation will find its/his/her way back to His presence That is true and ultimate faith that He has on Himself, an ultimate test before proclaiming that He is Truly God All Mighty 5|Page 1.1.2 – The Second Golden Question – Does Karma Exist? Fill a bowl with one half (1/2) water and one quarter (1/4) bolder coloured oil Science tells us that the oil will be on the surface because of the density of the water molecule over oil molecule The water represents the negative (Bad) karma effects and the bolder coloured oil represents the positive (Good) karma effects Now fill a bottle with one half (1/2) lighter coloured oil (Good Actions) and one half (1/2) coloured water (Bad Actions) Shake the content of the bottle vigorously and when that is done pour it into the bowl You will definitely notice that the coloured water (Bad Actions) will subside and contaminate the water in the bowl (Bad Karma Effects) and the lighter coloured oil from the bottle (Good Actions) will resurface and unite with the existing bolder coloured oil in the bowl (Good Karma Effects) Good action begets good karma effect and bad action begets bad karma effect! It’s also noted by some religion or religions that when you perform a lot of good and strong actions, good karma effect will always surface hence, not allowing the weaker bad karma from taking effect It’s like refilling an oil lamp with more lighter coloured oil (Good Actions) The bolder coloured oil (Good Karma Effect) will deplete when the light (Karma In Action) consumes the bolder coloured oil (Good Karma Effect) but if you refill it with more lighter coloured oil (Good Actions) than you will always enjoy a happy life because good karma effect will follow suit 1.1.3 – The Golden Rule Acknowledge and follow the golden rule of “Do Not Hurt Others And Oneself” If anyone were to follow this rule in mind, speech and bodily action than his/her actions will always be benefiting others and oneself (An Act In Good Faith, As Noted Above) 6|Page It has come to the attention of the author that certain true religion or true religions speak of the same truth but using other wordings, hence use this truth as an acid test when in doubt If you are in doubt of the above rule, allow your friend to pinch you hard and if you don’t like it than don’t hurt others - Definition Of Hurt It’s a situation where mental pressure of discomfort arises in the head internally and/or signs of bruises and/or blood from any parts of the body This is further acknowledged when a person see tears of unpleasant feelings and/or hearing the cries of pain When a person sees any of the above mentioned condition or conditions not continue with that action and vow never to perform it again because you are hurting someone or yourself 1.1.4 – A Note On Wisdom (Righteousness Or Virtue) The following are some stanza on wisdom that the author has gathered from the scriptures of some true religions Be informed that some of these stanzas have been altered slightly to put forward more meaning to it Each of these stanzas is being derived from a different true religion and making it uniquely intrinsic to its core believes Stanza One (1) Stanza: All things that evolve in this whole universe are nothing but just pure illusion Illustration Just imagine a block of ice, its solid but if you apply heat to it, the block of ice turns to liquid and if you continue to induce it with heat, it turns gassy Doesn’t science tells us that if we lower the temperature of that substance which was gassy will transform back to liquid and than back to solid again 7|Page Will it not be an illusion and your mind deluded if you were to say that the substance is actually solid, liquid or gassy? Further to that, it’s funny that the same substance have three (3) separate names for it namely, when it’s solid it’s called ice, when it’s liquefied it’s called water and when it’s gassy it’s called vapour So the final query is “the world” is it real? Ponder on this question and if you have come to realise the answer, congratulation! You will attained salvation if you practise it Stanza Two (2) Stanza: Do not store Wealth on Earth where it will Perish, store it in Heaven Illustration Words of wisdom are being declared here You definitely cannot bring along wealth after death but you can create abundant of merits to reach heaven Only through continuous act of good thoughts, speech and bodily action leads you to the holy place called heaven and if you think otherwise and believe it will have the same effect than apply the golden rule If you feel discomfort or pain when being hurt, won’t God feel the same and if He does, how can He allow you entry to heaven Stanza Three (3) Stanza: Righteousness is accomplished when “Government is Government”, “Employer is Employer”, “Employee is Employee”, “Father is Father”, “Mother is Mother”, “Son is Son” and “Friend is Friend” Illustration The above stanza clearly indicates wisdom because it’s suggesting that when a government of a country rules righteously, putting into action its given 8|Page responsibilities as a government, it will definitely bring peace to that country Imagine that when every person knows of his/her righteous responsibilities in any given situation, it will definitely attribute to a very pleasant environment to live in Stanza Four (4) Stanza: Because the mind, when controlled by the roving senses, steals away the intellect as a storm takes away a boat on the sea from its destination ¾ the spiritual shore of peace and happiness Illustration In most instances our mind is clouded by negative emotions because our senses are in constant action to grab for pleasant sensation and this distorted our prudent decision making Most importantly it brings sorrow to us when we are distance away from true peace and happiness which is spiritualism The above stanza indirectly speaks of pure wisdom of non-attachment It’s the most extremely difficult virtue to comprehend and to attain Nonattachment of the mind is a “Mind Without An Action” or a “Mind That Abides Or Resides Nowhere” Stanza Five (5) Stanza: Advocate Fasting in this holy month Illustration There are four (4) things that a human must do, namely to breathe, to eat and drink, to sleep and to relieve oneself in the vicinity of a lavatory Imagine the mounting of desire and suffering a person needs to go through in his/her mind and body when he/she is restricted from eating and drinking (An Act That A Person Must Do) at a given period of time That person needs to control his/her mind from succumbing to his/her desire 9|Page That person will definitely be able to avoid unrighteous action the likes of killing, raping, stealing and others if he/she can perform the appropriate fasting during that fasting month because he/she has the determination not to fall prey to his/her unrighteous desire Stanza Six (6) Stanza: By remaining Silent, Inner Silence is Not Obtained, even by remaining Lovingly Absorbed deep within Illustration Inner peace can only be reach when the mind is free from all desires be it good or bad That is why it’s mentioned above that “even by remaining Lovingly Absorbed deep within”, which means even when a person is very happy deep within This is so because things that can be “grabbed” by the mind can change its attribute of a pleasant feeling to an unpleasant feeling and loses its attraction when enough time is provided to it Let’s say your most favourite music is composed by Mozart The author can safely challenge you that if you listen to that same music with full attention for seven (7) hours, you will not listen to it again tills the next millennium Stanza Seven (7) Stanza: The thirty (30) spokes unite in the (one) nave; but it is on the empty space (For The Axle) that the use of the wheel depends Clay is fashioned into vessels; but it is on their empty hollowness, that their use depends The door and windows are cut out (from the walls) to form an apartment; but it is on the empty space (within), that its use depends Therefore, what has a (positive) existence serves for profitable adaptations and what has not for (actual) usefulness Illustration How long must we gratify our senses when in seek of Happiness where inner peace is true Happiness There is this “Law Of Diminishing Returns” in 10 | P a g e economics that states your desire will depreciate proportionally and reaches a nil (No More Desire for That Same Substance) when given enough of that stimulus So, in order to stay happy continuously, a person will chase after many different external and internal stimuli to stimulate the mind However, in doing so a person is not aware that it’s mental and bodily stress that they are really chasing after After having a pleasurable sexual exchange with your partner, you not get tired physically and mentally depleted when you concentrate too intensely into reading a book or work even if it’s something that he/she love to To a common person, Happiness equals wealth where the above stanza clearly states that it’s like looking at the outer clay vessel (Positive Existence); not realising that it’s real usefulness is actually in its hollowness which is inner peace To achieve inner peace, follow the golden rule and be moderate in satisfying your Wants 1.1.5 – A Note On Compassion (Great Love) Again, each of this stories or stanzas is derived from respective true religions and the author would like to highlight that it correspond to the above mentioned stanzas of wisdom respectively Compassion is a feeling of great sorrow towards any suffering living beings and sometimes followed by an act of great giving or giving to alleviate that living being out of suffering Compassion is an attribute laden in the heart of all living beings, so cultivate it and bring peace to this world Story One (1) One day, when Mr Virtue was wandering in a forest along with his disciple, he saw from the top of a hill that a tigress was lurking to kill and eat her own cubs out of hunger Moved by compassion he thought of sacrificing his own body to feed the tigress and save the cubs So, he sent away his disciple in search of some food for the tigress lest he might prevent him from his 11 | P a g e sacrifice No sooner than his disciple left the site, Mr Virtue jumped from the precipice in front of the tigress and offered his body The noise of the fall caught the attention of the hungry tigress, which in no time scooped over him and tore him off in pieces and feasted upon them with her cubs Stanza Eight (8) Stanza: When you something (Good Deeds) with your right hand, not allow the left hand know what the right hand is doing Illustration When you’re performing a good deed the likes of providing for places of worship, old folks home and orphanage not inform the world of your actions because you will not be doing it out of compassion but for publicity Stanza Nine (9) Stanza: For a man to Sacrifice to a spirit which does not belong to him is flattery Illustration To give (Monetary Or Services) to others that are of no relations (Not His Family Member) to him is practising the virtue of compassion Story Two (2) There is this true religion where a statue of that god (Deity) is place at the entrance of the place of worship and their devotee will pray and give respect to this god (Deity) first before other gods (Deity) because it’s believed that when you profess your sins and grievances to him, he will swallow those professing words and tolerate the suffering of the devotee in his stomach for him/her (Devote) This is an act of compassion put into action by this god (Deity) with the hope that it will alleviate the sufferings of his/her devotees and that is also why the statue of this god (Deity) has a big stomach because it’s full of the devotee’s miseries 12 | P a g e It’s the advice of the author to the devotees to cultivate compassion toward others themselves because this will be a true act of reverences to that god (Deity) and when you truly practises it in mind, speech and bodily action, your virtue are no different from that god (Deity) Stanza Ten (10) Stanza: Pay your Contribution as Tides to the Poor so that your Revenue can be Declared Pure Illustration Its sanction by this true religion to pay tides and to be later distributed to the needy Compassion plays an important virtue in this true religion and it’s noted in most of the headings of each chapter in their Holy Book stating the fact that God is Most Compassionate and Most Merciful So if they want to gain God’s consciousness the true essence of God which is wisdom than it’s encourage to first develop compassion because through compassion a person is able to begin to discriminate what is a righteous action or otherwise The golden rule states that by benefiting others (Compassion), righteousness (Hurt No One) is established and the glory of Heaven is within their eyesight Stanza Eleven (11) Stanza: When inner love is established with the Lord, then whatever one does, is pleasing to my Lord God Illustration This true religion speaks of in-tune with God when chanting the God’s name and merciful (Compassionate) is one of the major attribute of the God, hence when you establish inner love with God; your heart will be fills with compassion A compassionate action will always pleased any living beings least to say God All Mighty Himself 13 | P a g e Stanza Twelve (12) Stanza: The Sage does not accumulate (For Himself) The more that he expends for others, the more does he possess of his own; the more that he gives to others, the more does he have himself Illustration Giving is the cause and the effect is growth in compassion, this is so because you are practising unselfishness and each time when you donate generously (Monetary And/Or In Kind And/Or Service) a smile can be felt on your lips and in your heart The essence of letting go of greed (Monetary And/Or In Kind) is one of a path to achieve Happiness because your mind releases its negative energy of attachment to materialism, hence the heart is shower with abundant of joy as if a strong burden is lifted from the heart Everyone work towards financial freedom and they have set a very tall or tall objective to accomplish due to greed The higher the pole set for financial freedom the greedier they are and will become because this “Everlasting” greed will never be satisfied until the path of letting go is accomplished Will it not be a relieved of a burden when the pole of financial freedom is set at whatever you have as of to-date and if it’s still able to satisfy your Needs and basic Wants 1.1.6 – Science As Proven Facts The works of Dr Masaru Emoto have revealed how a person’s consciousness can affect his/her health, environment and Mother Nature He says that water is the mirror reflecting our level of consciousness Follow these links and read about Dr Masaru Emoto’s works: http://www.lifeenthusiast.com/index/Articles/Emoto/Miraculous_Messages_from_Water 14 | P a g e http://www.lifeenthusiast.com/index/Education/Water/Interview_with_Dr._Emoto Follow this link and read about Dr Masaru Emoto’s opinion on how our conscious level is able to affect an earthquake: http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/dr.emotos_message.html So, how we want the world to end is actually in our collective consciousness 1.2 - No Race The superiority of a race or individual lies not in their birth rights but rather in what they have put into action through their thoughts, speech and bodily action This concept is clearly highlighted in some of the true religions Logically speaking, would you prefer to have a boss that treats you well at work but he/she’s coloured black and you discriminate against black or will you prefer to have a superior that is coloured white but you hate his/her guts and attitude Physically, they are others that say “Beauty is skin deep” and it’s not true for race also The differentiation of the skin is due to the pigment of the skin and it does not in anyway be a judge to his/her character Has it not been proven by medical science that the blood of all humans are red and its stated in some of the true religions that blood represent life and if all humans have the same coloured blood does that not mean that all human’s life are equal? “Strive on Oh! Humans and built a Trust on Mutual Respect” 1.3 - No Nation Global violent has reached its peek in world war one (1) and two (2) and the latest September 11 attack by terrorist on the United States of America have set modern warfare to a state of great fear to the innocent Have we not learned from yester flashback that violent does not resolve anything? 15 | P a g e An Analogy If your family owns a dog and you hate that dog, you will shout, scold and kick at it and even if it’s a tame dog, it will retaliate and bite you one (1) day However, if you treat it well and shower it with kind words and provides it with food; will it not show passion towards you? The above analogy clear shows that violent beget violent and only through compassion that peace prevail It has come to a realisation of the author that to eradicate terrorist the only way is to show compassion towards its countrymen and develop their country When a country is at peace, a person’s heart is at peace and finds no reason to become a suicide bomber else not the so called terrorist to its people known as freedom fighters will always prevail “Oh! Nations, Unite and bring Thundering Peace to this World” 1.4 - “to Work for a Living” versus “to Work for Money” At a personnel standpoint, a Profitlessness (See 2.1 - The Concept Behind Profitlessness at page 17) environment allows each individual to work for a living as compared to work for money When an individual works for money, he/she becomes a slave to it People like to own expensive cars and luxuries houses The following self awareness questions must be asked of them: 1) Why is there a need to own a Ferrari when a moderate Japanese car can take a person from point [A] to point [B]? 2) Is it not true that when a person sleeps on his/her bed, it only occupies six (6) feet by four (4) feet? 3) Have they not learned to be moderate in acquiring tangible assets? These tangible assets only mould them to be more materialistic and further to that, they have not given themselves an opportunity to realise that spending quality time with their family, friends and oneself are more meaningful and enjoyable 16 | P a g e Humans must realise the fact that whatever they have acquired in life, the mundane worldly wealth cannot be taken to the life hereafter, hence spent more time searching for the inner self spiritually The author is advocating moderation in defining success in life so as to live in comfort while still achieving peace of mind, to a mundane person this is the path to true Happiness Achieving quality time is made possible when the society adopt the concept of controlled competition (See 2.4.3 – Competition In A Controlled Environment at page 23) This is so because there will be more allocation of people to function a specific job or task However, if a person feels that comfort lies in the extremes of mundane wealth and pleasure, the system will also cater for it The system is extremely flexible and its main objective is to cater for all walks of life through their own means of defining Happiness 2.0 – The New Economic Model 2.1 - The Concept Behind Profitlessness In the capitalistic world, the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer Everything is revolved around “The Profit” People feed onto these so called Profits that fuels their greed and ego and in that process becoming materialistic In another notion, communism leads to equality with the objective of establishing equal rights in distributing the country’s wealth and resources to its people However, the making of this philosophy fails to cater for human’s intervention towards satisfying the desires of entertaining the five (5) external senses., namely, the eye crave for pleasant view, the ear crave for pleasant sound, the nose crave for pleasant smell, the tongue crave for pleasant taste and the body crave for pleasant sensation In communism, people live in a very controlled environment because this concept revolves around satisfying the common Needs of its people with minimum or neglecting the Wants It does not provoke people to have an 17 | P a g e ambition to excel, hence, down grading the potential intellectual and painstaking working properties of an individual In this new economic model, humans have the necessity to learn from the bees and the ants This is so because these insects work for the benefit and well being of its colony and does not harbour on personnel gain If humans were to adapt to this mindset, it’s like removing the “The Profit” from the naked eye of his/her beholder What this model wants to achieve is a society of dedicated workers that perform their duties diligently and with the prospect of inspiring the world towards mutual development and advancement In return, each individual’s Needs and Wants are provided base primarily on their individual Hierarchy of Status In contrast to the above, money and its value are being made obsolete and a business trading platform that garners no Profit, only with an objective to facilitates the society in fulfilling it Needs and Wants 2.2 – Hierarchy Of Status In this Hierarchy Of Status, each individual are given a status class base on their level of contribution to the society, the likes of his/her responsibilities in an organisation, workplace or voluntary work With this status class, a person can acquire or able to enjoy anything that is below or within their status class 18 | P a g e Sample Status Class Table Note: The author have use the dollar sign ($) only as a conceptual value Class A1 Food No limit A2 Restaurant with item not more than $500 per dish Restaurant with item not more than $150 per dish Restaurant with item not more than $50 per dish Restaurant with item not more than $20 per dish Restaurant with item not more than $10 per dish Restaurant with item not more than $5 per dish 1) Mc Donald 2) Coffee Beans Pavement Stall A3 M1 M2 M3 Z1 Z2 Z3 Education Transport No limit Car – at $1M Airplane – 1st class No limit Car – at $500K Airplane – 1st class No limit Car – at $300K Airplane – Business class No limit Car – at $200K Airplane – Business class No limit Car – at $100K Airplane – Economy class No limit Car – at $50K Airplane – Economy class No limit Taxi No limit No limit 1) Bus 2) Rail 1) Bus 2) Rail Illustration One (1) A person with status class [ Z3 ] can enjoy any pavement food; with unlimited education privileges and make use of the bus and rail as transportation benefits Illustration Two (2) A person with status class [ M2 ] can enjoy food from a restaurant with item not more than $20 per dish or below (ie Mc Donald that has a class [ Z2 ]); with unlimited education privileges and is given a car valued at $100K He/she is also given the privilege of travelling via air at an economy class level and not forgetting any public transport, the likes of bus and rail that has a class minimum at [ Z3 ] or taxi that has a class valued at [ Z1 ] 19 | P a g e 2.3 – The Reward System In this current year (Year 2010), people is rewarded via salary increment, bonuses, promotion and shares However in this new economic model, workers are rewarded through a better status class standing Each year the worker’s performance are being monitored via appraisal and if he/she deserve a better status class standing due to his/her job performance, he/she will be granted an appropriate advancement This system is to motivate the performance potential in a person, encouraging him/her to be more productive and efficient Each job function has a measurable task, hence establishing a key performance index at its respective level: 1) Personnel level 2) Departmental level 3) Company level Illustration At The Personnel Level Illustration One (1) When a sales person over achieve his/her sales quota by 10 percent (%), this can be use as a yard stick to grant appropriate advancement to his/her status class Illustration Two (2) If a tele-marketer is given a quota to call 3000 potential clients a year and if he/she have over achieve it by 15 percent (%), he/she will be rewarded accordingly in his/her status class The good thing about this system is that when every task is being measured, a worker can be rewarded with accordance to her productivity and efficiency and at the end of the day, he/she is responsible to define his/her own level of status class so as to achieve Happiness 20 | P a g e Illustration At Departmental Level In order to achieve group advancement in the status class system, all personnel within a department must achieve his/her quota or key performance index This is to encourage teamwork and when a particular employee is lacking in his/her performance during a quarterly review, peer pressure can be adopted to motivate that specific employee Illustration At Company Level When a company achieve its mission for the year, all employees will be rewarded because it’s the people that make it happen A company will be measured on the following criteria and not just on profit and loss (The following are just some ideas from the author): 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Achieving sales key performance index Efficiency in production output How well resources are manage in the production line Efficiency in promoting safety measures Ability in promoting an ambient working environment Ability in promoting a learning organisation Ability in motivating its employee 2.4 – Global Economics 2.4.1 – Allocation Of Resources And Nation’s Progress Class The resources of the world are to be shared with the notion of “equal distribution” with an after effect of “all’s well, ends well” condition “Equal distribution” in this context denotes fair and just allocation of resource to each nation upon request after considering the Nation’s Progress Class Each nation has a Nation’s Progress Class The objective of this class is to govern and to facilitate the progress of each nation Priorities the likes of food and health infrastructures are given to the less develop countries, whereas infrastructures that are correlated to transportation and entertainment are given priorities to developed countries 21 | P a g e A typical example would be illustrated in the following table as shown below Sample Nation’s Progress Class Table Legend For Class Description Class Description A B C D E Growth Percentage In Proportion To Last Year 100% growth 75% growth 50% growth 25% growth 0% growth Note: The alphabet denotes the class and the numeric number denotes the number of years to achieve the next stage of development Country’s Status Developed Developing 3rd World Food D0 C15 A30 Health D0 B20 A20 Transportation E0 C10 B30 Entertainment C0 C10 D50 Illustration One (1) To evolve from a 3rd world country to a developing country as indicated by the grid, 3rd world and food column [ A30 ], it takes 100% of growth each year for the next 30 years to built infrastructures for food Illustration Two (2) The grid developed and transportation column have a Nation’s Progress Class of [ E0 ] which means 0% growth in transportation (To maintain existing infrastructure) and a developed country have no further development stage to progress, hence having the value Each country would have its own class for each infrastructure works and the final goal is to achieve a fully develop world 22 | P a g e 2.4.2 – Production Superiority There are repetitions of effort by countries producing a certain product or products; hence a surplus of a product in the export market would only contribute to wastage of resources The following concept in very simple, allow a country to produce what it produce best They can be more productive and efficient because skill or unskilled labour, a certain raw material or certain intellectual rights are easily accessible; hence it’s the most logical approach to allow them to produce that specific product Below is an illustration to highlight the fact that has been mentioned Sample Production Efficiency Table Country Country [ A ] Country [ B ] Country [ C ] Rice 10 Million KG Million KG Million KG Clothing Million Units Million Units Million Units Car Million Units Million Units Million Units Illustration Get country [ A ] to concentrate on producing rice, country [ B ] to produce cars and country [ C ] to produce clothing 2.4.3 – Competition In A Controlled Environment Market competition is important to ensure that each organisation out perform the market and itself Competition always promote creativity in product advancement, else not an organisation will be left behind with its demand for their product rapidly diminish This concept advocates an idea of only having a minimum of three (3) or a maximum of five (5) organisations producing the same kind of product category This is an important criteria to achieve because: 23 | P a g e 1) Wastage on raw material is controlled to the minimum because there will be less duplicate of effort When there are many organisation going after the same market segment while forecasted sales being not accurate most of the time, there will be a lot more surplus of quantity of a given product category (Over produce) Illustration If there is fifteen (15) organisations producing the same kind of product and going after the same market segment and if all of them over produce, the surplus of that given product is greater by fifteen (15) times 2) Since there are fewer organisations, hence there will be more workers performing the same task, hence a given task can be completed faster and that increases productivity Secondly, there are more backup in the workforce and because of this, employees are allowed to have more or longer time-off, hence can afford more quality time to him/her self 3) Good corporate culture the likes of a learning organisation or teamwork is difficult to develop least to say maintain Time is needed to cultivate these attributes and when an organisation has it, any new recruits to the organisation will benefit from it Logically speaking, it’s easier to cultivate these attributes by a large conglomerate as compared to many smaller companies because of scarcity in brilliant human resources in implementing these attributes Secondly for argument sake, it’s easier to have one (1) library for a single large organisation as compared to many smaller companies because there will be a need to accommodate many more libraries if a need for a learning organisation is to be cultivated by an organisation 3.0 – Compassion City In this realistic world, it takes time and effort to conceptualise, evaluate, get consensus and than implement the above mentioned ideas and that’s if the peoples have found faith in it worldwide 24 | P a g e However, time is something that the people in need don’t have In response to that, the author is proposing an intermediate measure Even if the world not find favour in implementing the above mentioned ideas, it will be most desirable to built compassion city or cities in each country worldwide The objective of this compassion city is to propagate the ideology of No Religion, No Race and No Nation and with an end result of uniting the three components together and with the benefiting effect of all those who are in need or any other stray and unwanted living beings the likes of dogs, cats and others In this compassion city, No Religion is established when all the above mentioned religion’s place of worship is being built there and major denomination in a specific religion’s architectural place of worship are to be design and incorporated as one architectural structure (Place Of Worship) No Race is achieve when any person of any ethnic groups in a specific country are given the liberty to enrol him/her self into the facilities of this compassion city The symbol of No Nation is accomplished when the administrative offices in the vicinity of the compassion city are replicas of governmental administrative buildings nation wide Each compassion city or cities in any given country has a different structural design and coupled by introduction to the country’s history, development and cultural values, hence making it a “sell-out” for those who have wishes to visit them Attracting people to visit these compassion cities nations wide is an important objective to accomplish because a sense of ownership and bonding to the present of the ideology will be achieved, hence promoting cohesiveness towards a common golden and righteous goal The first step, an introduction of the compassion city to the world via the United Nation’s website and also acting as a station for receiving contributions from the people world wide in which for those who have a heart toward accomplishing its ideology and with an end result of achieving Perfect Society 25 | P a g e ... page 17) have been taken out from the society, hence giving the drug trafficker no reason to make a sale Secondly, all valid business transactions are to be fully computerised and monitored, hence... facilitates the society in fulfilling it Needs and Wants 2.2 – Hierarchy Of Status In this Hierarchy Of Status, each individual are given a status class base on their level of contribution to the society, ... those who have a heart toward accomplishing its ideology and with an end result of achieving Perfect Society 25 | P a g e

Ngày đăng: 11/09/2022, 13:20


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